Are you afraid of loneliness?

September 22, 2012 10:23am CST
personally I'm scared of being alone and just thinking that some day you can be alone I feel so scared that you can not describe. I can not stay alone even for a minute. I love people like to talk, and if left alone will obviously started to talk myself lol. but you scared to you?
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39 responses
@allknowing (142679)
• India
23 Sep 12
One needs to define what loneliness is. There are some who are lonely even with a room full of people. And yet there are some alone and happy. Happy because they have their own company, filled with positive energy and positive activity. It is said that whoever is lonely is in bad company, and that company is oneself!
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@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
it's universal. I mean the feeling to feel lonely especially when alone is very hard to bear. You can't keep still when alone, suspecting that someone ghost or otherwise would pay you a visit; make faces with you or poke something on your back. It's truly weird. Silence is loudest when you're alone. And I believe eerie silence kills. People want to converse with people. It's universal and understandable. Don't allow youself always to be lonely, nez...
@allknowing (142679)
• India
20 Oct 12
One should keep oneself busy may be listening to music or talking over the phone or do some writing or whatever. I have never heard anyone just waiting for some ghostly experiences.!
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• Bulgaria
13 Oct 12
completely true. it's nice when you do not feel lonely and loneliness but has its advantages. so everything on loneliness is in our hands. Thanks for the reply.
@STOUTjodee (3597)
• United States
23 Sep 12
You might just think you can't being alone. I know as a single parent I wanted my children to stay with me forever! I had always taken care of them and I thought I don't know if I would be able to be alone, I worried about the day when they would leave home. Then one day they all left the nest, it wasn't so bad after all! Of course it was quiet and I didn't have to cook meals for my children or pick up after them. Don't get me wrong I was sad when they left, but I realized I was somebody other than a mom.
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• Bulgaria
27 Oct 12
completely understand because I'm a child of a single parent. I know that when you leave your parents especially if it is privately very hard for parents because he is left alone and seemed unnecessary. still good but when children come back home and know that there are some waiting and loves and can count this guy. thanks for the reply and I cried!
• Bulgaria
28 Oct 12
Well, actually, I felt so sad and crying. but when a man cries as he calms down and tears were so helpful to us. I'm glad you're still happy that your children have their own lives. thanks for the reply.
• United States
27 Oct 12
Hope it was tears of happiness? Even not having both parents together for my children, they grew up very well. Now, it's like the song "Cat's In The Cradle", they are ever so busy with their own lives now.
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@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
22 Sep 12
I'm almost exactly opposite... I don't like being in a crowd or being with people for long... There are times I wish I was alone but can't... I have a girlfriend & a daughter... I love them dearly & I would do anything for them... But she understands my personality & every so often, she kicks me out of the house & tells me to do my own thing for few hours... I guess I just need my alone time now & then... I'm not afraid of being alone... I actually like being alone... When I'm home with my girlfriend & my daughter, girlfriend plays with my daughter for a while so I can have some alone time... I know I'm lucky to have such an understanding girlfriend... I have 3 weeks of vacation every year & I always reserve one week to spend on my own...
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@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
26 Sep 12
Actually, no, I'm not in teaching... I work for retail store & I do translation on a side... Also, I don't usually take my laptop or tablet with me on my vacations so I wouldn't have any access to Internet... Sometimes, I'd go to hotel's lobby & use their computer to look up what's around town or what's going on for the day in neighborhood so I can plan something but why would I wanna sit around & talk to people on line if the whole point of being on a vacation is to get away from people so I don't have to talk to them?
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
22 Sep 12
sk66rc: Three weeks of vacation every year -- that means you must be in teaching. good. you want loneliness. yes. after internet coming in many of us sit alone and talk to people who are not present before us just as this one.
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• Bulgaria
12 Oct 12
Hello friends do sometimes is good to stay for a little alone time to think about your dream and think about things in our lives. I also love the bit to leave alone and do my my stuff and I'm glad too. Many thanks for your answers. nice day!
@alberello (4752)
• Italy
22 Sep 12
Well, I have often pointed to the fact that I, despite having already 37 years, I still consider myself a mama's boy. By this I mean that when I'm away from home for a few days, I start to miss my family. However, this is a "fear" (so if you want to call it) of momentary level. In fact, usually this melancholy, lasting one or two days and nothing more. What will be my future if I stay alone? Well at the moment I have no plans about.
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
22 Sep 12
fear of being alone is there in many of us. But one has to get over it. We have to like our people and also learn to be without them besides us. It is out of compulsion not all the time all the people can be with us. For example we like our children. But they cannot be with us because they have to go and work in another place. Try to learn to be away from your loved ones compulsorily for a day or two.
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• Bangladesh
23 Sep 12
Humen are a social being. They gather together, build houses together, live together. Loneliness is scary to us. We never want it. But Im telling of that type of loneliness which happens or we are to create within we are surrounded by neighbours or companions. No matter if loneliness is due to a distance of time and space, not due to complete saparation of my companions. Many a times nuisances like noise, sound of vehicles annoys us as to distracts us from concentrating. Concentration helps think properly and makes our works perfect and rythmic. Loneliness helps our mind to be stable so that we can concentrate to our jobs. Its kinda peace of mind. May be we subconciously can measure the value of loneliness and feel a subconcious drive to have it.
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• Bulgaria
26 Sep 12
Loneliness is the most terrible thing. I can not imagine that would ever be alone. I think there are many people who are alone and it bothers them a lot. still enjoyable when you know there are some in the other room there with whom to share a bed or just to share your feelings you what bothers your soul. Thanks for your answers!
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
You know what, sometimes I find being alone nice. I know it's weird but I find peace whenever I am alone. I can think more and I can do more. I don't know but I just feel that way. :)
• Bulgaria
13 Oct 12
can sometimes loneliness is nice because we are left alone we think reasonably and solve things in my life now. so sometimes it's nice to be alone for a while but not forever. thanks for the reply.
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
It is what we called just being yourself, and being human..:)
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@else22 (4317)
• India
22 Sep 12
Unlike you,nezavisima,I love to be either alone or with my wife.My wife often has to go to many places and you know for what.And then if I come home after finishing all my works,I am bound to remain alone in the house at least till she comes back.Loneliness is not difficult for me to deal with.I then either mylot or watch tv or read any book.Watching movies is a boring task for me.So I keep waiting for my wife's return.I don't feel bore or scared,Instead,I feel myself free then.Loneliness is the time when I can do anything I like.
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• Bulgaria
30 Sep 12
It is a great friend. it's good to stay alone for a while and do your favorite things because sometimes we do not find time for these things and feel pretty It is just wonderful that use this alone for your stuff. thank you friend. I miss you how are you?
• Bulgaria
7 Oct 12
It is a friend that is very true. everyone wants to have a little more time for yourself and your stuff but does not want to remain forever alone. loneliness is very difficult but not terrible. sometimes called. thank you friend!
@else22 (4317)
• India
1 Oct 12
In fact,I enjoy loneliness,dear.With my family I often don't have time to do what I like.Now I am not alone,but fine.Thanks a lot.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
25 Sep 12
Personally, I can relate with this one as I think there are many people who are afraid to be alone. Especially as we get older always wondering what if something was to ever happen to us, or tried to break in, etc. It totally is a natural thought and feeling. But what I find comforting sometimes is being here online or sleeping helps to pass the time more quickly the times I am alone for sure.
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• Bulgaria
28 Oct 12
for all of us is different but niei should all be able to live your best life better because what we ourselves have done. future is what we build with our thoughts feelings. many thanks for the reply.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Sep 12
I'm opposite to you. I love being on my own. I don't like the phone even and prefer to be in touch by email. I have my home, my garden and my fur babies and I'm really happy. I go shopping every now and then and I also meet with friends once a week for lunch and we do other things. I have the TV and I really feel that I have as much human contact as I need. I also believe that if I had less contact, I would still be OK.
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• Bulgaria
30 Oct 12
one should enjoy the little things friend. I can say that I have everything and I carry only negative things so admire you but I grew up in just such a family that was denied, and there was even a TV and now if I try to compensate so I fell into a cycle of which will exit. so good for you, so keep a friend to enjoy the little things. nice day!
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
24 Sep 12
No, I'm not afraid to be alone. In fact, I think that I'd welcome the chance to be alone for a while, but my husband is dependent on me to take him any place he needs to go. Our across the street neighbor is happy when her husband takes a trip, and she has the house to herself until he returns. Oh, I already do talk to my self when I'm in a room by myself. At times, I even answer myself.
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• Bulgaria
27 Oct 12
is sometimes one wants to be alone to be able to bae alone time to do their thing unmolested by others. nice to know that you can otpochinesh from the stress of everyday life dull and gray. thanks for the reply.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
27 Sep 12
I like being alone. I guess it is what you are used to. People that have had kids leave the tv on so there is some noise. I turn it off, so that it is quiet. Being alone doesn't mean your lonely, but a lot of people are. If I feel the need to talk to someone, there is always the phone. I used to have cats and would talk to them (really to myself), and I still talk to myself a little.
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• Bulgaria
28 Oct 12
important is that you feel good and you know it makes you happy. everyone has a different way of life but everyone sees it to him so that's good and you should feel better. thanks for the reply.
@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
22 Sep 12
i think generally most people don't want loneliness. but being alone does not translate to being lonely. personally there are times that i would prefer being alone as these are the times that i could think more effectively. These are also the times where i find peace and quiet that enable me to relax physically, emotionally and mentally.
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• Bulgaria
30 Sep 12
all that you want or do not want to be alone depends on whether you're scared or not. There are moments where everyone wants to be alone alone with their thoughts and feelings but there are days and times when you can not stand alone even a minute. It more depends on our mood our feelings and thoughts. Thanks for your response.
• Bangladesh
23 Sep 12
And in times of lonelines we get a chance to roam in our thinking, our plans, our works and to reasses them.
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• India
12 Oct 12
me too, but now i try to embrace my loneliness.... it is just a feeling. we can improve it to be better.. :)
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• Bulgaria
30 Oct 12
Loneliness has its positive and negative things so you just have to learn to live it in any aspect. sometimes we are surrounded by people even feel alone and sometimes we are alone in the room but feel that some loves us and cares for us. thanks for the response. nice day!
• India
23 Sep 12
What I believe we should balance our life in between loneliness and social connections.Some time we should spent time alone with our self only.By doing this we can get peace of mind.Forget friends,relatives,boss,colleagues,just be alone and talk with your self only.Do whatever you feel.This is quite different experience but one should experience it.
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• Bulgaria
27 Oct 12
balance is very good. very well that this means that we can live peaceful and happy. everyone should be able to take time for yourself and spend part of their time alone to rethink your life you see mistakes and to be himself. thanks for the reply.
@leahn011 (58)
• Philippines
24 Sep 12
I am not scared of being alone. I prefer of being alone, it's quiet and I can do whatever I wanted to do freely at home. On other hand, I'm not that sensitive on people who are noisy. I'm not that talkative but I am more on listening. Also love to mingle with others but most of the time they're talk first before mine.
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• Bulgaria
27 Oct 12
that's good. it is also nice to know that you deal with a person that you might be heard during playback, and you can count on it. nice day. Thanks for the reply.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
23 Sep 12
Hi! Am not afraid of lonliness. However, like you I love to interact with others and do not like to sit idle. It is said that 'man is a social animal' so we need to mingle with others and to be in the company of others.
• Bulgaria
13 Oct 12
it's nice to communicate with other people to talk. to know we are not alone it's a nice feeling. loneliness is sometimes pleasant sometimes harass us but in either case we must be able to live. so it just depends on what mood we are and how to accept it. thanks for the reply.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
23 Sep 12
I have to say I Am not afraid of loneliness or to be alone I like my own company and I guess at 67 nothing scares me very much plus I have friends and family and we get together once a week[ with my friends] and the family at least twice a month this suits me very well as I have my internet work to do, my garden to attend to and I do sewing as well to supplement my income so there is no time for me to feel loneliness!
• Bulgaria
13 Oct 12
very nice keep it still. it is very nice to feel surrounded by their loved ones know that you are loved and you know that you can count on them to know you're not alone. Thanks for the reply I wish you all!
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
23 Sep 12
No, I'm not afraid of loneliness. I mean; loneliness isn't FUN, but it's natural---like hunger when you don't have anything to eat. Often when I'm alone (and not distracted by food, television or myLot & the Internet) I'll find myself explaining myself to 'myself' (usually imagining one of my close friends, but not 'actually thinking they're there!')
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• Bulgaria
27 Oct 12
It's wonderful. it's good to know and to feel that you're not alone. You can think about things in your life for everything that surrounds you. so go on ahead and that's great. nice day!
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
I'm not scared, but i just cry the moment of my loneliness..hahaha How sad right?. When i'm alone i just i was just start thinking about my childhood years, and even in high school years. But still i can't force my tears coming from my eyes, just like i'm sweating because of my tears... Really, it's hard remember the things that you cannot forget and keep on thinking about being lonely... :(
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• Bulgaria
27 Oct 12
this is very sad. I think you just have to think about these things and just go out with friends. should not cry is good to remember pleasant memories of the school from school and childhood. to know that you are sad but also it is best to be able to live alone but do so to your fun. Success!
@lynnes75 (443)
• Malaysia
23 Sep 12
Interesting question. For me I'm not afraid to be alone, but I do think that loneliness is another matter altogether. I mean, you can be NOT alone,as in you're surrounded by people, but if you don't make or have a connection with the people around you, then you'll still feel lonely. For example, there was a time today when I was in a mood, but I was surrounded by my family, the people closest to me. But because I did not try to connect or interact with them, I still felt alone and lonely. Once I realize that, I opened myself up, and soon I was laughing and talking, no more feeling along. Sounds quite corny I know, but it is what it is. So, I guess, the key to at least minimize your loneliness is to keep in touch with and/or be at peace with the people/nature around you.
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• Bulgaria
13 Oct 12
Loneliness is something that can make us feel better and outings. sometimes also with our family but still feel alone again. it all depends on ourselves than what mood we are we sad or happy. thanks for the reply.
• Netherlands
23 Sep 12
I do not feel this fear. For i will never be lonely. I have my family, my friends, my collegues. I will never lose them all + theres more then enough people to talk to on the internet!
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• Bulgaria
13 Oct 12
It's nice to think that you're a great optimist. It is very nice and always keep should count on your friends. thanks for the reply.