Cellphone screen protector

@aejey322 (1004)
September 27, 2012 9:11pm CST
I was looking at my celphone and noticed that the screen protector was not in place. it created some bubble on one side. I curiuosly take it off and was confident enough that i can place it back properly. when it was already removed, i noticed that the one that causes the bubble is one teeny weeny dot of a dust. i brush it off, and wipe the whole screen of my cellphone. and the i tried to return the screen protector very slowly and carefully. at first try, i saw another bubble again and realized that a tiny dot again was there but now it was sticked to the plastic protector. i again tried to take it off and wipe it slowly with a cloth. i know it has some adhesive-like on its surface. but i still tried to wipe it. now, the cloth has caused it to be more dirty. and it's trying to lose my patience... to end the story? i need to buy a new screen protector again... i've learned my lesson... this time, i'll ask for an expert technician to put it for me...
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9 responses
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
Yeah better buy a new one cause it will just worsen the problem and the bubbles wont disappear. I already change my screen protector last month due to some bubbles and scratches.I also let them put it cause I might not put it well.
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@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
yes i will definitely buy a new one and just let the store representative put them. At least if they will put them incorrectly, they can replace them anytime without additional cost from me.
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
I had the same problem too but on the second try, I managed to apply the protector perfectly. Here's the trick, clean the surface carefully making sure that there will be no speck of dust left and then with a clean cloth, while putting on the cover press the remaining cover carefully and press it so that no bubbles will form. :)
• India
28 Sep 12
Most of the people knows it well but it is not really easy to place the screen guard cover as well tell. We people need some experience for doing it.
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
hmmm i think practice makes it perfect. maybe i'll buy some extras so I could have something to try on until it fits. thanks!
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
28 Sep 12
Funny! I did the same with my first screen protector!! :-) I had bought an expensive one that had detailed instructions, and all the tools like the bubble remover, the cloth etc. But there was always at least one bubble on the screen! My screen looked even more dirty after placing the screen protector that it was before. So I bought a pack of 10 protectors from ebay with $5 I think and I managed to get a bubble free screen on my second try! Now I have 8 more left in case I need to replace it! I advise you to do the same! Get a pack of protectors from a cheap store or online and you'll find your technique without feeling that you wasted your money on an expensive protector that didn't stick properly! I hope you'll take all the dust off next time!
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
we only think it is easy... but it's not. wow $5 for a pack of ten. that's really cheap. i hope ebay can also offer them shipped to Philippines...
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@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
7 Oct 12
I ordered the 10-pack from the UK site and they delivered within Europe. I am not sure about Philippines thought. Alternatively, you can also try amazon, they sell screen protectors but I think the shipping rate is a bit higher!
@sishy7 (27167)
• Australia
28 Sep 12
Once removed, those things will never go back perfectly again... Best to get a new one and must be put on properly in one go. If bubbles reappear, still better to get a new one instead of trying to fix it...
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
thanks for the tips... that is what i am planning to do. i still haven't got extra time to buy. but i'm planning to have some extras... allowances for mistakes.
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• Philippines
28 Sep 12
Lesson learned the hard way, aejay322 :). Anyway, you can just purchase another screen protector, it is not that expensive anyway.
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
you are right... i'll buy a new one...
@meowchie (992)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
geeeeeeeeee hahaha it happened to me too and as confident as you! lol but the protector was really adhesive and got dirt more than the dirt that i wanna remove:( and so then..i bought a new one and had it placed by the technician.. let the experts do it :D we are just wanna-bees! lol
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
sometimes, we happen to have over confidence in ourselves that we thought we can do everything even teh first time but well lesson learned... let the expert do it...
@Ladybugs (404)
• Philippines
28 Sep 12
Hello there Aejay. That also happened to me before. I bought a new hand phone and I wasn't so satisfied looking at the screen protector because it was a bit misaligned and there were some few bubbles. The screen protector was already put by the salesperson in the shop where I bought the phone. I wasn't so satisfied on how it was placed on my phone's screen. When I went home, I really wanted to put it straightly on the screen and I wanted the bubbles to disappear. I also tried to take it off but when I tried to put it back, it became worse because more bubbles were formed. From that time, I didn't want to remove the screen protectors of my hand phones once they were already placed there. I didn't bother that much if they were a bit misaligned. The important thing is they could still protect the screen of my beloved hand phones. I didn't want them to be wasted so the money I spent buying them won't be wasted too. Even though they were not perfectly applied or placed on my phone's screen, it's alright. Though, next time, I want my screen protectors to be perfectly placed so my hand phones would look really neat too. Whenever I want to change my screen protectors, I ask my boyfriend to do it for me and it's good he was able to do it well the last time he changed the screen protector of my recent phone. I think you really need to buy a new screen protector so you wouldn't worry about your screen. That's right, you should just ask an expert technician to do the job for you so it would be done properly and neatly and you would be happy again. Happy myLotting. :)
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
i also have learned from it... 1. have some extras so i can practice 2. just have somebody to place it for you
• India
28 Sep 12
Screen protectors are very important to the phone users like me becuase I just use my phone roughly and there are chances to get starches on the screen, which brings my good and lovely phone a bad look. I am always just conscious about the screen protectors, even though it is not much costly. I am well conscious about it becuase once it is torned it is really difficult to put them back and along with it the bubbles will enter and makes my phone a dirty looked one.
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
you are right... especially if the user has the tendency to put them anywhere and don't have a pouch... in my case, it gets dirty once my son who have just ate his cookies and plays with it without my knowledge.
• India
7 Oct 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about your cell phone issues, buy a new protector to protect your cell phone from damages. This incident is a great lesson to all the persons whoever read this article and changed themselves based on your experience