Unreasonable Schedule

September 23, 2012 12:24am CST
Besides study, I will paticipate in different activities when I step into university. Therefore, my roommates always complain about the unreasonabl schedule, because there are too many courses we should take every week. What's worse, we will have to finish a lot of in a short time. If we choose a second major, we would have to take classes in the evenings and weekends. So it is hard for us to enjoy our college life to our hearts' content. what a pity!
5 responses
25 Sep 12
I agree with you.Everyday I always feel exhausted and tired.There are many classes in my schudle,every night I had to stay up late to prepare the next day's class,so Ican't sleep well.Sometimes I even don't have time to have lunch and join some activities.
• China
25 Sep 12
Of course, we should pay much attention to study because we are students, however, we do not need to push ourselves to be perfect. Sometimes, it is helpful to take some avtivities, and it can also help you master some skills besides relaxing. I hope you will make a progress because of your efforts.
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
23 Sep 12
I really think your problem of not being able to enjoy college life is a problem of those who are not sure why they are in college. LOL.. When you entered university- it's not supposed to be as meeting new pals, getting an extra curricular to have fun.. It's actually for you to finish your course successfully-along with all your friends who started the course with you.. Many ahead of you also taken college degree- but they were able to finish. It's not that your University needed to adjust for you convenience, it's always that students will adjust with what the school requires and demands. You can do it :) You are not elementary nor high school anymore. :} Gdluck with school. Just think of how much you're parents are spending for your tuition- replace their effort too and worry less for yourself especially enjoying college life :)
• China
23 Sep 12
Thanks for your guideness. I regard college as a place to enjoy and relax before, but now, I begin to pay more attention to my major, which I am interested in. I think it is a good news for me that I love my major instead of regarding it is boring, and it may help me to concerntrated on study. Although my college life is full of diverse tasks, I still feel happy because I meet many good friends and respectful teachers, and I believe that I will never forget my wonderful college years.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
9 Mar 13
it is not bearable for variety of reasons like our heart decides to play elsewhere and we keep our schedule engaged elsewehere,so wise planning is need,sympathy
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
23 Sep 12
hi, yes, it happens, too many schedules makes us busy and lack of time for our self, makes us more weak and dull, because even little bit of enjoyment makes us energetic and happy and fill us with extra energy , but cant deny and cant ignore the extra schedule ,better talk to the management.This may help .
• China
23 Sep 12
In fact, I do want to talk with the principal, however, it is true that our students' duty is to study hard. Maybe I need to increase efficiency and make full use of every minute. Sometimes, I wish I can live a world without pressure and homework, but it is impossible, so I have to adjust to fitin it.
@Raine38 (12250)
• United States
23 Sep 12
That's college for you. If you are expecting to party and live life hanging out with friends in college, well, it is time to wake up. In my experience, the first two years of college are the busiest and the most stressful. I even have classes that lasts until 9pm! Once I had all the pre-qualifying semesters and subjects out of the way, I was able to manage my time easily on my third and 4th years. I even had a break for 4 hours in between classes! But at this point it is up to us to choose our sked and classes and what we will do on our spare time because we only have few units to take before graduating. BUt of course we cannot relax too soon because right after graduation is the board exams.
• China
23 Sep 12
Maybe you are right. I should not complain about what I come across now, because it can help me to lay a solid foundation about our major. For me, college is a place to master knowledges and specific skills instead of a place to entertain. So I need to change my pessive point of view.