Is It Fair?

Valdosta, Georgia
September 20, 2012 11:31am CST
Picture this, a couple has nothing worth anything for most of their lives, they have young children, they have behind bills, they need a vehicle that can fit them all in, and finally after 8 years of suffering and being broke they now have a little bit of money due to an accident...This couple helps a lot of people and has helped you many times before because that is how they are. The couple only got $30,000 for an accident the husband went through, which he will have to go through pain with the rest of his life for... Would you have the nerve to ask them for $5,000 of it? Do you think it's fair to ask them this? Or do you think this is selfish because you know they will feel bad if they don't give it to you? What are your thoughts?
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31 responses
@iwrite (5034)
• Singapore
20 Sep 12
I see you do feel strongly on this matter, however the couple can still decide if they want to give this $5000 away. Bear in mind $30000 is not a lot of money, you might consider too hospital bills because of accident.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Sep 12
I do feel strongly about it because my husband and I are the couple I am referring to. My family who knows the whole situation about his accident are asking for our money. However, we are trying to get our lives straight and bills paid off with it. I think it was very unfair for them to ask for it...Now we are in a very bad position...
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@iwrite (5034)
• Singapore
20 Sep 12
Perhaps you could explain the situation about the medical cost and all to them. I would think it is unreasonable for them to demand money from you, beside that accident might affect the work, that would mean a loss of income. Unless the family is committed to feed him the rest of his life, I do not them that the could demand of the part of the money.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
21 Sep 12
What? They have a lot of nerve!Your family is asking for the money? For what reason do they think you should give them money? That's crazy!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
20 Sep 12
No, I wouldn't think it would be fair to ask money from them. I'm sure they need every penny of it for themselves. They should refuse to give anyone money if they're not comfortable doing it and don't need an excuse, either.
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
20 Sep 12
If they hate you for taking care of your family first, then they have a problem. I know it's hard to say "no" to parents, but they should understand, even if they don't like it at first.
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@dfollin (25543)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I agree with peavey,they have a problem if the hate you for caring for your kids!I am poor,but I never borrow from my grown kids,they have families to take care of.I am partialy handicapped and I was babysitting.Now that child is in elementary school now.I am having a hard time finding work that I can do with my handicapping conditions. Can your husband get disability?
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Sep 12
Yeah I think it is very unfair for them to ask after they know what our life has been like and now my husband will be lucky if he can find another job because he has to find something he has never done before since he cannot use that hand... =( I just don't know how to tell my parents that we need the money and we cannot help this time. We have helped every other time they needed it even when we were struggling. They are probably going to hate me now...
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
20 Sep 12
I would not, but I know a lot of people who would try to guilt someone out of whatever money they have. Hang on to the settlement girl.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
20 Sep 12
What have they been living off of? If she is old enough for Social Security, why would she not get it? Do you have any brothers and sisters? Are your folks going to pay you back when they do have Social Security? Can they make arrangements with their bills? You are not a bad person.
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Sep 12
Yeah I know people too, my parents. I don't know what to do GG. They are my parents but we have young children and we are trying to better ourselves for them. How can I tell them no when we have helped so much before??? I don't want them to hate me! This is breaking my heart...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Sep 12
This month they owe $550 for their bills so they asked for $5000 to pay bills from now until January when my mother is supposed to be getting social security. It's not even definite that she will get it but their hoping. I don't mind helping them with their bills but $5000 is a LOT of money to us and we still have a lot to do with the money...I hate the position we are in now. I want to help and if we were sure my husband could find a job quick then it would not be an issue but we might have to live off that money to survive... I feel like a really bad person.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Sep 12
There is nothing "fair" or "Unfair" about asking people for money. It is, just what it is. It's asking people for money. The proper answer that everyone has to learn is.... "no." 'No' is the answer everyone must learn. Especially if you are simply not in a position to give money, don't. Of course make sure that you use the money so that you are not in a position to ask for money. Have your emergency fund set aside, in an account for.... emergencies. Because if a family uses all the money to buy a car they really can't afford, the day after the warranty goes out, the exhaust will fall off, and the tire will pop, and transmission crunches. Or even before the warranty goes, your water heater will bust, and the furnace will die, and something else will go boom. Then you'll be sitting there needing help, and people will say "so you didn't give bobby $5,000 when you had it, and now you need $5,000 and too bad for you". So make sure you are taking care of your household wisely. Otherwise, you best give the $5,000 to bobby, so when you need it because you didn't save for emergencies, someone will help you. But it sounds to me like a greater problem is that this couple hasn't gotten a decent job yet. If they have been suffering for 8 years of poverty... man it's time to get to work. Find a job. Earn a real living. You can't sit at home hoping for another $30,000 insurance payout for the rest of your life. That's a great way to be impoverished and end up living in an absolutely scummy government care home when you are too old to work.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
I agree, we do have to learn to say no. That is quite difficult for us. We always feel really bad saying no. We will always put money in savings for that reason, in case there is an emergency. We have helped them plenty of times before. We just have to worry about us this time. We don't know how long my husband will be out of work due to his injuries now. I don't know what your talking about with the job thing. My husband has always worked. He has always taken care of us the best he could, but no they were never amazing paying jobs. He works construction...Or did. He has been out of work because his hand was cut on a saw and he almost completely lost his thumb that had to be sewn back on. He could not even change a diaper with that hand since it was in a cast so I could not work either. Here daycare costs as much as I would make since I don't have a college degree so that was not an option either. No we do not think we are going to get money from somewhere. My husbands accident was the WORST thing that could have possibly happened to us! Not something good... We would give that money back in a heartbeat if it meant my husband would be completely healed. His hand is worth WAY MORE than $30,000!!!!!!!!
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I never meant to imply he was not working, only that he needed to find something better to work. Which it sounds like he has no choice in the matter now. Perhaps there is something you could do from home that would be worth some money. I assume his hand is expected to make a full recovery? Or is that an on-going problem? One thing that has helped me, and I don't know if it will help you, but I always remember 1 Timothy 5:8 "If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." And then I just say that I'm not going to deny the faith, and that I intend to provide for my family first, and that's how it is. It's easier for me to say 'no' after I say that to them, because the next answer is "why do you want me to deny the faith and be worse than an unbeliever?" This even works on non-christian people because most people will respect you for standing for what you believe. Not all... but most.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Sep 12
My parents are believers so I should read them that verse. I bet that would shock them and shut them up! Lol. His hand will forever be messed up and he will forever be in pain. He will still work just to take care of us but he will be in pain every single day from it. The doctor told him he will have to work with one hand...
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@BigMoney25 (1286)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
I will not even dare to ask for $5000 considering they have kids, these amount of money is important maybe they can use it for their children's education so nope I'd rather work for my own money. And also this family needs to help themselves first before helping others because they are getting poor because they tend to spend money to help others and thats not how things are supposed to be. You want to help others? Help yourself first, selfishness is a virtue and you can work hard and earn plenty of cash by being selfish so that you can use this money to help others when you are already rich.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
I agree I would never ask for it either. Unfortunately we were asked for it by people. We might have to live off of it for a while because of my husbands injuries. We don't know how long it will take him to find a job.
20 Sep 12
If the person asking for the money knew the background and what the family have gone through then I think it would be pretty cruel to ask them for it. After all the $30,000,although it sounds a lot, has been deemed as their compensation for an accident. It is not a handout or a lottery win. As you state, the husband's injuries/emotional scars look like they will be with him for life so the $30,000 will be needed especially if job opportunities have been limited as a result of the accident. If the person is asking for the money knows that they will feel obligated then that is just evil scheming.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
21 Sep 12
LovingMyBabies, I agree with rjshultz,you need to stand up to them.Tell them that you have helped them before and that it could also cause you trouble using it for other purposes then it was intended for.It is money from a law suit,not a lottery winnings.That would be illegal and it's imoral on their part to even ask you! I know someone who was given money in a lawsuit for a medical issue and they used part of the funds on other things then what they had gone to court for.Someone found out and told the people they suited and they took them back to court and they are in debt to those people. I'm sorry,but your parents aren't thinking much of their grandkids!
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Sep 12
Yes they do know the background of the situation since they are family. They know all of what we have been through and still had the nerve to ask us for money! We have helped many times even when we didn't have enough for ourselves. But in this situation I think it was very unfair for them to ask. We are finally trying to get our life better for our children. The people that asked have grown children, not little ones anymore. It just isn't fair to us... Now I have to deal with telling my own parents we just cannot help them this time and I hate doing it but we have so much that needs to be done with the money. It is breaking my heart thinking about it. My husband will have to find a completely different job than he has ever done before and we are praying he will be able to find a job now...
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20 Sep 12
I know it's difficult where family are concerned and especially now that you have revealed that it is your own family that is in this dilemma. However, if the family members asking for money have grown children then they should be taught the value of money -can they not get work? It sounds like your husband's work options have been limited, so they should also be made to realise this. In the big scheme of things $30,000 is not a lot of money if it is to help sustain you through the rest of your lives. I know it is easier said than done, but you need to bite the bullet and stand up to them in a calm, pragmatic way. For them to think that you will hand the money over as you have done before when less well off is horribly presumptive and unjust of them. I would make clear that £30,000 is there as an insurance for yourself and your husband (especially given his more limited job opportunities).I would also re-iterate the fact that it is for your children's future. You can not afford to beat yourself up about this. If they don't like it,then tough! If they really loved you they would understand. The only compromise I can think of is if you were to loan the sum to them -but,and I do not wish to insult your extended family, I get the feeling that you will not see a return for a while. I do hope that you are able to resolve this matter - you could do worse than show them these posts on Mylot - you have protected their identity but at least they could see that the general consensus of opinion is overwhelmingly in support of YOU and the fact that you should not give them the money.
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
21 Sep 12
I would hate to do that.. The unfortunate couple is going to require that money for their living.. Moreover, you said that the man is going to be disabled.. I'll do it, if I Have to... But I'll make sure that I return it to them as soon as possible... And moreover, I'll take care of the couple and their problems all my life... They'll have helped me in my worst circumstances, and I'll return it by being grateful and helpful to them for all my life... Good Luck to you dear....
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
23 Sep 12
Oh dear God... I'm sorry to hear about your husband, my friend.. May God bless him with good health as soon as possible... Reviewing the situation, I'd say don't give any money to anyone.. Are you working somewhere? Now, you'll need to take the responsibility and find a job... Its not just you two.. You've 3 kids to look after.. Good Luck dear.. Let us know if we could be of any help... May God protect you and bless you...
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
Yes my husband will be disabled for the rest of his life because of this accident. We don't know if he will find a job again and he cannot get disability because he worked off the books... We have helped them before, plenty of times but this time we have to take care of our 3 children and worry about their future. We might have to live on that money to get us through...
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Sep 12
Thank you. Hopefully he will find a job that he can do even with his disability. No I am not working and I cannot work since I am Home Schooling our daughter. My husband will have to find a job in a different field. He will do it, he is determined to take care of us... God Bless you too! =)
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
28 Sep 12
It would be so wrong to ask them for even 50 cents. This couple need that money and it would be wrong for them to start giving it away. They need to start thinking of themselves first, especially in this situation. These people doing the asking are the scum of the earth. They expect to be given the money without doing anything to get it. That's just wrong. They are plain greedy. The poor family owe it to themselves to look after themselves. They are in no position to continue to deprive their family of what they need. Notice I said "need" not "want". I have a friend who gives and gives in spite of having nothing of any worth and owing money everywhere. I'm trying to convince him that he should not let people use him and take advantage of him. It's okay to help people who genuinely need help but it's wrong to let people use and abuse him and take advantage of his kind nature. He is letting greedy, selfish people do the wrong thing. These awful people make fun of him (he is autistic) and have no respect for him. I try to tell him that saying no helps his self respect. Sadly, I think he thinks that doing what people want makes them like him. The other thing is, he struggles every day and sometimes even has no food. I help him out there but the point I'm making is that when he needs help, no-one helps him. It's gotta be a two way street.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Oct 12
Asking you for that money was just they were entitled to it or something. It's not like you won the bloody lottery!!...even if that was the case they are still not entitled to anything. It's not that huge an amount even. If I were you I would be so disgusted. I would cut ties with them for a l o n g time, till I had cooled down and was prepared to forgive them. I'm proud of you for taking a stand against his folks.
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Oct 12
Yeah, we didn't end up doing it. We told my parents we just could not do it right now. We have to worry about our children and we have tons of bills to catch up on! We have only done things we really needed, pay off bills, get a vehicle for our family to fit in, etc... My husband and I are very guilty of letting people use us and abuse us. Now we are trying to be stronger and only give when we have it and when someone really needs it. Right, same thing here with us. When we need help no one is to be found! For example, for a while our AC was broke when it was the hottest part of the summer. Not one person offered to help pay for a window unit, no one offered for us to stay at their house for a little bit until it got fixed...NOTHING. No help at all. But then they ask us for that amount of money!!! REALLY?!?
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• United States
22 Sep 12
Tell the B!tch no! Especially if it is the same person who looks down on you Before the money! I don't think it is not fair , I Know it is!You two are great people and you deserve to Finally have something for yourselves. Do Not let anyone use guilt to make you spend money on them!
• United States
22 Sep 12
That's my girl! How dare they not respect you and Hubby! I wouldn't speak to them. yet alone help them out! You have to give respect to get it!
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
No, not the same person. It is actually my parents I am talking about this time. Lol. But they have looked down on us from day one too. We have helped them plenty of times before but this time we just can't. We might have to live on that money for a while because we don't know how long it will take him to find another job with his injuries! We have 3 children to worry about, they have grown children now. They should be selling all of their things that are not needed to pay their bills. They just don't want to, they would rather us get them out of their situation. Well, this time we just can't do it!
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
20 Sep 12
I read that this couple is you and your husband and my take on it is, it is not fair for anyone to ask you for money, but if you feel strongly that you want to bless someone with this money, that is your choice.
• United States
23 Sep 12
So what are you going to do? Have you decided yet?
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
I don't think it is fair either. We don't mind helping people but we don't need to feel guilty about it either when we can't. We need to worry about our own family and our children, but some people don't see it that way I guess...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
23 Sep 12
My husband and I both agree that we just cannot do it this time. They might not like us for a while but that is better than struggling...again. I would rather take care of my family now than keep supporting two grown adults who should be able to take care of themselves! That came out a little more harsh than I intended but it is the truth.
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• United States
20 Sep 12
Oh my gosh LMB, that's just putting you between a rock and a hard spot. I can't believe they asked you for that amount of money..that's a WHOLE LOT! I read the response from GG and you. I'm going to ask the same question too. Why is it not clear if she's going to get SS or not? And you mentioned that they have borrowed before from you...has it all been paid back? My stomach is in a knot just listening to all this and I can imagine that's how you feel too.
• United States
22 Sep 12
I just read your answer here to GG......."They have 2 vehicles, one of which they can and should sell in my opinion since neither of them are working. They have a few computers and a nikon camera that they could be selling and if worse came to worse they could rent out their house and live in a smaller one because they really don't need a 4 bedroom house..." I didn't really want to pry but was going to ask you what their situation was and seeing this is the answer I was looking for, my only advice to you is quite simple and direct. "No," I would not give them the money under those circumstances and it was very, very wrong of them to even ask you. I'm really amazed at this and you are very correct in saying that they should sell a few things..for sure. I would just tell them the money is accounted for and you have nothing extra. When I lost my job a few years back I sold all my precious little treasured collectibles and jewelry to keep myself above water, and I cried my eyes out. I had to sell my car because I couldn't afford the insurance anymore. There is a lot more to this story but that's enough that I want to remember. You do what you have to do and I did that.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
Yeah, there are things they can do and just don't want to. They do not need these things yet they choose to keep them and struggle... It makes me wonder sometimes why I feel so bad. I know there are things they could be doing to help themselves. They have a 2 story, 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom house that they could be renting out and they can live in a smaller house for now...At least until they catch up in their life... This is why my siblings will not help them at all. My parents know we have always helped before so they think we will do it again. This time is different though. We have to think of ourselves for once. We don't know how long it will take my husband to find work and we might have to live on that money ourselves. We have always struggled and for once we want to better our lives...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
Yes, it has put me in a very difficult spot and has caused me so many days of stress! It is disability, I think I put the wrong thing but the first time she applied for it they said she was not disabled enough to get it. I don't know... Every other time we have helped we gave it to them, it was a gift not to be paid back. This time they said they would pay it back to us but I don't really know that and I am worried that it will take my husband a while to find a job now so we might have to live off the money ourselves. We have 3 young children to worry about and take care of. My stomach has been in a knot for days now!! =( I cannot stand it... I wish they never asked to be honest.
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@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
20 Sep 12
I heard a saying once that there are two kinds of people in this world: the dumb and the cunning. The later take whatever thgey can from the dumb. You are right: it is about having the nerve. But the couple should learn to say no. Both have their share of the wrong.
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
27 Sep 12
THere is a saying in my country that charity begings at home. I don`t mean that we should have a hard heart for other people`s needs, but we have to make a compromise. Some people expect to live out of the work of others. I am not interested in helping those as I try to help hard working people who, for whatever reasons, can`t make ends meet at some time.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
Yeah, we have been dumb in the past for helping so many people. But, at least we can sleep at night knowing we have done our best to be good and helpful people...
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I know how that feels. I recently got some money and the evil ex is looking to take all of it. I think they should not ask for that money. That is considered sacred money. Needed money. Do not give up any of that money. I know, I have what I have and I basically use it for needed things and my children. Nothing else. 5,000 is a lot of money to people that do not have money. my answer is a big fat NO. Do not give it away.
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
5 Oct 12
I know dealing with parents can be hard. And besides, our parents are supposed to be there to help us not take from us. My girl friend deals with that situation with her mother and her brother. They always look to her for money and favors. But you and your husband need that money, so keep it, use it for your children and I hope he finds a job real soon.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
Geez, you do know how we feel then since your going through it too. It is my parents that are doing this and I just think it is so unfair to put us in this situation... It is making me feel terrible but we really need it for us. We need to take care of our children and we will probably have to live off the money as well until my husband can find another job... It is tough.
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• Indonesia
21 Sep 12
Anyone who would like to ask $5,000 from the couple is the one who does not know shame. if the couple had helped him/her several times in the past He/she should be ashamed of the couple because he/she can not help them when they were having trouble. Anyway, what is his/her rights to that $5000? he/she has no right to ask anything of them.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
We have helped many times before but they are asking again and we feel bad having to say no this time. We have to worry about ourselves and our kids...
• Indonesia
23 Sep 12
whoever they are,, you should take care yourself and your family 1st dear,,, tell them that your husband need medication that will cost money and you don'r have enough money to give to them. They should know that they can not depend on your help whole the time.
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I would not ask and I would do whatever I could to help them... but that's just me.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
I absolutely agree with you...But some people don't have the same mind set I suppose as we do.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I would not ask them for a penny. I'm sure they need it all.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
I agree with you. I would not ask for it either...
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
25 Sep 12
I guess a few people have sniffed out that you're coming into money, and can't see the big picture. All they see is that you ARE getting money, and not see it isn't even enough for your family. I think it's not fair. Maybe they're good for it, and they would pay it off immediately, then maybe. Just maybe.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Sep 12
Your right, they see us getting money, not what we have been through and what we still have to face ahead... I don't think it was fair either! =( I doubt they would pay it back right away, only because they don't even know if she is definitely getting disability. If she didn't we would never get the $5,000 back...
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
25 Sep 12
I would never ask $5000 from that couple. I mean, why should I demand that they give me such amount? I need to find my own money and work hard for it. Just because they're getting $30000 without a job doesn't mean no sacrifices were made. The man was in an accident for God's sake. It would be very shameful to ask money from the.
• Valdosta, Georgia
28 Sep 12
I agree with you and I would never ask for it either, especially knowing all that they have been through and all they still have to face ahead of them! I think it is unfair and rude...
• India
28 Sep 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about the couples suffering, really it is not a good thing to ask money from this kind of victims. Already they suffered a lot and got the money due to their pains, they don't have the ability to work more and they are in need to live with this money, so it is not a humanity to ask money from this kind of persons
• Valdosta, Georgia
2 Oct 12
Thank you and I agree, no one should have asked us for that kind of money. We need it for our family to take care of our children...
@maorzh (21)
• China
21 Sep 12
It's quite unconsiderate for them to ask you for the money.Considering your situation,your husband's treatment and your children,the money is important to your family and not enven enough.So you have to be strong to reject them.You dont need to feel bad about it because it is the right thing to do.Just make clear your reason and if they dont understand,it is their fault.
• Valdosta, Georgia
22 Sep 12
Yeah it was unfair to me that they asked us for it. They know we will feel bad if we don't help but we just can't this time. We don't know how long my husband will be out of work because of his injury. Yeah, if they don't understand or they get mad oh well. There is nothing we can do this time. We have to help ourselves first...