is love your priority in life?

cute love^^ - boy and girl happy in love^^
September 21, 2012 8:06am CST
hi guys i was wondering.. is love your priority in life? for so many people work is their priority. and sure we spend much part of our time working. but is love your priority? or is it work? or any other thing? for me love is my first priority. i always try to take time to be with the guy i love. this when i have a bf sure^^ what about you guys? is love your priority? please share
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35 responses
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
22 Sep 12
Loneliness? - This guy (actually crh a few years ago now) can come if we don't make one-to-one love a priority.
I guess it depends how one defines love. Love has certainly been a driving force for me. When I was young, I was very romantic, and to this day I consider myself to be a very romantic and sentimental person. What I love is very important to of God, love of family, love of friends, love of country. And as a singer and songwriter, one of the main reasons I was drawn to music was out of love, not just love of music (I love music like most of us) but romantic love. Of course I am speaking of love in general: I apologise. Even work can be described as love: love of work. Where you are referring to individual, personal, one to one love. I think for a lot of guys, this kind of love is something that becomes more and more appreciated with maturity of years. A lot of young guys channel their passion into all sorts of areas, personal love being one of them. But as they get older, they realise how precious this area is: to neglect it is to run the risk of having sorrows and regrets. Way I see should be a priority from the get-go.
• United Kingdom
22 Sep 12
Hi :), yes I am a singer and songwriter, I write different kinds of songs, but mainly romantic songs. Yes I am a great romantic, and always have been. I think guys realise when they are older how important love is: sometimes perhaps with regret and sorrow. Everyone should realise it when young...or risk many tears. Yes for me love is a priority.
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• United States
22 Sep 12
It is never too late to make love a priority. Sweetlove the guy for you will put you and your happines on the top of his list. He is out there! Carl, you romantic songs are the best. I can still remember when you let me listen . Thanks Love.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
you are a singer and a songwriter? what type of songs do you sing? im happy that you say you are romantic. its rare to see romantic guys nowadays. i think that now guys act a bit careless to their gfs. i say this bcs all guys i liked i always never felt as a priority in their lives. i just wanted that they could everyday appreciate me for who i am. anyway im happy that for you love is a priority^^
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• United States
22 Sep 12
Hi! Sure it is as everyone needs time and I think one of the best ways is to enjoy the hobbies they enjoy. It's a great way to connect and who knows--could lead to other interests enjoyed by both as well!
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
yes. in love you should always spend time with your lover when you have a bit of free time. do things together is a good way to bond and love each other more. you gave a nice answer. im happy that you value your loved one. have a happy weekend and thanks so much for your sweet reply^^
• United States
22 Sep 12
Lol! Thank you kindly! Happily for my husband and for me, it was relatively easy to establish this pattern; we seemed to know when to give each other space and when we would need to be together. I'm glad for him as many don't get a second chance to do the right thing. I did and I am eternally long as his jokes are left out in left field. :-)
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• Portugal
23 Sep 12
you gave him a second chance? so it means he cheated on you? i wish not. im happy that he is being sweet to you. you say something about his jokes being left aside. you say this why? does he joke sometimes in a bad way? i think that sometimes people that joke too much dont understand that some things they say hurts us. im happy that your hubby is sweet to you now^^
• United States
22 Sep 12
For most of my life i thought love wasn't meant for me. At least not romantic love.And I Never thought about what I wanted to do in the future so it was school and home. When I finished school it was work and home. Now that a guy Loves me and I love him, love is a priority. His happiness is just as important as my own. I guess those who say work is their top priority haven't found love.But it is ok , just as long as they are happy.
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• United States
23 Sep 12
I am not married to my guy. I believe in love but not marriage. I feel so lucky. I hope you will find your love . Never give up hope.
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• Portugal
25 Sep 12
oh its ok sarah if you are not married. what really is important is that you love each other^^ being married doesnt really say that a couple is in love. many couples marry and then they get divorced bcs their love wasnt strong. so keep being happy with him and thanks for your support sarah. im not giving up. i will just wait for the right guy to come.
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• Portugal
23 Sep 12
so sad that you thought all your life that love wasnt meant for you. everyone has a special someone out there. im happy you found your special guy. i wish i find mine too. im happy that your hubby's happiness is as important as your own. i think thats a true love
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• Philippines
21 Sep 12
I am already married. My family is my first priority and the next one is my job. We shoud know what to prioritize. For some, love first. Especially when they don't need their job that much. LOL. Happy mylotting.
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• Philippines
25 Sep 12
I am working for my family. Yes, sometimes I guess we have to sacrifice our family just to earn money. That's really sad.
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• Portugal
25 Sep 12
yes karah. i just wish we all could have a good job and live happy with it. bcs most part of people just work so hard. and dont really have time for fun. i think we all should have to work for like 15 years and then we could retire. i mean everyday new people are born right? so work for 15 years i guess is a long time already. would be good if life was a bit easier.
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• Portugal
21 Sep 12
i guess only rich ones dont need their job that much but im happy that for you your priority is your family and just then your job. bcs for some people they always do the opposite and end up forgetting their family. im glad you always care for family first^^
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Sep 12
Yes, but 'love' is not "making sure that my girlfriend likes me." I do unto all others as I would have them do unto me, and if they don't like that (as a lot of people wouldn't) then that's unfortunate. Hopefully I'll meet a gal who likes that so much as to bring herself somewhere where I can 'do unto her' more-often. But if I don't, I still "gotta be me!"
• Portugal
23 Sep 12
sure you will find a girl that likes you for who you are. we all have someone special waiting for us^^ soon you will find her. and dont forget to make of her your first priority. dont forget that^^
• Portugal
25 Sep 12
i guess you are right when you say that your priorities and hers have to be the same. that is how a relationship must be. if for you your priority is work and hers is you then it wouldnt work. both have to work for the same purpose. about having kids i guess that must be a mutual decision. it isnt good when the woman agrees with it just to please her man.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
24 Sep 12
Yes ... well, kind of. I'll need to make sure that my first priority is THE SAME AS her first priority---our mission-from-God (something under the guidelines of "be fruitful & multiply & subdue the Earth & fulfill it," but that could mean anything from 'having children & raising them right' to 'do our job with such skill that we become supreme examples to all other professionals of how our job is done right'). When we marry, my first priority will become 'making sure she's working on the "be fruitful & multiply & subdue the Earth & fulfill it"-mission,' as her first priority will become 'making sure I'M working on it too.'
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@zjnbsxs (47)
• China
22 Sep 12
In my opinion,love is most important.We all need love can't hard to work
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
im happy that for you love is the most important thing. i agree with it. love is very important and we should always make of it a priority. we all need it so life can be easier ^^ do you have a loved one already? if you have show her her value everyday.
• Portugal
25 Sep 12
thats cute^^ are you still with her now? its good that you and her are happy together. im 22 and i dont have a bf right now. but i wish soon i have it. its always better to have a bf while we are young. so we can make plans like marry and have kids. i dont want to be alone when im 30.
• China
24 Sep 12
i loved a girl when i aged 20,she likes me very much.we have a loved life
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@alienstar (5142)
• India
25 Sep 12
Love is life and love should not be misunderstood here as love can be between husband and wife, brother and sister, student and teacher etc.Love is global and unless you love, you won't live in this world,We have to face the world with love. Many people misunderstand love and think that it is only for boy and a girl which is absolutely wrong. There can be love between pets also and we do love our nature, god, friends etc When we think of all these we will all know that without love, we just cannot be satisfied in this wonderful world.
• Portugal
28 Sep 12
yes we need love to be happy^^ love happens between many things. its not just between a boy and a girl. love is life thats true. without love for sure we cant be happy. love is all we need to be happy right?^^ thanks so much.
• United States
21 Sep 12
My family is my priority, and since I love my family, I guess that you could say that love is indeed my priority. On the other hand, just because they are my priority that does not mean that I can neglect other aspects of my life, especially since balance in life is the best, although it is very difficult to achieve. Balance in life allows a person to focus more on his or her priority without having to worry that another aspect of his or her life will be neglected, which could actually negatively impact his or her priority in life. For example, spending too much time with family and neglecting work could result in an overload of work and stress or worse ... a person could get fired and not be able to financially provide for the family.
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• United States
24 Sep 12
I definitely agree with you, and I think that love/family should always be the priority. However, there are people that value work over family or love, and these people also have a valid point, especially since some of them are doing work that saves lives and has a great positive impact on society. Nobody is right or wrong for choosing one priority over another, because it depends upon what is most important to each individual. However, we all have to realize that our choices do have consequences, and we need to be able to accept those consequences when we make our choices.
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• Portugal
25 Sep 12
yes you are right about some people choose work bcs they are saving lives. like urgencies doctors ^^ i understand. sure they love what they do. and their job is really admirable. but i guess they never have much time to spend with their family. they have a good heart for saving so many people but i guess their lives are a bit sad. bcs they can be paged anytime. i guess they are just totally free when they are retired. and you need to have a strong lover that is able to support your life choice.
• Portugal
22 Sep 12
sure that you should balance things^^ we all need to work to live. i just mean that even if we get busy with work we should still give value to our loved ones. bcs i see people saying many times im busy sorry i cant meet you today. or excuses like that. and i think that once in awhile it can be acceptable. bcs its normal we feel tired of work. but if you do that often your lover will get tired and maybe leave you. i just mean that love should always be a priority^^
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@knicnax (2232)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
I believe that love is the human driver. People work because of love. It may be love for your family, love for yourself, love for what you are doing. but still, it's love. Love is one of my top priorities in life. But mostly, I want to be happy, and love is the one thing that makes me happy. Love for God, love for family, love for my bf, love for my friends.
@knicnax (2232)
• Philippines
21 Sep 12
You're right. It's really sad. AT first these people meant well. They work hard to provide more for their families, but in the end they get too absorbed that they forget that having a financially stable life isn't the most important thing. It's having the people you love around you, and having fun together
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• Portugal
21 Sep 12
yes thats so sad. cause many couples get separated cause of it. love starts to fade away. i guess its not the person's fault sometimes. bcs some bosses are really strict and want the person to always work till late and stuff. and they dont leave the job bcs is so hard to find one these days. anyway i wish we all can have a happy life.
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• Portugal
21 Sep 12
yes ^^ love is the biggest priority we should have in our lives. i just think that sometimes people get too busy with their jobs and leave important things behind. i see many families that are breaking apart bcs the husband is always working and dont give time to them. i think that we should work much but we should always take even one minute to say to those we love how much they mean to us.
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@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
22 Sep 12
My priority at all times are my kids; they come first. I don't prioritize love and have no favorites. My grand kids are my jewels and so are my kids. Work comes second.
• Portugal
22 Sep 12
its good that your kids are first. i think the most important is husband and kids and our mother sure^^ im happy that your grandkids are so important too. work should always come in second place for everyone. bcs without love from family even if you have an amazing job it wont replace the lack of love from family.
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• Portugal
23 Sep 12
we should value our family always first. without them our life will be meaningless. if you dont have a good family to support you and help then your life wont be good. thats why we are alive. to be happy. if it is to be unhappy the better is not to live at all.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
22 Sep 12
That is certainly the truth. God first, family second.
22 Sep 12
Certainly love is priority in my life. However, love cannot always be expressed due to our involvements in work, business and other things. So people might misunderstand that we are not keen on love. Also to live well and meaningfully we need money and we can earn money by working hard but without love and working hard there is no charm in life.
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
22 Sep 12
Yes we need to work to get money and we need love to get charm. Very nicely said, I like it A combination of both is required in everybody's life. One is a lazy person without work and one is alone without love. So in order to avoid laziness & loneliness one has to fall in love and do work. We can't prioritize both in our live simultaneously but yes one after the other whenever time permits.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
bd freelancer: love is the main thing^^ sure that money is important so we need to work. without work is impossible to keep alive. but i think that even if we work we cant forget our loved ones. many people get worried only with work and sometimes forget that love is also important and cant be left behind. pupu you are right. without love we feel lonely and like we are alive but not really living. like if we are robots or zombies so we all need it to survive^^
22 Sep 12
I absolutely prioritize love over any other things in this world^_^! I feel that life without love is meaningless. I'm talking about love for family, friends, for other people, and for a special someone. It is so much easier and happier to live with so much love around you.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
yes^^ if we feel loved by friends, boyfriend and family then we can be happy. even if we have a job that isnt the one we dreamt with. love makes bad things in life easier to bear. sometimes we feel like giving up but us being loved for family makes us keep going. thats the beauty of love.
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• Portugal
25 Sep 12
yes for me my family is first^^ i dont have a bf right now. so i just focus on helping my family. when a bf comes then sure he will be my priority too. i think that we should be able to work hard to have a good job. but we cant forget that love is important too.
@riempie9 (1021)
• South Africa
23 Sep 12
I so agree with family always coming first. We are not happy when there is strife in the family. We don't want them to be sad or to be hurt. We are always there to help a family member in distress. If your family and friends in general like you, there is always a good feeling and happiness.
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• Egypt
21 Sep 12
love is very important.without being loved we cant live.the life will be meningless
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• Portugal
21 Sep 12
yes i think you are right^^ love is the most important thing in this world. without it we can live but we are not alive^^ its like life doesnt have a big meaning. we all need love. in our life we need love from parents, from friends, from our special guy^^
@pupupd (1515)
• India
22 Sep 12
I think love is a disillusioned thing. Nobody knows what is love exactly. However, everybody has been in love. I do not understand why it has to be so complicated at times. Love - a four letter word should have a short definition as well. But it is just what everybody says.. love is life. Everything in life is driven by love. So, ultimately everyone's priority in life is L?VE!! If anyone says Work is his or her priority then that person is in love too but with work and not with a person
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
no one knows for sure the meaning of love. thats true. but i think we all feel happy with this feeling. thats why i think we all need love to live happy. i say this bcs when there is a guy that loves me, im happier with my life. its like struggles i have in life are not so bad if i have him near me to support me in all times^^
@gedua41 (27)
• Singapore
22 Sep 12
For me, Love is the priority in life. Without love, there will be no way that you will be able to do the work that you are doing. You will get bored, you will have no motivation in doing anything.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
i totally agree with your answer^^ without love how are we supposed to want to live? its like you dont want to do anything anymore. we all need to love and feel loved. so we can be happy and keep going with life things. thanks so much for your answer. what you said shows how important it is love in people lives^^
• Singapore
22 Sep 12
Thanks!i think it is the rule here on earth..that is, in order for us to enjoy our existence here on earth.. =)
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• Portugal
23 Sep 12
ahah yes ^^ the rule in this world is let love happens in your life. it will be worth to keep living. love is very important and i just wish i find a good boyfriend. im so sick of guys that are careless. i want one that values me everyday^^
@thanks1961 (7033)
• India
22 Sep 12
It is a feeling towards someone we like. I don't think we need to find a time for love and it is a kind of understanding and mostly comes with our pure mind and the love towards different people are expressing differently. A love towards the child and mother and spouse is different and the nature of feeling may differ in all these cases. Anyway the priority to love is happening when our loved one is around as and if such a person is not yet decided the love is get frozen and go waste.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
yes we need to find time to love. its not just enough that you say to your lover the words i love you. you need to spend time to show it. words arent enough. its needed actions that show that the words you say are true. there are many kinds of love but all of them need time and care from one to another.
@toniganzon (72550)
• Philippines
25 Sep 12
Before I got married, love was never my priority. I was more focus on developing my intellectual ability. I never looked for love and i was happy with my friends. When I finally had my boyfriend, i told him that i shouldn't be his priority because he wasn't my priority as well. I told him that our family should come first. That's why i made sure that my family liked my boyfriend before finally committing myself to him.
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• Portugal
25 Sep 12
i understand that your family is first. bcs they helped you in all times. im happy that you showed him first to your family. its always important that our family likes our bf. i would be so sad if i had a bf and my family didnt like him. im happy also that you were honest with him. when you said that he isnt your priority. even if sometimes honesty can hurt, it is always better than pretend^^ you are a good person
• India
22 Sep 12
Hi friend, love is a part of our life, there is nothing wrong in giving priority to it, if we don't have any other important work, otherwise we must give importance to our work. I am married and always give equal importance to my family and my business
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
everyone works. but love has to be always first. its not like you say that we should give importance to love if we dont have other thing to do. thats not true! love is the main thing. if you only had your business and were so rich would that be enough for you to be happy? if you didnt have your wife besides you? first you should give meaning to your wife. and in second your work.
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
haha :$ love is in the air dear?:D well i can say am a sweet lover but honestly love isn't my priority..It's my family..:$ My family has been with me even before this "guy whom i will love".. For now that am single,my 2nd priority will be work but of course when the guy comes, he'll be on the 2nd =))
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• Portugal
25 Sep 12
im happy that your family is first always^^ i guess you are right bcs they raise us and help us always. i agree with your priorities for now. me too right now my priority is helping my family and find a job^^ and when i have a bf i can consider him my first priority too if we become serious. bcs then he will be my family too. ahah no love isnt in the air^^ right now im not having a big luck with it but i wish soon i can have. and you? how is your "special client"?
22 Sep 12
Of course it is!!!Love is the greatest and the most valuable thing in the world.And love represents the most sincere feeling.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
thats amazing that love is a priority for you^^ im really happy. love is the most valuable thing you are right. without love we cant live well. we can live but well i doubt. have an amazing weekend surrounded by your loved ones. have much fun and thanks for your reply^^
@ip4uct (7)
23 Sep 12
Absolutly. I wouldn't want my girlfriend thinking that I am leading her on. o_O
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• Portugal
23 Sep 12
im happy that your girlfriend is important to you^^ you are right when you say you wouldnt want her to think you are leading her on. bcs sometimes when guys act careless sure us girls think that they dont really love us. so its good you show that to your gf. that she is important.