Must People always have their Revenge????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
September 15, 2012 12:14am CST
As I look at the world, I see everyone wants pay back. At the first sign of discomfort, don't people want to strike back?? I see this in people, governments, and religion. Everyone demands pay back, punishment and condemnation of the other guy. Is this just a reaction in people or is there any thinking at all?
Does the revenge, striking back and punishing others really solve the problem or just escalate it?? When people strike back from your actions, don't you just want to strike them back more?? It soon becomes a vicious circle of Hate.
In time,the children of God will learn to love unconditionally. It isn't important that we are hurt through other's actions. It's important that we Fix the real problem that caused the other person to become so hateful. Isn't this the intelligent thing to do?? Isn't this what God is really doing with His children rather than acting like mankind wanting to strike back, condemn and destroy?
We are all capable of acting like God. Often that takes Thinking instead of merely reacting when others hurt us in life. We have the ability to Teach Great Lessons through our actions. Let's all choose our actions Wisely.
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12 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
15 Sep 12
Aye well said, thinks I. We must recognise that this revenge culture is one promoted by Hollywood, if you don't get revenge you are a pu$sy, what a pathetic value to portray in film. The opposite of Christian values.
It is a hard lesson to learn that we should strive not to pass on pain
Blessed are the pain absorbers, for they shall see their pain turned to glory
all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
16 Sep 12
The corrupting influence of love of money and appeal to the lowest common denominator
all the best urban

@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
17 Sep 12
God give us brain as well as heart. So, we can think and we can feel. So when people only use their hearts it's when they say they act without thinking. Strangely, people like to act without thinking if they get hurt and when they need to get some goals achieve they will use their brains and leave their hearts at home....

@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
9 Oct 12
When I was younger I would use my fist first brain second... Then I throw down the gloves realizing my problems get bigger and creates more hurt in the end.. My thing was using my words to hurt people, through sacraism, but then I realized my words were hurting people or turning them away... In the end not communicating the problems or what was on my mind... creating even more frustration.. Now I stay silence for the most part... well compared to me even a year ago.. I thought that I had to prove myself, that it was the only way people would listen or get revenge for hurting me one way or another.. Now I dont take on revenge; I just pray to God and give him my problems... Ask Him for forgiveness, strenght, and patience.. If I do have to resort to revenge I use slience for the most part.. Slience is golden.. A guilty party goes crazy... and I dont have to stoop to their level.. Saying nothing at all causes a person guessing on what you are thinking... Which in turn makes the person check themselves... Granted it may take lots of patience for the person to see it if ever.. But I dont add to it, well for the most part..
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Yes, Thinking always brings better results. I guess, I do not use the silent treatment. Communication is key in all relationships. Everyone knows where I stand. Asking people questions can bring some revealing results. Example: What compelled you to take those actions??
People often put up walls. With a dose of Unconditional Love and Kindness one can get through. We must remember. It has never been about whether we get hurt. It's about doing what is best to further the education of others. That is what true Unconditional Love is all about. I know it's not always easy. however it can be accomplished.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Oct 12
OK, let me let you in on a little secret. When you need someone to change, through love and kindness you point them in the right direction every time you see them. Be patient. In time, I have found even the most stubborn people change. There is only one catch. When they finally do change they think it was their idea all along. Of course, this doesn't matter to you or I because we were never after glory to begin with. Remember, just be patient and keep pointing. They might just surprise you.
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@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Oh I agree that communication is the key... But when you are talking to deaf ears.. silence is loud and clear... I have to deal with a couple people like that in my family.. you can talk until your blue in the face, wont listen wont understand... so instead of getting frustrated and angry I just say nothing at all.

@vandana7 (101611)
• India
15 Sep 12
I think it is religion that teaches the existence of pay back system. You see, we are taught from the very child hood about sins and god's punishment, and karma. We are even told about the kind of punishment for each type of crime.
Payback never helps. But mind feels better thinking of ways and means to get even. I mean if somebody was instrumental in killing my loved one, merely killing their loved one is not going bring back my loved one to life. I am simply far too powerless to get my loved one back, right? What I need is calmness and ability to accept it, and somewhere in my heart the feeling of injustice prevails.
When I was young, yes, I craved for it, now, I find it childish emotion. All I crave for is peaceful existence and away from those who have hurt me and my loved ones in the past. That way such thoughts would not be rekindled and I could use my time on earth better.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Sep 12
Yes, as children, we so often just react to things. As we become adults, we must Think what our actions mean to others. Yes, many who have been wronged in life let the hate go. Many feel injustice. One must remember that the one who acts in hate has a problem. The true higher level would be to not run away toward peace but to march forward and attempt to take actions that might fix this other person's real problem. Just this action will bring you justice for you will be the solution. You will no longer be the victim. You will be the cure. Even if you do not cure this other person, you have moved them in the right direction setting them up for the next child of God to do the rest. One does not need the glory of changing someone else to have made a large contribution toward that. You are doing the work of God anytime you move others toward understanding.
Intelligence with Unconditional Love and kindness can solve any problem. Shine your light on those who are blind to it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Sep 12
Yes, lots of times it takes interaction from many people to change someone. I know you have come a long way. Is it enough to just expose the wrong? Doesn't someone need to be around to point them in the right direction?? Sometimes just being who we are and our insisting of goodness makes others reconsider their own actions. This done with Unconditional Love is a Powerful force in changing others toward goodness.
The question remains; Once we have pulled ourselves out of the muck, is it our duty to drag others out of the muck as well? It's just something for you to think about. I think you are very special and that have been placed in your position for the greater good. With that in mind, you would have the key view to decide what is the right move. The people in our lives are there for a reason. Interaction teaches us all.
In my younger day, I used to avoid the drama. I have learned that is where most of the learning takes place. Everyone wants peace. When there is Drama, sometimes people work harder at understanding so there will be peace. I point everyone I meet in the right direction. Sometimes, people point me. There is learning with the interaction. I'm not going to avoid that. And as you say, sometimes others get involved as well.
Lots of Love and Kindness just for you, Vandy!!
@vandana7 (101611)
• India
16 Sep 12
Bird, I did my bit. But I am not sure it was enough. May be somebody stronger than me needs to take more serious look at it all. I have exposed people. I have shown they were bad. Sometimes people do not realize it. At other times, they change the parties looking at the side where there are monetary advantages for them and their loved ones. Humans. lol. Anyway, I didnt succumb to that form of greed. Instead I took a stand, and for better or worse, I do believe I was right based on what happened to me, and my parents, and the documentary evidences. It is up to others now to back down. If not, it is time god intervened.

@kingparker (9673)
• United States
26 Sep 12
No doubt, that is wrong to strike back, or take revenge, which might simply make the matter worse. But that is human nature, we tend to blind by hatred, and we constantly want to make the instant satisfaction by strike back on people who had done us wrong. I, myself constantly who want to take revenge on this guy who scam my money too. I was contemplate, or plan to hire people to break his leg, or break his arm for revenge. But I also knew that was a wrong idea.
@prakashsahni (185)
• India
15 Sep 12
Taking revenge is as normal as taking water.
See if you are condemned you will have it from inside like an instinct to get the revenge, it is human nature and god has made us like that. I think the god is no other than/ different from human being that is why he developed such instincts and real world does work on this theory. Haven't you read the survival of the fittest or any of Charles Darwin's creation. I don't know one can ask or answer such questions.
Let me tell you something something more of logical:
The preconditioning and basic instinct is revenge and
social learning is the only thing that makes us able to think about things like forgiveness.
I think one always has some option available out of which he chooses one that's all.
The resultant depends upon the intensity and strength of basic instincts or preconditioning VS social learning.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Sep 12
Perhaps the true resultant depends on whether we use our reasoning half or our feeling half. Our reasoning half should always lead.
Survival of the fittest is an important part of developing strength for survival in all species. On the other hand, our intelligence plays a larger factor. Do only the fittest humans survive today??? Of course not.
@prakashsahni (185)
• India
15 Sep 12
Yes that's right. you are right. Survival and origin theories changes with time as time is boundless and unravels mysteries.
I liked the parrot you have in the profile pic.
I had a pet parrot his name was 'Gaggu'.
I or say we suggested the name Gaggu because it is originated from 'Gagan' which means 'sky'. He was a much intelligent creature.

@varunkrishna007 (1909)
• India
15 Sep 12
Tsaking revenge first of all saps off all your energy. One thing we should remember is it doesnt help in giving you anything. It only takes away something from other's life. the Only thing it does is it satisfies your ego. But to invest your time and strenght to staisfy just ego is a waste thing. SO better learn to forgive or atleast you dont get involved in something and make it a worser mess
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Sep 12
You make a very good point. Hating is very draining. Even being around people who hate drains. It would be so much easier to avoid everyone who hates. On the other hand, how will they ever see the light if they aren't exposed to it. Every loving person is a gift from God to those who are blind to anything but hate.
We can never allow the drain or drama stop us from shining the light of God for others. God is Unconditional Love. We are capable of that too. Be the Gift.
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
15 Sep 12
From my point of view, revenge just worsen the situation. But the fate has been written. All we have to do is to use our logical sense and what religion told us to do in solving any confrontation. As I mention in one discussion earlier, use our brain not our hand. If we use hand, like you said bird 123, we just creating the vicious circle. Once it was created, it's very difficult to handle it and here come the fate, even the good guy comes to solve the problem get shot. Like the prophet story told to us.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
15 Sep 12
Hi bird, As you say, someday people will understand. Revenge is never right but most people don't see it that way, although the founders of all great religions taught it. How can you be a follower of Muhammad, Jesus, Buddha or any other great teacher and seek revenge? The golden rule is found in all great religions and people would be wise to follow it. We are all children of God and God has no favourites. Blessings.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Sep 12
Yes, I see. God is in all those Holy Books. It must be those mankind parts that make everyone argue. You are right. We are all Children of God and God has no favorites. Even the worst person who has ever lived will learn to love unconditionally given enough time and lessons. We are all Special. We are all Priceless. We should all treat each other that way.
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
17 Sep 12
Hi bird123,
How are you? I am responding to your discussion after years and I still remember you. Glad to see you are still here, I hope you are fine.
Revenge is never a solution. It is the root of other problem. If we start to revenge others for their deeds, then they will again try to revenge us for what we do to them. And then it repeats again and again and we fall into the loop of hurting each other turned by turn and we forget that we are all one. We get lost more and more in the world of hatred and separatedness.
The best thing to do in this world is Letting go. 'Let go and Let god'. And then everything is fine and we are more happy than we think. People think that with the successful revenge they are happy. But it is the short term illusion.
Happy mylotting...

@shello (964)
• United Arab Emirates
15 Sep 12
A revengeful heart is a hateful heart. Usually revenge starts with hate but sad to say when the revenge is done, hate is not gone. It grows and it will continue to find it's place and make revenge to repeat itself. It is not God desires of us to respond or react in such issue. He wants each one of us to maintain a humble heart. He wants us to love each other as much as He has loved us first. He even wants us to love our enemies.
Though it is not easy to do as He has commanded us but we must try to love and forgive each other. Love is essential to make this world a happy place to live. Cheers!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
15 Sep 12
Yes, Unconditional Love ends the cycle of hate. If we hate, hate returns. If we love, love returns. The trick is to return love to those who hate us. Let's also not forget that Unconditional Love means doing what is best for the other and not simply giving them what they want. Hating will never be in the best interest of anyone.
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
15 Sep 12
It has to be no..What comes around goes around and what comes up must come down. It's the Law of Karma.. I am a Christian and from what I've learned from the Bible- revenge isn't what God wants us to do. Like when the Good Samaritan helped the man robbed by thieves. The man he helped was actually from a city who is known to be their enemies for long time. That's when God wanted us to "love our neighbors" - not just neighbors who lives at the neighborhood but everyone who comes and go around around us. Whether at school, work,bus, grocery center- all of these strangers are neighbors..Truly your last line says it well.. Choose actions wisely.. Revenge is a no.. Pray for those who persecutes you that they may find light too.