"47% in US are 'takers'/see selves as victims" What does this say about Mitt?

United States
September 18, 2012 9:12am CST
Set aside the question if he is 'right' about this. Please set aside easy 'bumper sticker' cliches about 'welfare queens'. What do these comments say about Governor Romney? What do they say about his leading our nation or appreciating the needs of his fellow Americans? I am glad that he expressed these thoughts and that these comments have been publicized - along with his other comment that "if you want more free stuff from the government, vote for the other guy." Hey what do you think?
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21 responses
@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
18 Sep 12
The problem with his comments is, he is pretty much making it sound like if he gets elected, he will only be looking out for the people that voted for him. The the other problem with that comment is there are many people on both sides of the political spectrum that are in than 47 percent. One more thing is, since when is it bad for people to want their government to make sure food, housing, and healthcare are affordable. NOT FREE, just affordable for everyone who works. Romney just comes off as spoiled rich guy that has never had to struggle a day in is life. Then he blames Americans for being dependent, when he is the one that has been gaming the system. Still haven't seen your taxes Mr Romney and why do you have so many off shore bank accounts? Who is the Hypocrite here? Lead by example Mr. Romney.
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• United States
18 Sep 12
That is part of his perspective, he worked hard and made millions. So he thinks everyone else should work hard for what they have and get too. his theory is I did it so should you. To hear his wife talk about him at the convention the man was/is a workoholic. Most people who climb that high on the corporate ladder are. So I think he has little patients for people who don't. As for who he will look out for....not the voters....his top contributors.the people and corporations that gave him tons of money for his campaign. Same as Obama.
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• United States
18 Sep 12
I don't hate him either. But I do think he is a self righteous, arrogant jerk. After what he did at the convention I could add a few other words....but mylot would get mad at me.
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• Mojave, California
18 Sep 12
I do not know about working hard. I see working hard as people who have had to struggle their whole life to get where they are. Mitt's father and Mother was well Off and he got into the best schools. He may have had to work his way onto Bain but he always had the luxury of if failed to fall back to his family. There is a big difference between that way and what most people have to go through. I am not hating on him for that, just saying he has no clue of what most people go through. I will hate on him for his record at Bain, and him paying his own taxes though. Romney is the problem and will never be the solution.
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@moneymaka (492)
• United States
18 Sep 12
It's no surprise to me as this is what I expect from a Conservative Republican as they all think of this about black people and immigrants to the U.S, I respect Obama because he actually understands people and where they come from. You also gotta understand Romney comes from a rich background and doesn't know what it's like to be poor, his wife never worked a day in her life. and for him to say that Americans depends on the Government, well who doesn't ?, times are hard. During the Great Depression, you saw long lines of people standing outside of religious places just to get something to eat. So I don't quite understand Romney, if he truly believes that if he was poor he would not be able to depend on anyone is just not connecting with the regular American.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
18 Sep 12
"It's no surprise to me as this is what I expect from a Conservative Republican as they all think of this about black people and immigrants to the U.S" Romney speaks about people who are getting entitlements from the US government without mentioning race or ethnicity and you automatically assume he means immigrants and blacks and you think he's the racist? Who made that assumption? You did.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Rollo's right. All I see here is you projecting your own prejudices onto Romney. He said 47% of the country. Clearly he isn't referring to black people or immigrants since both groups combined don't make up 47% of this country.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Sep 12
• United States
18 Sep 12
His campaign is imploding. He has done a great job alienating huge blocks of voters over the past couple of months. I wonder if he truly is trying to win the election. doesn't look like it to me.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Sep 12
Lil, for someone who has been telling us for about 5 years what a great businessman he is and how good he is at running things he's certainly proving himself to be one of the most totally inept, incompetent candidates I've ever seen at any level! He's been caught on tape accusing nearly half of the country, including many I'm sure might have been planning on voting for him, of feeling "entitled" to everything under the sun and yet his wife made it clear she feels THEY'RE entitled to take their "turn" in the White House. I guess we all FINALLY know WHAT'S really in his core; he only wants to be President of the 53% of Americans he "approves" of. I wonder what he'd like to do with "those people" in the 47%...perhaps outsource them to China? Annie
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• United States
19 Sep 12
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Sep 12
who? which one?
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
18 Sep 12
There is no way that 47% of Americans are victims or want things for free. There are too many people working or looking for a decent job that want to accomplish the American dream of owning their own home and being able to pay the bills. This is the way he feels and he is totally wrong. I worked all my life and am considered middle class. I worked for 32 years raising two girls on my own. The only time I collected unemployment was when I lost my job all due to 9/11. I was a survior of that horrific day. I found a job within a year and proceeded to work never going on welfare or collecting food stamps. I never wanted a handout. Now I'm retired living a great life with money in the bank and thankfully good health. Mitt Romney has no real clue of the working class people of America. Mainly because he is too rich and could care less about the poor or middle class. He is only interested in the rich people and how he can get them richer.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
18 Sep 12
Yes there are probably alot of people who use the system illegally however, its not at 47 percent. Sorry there are to many people getting up each day to go to work and doing the right thing. There are too many families where both the husband and wife are both working. Yes, thoses neighbors of yours should have been in trouble and the book thrown at them. Just like kids who are abused and then give back to the parents. Still I truly believe most people have to much pride to try to get everything for nothing.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Do you all even know WHY he said 47%? cause that is Obama's base. It is what he's supposedly been polling at forever. you know..the folks that will vote for him no matter what? Romney used the very number the liberal press gives Obama. He didn't pull it out of his butt....
• United States
18 Sep 12
You are a proud American who wanted to be have something to be proud of that is not always the case and recent studies have shown that the percentage of people giving up on job hunting has increased at an astonishing rate in this economy. My husband was laid off and it took 11 months to find a steady job. We have used the system but have the pride in ourselves to want to get off. Our neighbors do not. They have been working the system for years collecting disability and having under the table jobs. She has a coach bag, brand new TV, car is only a few months old and has been bragging about pre ordering the new Iphone. She collects disability, food stamps, TANIF, LIHEAP,and WIC. She also works a bar job for tips off the books and her husband also on disability works a job in NYC off the radar. They have been reported twice and have wiggled out of the trouble they should have been in. Don't assume that everyone is so honest. I also hate to break it to you but rich people work too. They do not stay rich by doing nothing, it might be at different jobs then the middle class but they do have to work to stay rich.
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@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
18 Sep 12
I say that being rich, Mitt doesn't have a clue what the middle class and poor see themselves as. Of these 47 percent, some are poor and takers, some are poor and fighters, some are poor and "victims", some are poor and not victims, some are middle class and victims, some are rich and 'takers', etc. There are also those who are not 'takers' and victims who will feel upset by what Mitt says since they hadn't planned on voting for him, be they women who don't agree with him or people who are doing well financially and see that Obama has governed well. That was a desperate act on his part.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
19 Sep 12
I am going to vote for Obama again and hope the republican congress members stay out of his way.
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• United States
20 Sep 12
Not likely since the make-up of the new Congress will almost be the same as it is now. But really, he had that majority in the first 2 years of his Presidency. The only thing that got passed was a major tax raise on the middle class.
• United States
27 Sep 12
What major tax raise on the midde class? I've "heard" about the President raising taxes but all I know about is the lowering (thanks to the stimulus) of all our taxes.
@zhihao12 (363)
• Singapore
18 Sep 12
He is using reverse psychology from how i see it. He knows humans don't like to admit that they are freeloaders or want free stuffs, even if it means lying to oneself. That is why he may succeed in turning some of the votes in his favor. Just one of my conspiracy theory here not necessary true.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Sep 12
If someone wants to make t easier for you to collect welfare, to get free medical care, for others to pay for you, and if you use your colour or your ethnic group, or what happened to your ancestors in order to get free things, you are making yourself a victim. The true victim are those who are helpless or those who have tried the hardest to improve their lot and because of circumstances beyond their control. Romney would be better leading America then the present Obama who wants to increase the government influence over the people and to start a race war and a class war.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
19 Sep 12
I don't really understand how you think Romney would make a better president when he wants to get rid of womans health care and lower taxes on rich people and this way the poor will get poorer.
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• United States
19 Sep 12
Welcome to President Obama's tax raise on the middle class. http://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2012/07/27/cbo-obamacare-will-spend-more-tax-more-and-reduce-the-deficit-less-than-we-previously-thought/
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
18 Sep 12
It shows that he was too stupid to realize that not every member of that 47% supports Obama. There are certainly people in this country that are takers and see themselves as victims. I'd say the number though is closer to 25-30%. He's not going to win their votes because he's not offering free stuff. That moron at his rally who yelled "I want free birth control!" is one of them. He was absolutely right to tell her that if she wants free stuff to vote for the other guy. The girl's a moron and she's not going to vote for anyone who doesn't promise her free stuff. Basically, his numbers were off, but he has a good point. As a politician though, he was being too blunt and we know that any level of straight talk is just unacceptable in politics. If people really wanted straight talk we wouldn't have these two morons as the primary choices for president.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Sep 12
He was talking to his campaign donors. Not the general public. It was recorded and then leaked by the grandson of Carter.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
19 Sep 12
The inference from his comments is that almost half of America are free loading parasites dependant on Government to live. My question is if this is the case how did America find itself in such a position? It has to pre-date the current Government and the previous one was....Republican I think so they are culpable too. Rather than attack a group that clearly cannot respond, why not produce some practical solutions to get the 47% off "handouts" and into work and better able to "take responsibility for their lives." Words are cheap and plentiful...unlike work opportunities.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi valentinesdiner okay thats your opinion and I think Mr.Romneyhad never had to go hungary or been out of w o rk for months. a pox of him and the Republicans I will again vote for Obama as he knows a bit more about the common mand and ' people out of work.now if you dis me I will report you so do not bother. this is my own opinion and I have a right to haveit and e x press it. I think Mr.Romney is not going to win thats what I think.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
19 Sep 12
I too Hatley,Will vote for Obama again!
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Sep 12
and you wish a pox on him because he was successful? and when did Obama live as a 'common man'? He's had things handed to him all through his life. Grandparents put him through exclusive school. He won't release his school records so we can see for ourselves that what HE SAYS is true and he went to Ivy League Schools on student loans....which he would have us believe he paid off all by himself for him AND Michelle on a community organizers salary? He has paid almost 2 million out in legal fees for keeping his records sealed, on under a million dollars a year (that he claimed on tax forms)???? where did THAT money come from? Sadly Hatley, you're probably right, he will win and we will be lied to over and over again at best. At worst, he'll have more flexibility to show the Russians in giving away our place as a world power. YOu do have the right to your opinion though, and so do I.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
18 Sep 12
I see this purely for what it is - just another arrogant politician who thinks he's better than the whole world and that he knows what hardship is when he has thousands, probably millions of dollars. I am obviously not a taker or a victim, nor would I ever describe myself that way. The only 'takers' and 'victims' I see here are people who are not Americans but are hiding out in America, using everything. The 'victims' here, if you want to be honest - are the middle class working Americans. We don't have political power and we aren't celebrities, movie stars, or Steve Jobs. We don't own Microsoft, Apple, Sony, or make money by breathing. We pay for EVERYTHING for OURSELVES and then through taxes for EVERYBODY ELSE. I'm not exactly sure WHO Romney is including in his little speech but he doesn't consider HIMSELF to be in that group of people. Doesn't look like he will be doing anything to make anything better for that group of people either. I don't think the government should be giving free stuff... BUT... anything it takes from us in taxes should go directly into things that benefit Americans in a measurable way. If it doesn't - I should say SINCE it doesn't, either we shouldn't pay any taxes or we should be able to personally choose where our tax dollars go ourselves in order to not have them wasted on things WE don't care about. I think this little mistake that was overheard is how every politician is underneath - when we can't see or hear them, and it's just one more example of how evil and corrupt people can be when they think they will have some power over others.
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@dfollin (25610)
• United States
19 Sep 12
Exactly,the takers are the illegals here hiding out.And the victims are us middle and lower class people.But,if Romney has his way the "takers" will also be the rich paying lower taxes.I kind of agree that we should chose where our tax money goes,which I think we do when we vote.But,the rich people and the republicans would give all the tax money basically back to themselves.
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• United States
20 Sep 12
Actually, the middle class is going to be hit with a huge tax increase because of President Obama's first two years in office. So, when does he plan to stop spending so much?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Romney recognizes the hardship it is on all Americans who have to pay the way, not just for themselves and their family, but also for the takers and victims. It is his desire that these people contribute to the economy just as the rest of us are doing. Many think Mitt Romney, because he's so rich, is a selfish greedy person. He worked hard for his money and paid his taxes. The greedy ones are those who leach off the rest of us. I'd say Mitt Romney wants to stop giving lip service to the middle class, the way so many in government do, by getting these takers and victims into jobs rather than on welfare lines.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
19 Sep 12
Thank you Debra. I had heard all that about Mitt Romney but didn't remember it well enough to write it down, and perhaps I'm too lazy to have looked it up.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Rob....of course you wouldn't have heard this from the MSM, but Romney donated his entire inheritance to charities and lived of the dividends from stock until he went to WORK after college. And he's donated what amounts to almost 28 years of his life to working without a salary at different things like the Olympics, his church, as a missionary and did not take a salary as governor. (donated salaries to charity)He has lived off what HE EARNED as well as giving a substantial amout of what he's earned to charities. Does Obama know what hardship is? Grandparents paid for him to go to exclusive school, someone paid his way to college, (we don't have proof, if he'd release some records maybe we'd believe he paid off student loans for him and Michelle in such a short time on a community organizers salary? (my nephew is in his early fifties and has not paid off his law school student loans) and Obama would have us believe HE PAID OFF TWO PERSONS STUDENT LOANS? Tony Rezco orchastrated and helped pay for the Obama's home in Chicago. So tell me how Obama knows about hardship again.
• United States
18 Sep 12
Woah! You beg the question by saying that Mitt worked hard for his money. He had money BEFORE he was an adult. His father was the governor of Michigan. As a kid, He lived in Bloomfield Hills which is where the rich live. And Mitt is greedy to a sense. People did lose their jobs as Mitt got richer working for Bain Capital. So how is he going to "recognize the hardship it is on all Americans who have to pay the way" when he doesn't have a clue what hardship is?
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Sep 12
I think Mitt is absolutely right. People are generally full of excuses as to why they are victims, and should not be held to the same standard as everyone else. Our country was built on people taking care of their own needs. If you need food, get a job and earn it. If you need a home, get a job and earn it. If you need clothing, get a job and earn it. Our country was built on everyone producing. Not making excuses, and sitting on their butts, collecting government hand outs, stolen from the people who are working. We have charity for charitable causes. Yes they are limited, and they are supposed to be. You are not supposed to live a life of luxury on charity. You are not supposed to have free homes, free food, free spending money, free cell phones, free internet, all paid for by the struggling working people. In case you missed it, socialism doesn't work. It never has, it never will. This idea that government can take money from working people, and give it to non-working people, and yet somehow have a good economy, has been prove false for hundreds of years. Look at Europe! That's our future under this system of "appreciating the needs of his fellow Americans". It's about time we let the working people keep their own money, and let the non-working people know they choose to work, or choose to starve. Obama's plan is to flush America down the drain, for the purpose of "appreciating the needs of his fellow Americans". Hasn't that ideology done enough damage?
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• United States
18 Sep 12
You are right.....now try convincing the masses of that. People do need to start taking care of their own needs....but they won't as long as the governmemt will they and scream like heck if anyone tries to take it from them. They feel entitled to it.
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• Canada
19 Sep 12
Hey Andy, "Look at Europe" ???? where at Europe. I was in several European countries this year and they were all very prosperous. People have houses, jobs cars and seem to have a lot of vacation time as well. Germany is very strong economically, Norway has a marvellous social system. Day care where it is needed at affordable cost, universal health care, low unemployment. So where in Europe are you talking about? Please do not lump all countries together. Look at the fine United States. Look how much you are in debt to China. China practically owns you. This debt was not caused by Obama. You need to look at new ways to do justice to all Americans and Mitt is way out of touch with reality and the American people.
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• Mojave, California
19 Sep 12
Sorry people always take care of them selves. Maybe we lost are way for a minute but we are back, and know that no one could give a rats @ss about are insignificant lives. So maybe you guys should move on on this subject because you did your job by bringing down a nation, well down !
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@elsino91 (440)
• Poland
19 Sep 12
I think the man is delusional. This definitely isn't a good candidate for president. When I think of a president I think of someone who works for the people, and someone like that needs to understand the needs of the people including the "takers". Mitt needs to understand that these people don't want to be takers, and be dependent on handouts. The average american is proud and finds things like food stamps something embarrassing but he or she will turn to the government for help because it's what they need to do to put food on the table. If the economy allowed them to depend on themselves they would, America has been known for people who have made everything they have on their own and have gone from nothing to everything. Romney doesn't appreciate the needs of the common American because he himself was born into money and has never really had to go from the ground up.
• United States
20 Sep 12
There are a lot of slackers who take advantage of the Government as long as they are allowed to. Ever heard of the lottery winners on food stamps? Did you know that there has been a drastic increase in the amount of people who are claiming SSDI because they ran out of unemployment? About 49% of the population is now on government benefits. That's a lot of people. This dependence mentality is being fostered by President Obama.
@dfollin (25610)
• United States
19 Sep 12
No,I do not see where that many people are takers except for the illegals in this country.The "other guy" (as he put it) has made some great changes that have helped our country and there were many things that he has tried to do,but has been blocked by mostly republican members of congress.Then they are the same ones that are complaining that he has not done anything to succeed.Well,get out of his way! The ones that are the "takers" are those rich people that Romney wants to pay less taxes.I suppose Romney is considering the woman who want their health care rights as "takers"?
@laglen (19759)
• United States
20 Sep 12
I think he is right and just saying what others had no cajones to say in public. There are far too many instances when Obama was elected of people talking about getting their "obama money". How can you ignore that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOZ-Etb0k0Q this is only a minute and a half, and only two people, but look at the other videos....
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Oct 12
Quite simply, it says to me that Mitt wouldn't be the President of all of us in the United States but that he'd only "worry" about the other 53% who don't include "those people". It's really telling that he said those words when he didn't know the public would ever hear them. That says to me that he was, for maybe once in his life, telling the total truth about how he feels. Basically, he holds most of us in contempt. I sure don't want him as MY President, not that HE'D want to be my President since to him I'm surely one of "those people" despite the fact that I worked for over 35 years and have taken responsibility for myself my entire adult life. Annie
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
19 Sep 12
"According to the Census Bureau, 49% of Americans in the second quarter of 2011 lived in a household where at least one member received a government benefit. (The total population at the time was 305 million)." http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2012/09/18/the-data-behind-romneys-47-comments/ Think about it: why would the half of the population not paying any income taxes care about someone who's talking about cutting taxes? They don't pay any now, they don't need a tax cut. Incidentally, a Gallup poll today shows Obama with 47% of the vote.
• United States
19 Sep 12
What it says is that, just like Obama, when answers are not written, they both stumble over what they are trying to say. That's all it says. It is true that aside from payroll taxes, 47% pay no further income tax. However, that does not mean that they are all victims. What it means is that some have paid taxes all their lives and now as retirees they may no longer have to do so. It means that some take all tax loopholes they can find and use them, which is totally legal. Others have lost their jobs during this recession and would love nothing better than to get to work. However, there ARE professional victims in the world and they DO see how much they can get with as little effort as possible. If I took everything the media says these politicians say without really looking and listening for myself, I would figure that Obama hates Down's syndrome children and others without full mental faculties. How would I figure this? Because when he was bowling, he pretty much said he bowled like a retarded person. However, he seems unaware that some mentally disabled can bowl exceptionally well. He was making an assumption - a dumb one - and opened his mouth and inserted his foot. I may have thought him insensitive, but I didn't think he hated the mentally disabled. The media cuts out part of anything they show for shock effect and it works every time. With Romney's charitable record, I doubt very seriously that he truly meant that 47% of the population were victims. I really don't care what either of these men says on the campaign trail or how much they try to destroy each other (although frankly, I'm disgusted by it). What I want is an economy that opens up and right now we do not have that. What I DO see is that instead of discussing serious matters such as the economy and huge number of jobless, we are constantly being diverted by "He said/He said" garbage that tells us nothing about how either will turn our country's fortunes around. When I hear something like this latched onto by the media, I stop watching television news of any kind for a week because after the first two hours all has been said and they rehash the mess for about a week until they find another 'I gotcha moment." I wish the people would stop listening to all the offsides stuff and demand to know the candidates real positions. This close to election, we should know for certain where and for what each stands, and we do not.
• United States
19 Sep 12
Hi and thanks for starting this. :-) To me it shows two things; that he's a fool for saying what he did and should have been more prudent in what he said. The other is that he should have known that once your in the political arena EVERYTHING is noted whether it is off the cuff or not.