"My lot pays 1.00 for 100 comments?False false false.What is this"?"

@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
September 18, 2012 11:12am CST
again I ran across a response from a newer user to a discussion on making money here that mylot pays you a dollar for every 100 comments.now where are these people getting this? no mention of 'rates is ever given anywere in mylots information. this puzzlesme as the mylotter was so sure of the fact.I told her or him this is not true,.your take my lottersl where is allk this false info coming from?
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51 responses
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
18 Sep 12
Aunty I agree with you this is wrong because I response on 200 discussions and some comments on my own discussions in one day last month. But I earned only 1 dollar and some cents. I think new user predict by their own thought. They imagine without any knowing. But I want to know the real how mylot is paying per discussion, per comment, per response or on time spend basis.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
fants please read the guidelines again,.mylot has never ever given any rate per so much of anything.all they say is they pay for quality and the better quality of posts you make in one day the more you will be paid;.so no I cannot tell you any specific amount as mylot does not tell us any rates. it just says we get paid for quality not quantity .so as I have stated over and over no two people will earn the same amount even for the same amount of work as we are paid for quality and no two peple will have the same quality in their work.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi fanta good for you and I bet youwill do very well here too. hugs
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• India
18 Sep 12
Yes I remember in your discussion you said this mylot paid in quality not on quantity. I keep in mind this point everytime.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
18 Sep 12
Wow, are we having bonus day? I'm gonna go make 100 comments, then I"ll come back and read your discussion, OK?
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@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
18 Sep 12
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi dawn and Barbara oh I wish go ahead he he hope you make double the sum they were talking about. I never hav e really counted my comments or responses as I just use that t ime to m ylot a lot. I know sometimes my efforts make more than I expect and other times less bu t also on the less d ays I know my quality was not'that good. lol
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
18 Sep 12
lol to dawn! if only it were true. i wish they would have those days once in awhile and not just at Christmas time.
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@BarBaraPrz (49035)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
18 Sep 12
Who knows? But it persists, doesn't it? I suppose people try to figure out how they're earning so that they can earn more by doing the same thing. Goes back to the "penny a post" idea.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi barbara it boggles the mind where people that are really new to mylot insist their statistics are true which leads me to think there are some blogs out t here spewing out wrong information about mylot., I do not know this but am guessing.Yeah it does go back to the penny a post idea
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• Philippines
20 Sep 12
a thousand comments for a dollar? that's too much
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Sep 12
hi feriannful no the r umor was one dollar for one hundred and the rumor is also wrong wrong wrong. Mylot has never given s et rates and stil does not.we get paid according to our quality of daily post and no two will be paid the same amount either.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
18 Sep 12
Well, that might be true if your responses are as they say they should be. Informative, at least three lines and not one word answers or quick responses. I have heard before that the average for a response is one cent. And more with photos. I am not sure if the rate is any different for starting a discussion. But 100 responses is a lot. I know when I respond to like 20 or 30 discussions, I usually wind up with 20 or 30 cents the next day. So there might be some truth to that. But again, MyLot makes the rules and they can change them at any time.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Sep 12
inertia please take a look at this topic and you will see how wrong you are: http://www.mylot.com/w/discussions/2652000.aspx Who are "they" when you state 'if your responses are as they say they should be. Informative, at least three lines'. Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, do myLot tell us that there is a minimum amount of lines that we must type. Nowhere, absolutely nowhere do they tell us that there is a minimum of one cent. Indeed the minimumu is a big fat aero when posts are worth absolutely nothing and do nothing to forward the topic in discussion. MyLot is a discussion site so why bother spending your time just responding to X number of dicsussions? There are other sites for questions and answers. Here on myLot the earnings are for discussing which means responding and commenting.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi diana I am so glad they n ever limited u s one way or another'as to how many lines just as long as we do not sling one liners around. I have to make myself at times be less wordy but I use as many as is necessary to make myself understood lol lol why do people still insist on that headache making counting posts as its self defeating. I know for I had to prove it to myself then I really started to enjoy mylot and to have fun,my earning surprised me for just having fun being here.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
inertia no its not true GoAskAlice if you do not believe me Mylot nowhere in any of its information has said that they pay one c ent for x amount of anything. read the FAQ's and the guidelines again. I do know what I am talking about. they pay for quality and no two people here will earn the same amoun'for what they d o for a whole day as no two of us will ha ve the same'quality of work. rumors are just that rumors.there is no truth to it at all.
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• Indonesia
19 Sep 12
What? Mylot pays $1 for every 100 comments? OMG no that is a false information and I dont like mylot to be compared with other site which pay based on how many post the user made a day. I dont like their idea 1 cent for every post. Mylot has it own algorithm and I like this algorithm better, my earning somewhat surprising me because it is more than what i expected. Actually I never counted how many posts and responses I make in a day, sometime I only comment back and forth in 1 or 2 discussions and make the discussion keep going, but I still get compensation from mylot although comment back and forth do not increase the rating number. My rating numbers sound stuck in 700's but never mind the number inside the bracket, my participation on my lot is more than that and my earning isnt $7 (if they think we earn 1 cent/post they would make assumption my 700 ratings earned me $7. in fact Im close to my 3rd payout here). It is a nightmare if mylot has a fixed rate 1 cent/post. Im glad mylot admins doesnt give us fixed rate for every participation we have. If only the people who make assumption that we earn 1cent/post knows that we dont get a fixed rate here, they would make more quality participation on mylot and the earning more than just 1cent or $1/100 comments.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
fashion if people willj ust see its quality and relax and make fewer but much better posts they will really earn pretty well and actually have fun and enjoy myloting a lot more,.heres to much'nor quality posts and better earnings for all m ylotters.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi fashion f ever great resspone as its all so true., there are no fixed rates as this is not based onqu anity at all but on our q uality of posts for a days postign. I hate seeing thoselies spread as my lot made it clear in the q uidelines that they givce no fixed rathe as we are paid for our own quality of work and all wou ld be different dep; ending ontheir q uality .folks no its not true we are paiod one cent for anything quite spreading lies.
• Indonesia
19 Sep 12
Yes I agree with you Hatley ,it is not about quantity but it is the quality of our participation. The only one who can make our earning higher or lower is ourself, if we focusing more on the quantity and forgot the quality we shouldnt be surprised if we get low earning but if we work on the quality the earning will follow later. Mylot has a secret algorithm is somehow fun, because we cannot predict how much we make in a day...what we make today and tomorrow could be different although we make the same number/quantity posts but the quality might vary. If they believed 1cent/post it is their lost but they must stop spreading false rumors about mylot.
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@romzee (937)
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
I think this is not true. As of today, I have already posted 125 comments and started 3 discussions and got only $0.72 in my earnings. If that is true, My earning should be at least above $1.00, but it is not!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi romzee ri ght it is not true as mylot has never posted any rates for anything anywhere in their information.what they do say is that quality not quantity is what is paid here on mylot.As no two people will ever have the same quality no' two people will ever earn the same amount for each day of posts.'so its simple to say no rates can be given so they are free to pay more or less depending on ones quality of posts perday.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Sep 12
I saw your topic and was about to respond (as you can see from the comment that I left above) but then I got side-tracked. I skimmed over the responses and not only I am appalled to see on other topics that some are still convinced that each post is worth a cent, but I am also appalled at some of the things that have been said in the responses here. All myths and none of them backed up with anything official by myLot I shall go and say my piece on them now
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
18 Sep 12
People keep saying "they" say too. Who the heck are 'they'?? Hatley just keep reporting all the incorrect information and the fact that it is ALWAYS removed is all the proof that is needed to know that it is just that, FALSE!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi diana yeah I saw that they also and probably another newer mylotter who had not read any of the mylot information lol yespwill keep reporting incorrect info and hope it will help
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
oh was wishing you would does anyone anymore read the guidelines'and the FAQ's at all? and people keep telling other numbers that dumb one cent per comment grrrr. maddening., lol
@artemeis (4194)
• China
19 Sep 12
Can myLot do something like deleting this untrue post? If it cannot, then I don't think this post along with more to come in the future will ever stop. The problem has to be nipped in the bud and I don't think there's any other alternative than removing them.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Sep 12
Untrue, incorrect or posts containing false information concerning the aglorithm are always removed by admin - which is also proof that they are indeed, incorrect.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi diana my headis spinning fr om all the different responses and I am baffled by some and even ravi has confused me asI do not thijk that incorrect information will ever be good or left up for very long,.sure we like traffic but not at the expense of the' truth,
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
19 Sep 12
I think posts which attract more people should continue though they may be at variance. The ultimate aim of any website is to have more traffic-- more traffic will earn more for members.
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@SinfulRose (3527)
• Davao, Philippines
19 Sep 12
lolz. I once tracked my comments and responses but that kind of rate never showed up. All I ever got is a random amount for a certain number of comments/responses per day. The source of that info is questionable. Where did you see that, Hatley?
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi SinfulRose by a fairly newcomer in a response given t o a really new newcomer as valid information which I told him or her is a lie a falsehood. no rates aregiven inmylot for anything., I wish that rumor could be squelched as it gives newec omer the' wrong idea. we are not paid for quantity BUT FOR QUALITY and as no two people will have the same exact quality no rated could ever be given.I imagine that user read a blog that some exmy lotter made without bothering to get the tr ue facts at all.
• Davao, Philippines
19 Sep 12
Sure enough. The idea, however, makes me think that it is not impossible to earn that much for that quantity depending on the factors if they meet the necessary conditions. But as you've said, MyLot did not share that fixed kind of information to the public since it would become false considering their system of earning is so random. (I am very curious how they earn and how they pay us for our activities). I hope that those newbies were corrected as soon as you saw them. At least that is one down and a gazillion more to go.
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• Portugal
18 Sep 12
well hatley i guess she thinks that bcs we usually are told that per comment we receive one cent. and i think that has a little true. for me i really think that if you write 100 comments you receive 1 dollar unless you upload pictures. in this case the more people who see your pics the more you get. but with comments i think is one cent per comment. so maybe she isnt that wrong.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
sweetloveforever no no no.,Mylot itself has said no we do not pay one c ent a post as we pay for q uality. so look maybe one person has low quality and maybe it came out to one centpere each of theior posts b ut the next person does the same amount it'comes out to 5 cents for her as her quality was much much better. no two people get paid the same amo unt for the same amount of posts. I have been here going on five years and Iknow what my lot itself says about this issue.
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@Tina30219 (82820)
• Onaway, Michigan
18 Sep 12
I do have a question about posting pictures. I don't understand it in the mylot area talking about pictures. I want to know is there a way to post pictures without posting them in a discussion? I have noticed when I add pictures to my discussions that I do earn more.
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• United States
18 Sep 12
@Hatley - No its definetely not 1 cent per post. If it were though I am not sure if I would be doing better or worse? I just like it here and don't worry about what the rates are!
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
19 Sep 12
Hatley aunty: How I missed this discussion? yesterday I was here only for a long time. I agree with you that we cannot generalise and say one earns one dollar for 100 comments. Sometimes it may be more also. sometimes it can be less also. Hatley aunty has go the magic wand to start discussions that get more responses in a short time. That is because you have thousands of friends interested in what you are telling.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi artemeis and ravi oh I checked thoroughly as I like any one else is human and errs but no mylot has no set rates so think about this mylot pays for quality not quantity so if john has top quality posts perday he will make much more than bob who does not really try to make top quality posts and he will be paid less. now if mylot had set rates they would have topay the same regardless of how shoddy some work is so NO SET RATES,. do quality work you get quality pay.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
19 Sep 12
Post that attracts people does not need to be filled with fabrication and lies. I think the post is misleading and does not achieve any purpose other than giving people more false hope and misunderstanding.
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
19 Sep 12
artemis: I could not get about which discussion are you referring to. perhaps you are referring to the discussion Hatley aunty has told.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Sep 12
I don't know where people get their information from. Weird. I wonder if there is somewhere people are reading the wrong things about MyLot... People should stop telling others the wrong info and misleading people that way.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi lovingmybabies Me either unless there are some blogs spreadint the wrong information about mylot and these false'rates. mylot folks does not post any rates,never hate hope they never do.they pay per quality and as no two people would have quite he samee qualityno two wo uld earn the same.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Sep 12
hi echoforever yes really I ha ve searched and found no such information an ywere on my lot's information.so they are just guessing and all the counting and maht stuff they will find if their days posts were lousy in quality they will make still a different amount.they would do better to use the time to actually participate here instead
• United States
20 Sep 12
It comes just from the members, I don't know why they go into these details of lies and rumours though. There is nothing in myLot that says anything about this.
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@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 12
I still like the idea though So that newer people would understand that it's not only about quality, it's also about quantity . Of course, in fact, that statement is wrong. In most time, and for most users, myLot would pays less than $1 for 100 comments :p.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
oh no varier read the guidelines again they state it is not quantity but =quality that they want.,yes that statement is'wrong and please so not try to say what you think m lot might pay as no rates are given understand? MYLOT SHOWS NO RATES JUST PAYS FOR QUALITY AND NO TWO PEOPLE WILL EARN THE SAME AMOUNT,yes I am shouting a bit as people just do not get it. there is no rate for 100 comments nor any amt of comments, my lot does not work that way.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
no Iunderstand Varier we must really participate and I learned that its okay to kibitz and enter a conversation on myown discussion with myfri ends and we also learn a lot about each other,. then we start to have fun and enjoy our friends and our mylotting too. I never count how many posts I do but I sure do participate and earn nicely too and best of all I h ave fun too.
@varier (5685)
• Indonesia
19 Sep 12
Don't worry, I've been long enough here and getting paid several times to know how things works here Yes, they said that they want quality. But in fact, we can't get a lot by just posting one single quality post. I just want people to understand that
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19 Sep 12
I'm not sure. i'm just coming to check if this place is legit or not. Have just signed up as it was recommended by a top site.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi sauyeed this mylot is very legit as its been here fo at least six years., I have been paid every month for five years and love it. but the myth that someone has spread is every untrue. we have no rates given in mylot for the simple reason that mylot pays not for quantity of posts but for the quality of posts per day. since no two peop;e will make the same quality of posts each one of us earns a different amount.,you will love this as it means the better you make your posts the better your earnings.I am on my fifth year here and believe me if my lot w ere not trustworthy I would have been long gone.,so welcome here and enjoy and make friends and have fun here even as you earn.mylot is a top site and I would recommend it to anyone., so welcome and have fun.,
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi ravi wish here were more than one br to gve out b ut you are super a one in my book and rate a br also.hugs from hatle y.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
19 Sep 12
sauyeed: welcome to mylot. Hatley aunty is the senior most member in mylot. I joined mylot two years ago and enjoy working here. I come here whenever I have time, I share ideas, learn ideas of others and also earn money. Payments are made without fail. In case one makes out minimum payment limit before the end of a month, he will receive credit before the 15th of next month. i have received a lot of such payments. Make friendship with many people, start discussions, post responses, post replies. concept you type you earn, i type i earn. so make descriptive responses/replies.
• United States
18 Sep 12
It might have been their own conclusion from watching their earnings per the number of posts made. If you didn't read the guidelines and you're fairly good with all your responses, then it might look like you get about 1 cent per post. It probably persists because it seems almost right if you don't know any better. It annoys me too, especially if they're clearly a user who hasn't been around for awhile and yet still they're tromping around declaring the rules they clearly didn't read. Time will weed out the good ones from the bad, but unfortunately for us the bad ones are always replaced with new ones.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi alleyofthe rain you have been here about as long as I have as i have seen your user name and often wondered how you came by it. anyway yes some may experiment but the fact is that no two people will earn the same at all as the quality of one person might be much less for another person., I do wish that all would read the guidelines and the FAQ's and reread them and pay attention to 'what they really say.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
19 Sep 12
I think this is the impression many people have.In fact when I registered here my refree told me that I simply had to post in a discussion and I get paid for it at the rate of 1 dollar per 100 posts... you come here with that impression when you are a newcomer and later of course you realise that is not the case...
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
19 Sep 12
I thought it was $10 of 100 comments..right?
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• United States
19 Sep 12
I sincerely doubt it. MyLot wouldn't be able to pay us all that much money (unless it was sponsored by Apple who actually has the most money here in the USA). They've got their own idea of how to pay us.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
hi vandy don't we wish? lol lol and scorpiobabes yes mylot would be hard put to pay us that much. no mylot is mum and tells us not to q uestion their algorithm so I m ind my own business and participate and earn quite well here too,. l,ol,.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
19 Sep 12
If only it were true vandanna .
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@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Sep 12
Hi Hatley! I guess this is what people assume - but I think it's plus or minus - depending on what we write. I still don't know exactly how things are calculated here, but certainly it's not in stone that it's a penny per comment (or a dollar for 100 comments). I think this earning calculation mystery actually keeps us on our toes about writing quality comments and discussions . . . otherwise we might get too lazy! But yah, it's definitely not true.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
much2say oh yes they do their own math and assume this is carved in stone and is rated when nowhere in any my lot information do they state that.It is not true anyway and if people would read the guidelines and the FAQ 's they would see my lot does not give any rates.all it says is we pay for quality and please leave the mylot algorithm alone,.do not question or make discussions asking about it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
much2sahy hi yes indeed their discussion might well be deleted for sure,. they need to read the information really it will help all of us.
@much2say (57374)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Sep 12
Yep - or their discussion about it just might be deleted!!
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@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
18 Sep 12
hi friend i am totally agree with you because mylot pays you money based on your post quality it does not matter quantity .so friend it does not matter that for for 100 posts we got 1$ we got less that from 1$ and also got more than 1$ because the money is adjusted after seeing the quality of all posts and it is great discussion to start friend i thinks that all newbie's able to learn from this discussion .
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
hi ashudeep yes thanks so much. I hope it will help others'as it states so clearly inmy lot that we are p aid for the quality of our posts for a days posting.And too no rates are given at'all in any of the information that we are x amount for x postsa tall.In fact no two of us will earn the same amount even for the same amount of posts as quality will vary from one person to another.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Sep 12
I hope it does as thats why I p osted it to help others try to understad my lot better.quality will out far over quantity here in mylot
@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
18 Sep 12
true lines friend no two of us will earn the same amount even for the same amount of posts so friend we only hopes that more and more people see this discussion and learn from it and try to understand that what we want to share and tell them .
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• India
19 Sep 12
Hatley, Some newbies don't know about the real fact and spreading this kind of false information, may be their up line told this information to them and they are believing it is right. But we must avoid posting the thing without knowing about the real fact.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
HI VIDHYPRAKASH yes someone told them that and that someone probably got it from a pissed off ex mylotter in his or her blog who is spreading lies about mylot.I just wish that when people claim to tell the truth about mylot they read up on the mylot information first to be accurate.I do the real truth mylot gives no rates and pays for quality not quantity.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Sep 12
ravi I so not really know that,just guessing.yep true guality pays.on days when I am tired or hav e some problem I have 'noticed I do not make quite as much so am sure our pay is based on the quality of ourwo rk each day. Oh I try my b est but sometimes one lacks enough real motivation too,
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
19 Sep 12
this info you feel has come out of a blog. True quality pays and let us post quality posts.
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@missjahn (4572)
• Philippines
19 Sep 12
hi there hatley :) whether the story is true or not, i cannot avail with it persistence because you know cannot attract plenty of mates here to answer my discussions or maybe to the post itself to have hundreds of comments ... uhmpt... let us take some other overviews aside from earning, so much happy to be here when you can have great friends who will lead yourself how to do it here and have a good relationship with everyone here or yet no one is angry with you that is why one might played your reputation to bring you down ehem... so bad and sad i experience this thing that wanted me to give up my account here by deleting it... but you know, how can this person say a thing like this? i am even is curious. but on your expertise since you are here for longer of time compared to me and to any other newbies, maybe you have a point that it is not true. well, maybe someone can assist that question to us. thanks :)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Sep 12
thanks missjahn you have made my day,lol We all should try to keep anger and meanness out of our responses as this is meant to be a place where all can come and depend on one another for comfort and advice as good friends do with each other.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Sep 12
missjahn You are very intelligent so you can see why I say no rates are given as they canno gi ve set rates. why? because they pay for quality not quantity so each person will have different quality of posts so they will all be paid different amounts., thats why mylot cannot give rates as they must be free to pay more for top quality posts and less for not so good quality of posts.'no where in any of the m lot information is any rate ever been'posted so that person was very wrong.
@missjahn (4572)
• Philippines
20 Sep 12
yepey ye ye ye... you are the first lady who told me that i am intelligent and i love it. why other so nice and other so mean - haha... hope all of the people are doing nice in here and if angry at once, it will be just reserved to one time only and not furious to the bones that will made them so mean. for not nice, as we know the wheel is round and sometimes it roll up and should roll down too. i am so glad that i met you here for inspiring my soul and capabilities as well. wait ms. hatley, i will make a discussion pertaining to top discussions if it will give you a good hatch of earnings... and it is because i am being insinuated at your replied comment over my replied comment of yours. mwaahh hihi... thanks
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