Don't let them choose ..

@Angelpink (4031)
September 20, 2012 9:48am CST
In a very worst scenario of a separating couples, one said that we should not let kids choose at to whom they would go because it more breaks the kids heart , giving them more trauma and pain.If this is the case then what would be then the best approach so we can not add pain to each and everyone in the family. Spare me your thoughts friends. This is a fragile issue but i guess this needs to be talked as this commonly happening and same mistakes committed by adults involved .
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12 responses
21 Sep 12
I had to respond to this as my parents divorced when i was 8 and the emotional fallout has - until i started to deal with it a few years ago - affected me badly all my life. I was a real "daddy's girl" and longed to stay with my Dad but the choice was made that me and my brother should go and live with my Mum. Looking back - it was the best decision because you cannot see the "bigger picture" as a child. My dad very quickly got together with a new partner who already had 4 children and so i really do not think i would have got my needs met or given sufficient time and attention etc. If the child is a young teenager - i feel that they should be able to make the choice but younger than this - the parents need to be mature enough to come to an amicable arrangement regarding co parenting. It is imperative that BOTH parents reassure that they still love the child/children. I am very close to my Dad but have haunting memories of my brother and i waiting for hours at the window to arrive to pick us up for the weekend (he was always late/unreliable!) and of spending the following week getting increasingly anxious that he wouldn't ring us to arrange to pick us up that coming weekend etc. I drew the conclusion - from his behaviour - that he didn't love/care about me. PLEASE - if you are warring/divorcing parents - consider the emotions of your children. My parents used to say - "oh - they are fine - they have not been affected by our divorce etc" but we were suffering terribly inside and continued to do so for years.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
A very traumatic experienced indeed ! I have learnt from you that though going through that horrible phase in your life still you turn out to be a good child , beautiful soul and a productive individual. So mistakes of our parents and elders are our stepping stone to be a better , worthy individual.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
Indeed , a very traumatic experienced . It so touches me when you said , " as a child you can not see the bigger picture. " Parents always assumed that kids are okay , when they didn't see that inside the kids are breaking. Maybe parents are also in denial stage , can't accept to themselves that children are affected with the break up and have to convince selves that kids will be okay. So sad that children have to undergone such horrible experience. Sometimes it is hard to understand life , some things can't be explained . Some things beyond our control though how much we wanted for such thing. No parents also plan to have a broken family and no kids wishes to be a product of a broken family , all are but victims of time and circumstances . This is just one of the realities of life.
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21 Sep 12
I agree with everything you say. Traumatic experiences that my mum had suffered as a child/teenager subsequently led to her rushing into marriage with my dad and so it kind of turns into a vicious cycle for the children. Until i realised - and then made a conscious decison to not let the past shape my future - i found myself in relationships with men who were carbon copies of my dad in terms of unreliablity/selfishness etc. That is not to say i do not love my dad dearly - i do - but the emotional impact of the way my parent's behaved was very severe and as a young child - you don't reason the situation out with logic - you just draw conclusions such as "my dad doesn't love me", "my needs don't matter", "i'd better be a good girl in case he doesn't want to see me anymore" etc. I have spoken to my dad about how i felt as a child and we both got very upset. I have talked in length to my mum about it because if you carry these feelings from childhood and don't express them in some way - they can literally start to poison you. This doesn't mean that recriminations and "blame" should be involved and i realise that not every child/parent is mature or emotionally equipped enough to embark on this working through process. My most upsetting memory is of sobbing in the car in front of my mum's new partner whilst my mum was in the pawn shop - selling her wedding rings. To me - that act symbolised there truly was no going back and i felt completely powerless in the world. Your parents - when you are small child - ARE your world - as a child - it never occurred to me that parents split up and so when it happened - it literally shattered my sense of emotional security and i felt completely powerless. Add to that the physical changes involved - moving home/changing schools/new step dad (that's a story in itself!)/new step mum/new siblings/money issues etc - it can be a terrible time for children involved and parents really do need to be aware that although they are suffering - they are the grown ups and need to start putting their children's emotional welfare first by reassuring them and talking to them and not just presuming they are "fine". Like you say however - parents are fallible. The world isn't perfect and everyone does what they feel is their best at the time but I am 37 and have no children - and i wonder how much this is to do woth my own childhood? I have spent many years obessing over whether my marriage will last the distance and i can provide what any children i have; need emotionally? It very much angers me when i see parents seemingly being unaware/uncaring of how their actions/behaviour are affecting their children but perhaps this insight can only be gained from having gone through such experiences as a child!
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@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
20 Sep 12
Knowing that their parents no longer want to be together is painful enough for the kids. If the couple could no longer able to resolve their problem and each one would want custody of their child, I think it would be best for the couple to set aside their differences and put the kids as priority. Give each other time to be with the kids. The kids below 7 years old should have the mother's custody but she should also allow her kids to be with their father on weekends, well atleast allow the father to see the kids whenever he wants to.
• United States
21 Sep 12
Why should the mother automatically get custody, especially if the child is under the age of seven years old? What if the father is the better provider, has the most stable living environment and is the more reliable parent, then shouldn't he be the one to have physical custody of the children at least most of the time?
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
If the court proves that the mother is incapable of raising the kids, the father is awarded full custody of the children. now, it is the duscretion of the father if he will let his children be under their mother's care provided that he will provide full support to his children.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Purple , maybe a mother is given that privilege of having the kids custody because for 9 months she bears the baby , this justifies that she is responsible . So from here , authorities coined the idea that she can raise well the child.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I think whenever possible there should be shared custody, more or less, I suppose it may be more stable to have one home which is more 'home' than the other, for more days of the week, month and years, and this should be the more stable person whoc is closest to the children, usually, at the risk of generalizing, this would be the mother, as they usually have the most hands on experience with the children. But, of course some mothers may have problems or dysfunction.. and it would not be good to place children with either parent that is very dysfunctional.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Parents still lies in their hands the future of this kids. Whatever would be the agreement it would be for the betterment of the children. One good thing that could guarantee to produce better kids is the environment where the kids are exposed everyday of their life.
@wendy805 (261)
• China
24 Sep 12
i made a choice , to be with my mom when it happened to me when i was in high school. this really broke my father's heart. he said it had suprised him. but later he understood me. he said it was better for me to be with my mother. he will always love me. he said sorry to me. i felt very bad.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
So hard to be in that situiation but with God's love to you , all just passed out like nothing happened right ? All wounds heal .
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
20 Sep 12
i believe, in the U.S. a child of 12 or more may be asked which parent he/she wishes to live with. The ideal situation in a divorce is that the parents are able to agree on custody and each participate in the childs life. Unfortunately, all too often, this doesn't happen.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
21 Sep 12
That's true. However, the courts, or government as you call it, often make mistakes, and what the court thinks is in the best interest of the child is not always correct. We can only hope that all the facts are submitted and correct before decisions are made.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Yes , but so sad for the government just base everything in the facts , emotions of the children are not considered. Good Morning !
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
The government makes laws that would side to the welfare of a kid. Legal rights and custody are stipulated well.
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
21 Sep 12
This is always a hard decision to make. I have been divorced twice and have had 3 children whom were involved. I agree with some of our fellow lotters, that the most important thing is to have the children feel secure and have a stable home. I also agree that if the child(ren) are old enough, having them at least express their feeling is always helpful. The. Important part is to make sure your children know that you both love them and that it is no their fault. If you do let your child decide then you both need to let them know that you will be fine with whom they choose and that no matter what you will and still love them. My sons chose to live with their dad and I always let them know that they will always have a home here as well. We agreed that if ever the boys want to come live with me they are always welcomed too. My oldest was to young to decide, so her father and I decided on shared physical custody. It was hard when she started attending school, so we let her go with the parent who had more family able to help out. Her father at the time had her for school and we chose to let me have her every weekend during school, all holiday breaks, with the exception of rotating the holdays anbd then all summer long with him having her every other weekend and 1 week for vacation. She is older now and when we felt that she was able to choose whom she wanted to be with we agreed that she could. I get along with both of my exes and so we work it out by trying to coparent. For a while after we divorced we still had a couple of days were we all did things as a family. We wanted to let them know that we still cared for each other andd can be friends, but that as a couple we fought and could not get along. Just so you know it was very hard to do this for me but I did it because of my children. My first divorce was because we grew apart and he kept cheating on me. He was my high school love. My second one was because he cheated on me and fathered another child that I did not know about until I was pregnant with my second child. He also became abusive.I hope this helps you.
@krupar5 (287)
• United States
24 Sep 12
thanks angelpink,for not judging me. many people see that i have 5 different children and 2 divorces under my belt that I am a bad person.. I ignore them because they did not know what i had to go through. i am remarried and this one is a keeper LOL.. people are quick to judge but to me I do not care what they think. i worry what my children think. they know they were created by love and that things do not always go the way we want. as long as they know we all love them and even our extended families do then i do not worry. i know they will grow up to be wonderful people because we made sure they knew we can get along nad that they were never to blamed.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
Krupar , who am i to judge you ? It is never good to judge other people because we have not live their life. We are there in their struggles . We are not there to fill those things that are empty for them. We are not in their shoe to feel all those things that they have undergone. So really we have no right . Better still understand them , give them compassion , we are lucky we are not in their shoes . God bless Krupar . fight more :)
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Krupar , what a great story you got , it happened because it meant to happen. Yes having numerous divorce doesn't mean you are a bad parent , it is just that you are not that lucky enough to have a man tailored really for you . Maybe this is your fate and this is okay . Conceiving the child is already a good deed , a heroic and a saintly deed. So it does not matter now if you are having an intact family or not , the important thing is you are doing your responsibilities to your children.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
20 Sep 12
I understand about this very well. I agree that it really breaks a young heart when asking whom the child wants to go. No child ever wants to see his/her parents separating. No kids ever want to have a broken family. But, in some cases and inevitable situation- the child has to choose between the parents, unless the court will settle this kind of agreement (or disagreement) This is the hardest part of separation- the kids suffers the most. There are always advantages and disadvantages but should be done.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
Life's bitter reality , broken families ! Yes no other people suffers much than the innocent children. Kids nothing wanted in this world but a complete family not minding the other material thing.
• United States
21 Sep 12
I think that the best way to handle this situation is for both parents to act like adults and put the needs of the child(ren) first. I do not think that the children should be asked to choose which parent to live with, because most children cannot handle that sort of thing, even when they think they should be able to do so. Of course, there are exceptions, and knowing your child plays a big part in how you should handle the situation, and it also goes back to being able to be adult enough for both parents to talk and make decisions together based on the circumstances and what is best for the child(ren).
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
200% i am favorable with this idea . Majority of the children can 't handle such sensitive thing , even adult can hardly adjust with this kind of set up. Parents nothing can do but should sit down and discuss wholeheartedly , what's the best option .
@STOUTjodee (3597)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I would think that it would depend on the age of the child in making a decision as to which parent they would want to live with. When I divorced my husband, I figured our boys would be better off with a father figure. My husband had them for a while and decided since he came from an abusive childhood, it would be best for the children to be with their mom so that I could show them love. It turned out that even me raising them on my own, they turned out to be loving ,caring, "manly" men!
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
This is a better arrangement , at least in here the father is accepting his liabilities and conscious as to who is the best who can nurture his child both in physical , emotional , intellectual field.
• Philippines
20 Sep 12
For the sake of ur children set aside your anger u may be feeling so that you can make decision together about the details you'll need to tell ur children. If you dont have this conversation you may end up having it in front of or through your kids,which wouldnt be fair to them.If its extremely difficult with one another consider using the services of mediator or counselor or invite someone you both trust to help you work out the details.,
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
Separation have to happen for the sake of the children. The environment is no longer healthy , violence existed already . Kids must be saved , no way for them to see and grow with such kind of environment , that's why decision must be made. The situation don't have just this petty fights , the situation was alarming already.
@soraya452 (127)
20 Sep 12
This is a very difficult situation to be in for all involved. Concerning if you should let the child/children chose who they want to live with then I would say it depends on their age. If they are under 10 years of age then the decision must be made for them, if they are older then they should be free to make their own decisions.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
So pity , kids are the ones who pays it all. Unfair but this is the sad truth . They were let to choose , things which they don't like to do but no choice for it is part of the process of a separating parents.
@leahn011 (58)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
We're only human being that commit mistakes in life but that mistakes made us as a mature being and learned to be wise in every decisions we make. But sometimes life is too complicated that makes us confused. In your case, this is very sensitive. The mistakes of adults affect the kids' feelings :( For me, you don't have to ask your kids to choose it might hurt you and their feelings. Explain to them time will come they will understand everything and the proper way is to discuss with your husband about the schedule of your kids' time to both of you. But I still hope both of you will get along and everything will be fine again. I know this hard for you and I hope this help.
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Yes open loving communication to the kids are needed in this situation. Anything can be talk with an open mind and heart.