Cockroaches under my keyboard, need help!

September 17, 2012 8:21pm CST
Okay, so these nasty creatures decided they weren't satisfied with the basement area and wanted another place to hang out. Bad news is, they chose the under side of my keyboard. I was surprised when a baby cockroach popped out while I was typing. And while I'm typing this, I can actually see more of them scurrying under they keys. Can someone please help me with these insects, I'm running out of sanitizer. I've also tried vacuuming them out, but I can still see more of them.. HEEELLP!
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27 responses
@Metatronik (6198)
• Pasay, Philippines
18 Sep 12
Another way that I think is if you can spray it using the baygon. Now I think you should clean your place as much as you can. Then avoid eating near your computer.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
yeah, we've done some cleaning a week ago and found a lot of eggs. We squished (eeewww!) most of em and sprayed the rooms like there's no tomorrow. Only to find them under my keyboard a few days later. I guess either spray my keyboard or buy a new I'm gonna spray it then. Thanks! :D
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Sep 12
Gosh! I am getting the creeps and my hair is standing on end just while reading this topic! I have no idea what to suggest but I see that others have helped youin previous responses. How sad that we cannot domesticate them to do something useful
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Sep 12
There would indeed! Just be careful that they don't go through when you hit 'submit' or we will all be infested with them!
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Your comment just made my day.. Although this is a pretty disturbing situation, you made me laugh.. haha.. How I wish we're able to do that. If we could, man, there'd be a LOT of uses for them. BTW, thanks for commenting. :D
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• Philippines
18 Sep 12
If only I could..muwaha-*cough*...cockroach spewing out of mouth..haha.. I hope I get rid of these bugs..
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@NailTech (6874)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Firstly, are you eating by your keyboard? Then don't, they are probably living on something like the crumbs, etc. I did also hear they even like to eat glue and toothpaste. What do the baby ones look like? Are they tiny? I would use a roach spray after wash the keyboard then dry it again before use to get the eggs out.
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Hi NailTech, yeah, I've stopped eating by my keyboard. The baby ones are really really tiny, sometimes they crawl up to my arm..ugghh.. I was considering spraying it but wouldn't a roach spray damage affect the keyboard itself, since I need to dismantle the keys? Anyways, thanks for the reply! Much appreciated.
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
19 Sep 12
I don't think it would damage the keyboard if you sprayed it on it. Why do you need to dismantle the keys? I would just get another keyboard then.
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
I would need to dismantle the keys since the roaches are under the keys.. just spraying the whole keyboard would be futile if they roaches hide behind the keys don't you think?
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
19 Sep 12
CLOROX BLEACH. Of course you CANNOT put it on your keyboard, and IF you use it in the basement you will have to have PLENTY of ventilation. That being said, you need to clean certain places in your home with bleach. You need rubber gloves ($2 or $3 dollars), bleach, water, and a thick rag. Wash floors, tables, anywhere that can be bleached safely. Make sure you open windows and doors!! Do NOT use around pets!!
• United States
19 Sep 12
I would suggest even going to visit a friend while your place "airs out" because bleach can be very hard on the throat and lungs!
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
19 Sep 12
Yes, go to a friend's house, or go out shopping. I have a love/hate relationship with bleach. When used it makes everything feel so clean (everything that one CAN use bleach on, like tile, toilets, certain types of sinks), but that SMELL, oh my gosh!! Bleach can be hard on the eyes too, just everything. All that being said, bleach (used in MODERATION!!!) is an excellent cleaner, and with roaches around, things need to be disinfected.
• United States
20 Sep 12
Agreed. I would use it in moderation on some things and this is a good idea for those nasty insects! Just take a walk or go visit a friend, go shopping like you said so you don't even have to deal with the smell and burning of the eyes
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Ewww!! I would be freaking out if I were typing on top of cockroaches ! This is gross bud, sorry, I hope you get a solution but I don't know one. Bug bomb the house? No, that would probably be far too much for cockroaches? Well I don't know but I feel for ya man, hope you get done with it all soon.
• United States
18 Sep 12
Burning them doesn't sound like a bad idea except it is your keyboard and in your house . . . Perhaps not! I've never typed with gloves. Maybe in the winter time here it will be a good idea to try though.
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Yeah, I was pretty freaked out as well when I first saw them under the keyboard. I had to use gloves now and it's hindering my typing speed. A friend of mine suggested burning the darn thing, which I was considering till I decided to go with my better judgement. Yeah, I hope so too..thanks! :D
18 Sep 12
yaaaak! I really hate cockroaches....Good I seldom see them at home now because I used to draw some lines using chalks that can exterminate cockroaches and other small insects any place I thick an insect would dwell or passby. This special chalk was introduced to me by my friend which I bought from a store near our office.
• Philippines
20 Sep 12
Haha, good for you that you don't see these buggers that often.. And I'm kinda surprised, there's a chalk that does that? Could you provide me the brand and possible places where it can be bought. Thanks! :D
• United States
19 Sep 12
You need to get a professional exterminator into your home to get rid of them. My IL's tried all sorts of stuff from the stores and nothing works. When you see one there are hundreds lurking elsewhere in your home. They like warm moist places and love electronics. They used to love the IL's answering machine.
@dainy1313 (2370)
• Leon, Mexico
18 Sep 12
Hello micklor! They are nasty! Indeed this afternoon I was thinking about writting about them too (you won me the idea lol). This time of hot and humid weather is time for cockroaches to invade our kitchen. I`ve been fighting them, the best aid is having our places cleaned. Then I come almost midnight and I find them running around when I light up. For me is the best time to sanitize. As they are on your keyboard I would buy a new one, or neat my keyboard taking all the keys one by one, sanitizing the base, and then putting again keys. Look for the sanitizer that stands for three or more weeks. Blessings micklor... dainy
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Thanks dainy1313. You're absolutely right, the climate here is way too humid. Which is good for them I suppose. I've been planning on doing that, but what happens after I take it apart? I've been using some weird "poison food" from Japan and I don't think it works.. Yeah, I'd probably do that..thanks for the response!
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@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
nasty! use some strong bug spray.. i have not experience this but i find using bug spray quite right..if not well..go and buy new keyboard and stop eating near your keyboard so that there won't be crumbs near it.
@succeednow (1633)
• Singapore
19 Sep 12
Hi micklor, This is the first time that I hear of roaches inside the keyboard. There must be some food inside that is attracting them. If yours is a detachable keyboard then I suggest you discard it and replace it with a new one. Keyboards are relatively inexpensive nowadays. If yours is a laptop then I'm afraid you need to send it to a qualified technician to open it up and have it thoroughly cleaned. Have a nice day.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Just ask a computer technician to disassemble your keyboard and have it cleaned. That will surely help you get rid of every cockroach stuff in your keyboards. And also avoiding eating while typing. It may be one of the cause why these insects are staying.
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Hey jenny, thanks but I don't think I'll be needing technician for that :D. I've decided that I'm gonna spray it first if that don't work, I'll be moving my comp station to another room. And as to the eating part, yeah I guess I'm to blame for this since I've been eating while doing some online work. But ever since these spawn of evil invaded my keyboard, I don't think I'll be able to eat by my keyboard again. Thanks again for the reply! :D
• China
19 Sep 12
you need to keep your keyboard clean and never eat when you type something, or even you kill them at this moment, some days later you will find another group of cockroaches. sorry that i don't know how to exterminate them coz the are inhabit in your keyboard, maybe you should buy a new one.
@romzee (937)
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Yakz! Cockroaches! Stop eating or drinking while on your computer. Like any other insects they like to live where there are plenty of food supply. If you can't avoid it, clean it up as soon as possible. On the baby cockroaches, there maybe more eggs inside your keyboard, you must disassemble it, clean all the eggs and spray an insecticide.
• Philippines
18 Sep 12
Thanks romzee, I've decided to do just that. And I've also decided to eat somewhere else.. Thanks again!
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
Cockroaches thrive when there is food or food leftovers. My suggestion is that take a day to clean your place. That's the only solution.
@rosegardens (3032)
• United States
19 Sep 12
There are several items on the market to kill them. I have heard from a reliable source that crushed silica gel will work. It must be in powder form so it will stick to the roach or bug, then it will dry them out. There is a product available in the US that I tried when I got my first apartment and found roaches. It is called Black Flag, and it worked! Took a few months to get rid of them, but after that I never saw another one again and I lived there for three years.
@Strovek (868)
• Malaysia
19 Sep 12
Since keyboards are pretty inexpensive nowadays, why don't you get a new keyboard, saran wrap it (so that no pesky insects can get in? One nice thing about doing it this way is that you can always replace the wrap whenever it gets dirty.
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
18 Sep 12
Hi 1 stop eating by the key board 2 if you can afford it by a wireless keyboard. Then with the old board Spray it with bug spray throw it out
@kheydia (882)
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
Dishwashing liquids can really kill roaches, we had tried spraying them with it and in a minute or less they're lying lifeless...
@soraya452 (127)
19 Sep 12
Sounds like you need to throw your keyboard out and get a new one. There must be something in your keyboard that is attracting them, like food.
@akagami (250)
• Indonesia
19 Sep 12
he3x.... i,m fear with cockroaches and if i meet it,i always ordering my mom to keep it away from me.