date someone not to feel alone

couple starting their love story - boy and girl holding each other
September 21, 2012 11:35am CST
hi guys there are some people that accept to be with a guy only bcs he is sweet. even though they dont love him. only bcs they feel alone. and are afraid to end up alone. do you think this is a good thing? for me i think its bad. bcs what if you never fall in love with the guy? then both will be together without love. so i wouldnt be on a relation like this. what about you guys? what do you think of this? please share
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19 responses
@HomeBase (1153)
• United States
21 Sep 12
I think that this is a very bad thing because it stops two people from really finding true love. What if a person's soulmate is out there, but they are with someone that they don't really love? Terrible!!
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
22 Sep 12
I absolutely agree with you. We should never do this with anyone. It is wrong for both of them, they are preventing themselves from finding their true love.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
i agree with both^^ being with a guy not to feel lonely is a mistake. bcs that way how can we find the right one? i think that we all will find the right person. we just need to be patient. till then we have our friends and family not to let us feel alone^^
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
I know some cases like that. My friend is one example. She just likes the guy because he is handsome and sweet and brainy. But actually, she don't love him but just 'like' the the guy. So, until now, she has no permanent and serious relationship. All were flings and for fun. I always ask her to find a guy that will be with her till the end. But she insist to continue with her fling thing.
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
22 Sep 12
Going on with fling is not right. Ask your friend to come out of it as soon as possible. Or else, it might be too late. She can have a life long friendly relationship, both will be happy forever
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
adnileb i guess your friend isnt ready for a serious relationship. and thats why she just wants flings. that is good when we are young. but after like 25 years we feel like we want to have a stable relationship. we want to get married and maybe have kids. i think it will come the day where she will want a serious relation. till then just let her be. she will learn with her mistakes. she is gaining life experience with it. maybe after she gets tired of being hurt by guys she will then want a serious thing^^ sometimes we need time to change. pupu i think that adnileb's friend is young and wants fun. for now its an ok thing i guess. as long as she gets older she will change her attitude^^
@adnileb (5282)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
I think she is old enough at 28. But if that's what she really wants, I really don't have the right to tell her things that she should do.
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@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
22 Sep 12
I'm ashamed to admit it a little bit but I did that. he was a nice person and I tought that I would get to love him in time. but I didn't. things were ok between us as long as he wouldn't try to kiss me. when we get to kissing it would simply make me want to vomit....I"m sorry but that was the truth. I have no idea why.we broke up in the end. he deserved to have a woman that would love him for real
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
dont be ashamed^^ actually im happy that you admit that you did that. i doubted someone here could admit that. so im glad you did. anyway you didnt do it with a bad intention. he was a sweet guy and you wanted to give him a chance. at least you tried^^ some people just dont even try. they say sorry i dont like you just by looking at the person and dont even try to know him. so it shows you gave him a chance. im sorry that it didnt work. you felt like vomiting when he tried to kiss you? why? i think you didnt feel attracted to him right? im glad that you were honest with him though.
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
hi sweet, I rather be alone than to pretend that I like or love someone I don't want to be unfair to anyone besides true happiness can find with someone you really love happy mylotting
• Portugal
28 Sep 12
yes you are right^^ we shouldnt pretend to love someone we dont. the best is to be single and wait for the one special guy to appear^^ right? have a day full of love and happiness. if you didnt find the right guy yet maybe today you can^^ good luck
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
21 Sep 12
There is nothing wrong with being with a sweet guy. There are many different kinds of reasons to be with someone and many different kinds of love. If you really appreciate a sweet guy (I do) you will have feelings for him as well and also this is love. Falling in love is something completely different as loving someone. Falling in love will pass.. if there is no love left over (this you will do after you had good but esp. survived bad times together) you will separte. I think you don't know the difference between falling in love and loving someone. I also think a sweet guy is worth way more (about 200 times) as just a guy you fall (blindly) in love with.
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
22 Sep 12
I too would like to be with someone who is sweet and caring. I am a very simple and sweet person so I would like to be with someone of my type.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
wakeupkitty i know what it is to love someone^^ the discussions i create are not always about me. in this case if you read what i say im just asking who would do this? about me i wouldnt. bcs i had guys interested in me before and i didnt accept them bcs i didnt like them. so for me to be with a guy its only if i love him. pupu i wish soon you can find a sweet guy. that loves you for who you are. thanks for caring to reply in my discussions
22 Sep 12
People cannot live alone, they need some sorts of company. Even if for the sake of company you need to live with someone, there must be something between you and that person that will have made you stay together. However, without love it is impossible to live with someone forever. But if living with someone can help get rid of loneliness it is good then even if that means no love involved in the relationship.
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• Portugal
28 Sep 12
no one wants to be alone sure. but why would you be with a girl you dont love? i think the best thing is to know the person and then if you love her you should have a relation. to be with her before loving her might be a bad idea. what if you never fall for her?
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
Well, it's the first step to have a relationship, especially if you are looking for a partner in life. Maybe there are some guys who dates people because they need company, but if one wants a company for a lifetime he/she had to know more about the other person first before jumping to a commitment because their relationship would suffer if they don's acquaint themselves first.
• Portugal
22 Sep 12
yes thats it stanley^^ before commit we need to be sure that we have feelings for that person. or else it can go wrong. its always important to feel something at least. its like you say before commit we need to know the person well. just when we can decide what to do.
@sriroshan (2584)
• India
22 Sep 12
I can in simple words such things is not dating but it is sort of time pass for them and have some fun with the guys.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
for some people i guess. but i meant here people that not to feel alone accept to date a guy. i mean i couldnt do that. bcs maybe the guy really liked me. and i didnt like him. so that would be unfair to him. i think to be in a relation both need to love each other.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
I think that it could be dangerous going it on a date with a person whom you really do not have special feelings for. Are you aware of date rapes? That could happen. if you do not want to be alone,then call your friends for company instead of going to a date.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
date rapes? thats dangerous! im not talking about myself here. im just saying that sometimes people date someone not to feel lonely. but dont have feelings for him. i was saying that i couldnt do it. even if the guy was so sweet. bcs if i didnt love him i would be dating him for what?
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
25 Sep 12
I have never been with a man that i don't love. I don't talk to men that i don't like either. I don't go for companionship. I am the kind of person who would only start a relationship with someone because i have feelings for him. I don't see it a bad thing though when people are in a relationship even though they are not in love. They're just people who can't really be in a commitment.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
21 Sep 12
yes there are people like that and I think it is bad in the sense that the guy might take it seriously and when time comes he might get hurt from this. I would not want to be in a relationship like this as well. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
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• Portugal
21 Sep 12
yes i think it would hurt the guy. and not just the guy i mean. who would be happy in a relationship without love? its impossible. im happy that you also wouldnt want a relation like this. wish you can find a good boyfriend that loves you^^ be happy. and thanks for sharing your opinion.
@Raine38 (12388)
• United States
22 Sep 12
That is so wrong, especially if the guy happens to have genuine feelings to the girl. The least she can do is be honest with him, tell him upfront that she enjoys his company and doesn;t wanna be alone but she's off relationships for now. That should be enough and who knows, they might end up as real good friends if not more. Now if the guy won't agree to just being friends, then I guess she's just have to let him go and move on. I'm sure that if another guy would do that to her she wouldn't like it either.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
yes rain. i think thats a terrible thing. bcs if you be with someone you dont love then what if he starts to love you? then you feel nothing and he ends up sad. thats why i think we should be patient and wait for the right guy. there is no rush to be in a relationship.
• India
22 Sep 12
I believe there is nothing like that you will see someone and fall in love.this can only happen in untill you spend some time with someone how can you be sure that you are in love.if you like someone it is more likely that you can decide to spend your whole life with that one.i donot find anything wrong to be with a sweet guy.i donot trust in blind love.
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• Portugal
22 Sep 12
i understand what you mean. sure isnt wrong to be with a sweet guy. actually we all girls dream with a sweet guy i just mean that we should be with him only if we have feelings for him. bcs what if you start a relation without feeling anything? you might not feel anything and he gets hurt.
@lizrelox (144)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
unfortunately a lot are doing these mostly those who are already in 30's. This is because they don't to live alone and they want to have their own family. They usually say that they will look for someone with the right qualities and they will learn to love them because of those qualities. Sad to say it really happens...
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
well of course it is not a good thing. I do not think such relationships do not last and can only go for about a time or so and then the woman or the guy would eventually realize that they could not work things out. I always believe that love should be the basis of one being with another person.
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I think it's a bad thing because she is just leading him on and he thinks she probably loves him and in the end she is just going to rip his heart apart. I hate when people use others because they don't like being alone. I been single almost my whole life I've only been in 3 relationships and never ever thought of using a guy. They mostly just used me but I have finally learned my lesson. Now I'm with a great guy whom I love dearly we been together a year and a half now and wouldn't trade him for anyone else. I hope this girl learns her lesson.
@pupupd (1515)
• India
22 Sep 12
I will never get into a relation just because I am alone. It is not my style. I have been in a relation and have learned many things. Love is painful so get into it after thinking for 100 times. Now I am single and I am happy like that. I have many sweet guys around me but I have decided I will never get seriously involved with them. They are all my good friends and I will let it be that way. Also, I have heard somewhere that making your best friend your boy friend is the worst mistake you can ever do. That way you lose a good friend and also do not get a complete lover. So all guys out there...I am single and NOT ready to mingle very soon. I am focusing on other things in my life at the moment.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
22 Sep 12
There are many such links. people do not want to be alone because they are afraid of loneliness not grow old alone and more nonsense. It is not at all good because sometimes you have very strong feelings and the other person in such a situation and context to not feel the feelings. good day!
• India
22 Sep 12
Hi friend, i am not interested in this kind of dating activities without love, we don't have the ability to enjoy our time with the person whoever we don't love, if we are feeling loneliness and wish to come our from it, then we can call our friends and have fun with them, dating is not a solution for our loneliness, also it is hard to date without love