Obama AGAIN apololizing for our freedoms!

@laglen (19759)
United States
September 21, 2012 5:18am CST
$70,000 being spent on apology ads in Pakistan. Of course these ads are Obama and Hilary saying that they did not endorse nor agree with the video that is causing all of this hulabalu. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/20/state-department-spending-70g-on-pakistan-ads-denouncing-anti-islam-film/ I think a better ad would be this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHp7sMqPL0g&feature=related or even this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBBTF0Wg7dY&feature=related tell me what you think
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7 responses
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I fully believe that this is damage control in a bad situation. It is not apologizing for our freedoms, but apologizing for some idiots bad choice in judgment. Yes, we have freedom of speech, press, etc. However, we also have limitations on those. An example is that you can't yell fire in a movie theater nor can you scream bomb on an airplane. Should you do either of those people react and people can be killed in a mass panic. While most people (right wing as far as I know) will want to go to war, there are diplomatic solutions to this kind of situation. Now, we could go to war, put the country in more debt, kill many more of our young men and women, and the list goes on. He is apologizing in good taste at that. Why? Because at this point people are believing that Americans are nothing more than hypocritical, whining, war hungry, children. In this country, people claim to have religious tolerance and that was not what was shown in that film. We are supposedly keeping our men and women in these areas to help them achieve more freedoms and then we look like hypocrites for the actions of a few. It is better for the people of America to have a leader willing to not only admit that the movie was wrong, but to express again and again that not everyone has that fear mindset and there are actually good people here. If nothing more, while I am not an Obama supporter, I think he handled the situation fairly well as to where the other presidential candidate may have sent more of our men and women to die and outright declared war.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
21 Sep 12
Your analogy is flawed. Yelling "Fire" in a movie theater is illegal because it takes into account the response and reaction of the reasonably prudent man. It is reasonable for people to try to get out of a movie theater that is on fire. That is self-preservation. Yelling "Fire" is not an insult to the moviegoers, it is an attempt to create a situation that endangers their lives. Insulting Mohammed does not endanger the life of Mohammed, nor any of his followers. You are insulting all Muslims yourself by saying they are uncivilized people with no self-control who can't help themselves, they have to riot and kill if you insult their religion. Either that, or you're scared. I notice that you post in religion now and again and have called many religions corrupt and strenuously disagreed with the tenets of Christianity at times. But you don't feel that it's wrong to disrespect the beliefs of Christians. I can only assume it's because you don't fear they will kill you if you do. The movie was dumb, but it's not wrong. It's free speech. Free speech allows people to burn the US Flag and the Bible and to tell Christians that their God doesn't exist and all sorts of other things. All of those are disrespectful to someone, the difference is that no one is afraid of violence if they express those opinions. Blaming Americans for exercising free speech is cowardly. You intimate that someone has suggested we go to war. No one has, but we don't have to go to war. They are already at war with us. We were not in Afghanistan prior to September 11,2001 and that act of war was not in retaliation for a movie, but it was rooted in their hatred of our freedoms.
@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
21 Sep 12
What the hell? Ugh... this is why I stopped posting in the politics sections. You people tend to read and twist things to somehow work in your minds. There is nothing wrong with apologizing to the people who were not involved for a terrible movie that depicted their religion horribly. Is there no one with common sense and decency left in this country?! I am not condoning the violence done by a few and it isn't our country. Punishing people responsible is all this country should be doing NOT everyone over there JUST the people responsible. Link the video if there is a full length non-media cut video that you can find. It also can not be from Fox News. No one is giving up their rights because they apologized. As for Constitutional Rights we give those up every time we elect idiots to Congress. I am not giving up any rights. I just believe it was a good call to apologize rather than put the country in more debt with more war. Sorry if common sense and decency is lost on you people.
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@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
21 Sep 12
Also nearly anything is legal here if you have enough money, power, and connections to back you. Is that wrong? Very much so. Will it ever change? Not likely. So if a group of Christians decided to kill someone, they could probably use the power of the church, any donation money for a good lawyer, and people like you to tell them that their actions were completely justified. One thing I didn't hear you disagree with, is that it was wrong for those Christians to attack me. I know every Christian isn't psychotic, but alas most of the fanatics are. However, by seemingly condoning violence by Christians and hating violence by another group... it is plainly and simply hypocritical.
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@crossbones27 (50176)
• Mojave, California
21 Sep 12
I guess many on the right just want us to be at war with everyone. Just consder the source, Hannity and Palin would make the worse diplomats ever.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
21 Sep 12
so you believe that Obama should run around appeasing terrorists?
• Mojave, California
21 Sep 12
How's he appeasing terrorists? He is just doing damage control because ignorant people use their brawn instead of their brain. Which is putting many of are troops in harms way. Do you really think all this tough talk that Fox News and many of are leaders who never served in the military actually helps these situations? Its easy for people over here to sit in their luxurious life instigating crap, when 1 percent of the population is doing all the protecting, so idiots can make stupid comments about stuff they do not know what they are talking about. Putting the people who are making the true sacrifices for their country in more danger. That sh!t needs to stop!!!
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I understand your point but we do still have that freedom. The men and women overseas protecting us, God Bless them, are trying to help these countries. These attacks have nothing to do with this stupid movie. It is about terrorism. It is about the Muslim brotherhood and their desire to take over the Middle East. It is about this group not wanting us in there to spread democracy. It is about control in the name of their messiah. So when I say Obama is trying to appease terrorists, that is exactly what he is doing.
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@moneymaka (492)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I don't see why Obama is wasting his time apologizing after Americans were attacked on 9/11/2012 by the same people who attacked us on 9/11/2001. You can't blame the movie or the idiot that made it since the film has been out for months but the attack was planned. Sadly the terrorist will always use this film and the cartoons made by the French mag as a excuse to attack someone and kill them. Doesn't make it OK to take a human life just because you're upset over a movie.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
21 Sep 12
Very well said. The apologists are afraid. What they don't realize is that they make the enemy stronger by that fear.
@moneymaka (492)
• United States
23 Sep 12
This is why Netanyahu is siding with Mitt Romney. I really think Isreal can persuade Romney to attack Iran if he was president. I get the feeling that Romney will just be as dangerous as Bush if he was president.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
25 Sep 12
Do you not think Israel should be an ally? Do you agree that they should be "wiped out"
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Sep 12
I'm not as upset over this. Anyone in office would apologize over this incident. Islamic countries have no concept of freedom, even now. In their world, the government always has direct control over the public. Everything that happens in an Islamic culture is directly connected to government and religion. The two are inseparable to Islamic thinking. Thus, when you take people of that world view, and have them look at America, they see things very differently than we do. To them, this cheezy ultra-low-budget film is the fault of Obama. He's in charge, and he has the power to stop it or cause it. Now of course we know that Obama had nothing to do with the film, and there is nothing he could have done to prevent its creation. But again, they don't get that. The person in charge, is in charge of everything. If you remember that nut case in Florida who planned to burn the Quran, many Muslims were quoted as asking why Obama didn't just stop him? In their thinking, the person at the top has total control. So equally, with that world view, when Obama doesn't stop it, they consider him personally responsible for it happening. To the point: I only complain about things that would be different if someone else were in the office. If it's something that would happen no matter who was elected, then there's no point in complaining about it. I don't care who you put in office, they would apologize for this. Bush, Cheney, McCain, Al Gore, Clinton, Ronald Reagan even, anyone in that office, when all this happened, would apologize. So not a big deal in my mind.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
26 Sep 12
hhm I will think on that. On its surface, I am not sure I agree. But I will put thought into it.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
25 Sep 12
You have to remember, Islam, the name itself, means submission. They have no concept of Freedom. And especially from the president, any attempt to 'educate them on freedom of speech" would simply be viewed as an attempt to justify attacking their faith. I would suggest the best possible wait to talk to Islamists about freedom, would have to come from the ground up. Person to person, people to people. It can't come from the top, because the Islamic faith teaches that non-believers will try to enforce themselves on Islamists. Obama going over and preaching at them about free speech, would merely justify their views in their own minds. It's got to come from ground up mission trips, and I'd suggest even more so, from Westernized people from the Middle east, which can show those in the Middle east the value of freedom. Our leadership should at best, say only what is minimally required to defuse any potential issue, and otherwise stay out of it. So, as odd as it sounds, I think Obama did what he had to do, and there really wasn't a better option.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Sep 12
http://www.politicalislam.com/blog/you-can-never-awaken-a-man-who-is/ The idea that we should not blaspheme Islam, Mohammed or Allah is pure Sharia and the position of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation). It seems that none of the establishment experts have the foggiest idea of what Sharia blasphemy entails. Not believing that Mohammed is the prophet of Allah, that a woman is a second class citizen, that jihad is part of Islam is all blasphemy. Critical thought is blasphemy. The Golden Rule is blasphemy. Any well-founded religion can survive blasphemy, except Islam, and that is the reason it is forbidden. But the worst part of this travesty is the refrain from Obama and Hillary that we should subvert our freedom of speech to the demands of the Sharia. The Sharia is Allah’s law and our Constitution is a document of ignorance to be removed from the world. So say the imams and Obama and Hillary. And now for the last tired response from the apologists: those violent people are an extremist fringe. NO! The mobs are main-line Islam. You can awaken a man who is asleep, but you will never awaken a man who is pretending to be asleep. That is the reason that we find our experts in the government, media, education and the pulpits to be such dhimmis. They have refused to learn a single thing about Islamic doctrine and history since 9/11. But, cheer up! When the dhimmis write about the beauty of Islam and how the Kafirs are wrong, read the comments. You will find that the common man knows far, far more about Islam than the experts. The higher you go, the less they know.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
22 Sep 12
Pretty scary looking into our future. I watched Obamas America 2016 this morning,. Very disturbing.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
21 Sep 12
So every time the toddler throws a tantrum, he should be given a lollipop as reward... Our foreign policy makes me sick. Somehow, after four years of butt-kissing, sheik-bowing, begging, apologizing and sucking up to these Middle Eastern countries, Obama still hasn't figured out that they don't hate us less and they still haven't embraced Emily Post's book of Etiquette. That this administration would apologize for free speech is close to treason. That they think it will work is close to idiocy.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I agree. Our foreign policy just seems to get worse and worse. This jeopardizes our safety. Attacking our embassies are a direct attack on our country.