How to boost the immune system of my son need your opinions

@lizrelox (144)
September 14, 2012 11:58am CST
My 3 year old son has always colds and was hospitalized already twice this year due to colds and asthma. He got maybe his asthma from me and he is not eating well. He only eats biscuits, noodles, chips, muffins and cakes. I tried different vitamins and a lot of ways for him to eat rice and other dishes. He is taking now 3 vitamins daily. For appetite booster, ascorbic acid and multivitamins. Still he gets colds almost every 2-3 weeks. He is already going to school and I have observed that this problem of being sick almost monthly is when he started schooling which takes 3 hrs on weekdays daily. I have followed what the pediatrician has told us to take care of his health however we are still having this health problem with him I really don't know if I should go to a different pediatrician or go to a lung specialist. Need your inputs please as I really hate to see my son being sick and suffers from asthma attacks. Thank you so much and have a good day everyone.
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12 responses
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
14 Sep 12
I am now 62+/ I started having asthma from 15+. Main reason for asthma -- 1) very cold climate 2) exposure to cold to ears, feet 3) allergic to dust, food, smoke, scents 4) tension situation in the house -- fight between mummy and daddy --the tension of having to go to school. 5) sweets. this is based on my experience. My grand son was also having this problem and he is slightly better now. You must be watchful and see that he doesn't get cold, cough. Even now i will get asthmatic attack and I use inhalers and do take Theo asthaline every day night. Try to be more understanding towards the child--do not compel him on food or games. he will be alright. normally children who get asthma in the early years do get over it once reach 7 or 8 years age.
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
14 Sep 12
Thank you so much Ravisivan. Really appreciate your advise. He is our only son and really I am crying whenever I see him being confined and get injected and suffer from asthma attacks. I am also getting sad whenever he gets absent in school especially when there are special events and he can't participate :-(
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
14 Sep 12
yes. your crying will further aggravate the asthma attack in the child. The child feels that my mummy is crying and i cannot solve the issue. Hundred per cent he will get over it. be more friendly to your son and encourage him in drawing, painting, games, rhymes etc.
@ravisivan (14079)
• India
14 Sep 12
it must be more than 2 am over there. how come you are awake at this hour. perhaps you are working on night shift. good day.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
It will take sometime before your kid could actually gain his appetite. Some kids are like that. Or maybe the vitamins he is taking is not taken in by his body well that is still shows a negative result. Do try to give him more nutritious food replacing the usual food that he eats. Also try putting on a humidifier/ionizer in your house especially inside the room where he sleeps in. It will help.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
no problem, lizrelox! Glad to be of help somehow. I just hope your kid gets fine soon.
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
yes thank you so much I will try the ionizer
• United States
14 Sep 12
I would take him to an allergist. He needs a doctor that can find out what allergies he has because that is mainly causing his being sick all the time. It might be something in your house that is causing it. They will do allergy tests on him to find out what specifically he is allergic to and give him the appropriate medical help. Most pediatricians really don't know that much about asthma or allergies. They only treat the symptoms without checking further. You need a specialist who deals with allergies and asthma.
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
14 Sep 12
Yes that is right I am now searching for a hospital wherein we can bring my son. Thank GOD I have an HMO Card so I have less worries with the expenses.
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
14 Sep 12
I hope your son will be better. My advice is do not stick with only one doctor/pedia. It's always much better to ask other doctor's opinion. I hope you could consult another one. Being sick for a 3 year old boy isn't normal. Same thing happened with my nephew few years ago. He got sick because of his school. He went to school at the age of 5, I think. After that he's getting sick and having colds atleast thrice a month. My mother adviced my sister in law to stop my nephew from attending school because anyway, he was just 5 that time, there's no problem if he'll be in the elementary class at the age of 6. And after than my nephew's body became fat and he is lively again. Why don't you do the same way? Anyway, he is just 3 years old. I hope he'll be well soon. And lastly, please don't feed him lots of noodles, it's not really good for our health and it doesn't even give nutrients in our body. :) I got sick because of high preservatives. Train him to eat veggies and fruits.
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
14 Sep 12
Thanks for your input. Yes I am thinking of bringing him to a different pediatrician. And I will do it tomorrow after work. We sent him to school already because I have observed that he needs to develop his social skills by being able to interact with his peers. He's my only son and he grew with no same age playmate. Also I felt like maybe he gets bored with me sometimes even we are always spending time to talk and play together.
@lucas10m (18)
• Portugal
15 Sep 12
The first thing you want to do is not giving him cookies, muffins, chips and cakes. You want to give him healthy food such as vegetables and fish. Even if he doesn't like he must eat. Hope your son get better .S
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
thanks Lucas I have already done that but he really doesn't like to it but I will never stop trying just don't want to force him that much to eat vegetables, meat and rice, fruits.
@nhieleiko (109)
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
Maybe the cause of his colds are from allergies. No need to worry because you son's doctor advised to take three different vitamins. Taking ascorbic acid can strengthen immune system. And also, try vegetable noodles, he will not recognize that the pasta is made up of vegetable. You can search the web for some tips on how to boost your son's immune system.
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
17 Sep 12
thank you so much I will to look for vegetable noodles. Really appreciate that :-)
@urbandekay (18278)
15 Sep 12
"He only eats biscuits, noodles, chips, muffins and cakes." You are clearly negligent in allowing your son to eat only these, you owe a duty of care to your child and it is your responsibility to ensure he eat a diet that will not let him remain malnourished. He needs to eat some fish (preferably an oily one like mackerel) peas, beans or lentils or dairy products for protein, some green vegetables, fruit and some slow release carb like oats or potatoes or rice and fruit each and every day to maintain a minimum diet. I cannot stress to much that the diet you allow him to eat is harming him It is foolish to peruse medical solutions until you enforce a healthy diet. Though this may now be hard, due to your slackness in the past, there is no excuse to not put this right now all the best urban
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
hi.. maybe you can expose him more outside.morning exposure preferably before 8-9 am is good. and of course let him play outdoors as an exercise for him. my son had an experience like him before. he was so sickly until he was 7 years old. asthma is really so disgusting not just for our son but also for us. but they say asthma disappear when the person reaches 7 yeaars old..i hope this helps..
• China
15 Sep 12
I know your feeling,i hope your child will be well as soon as possible,i think your child should appear in this situation,and immunity,the weather has relation,i suggest you focus the weather how to change,take your child to see doctor ,the healthy of your child is the most important,good luck!
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
14 Sep 12
Well i feel very bad about your son's illness. i can suggest u to put him on a healthy diet where he get natural vitamins and minerals rather than depending on medicines. Medicines might work but for a temporary period. A healthy diet will immune him against cold and other ailments always. Try to avoid him getting used to air conditioners, cold water and ice creams at least for some months. I hope he will recover very soon. What say?
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
14 Sep 12
Thanks. He is used to air conditioner. Because we hate hot temperature. We can't stand a long stay under the sun or under the heat of the sun as it's one of the cause of our asthma attacks too. My son is so choosy when it comes to food I don't know what else to do to make him eat REAL food that will give him more natural vitamins and minerals. I have already changed his milk as well. Really appreciate your response Thanks
@kongno (431)
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
healthy diet is the key to boost immune system, if your kid does not want to eat fruits and vegetable, you may try to sneak nutritional foods(fruits/vegetable) in his favorite food by grinding it or blending it and mix it with his drinks, and yes by the way encourage him to drink a lot of fluids, it maybe a clean drinking water or fresh fruits juices not the manufactured ones..
@elsino91 (440)
• Poland
15 Sep 12
I would recommend taking things that would boost the immune system in natural ways. They don't affect the live as much as taking medication does. Perhaps you could incorporate garlic into some of the dishes he eats, garlic and onions are good for the immune system. This as well as foods containing decent amounts of vitamin c like orange juice, oranges, blueberries, broccoli or red bell peppers.