Mitt Romney caught bashing his own voters, and maybe himself.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
United States
September 19, 2012 12:33pm CST
While Mitt was spewing right wing talking points about taxes to his ultra wealthy friends, he had to be shocked at the reaction. For years right wingers have been spewing these very same talking points on political talk shows, with little to up roar from anyone. But, now that the American people are paying attention to politics (which is sad that they only do this once ever four years, if at all!!!), people are shocked that someone would say this about the American people.
I am sure that Mitt is upset that this got out, but he should be more upset at the people who push the theory that 40% + of Americans pay no taxes at all and they are freeloading. The first problem that Romney has is that MANY of the 47% (I am using his numbers) live in Red states that vote republican, and may be offended that he called them out. Second, if you look at his tax policy of eliminating capital gains taxes, than he would be part of that 47% (depending on what other loop holes he eliminates, but we have no idea because he won't tell us what he would eliminate), and that 47% number would grow. Not to mention the number of military members, and retired people who are in this same group.
I hope Mitt got a lot of money out of this fundraiser, because he did so much political damage that I don't think ANY amount of money could be worth this kind of fall out!!!
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4 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
19 Sep 12
Just over half of independents say it won't make any difference in their decision to vote for Romney, only 29% said it would make them less likely to vote for Mitt. Democrats said it make them less likely to vote for Mitt, but it's unlikely they were going to in the first place.
I think a lot of people are happy that Mitt finally said something everyone knows is true. Others are happy he is sounding like a conservative. People like you are outraged, because, well outrage is what you do when the truth is told.
Here's the deal, though. Taping people secretly in a private residence without their knowledge is illegal in Florida. Do you support the illegal taping of private conversations inside unsuspecting people's houses and would you call for an investigation?
And what about the gap in the tape, where it goes from the middle of one sentence to part 2 into the middle of another sentence on another topic entirely. Do you want to know where the rest of the tape is? Or are you happy to be hornswoggled and manipulated by the left stream media that isn't giving you the entire audio of the remarks. Surely, if Romney was saying secretly bad stuff, we ought to hear all of it, no? I mean, unless the missing bit puts those comments into a context that even Mother Jones can't spin to its liking.
It's pathetic.
The world is in flames, Obama goes off to party with Beyonce. He can't meet with Netanyahu, but he can meet with Letterman. And the news media is all upset because Romney talked like a conservative.
I would laugh if the state of the world were not in such a dangerous place. Otherwise, these machinations would be very amusing, if a bit middle school.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
20 Sep 12
If the MSM reported the truth and the real facts it would not look good for President Obama.
Just one example is the reporting of the unemployment numbers. It seems that every week we get the unemployment rate then the next week we get a revised number that is almost always higher then the MSM reports the next weeks numbers and guess what they report the rate has only gone up by o.1% over the revised number but it may have gone up by 0.3 or 0.4% over the first reported numbers from the previous week.
How about a report on that cover up and why is the MSM lying to the public?
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
20 Sep 12
"Just over half of independents say it won't make any difference in their decision to vote for Romney"
Rollo, you do realize that the "independent" vote is what will decide this election, and if you have just polarized half of them, you have you little to no chance of winning the election? I didn't hear that, but is makes my point even stronger.
I am outraged by the right wingers who keeping telling the American people that 47% of the country doesn't pay taxes. And that they are: “All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent on government, who believe that, that they are victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them". I am one of those people who don't pay taxes because I have kids, I am not dependent on the government, I am not a victim, and I don't believe that the government should take care of me. Who is Romney stereotyping? The senior citizen living on Social Security that doesn't pay taxes? The middle income family that doesn't make enough money to offset the tax credits that the government gives them? The 4000 millionaires that didn't pay taxes because of our tax code? Are we all "victims, who believe that government has the responsibility to care for them"?
"aping people secretly in a private residence without their knowledge is illegal in Florida."
Remember Linda Trip?
"And what about the gap in the tape, where it goes from the middle of one sentence to part 2 into the middle of another sentence on another topic entirely."
When this first came out Romney was calling for the rest of the tape to be released. He has said a word about that since. I think they should release the whole tape, but Romney doesn't seam to care anymore about that.
The world is NOT in flames, there is unrest in the middle east, can you tell me when there hasn't been unrest in the middle east? Here is Mitt Romney's plan for peace in the middle east "we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it." WOW, with leadership like that I don't know why he wasn't elected president decades ago!!!!!!

@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
20 Sep 12
I have talked to many people, some who are in the 47% that pay no taxes and they are fed up with the government handouts and want a job. President Obama makes it sound like hard work and making a lot of money is a bad thing. I have nothing against helping people who truly need help and I do personally help a number of people in my community who are struggling. I have found two types of people who are receiving help: One is truly thankful for the hand up to get them through a rough time in their life. The other group feels they are entitled to everything they can get and get mad at people who are helping them for not giving them better stuff or more of it. One group I belong to gives out food baskets at Christmas and was told by one lady to take out the store brands of food stuff because she would only throw it out when she get home. She also complained because her son received a new winter jacket but it was not a Columbia Jacket which she felt he was entitled to. I also met another lady who has her children come and help because when she was going through tough times this group made sure her family had a Christmas for a few years.
Gov. Romney said it right we have to decide if we are going to give a hand up or a hand out. The American people have no problem with a hand up but draw the line at hand out to people who feel they are entitled to the best that society has to offer and that someone else should pay for it.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
20 Sep 12
Bob, the vast majority of people that don't pay taxes would LOVE to make enough money to pay taxes.
Of your two groups of people how many are the "entitled" ones? Is it 47%? I think we all know that his number was so high to make a point to his friends to get money from them.
Gov. Romney was WRONG to use that 47% number because we all know that that isn't the number of people looking for a hand out. You are correct that there are two groups, but unfortunately Romney thinks that there is one group, and stereotyped everyone into one group disenfranchising 47% of the voters.
The point of my post that EVERYONE has missed is that under Romney's tax plan EVERYONE in that room would be part of the "entitled" 47%, including HIM!!!!!!
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
24 Sep 12
Fat, when you are a politician there is no such thing as privacy. What Bill Clinton did was a private matter, that did stop republicans did it? You can prosecute the person all you want, they will get the Linda Tripp slap on the hand, and fine pay for by donors, and move on.
What was caught here is what Mitt, and the right wingers believe. You hear this same thing all day long on right wing hate radio.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
20 Sep 12
What fall out? Most of his supporters agree and I really do not think this is any big deal. I find it humorous that the MSM is trying to make an issue out of this.
Your link was informative. I appreciate the break down. So which is the issue? That he got the number wrong or that he said it?

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
20 Sep 12
"His voters love to hear him say what they hear everyday on Rush"
--- say what!?
geesh, ya aLways hear this type of huge stereotyping, etc from dems! but let a republican generalize once.. as a matter of fact when did news reporting become continuous bashing/bad reporting about one party?? ..and "our" higher education is highly biased and intolerant of dissenting views also..
- Conservative voters are against trusting ever spreading government control (and the resulting huge expense to say nothing of lumbering bureaucracy, the opposite of efficiency of course) and are seeing it as dangerous to forget the safety nets aGainst government the founders and constitution intended..

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
20 Sep 12
Laglen, we all know that there are people who will vote for either Romney, or Obama no matter what. His voters love to hear him say what they hear everyday on Rush.
The point I make by this link is that Romney is attack the 47%, and the states with the the most 47%ers are RED states. So the only people he is attacking is his own voters!!!
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@crossbones27 (50251)
• Mojave, California
21 Sep 12
I think this is a simple answer. Most people who are in the 47 percent that are, or will be voting for Romney do not see themselves as part of the 47 percent. So if they do not think they are in that 47 percent then Romney did not say nothing wrong.
I am just wondering where all those people are that were complaining that the left was just trying to bring up class warfare. If Romney's comments weren't class warfare, I would be curious what people that support Romney's comments were. I guess they would just say he is just stating the facts, but he is not really once you start breaking down the numbers.
What also happened to all those people that were complaining about how politicians are just trying to divide the country so they can win elections? Again most of it came from the right about the left, now there is a right wing politician, point blank separating the country. He pretty much just said their is 2 America's one for the upper class and one for the lower class.
The only reason people would defend Romney's comments and actions is if the just really do not care about the country as a whole but rather care about money over the country. I just feel sorry for our children who have to grow up with this type of thinking. If this type of thinking continues, are children are in store for a very rough future.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
24 Sep 12
I agree with you 1000%
This is the definition of class warfare!!!