Why vote FOR Romney? (Help!)

United States
September 22, 2012 6:16pm CST
I understand that people are against Obama for different reasons. Instead of voting AGAINST one candidate why would someone vote FOR Romney? Because he is against abortion - - lately? Because he is against comprehensive health insuraqnce - now? Because he has expressed how he will make certain the relatively poor are not left behind in the upcoming recovery - all 47% of them? Because he has great plans to rewrite the tax code - he'll tell us later how? Because he will get our troops out of Afghanistan - but not for several more years? Sorry if this sounds sarcastic, I am just waiting for a clear description as to why someone would vote FOR Romney... Please help!
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10 responses
@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
23 Sep 12
Honestly, I don't know, especially after he lied about his tax returns too. The only half legit reason I have seen people say is that they do glide the job Obama has done.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
23 Sep 12
What on his tax returns did he lie about?
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
25 Sep 12
He is in trouble for doing what the Obama Administration wants the wealthy to pay more taxes and it is why many people said not to release the tax records. Gov Romney said he paid his taxes and Senator Reid said he paid no taxes. One man lied and the other told the truth. Gov Romney is a man of character and is concerned about others - he gives about 30% to charity every year. Look at President Obama and VP Biden. When President Obama decided to run for President he also decided to start giving to charity (including Rev. Wright's Church) and VP Biden gives a few hundred every year because he believes the politicians know which charities are best to give your money to through them. President Obama had a problem with releasing his college records, grades, and papers written while in college and the media has no problem with that. The other interesting thing is who has come forward and said I knew President Obama when he was in college, or I worked with President Obama or President Obama when he was a community Organizer did this for me. All we know about President Obama is what he tells us in his books and some of that is not accurate. Even Tom Brokow admitted after the election that we have elected a man that we know nothing about and the media should have done more to learn about him. The biggest reason is how the two see this country. President Obama sees the population as different groups, Blacks, Women, Single Moms, the rich, Hispanics, Youth and he tries to do something for each group. Gov Romney see population as Americans and wants to do something for everyone. If he can get people working and improving their lives and someone gets rich by his doing that what is wrong with that?
• United States
23 Sep 12
The percentage rate, for starters. He deliberately did not claim a deduction for charity, so he can stick by what he claimed throughout the election. And the deceit surrounding not releasing more is very telling.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
23 Sep 12
My comment on this discussion is,I will not be voting for either one! Both are idiots! Obama,the longer he is in office,the more crap I hear he is not doing or totally ignoring! Romaney I just don't like! Never have! I beleive if he is elected he'd mess the country up. In his special own way!
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
23 Sep 12
So, voting third party or Ron Paul or staying home? Any of those is a vote for Obama. So, don't complain when you wake up one day in the USSA (United Socialist States of America).
• United States
23 Sep 12
Blue, I am with you. I can not vote for either Romney or Obama. And the whole arguement of a vote for anyone but romney is a vote for Obama is laughable. If I vote for Dr. Stein than who's vote is that "really" voting for? Or Johnson? A vote is a vote and it is " FOR" the candidate it is cast for. I am going to vote for the candidate I think will do the best job. Plain and simple. People who vote for a candidate they dislike just to get a candidate they also don't like out of office is crazy. How about voting for the candidate you like. Novel idea huh?
• United States
23 Sep 12
Voting for third party or Ron Paul does nothing more than dilute the vote. Not to worry, the GOP is trying, desperately, to deny more voting rights to people across the nation. A vote for Romney is a vote for the United Oligarchy of America.
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
25 Sep 12
The reason to vote for Romney based on what he has done and what he says he will do is because you prefer an white Obama over an Black guy. I wish I was joking or maybe you would rather the have your form of Democrat be called an Republican because really you can call Obama an Republican and it would fit with what the party supports and you could call Romney and Democrat and it would fit perfectly both of them are equal when it comes to the level of Evil they both are.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
25 Sep 12
No matter who anyone is for or against I don't think there's EVER been such a stark difference between the two major parties' Presidential nominees! Annie
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
7 Oct 12
I'm sorry, but I don't care what anyone has written in an article, the differences I can SEE are more than enough for me to know a Romney Presidency would be a true American NIGHTMARE! Annie
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Sep 12
He has proven he's smart with his money; and if he wants to be reelected for a second term, (should he be elected this time) he will be smart with our money, unlike our current President. Our economy being as it is, we can't afford another four years of someone so inept financially.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Sep 12
"If he is so good with money..." You know, I've wondered the same thing about Obama and his college transcripts. If he's so smart, as we have been told, why doesn't he release his college transcripts?
• United States
23 Sep 12
His most recent tax return - you know, the one where he deliberately didn't claim a charitable deduction because it would have disproved something he said through his campaign - shows him to be betting against the American dollar. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/22/obama-mitt-romney-taxes_n_1906097.html He invested in the Norwegian krone, the Australian dollar, the Swedish krona, and the Canadian dollar. If he is so good with money, why doesn't he do as is normal with all presidents, and release a decade's worth of tax returns?
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
23 Sep 12
I would have to agree. I can't think of a single reason to vote for Romney, other than Obama is horrible. But then again... Obama *IS* horrible. So that is a fairly compelling reason. Heck, if GW Bush ran for a 3rd term, I'd vote for him without any doubt at all.
• United States
23 Sep 12
Please do not express taht someone's opinion is stupid. Remember that we are all 'patriots', caring for our neighbrs and the future of our country. Lets show some mutual respect, eh? Is THAT what a Romney/Fox News USA would look like?
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• United States
23 Sep 12
Which of all of Obama's accomplishments is horrible? Obama has overhauled the food safety system Advanced women's rights in the work place Ended Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) in our military Stopped defending DOMA in court. Passed the Hate Crimes bill. Appointed two pro-choice women to the Supreme Court. Expanded access to medical care and provided subsidies for people who can't afford it. Expanded the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Fixed the preexisting conditions travesty [and rescissions] in health insurance. Invested in clean energy. Overhauled the credit card industry, making it much more consumer-friendly. While Dodd-Frank bill was weak in many respects, it was still an extremely worthwhile start at re-regulating the financial sector. He created a Elizabeth Warren's dream agency: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. He's done a lot for veterans He got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks. http://obamaachievements.org/list#toc-31
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• United States
23 Sep 12
I really started to go point by point in a reply, but stopped because your comments are too bizarre. You think women should make $.77 on the dollar that each man makes, you think patriots can not serve your country even though all military branches support the ban of DADT. You can't comprehend that gay marriage is the defense of marriage. Try banning divorce. I don't actually think you know what a consumer protection agency does nor how credit works. Nor do you understand how the exchanges will help negotiate lower insurance rates. Nor do you understand that we were paying higher due to people visiting the hospital without insurance. You certainly don't know how much wars cost. You denigrate the sanctity of an unborn life when you force it on someone. I would like to say I am flabbergasted at your comments, but those are the comments of a typical Limbaugh-loving wing-nut.
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• United States
23 Sep 12
No one who has commented has shown any reason that Mitt Romney could be considered "presidential". They have mostly parroted fox news and right wing website talking points without doing much fact checking. Every time I try to view Romney as a good person and a good family man, more is revealed about him that takes away from that immediately. The people commenting on this thread and other forums like it who happen to support Romney for his "economic policies" are also the same people who voted the tea party in under the premise that they were going to get jobs, jobs, jobs. We were downgraded as soon as they were voted in, and for two years, I have worked harder than the do-nothing republican congress while they consistently refused to put any pragmatic jobs bills through. As Bill Maher put it some time ago (spot on!) - "The strength of [the republican party] is their ability to turn a mistruth into something people will believe." With the way Mitt Romney has flip flopped, I don't even know how anyone can make a firm comment about him. They see he has a few houses and multiple cars and they ooh and ahh about what a good businessman he is. He was cut throat and gave no concern to the people who lost their jobs, homes, livelihood, when he bankrupted and sold off the companies they worked for while he pocketed millions. That should actually be a tell-tale sign of what his presidency will be like, if his leaked video didn't provide enough proof already.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
25 Sep 12
The do nothing congress? What has the Democrat Controlled Congress done? The Republican house has passed several budget bills and sent them to the Senate where Senator Reid will not let them come to a vote. There are several jobs bills that have passed the House but Senator Reid will not let them come to a vote in the Senate. President Obama has sent one (1) budget to the congress in four years and it was voted down with out a single Congressman or Senator voting to pass it. President Obama claims that he is willing to compromise and his compromise on the Bush era Tax cuts is to extend the the tax cuts for all except the rich. His position from the beginning was to raise taxes on the rich. Ask Rep Stupack about President Obama's willingness to compromise. In the Obama Care Debate Rep Stupack held out for language that would prevent Federal Money being used for Abortion. President Obama assured him that the Federal Government would not cover abortions. Instead he has the HHS make a ruing that all reproductive services including abortion must be covered by Health Insurance Plans even self insured religious groups (which some have teachings against contraceptives and abortion) then tells the world that we must be respectful of the religious beliefs of others (Muslims).
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
24 Sep 12
There is one very simple answer, anyone would be better than Obama.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
23 Sep 12
To be succinct - It's the Economy. I assume that your reasons to vote for Obama are your proposed Romney reasons in reverse, but all those things are secondary to the biggest problem facing this country. Our economy is suffering, we have businesses shutting down, we have done nothing to secure energy for the future, money is being wasted, the debt is growing and 23 million Americans are unemployed. Why elect Romney? Because of all the things that we know about him, one thing we know for sure is that he knows how to create jobs - he's been doing it throughout his business career. We know that the present occupant of the White House does not know how to create jobs, he's never run a business, he never ran anything before he became president. And now, four years later, that lack of experience and expertise is showing. The real world doesn't run on hopeful slogans. It takes real solutions and real decision making and someone who knows that just throwing money at a problem doesn't work. You have to fix what is broken. Romney knows how, we know he does because his company turned around a lot of failing businesses. We need to turn around a failing US economy. All the social issues, all those concerns of special interest groups - well, all that stuff is not very important in comparison with the possible collapse of the American economy. If people are really voting in this critical election based on someone's position on one very narrow issue that is personal to them, then they are fools. It won't matter if anyone gets those very special rights they think they ought to have if there is no country left to exercise them in. This is serious, this election is serious. It shouldn't be decided by the people who think David Letterman and Jon Stewart and political analysts and economists.
• United States
23 Sep 12
I think I will let Mitt Romney speak for himself. “The people of America recognize that the slow down in jobs that occurred during the early years of the Bush administration were the result of a perfect storm. An effort by one candidate to say this recession and the slow down in jobs was the result of somehow this president magically being elected, people in America just dismiss that as being poppycock and they recognize it as that.” He applied that to Bush, who left us with a large deficit, and two wars we didn’t pay for, he should realize the same applies to Obama and what he inherited. http://youtu.be/pQs0IzLTQu4
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
23 Sep 12
Romney is a businessman who has made money even when he didn't have money. He's more experienced in politics than Obama.He says what he means even if some people don't like it. He doesn't have to read everything from a teleprompter. More importantly,why would anyone vote for Obama a second time?
• United States
23 Sep 12
THANK YOU!! Finally I get an answer as to why someone would vote FOR Romney! Are there any consistent positions Romney has taken that you support as well?
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
24 Sep 12
I have been trying to understand the logic myself but can't come up with anything except them having the lack of common sense! Which unfortunately alot of people especially in the midwest and southern states seem to be without. I'm just hoping and praying that the women, gays, all miniorites, the poor and middleclass will have enough common sense to do the right thing come November 6th. If not, we are in alot of trouble.