Unexpected warnings

@dragon54u (31634)
United States
September 30, 2012 1:19pm CST
It was rather creepy. Yesterday I was coming from the library and stopped to let a freight train pass. I saw the usual graffiti and then one that gave me a chill. It said "It's Time To Spread Alarms!" all in capital letters. Not "the alarm", "alarms". I started watching the cars and saw a lot of the same type of sentiment, graffiti that said things like "Watch Your Vote Counters" "Guard Your Vote, Vote in Person" and "Tyranny is Here". They were different styles, different colors. Probably not done by the same person. It disturbed me. I know we're in bad shape but seeing it on a long distance train reminded me of when we were in such distress that entire families lived in tent cities (we have some scattered around right now) and people road the rails illegally just to find places to get food and jobs. It was a sinking feeling. The one about the votes hit a chord, too. My state is really pushing the absentee ballot and sent me one. I decided to vote in person because my ballot could be "lost" and I'd have no way of proving I voted. At least at the poll I put my ballot in a box that electronically counts it. No guarantee, but more secure than a mail in ballot. What do you think about such graffiti? Does it ring your alarm bells? Are you voting by mail or in person?
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19 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Sep 12
I think we need more citizens who volunteer to man the polls and count votes. We've got a lot of levels on which fraud can occur. I think the alarms have been sounded for a lot of us over the last few years. We've seen more and more instances of voter fraud coming up in the news, and we've got to either accept that it happens, or do something about it. I hear the alarms. I don't think I would trust an absentee ballot. I can't remember exactly where it was, but I remember some election where a guy was driving around with a box of absentee ballots in his trunk, uncounted. We can't let stuff like that happen. Some local elections come down to just a few votes, and fraud can really change those outcomes.
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• United States
30 Sep 12
Ah! "Spooky" that's right! I have been catching glimpses of 'spooky' things.. getting 'spooky' feelings.. But sometimes, I think, we can see where certain trends will lead.. And Christians can couple that with Bible prophecy.. And God's Spirit which one of the things does is "show things which will come"..
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Sep 12
I, too, have heard alarms for years but I was very surprised to see it on the side of a rail car! It made me think of underground rebellion and spooky stuff like that, that it might be necessary in the future. I'm not paranoid, I just like to think of all possibilities so that I can be prepared. I've never trusted absentee ballots when I think about everything that could happen to them. Even a security guarded counting and collecting organization can be corrupted. Everyone has a price, they say.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
30 Sep 12
We vote by mail here in Oregon, it was the only state to do this for some time and I don't know if that is still the fact. After what I just heard on the news about illegal voters being spread, anything I see about voting gets my attention. We are a small state so wee seem to be able to control misconduct, I'd hate to try this in one of the large states.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Sep 12
I believe they are pushing it just because fraud would be so easily done. I'm glad you vote. We need informed voters, not just people heading to the polls who are voting for the most personable candidate or the one who promises most--because we all know promises are made to be broken.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
30 Sep 12
I have had other things ringing my alarm bells. Early this morning I got out of bed to post in this in my blog, after I had a certain dream, and dreams have been one of my alarms ringing.. my blog post: "There's going to come a time very soon when we're going to have to put down our pens.. get our fingers off the keys.. and get on our knees and on our faces before God. Because it's coming down the tubes and it coming down fast.." [ http://inner-monastery.blogspot.com/ ] - I felt this very urgently when I woke up from the dream.. - There's been other things also.. I believe this November 6 presidential is a major crossroad for us (the u.s.) and also for the world.. I think they all are these days, but this one extra biG! - No I would not like the idea of voting absentee, as I too worry it could become 'lost' much easier than otherwise.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Sep 12
"and get on our knees and on our faces before God. Because it's coming down the tubes and it coming down fast.." I agree, especially since I read the book The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn. It's a very easy read and contrasts what happened to ancient Israel when they rejected God to the U.S., who has also rejected God. I recommend it, you'll learn a lot of startling facts and they are all true. It's humbling and alarming all at the same time. Yes, this election will be a crossroad but I fear that our national rejection of God's love has won His rejection until we realize our folly and return to our Godly roots.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
30 Sep 12
What is real scary is Iran's president bases his foreign policy against Israel on Islamic eschatology, or end time studies. The Madhi comes back to war with Jews and Christians, and Jesus is his sidekick. Kinda like the Beast and his sidekick. But to the Islamist, the Madhi is the good guy. In Revelation, the Beast is not. Funny how they're almost parallel yet mirror image. In the Bible it says your young people will dream dreams, and see visions. Did you know that many Muslims are seeing visions of the risne Christ calling them OUT OF Islam. http://www.jesusvisions.org/index.shtml
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• United States
30 Sep 12
I have voted by absentee ballot for about 3 years now, but after all the news I've been hearing I'm seriously considering voting in person, and this only helps this feeling. I just heard on the radio this morning that in Texas, for one reason or another, each election they throw out the top Democrat voted for on a ballot, if the entire ticket is democratic votes....yeah, I think I'm going to the polls this year, maybe early in fact.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Sep 12
I know many people use mail in votes because they work full time and have children to care for--even though the polls are open early and late it can be a hassle. But I hope everyone who can will vote this year, no matter what their party. We need people involved! I'm glad you vote and are thinking about how secure your actual vote is.
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• United States
30 Sep 12
I worry about votes 'stolen' by outright lies put out by many sources. It's outrageous really! At least folks should stop and think if it sounds too outrageous it just might be!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Sep 12
hi all above you are forgetting that a lot of us are physically handicapped and have no way of getting to the polls so using absentee ballots means we too are able to vote. as for saying oh "you will get rides to the polls here in our area that is BS." If we do no it have someone with a car to take us we simply would not have been able to use our vote. I am grateful we have absentee ballots for us shut ins. I have already voted.
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@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
30 Sep 12
We still using the ballot box here in my country still manual counting. We are used to see graffiti everywhere and banners on the street we are not alarmed it is only to remind us that to vote for the right person and be honest in out vote. We normally went to our precinct to vote. Absentee voting is for our fellow who work abroad.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Sep 12
Absentee ballots here used to be for people who were house bound--we used to call them shut-ins--and those who knew they would be out of state at the time of the election. Now the states are really pushing people to vote by mail. They are even voting right now, early, when the election is not till November! There is a huge media campaign to encourage people to vote by mail and to vote early. I personally like going to the polls and seeing all the excitement and activity.
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• United States
30 Sep 12
Oh lol I thought for a moment you were a grammer nazi and "alarms" were suppose to be "the alarms", then I remembered the category... Some people may call me a conspiracy theorist, but better safe than never. it has been proven that the voting machines (run by right wing corporations) often fail, they are hackable and double count repubs, while missing counts for democrates. It is important for poor and minorities to have a big say in their government affairs, rince they are the ones that constantly get screwed over Without their say, they are under the mercy of multimillonares and power hungry individuals who don't have their best intrests at heart. the intentions are good, but its a fight one in vain if there are not extra steps taken in securing the vote. (Any way, if your worried about the presidential election...Not to impose my ideology too much but... in the end, all that matters is the electoral college vote.)
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
30 Sep 12
So that is how they are replacing Acorn. Instead of having Acorn register fake and non-citizen voters, they are just going to manipulate the count. In the last presidential election I was in line for early voting and some guy was harping on how great Acorn was. He was also shepherding some guy through who couldn't speak English and who if not an illegal immigrant was at least voting exactly as this guy told him to. Of course Acorn has since been shut down but other things have taken its place for beefing up the voter roles with fake voters.
• United States
30 Sep 12
:) thank you for the intro dragon, and thank you for the resource debrak. I sometimes forget that democrates are as bad as republicans. I just wish that there was some way to empower communities without relying on the vote. Since in the history books, voting sees like a big deal...
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
5 Oct 12
In reality, I think there needs to be more done as a wake up call especially with everything that continues to go on around us. I often think that many times there is not enough being said and done, and that is why there needs to be a change. Around here there are a lot of homeless and Tent cities, and less choices being offered to them to help them get out of it. We also have to do mail in Voting as they closed all the Voting places unless you have a severe handicap. I think personally it is time there be more Wake Up as I believe we need to step up before even worse happens. I drop my ballots off in a secured locked ballot box and just always hope for the Best from there.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
6 Oct 12
Personally what continues to amaze me is I continue to see Budget cuts everywhere with help for the homeless, no jobs, people always loosing their homes, and people still blame it all on Bush. Ok now he may not have always been the brightest but it is now 4 yrs. later. Why do they continue to allow people to not see the real Truth?
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
5 Oct 12
It's hard to believe that any place would close the polling stations! Wasn't there a big stink about that? There are tent cities all over the country but our media doesn't think we should know about them. If they would tell the truth, people would be reacting much differently. The media is criminally negligent as far as I'm concerned, covering up bad news so that their candidate can get re-elected. I believe if there was anyone else in office, Dem or Repub, these tent cities would be all over the news. As it is, people think everything is okay and the national misery has been sanitized.
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
30 Sep 12
I always vote in person. To me it feels more secure, and it is part of the ritual or process. I might feel bothered if I saw your graffiti in person, but hearing about it is not disturbing me at this time. It is still good for you to share what you are observing.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I guess it doesn't have the same effect reading about it as seeing it. It reminded me of 1984 and similar books where the citizens were muzzled and graffiti and such were the only ways they could communicate honestly. I like going to the polls. I just hope it's peaceful this election.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Sep 12
hi dragon54u yes it would have worried me a bit too but again its just graffiti. this whole election with friends getting angry 'at their best friend simply because she voted differently than my old school chum voted. I mean here we are all humans living in the US yet a lot of us are angry at others as they will not vote the way we think they should. what ever happened to this being a free world our United States. we are free to chose our own religion should we then not be free to choice whom we wish to vote for, must we vote to please friends? I lost my best friend fronm grade school simply because I have changed parties.this is so stupid.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
30 Sep 12
That's ridiculous to end a friendship because of how someone votes! I have a friend that differs from me on abortion--I'm against them and she's all for them. But we both see each others' points and avoid the subject, generally. My dear stepmother and I are on opposite political sides but still we find common ground and have some really great discussions in which we learn from each other--we joke that it's a "know your enemy" tactic. I think your friend doesn't know how to agree to disagree. There is a lot of strive and division right now politically. There's no need for it but it keeps getting prodded by all sorts of people in power and they should know better--a divided country is easily conquered. This has been the most politically divisive election I've ever seen. I and about half my friends are conservative and we are cautious about speaking politics in public. I've seen several verbal attacks in restaurants and stores toward people who are conservative as well as liberal. It's ridiculous. And people ending friendships is even more so. I'm sorry politics has brought you and your friend to this.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Oct 12
i am one of the mylot so h ated democrats and am afraid to even mention that here. note anyone who insults me in a response believe me I will report you.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I, too, got an offer to vote by mail but put it in the recycle bin. It is only a few blocks to our polling location. I'll probably walk over there as soon as early voting starts. Like you, I prefer to cast my vote in person. I have not seen the warnings on the boxcars but I've surely gotten a lot of them via e-mail.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
Oh boy, my mailbox is flooded with propaganda!! I got one the other day about "Obama phones" complete with a link to a hilarious video--well, hilarious except that it embodied the entitlement attitude which is pathetic. Anyway, I looked up the program out of curiosity--I'd heard of it but with so many lies flying around...anyway, the prez had nothing to do with it so that's another lie. I don't like lies about the candidates, no matter who I'm voting for, and I don't like libel in the media when they edit film and tape to make one of them look bad. 'm really fed up with it and when it comes to my private email box I could just throw something!! Cos that means my friends and family are being sucked in by lies and propaganda. I go to the polls, too. I enjoy it. And I'm glad the word is spreading that our liberties are circling the drain.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Oct 12
No it's not a lie. http://obamaphone.net/ More disinformation dragon. The program is paid for by a tax you pay on your service. Look at your bill. This was started under Bush and expanded under Obama.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
1 Oct 12
it is so scarey. these candidates have done so much back biteing and so much has come to for about them both that im afraid if i vote this time, i will be responsible for putting the wrong one in office, and will be rgretful. actually either one dosent really seem concerned about our economy as they are getting votes.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
Do you read much? If so, you should read The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn and you'll get a new understanding of what's happening in this country. Yes, the campaign is awful but there have been much worse, believe it or not! John Adams and Thomas Jefferson waged a war that got really dirty and insulting. You can read about it here: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/LIVING/wayoflife/08/22/mf.campaign.slurs.slogans/index.html A partial litany of insults: "The slurs flew back and forth, with John Quincy Adams being labeled a pimp, and Andrew Jackson's wife getting called a sl*t." We've rejected God as a nation and things won't get much better until we return to Him.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
1 Oct 12
after reading all this iam more concerned about us loosing God in this country then the economy. it would likely more work out if we are careful to not lose the one thing we are founded on which we seem to be loosing ground with every day and thats Gods mercy. ive changed my mind i think i better go to the polls early in the day, so my daughter can take me. hopefully she will still be near as she says she will. even though im not positive that candidate is right over other issues, i still need to make sure our country keeps the lord in the mix.so yes even if hes not the best economically, im going to the poll in person. maybe one little vote will help i hope. thanks dragon
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• Pamplona, Spain
3 Oct 12
Hiya dragon, Although I do not live in the States I have been watching a little about the both sides giving their Speeches. I have not seen the Graffiti stuff but I imagine that it is much like here as various parts of Spain that want to separate are having their Elections very soon as well. They have that Vote through the Mail thing going on as well. A lot of Spanish People have been forced to work in other Countries one of my Sons is one of them so to be able to vote he would have to follow that same procedure that is on the Television all the time here. Really none of that chills me what does chill me are the flippant attitudes they take towards a lot of issues that are not being resolved it is like they have chosen to sit on the Fence that chills me and a lot of People who are going to be left with no basic help from the State at all. I reckon if you are not able to go or to be in your own Country at that time it is a really good idea to be able to vote from a distance at least for me it is.xxx
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 Oct 12
I have heard about the troubles of Spain and we are headed down the same path if we don't get our economy going and people working again. I'm glad your son is able to vote absentee, that is what the process is for--not for people who just don't want to go to the polls, as so many people use it for. If our economy doesn't get better soon people in our border states will be like your son and have to cross into Canada to work. Many are moving to other countries. I hope both our countries get better soon. Seems like the whole world is in turmoil and people are suffering everywhere.
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• Pamplona, Spain
4 Oct 12
Hiya dragon, Yes I heard a Senator or was the what is his name debating against Obama the Weekend mention something about Spain and the situation not that it bothers me either. Afraid the situation is getting to be much worse than what they paint it. We may well be out of the Euro sooner than we think. Because neither the Opposition or the actual Government wants to say what is what when we have a need to know. I believe we have a right to know about such a situation. Yes those who abuse the Polls vote like that are doing no favour to those who are genuine and get stuck sometimes. A lot more people are going back home to their Countries as they are fed up to the teeth of all what is going on here. Greece and us it seems have much in common so it seems.xxx
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@vandana7 (101504)
• India
1 Oct 12
I dont vote, rather I have stopped voting. The present form of democracy does not make sense. So there is an issue. I believe we have voted say 100 people of which 60 are presumably from one party, and 40 are from other. Then they vote on issues that I have no control over. Like hiking pay of government employees and politicians arbitrarily. Now, since the issue is brought for voting by the party that has 60 percent invariably it will win. Have those 60 members really agreed to those issues as per their brains or are looking at their career growth within the political party and voting accordingly? The issue gets worse with less than majority votes being given to any single party. Then there is a lot of horse trading, and black money generated. So we need a system where we the ordinary people get to opine on every issue and send the issues that concern us, and there should be some senior government official out there who sets the priorities in terms of food, clothing, shelter, medicines, defense, and then the rest. Accordingly, the issues should be raised in the parliament.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
But if we don't vote, it's a tyranny. Our votes don't count for much but at least we are trying to guide our country. I hope you will begin voting again--at least you can say that you didn't roll over and let them trample you.
@vandana7 (101504)
• India
2 Oct 12
Actually, it is tyranny with or without voting in the present system. We may feel we are voting the better of the two. But having the set of precents established, the new official gets a decent range of corruption to play within. After all, he cannot be termed bad for minor offenses beause we always have comparison system working. I think it should be issue based politics instead of party based or alliance based. Moreover, the election manifesto should indicate which things would be tackled on war footing by the person seeking to be elected, and what measures would be taken to do so. There should be the opening balance, the effectiveness of measures, and closing balance status kind of that action. Agreed projected at the time of election, but the report card should be reviewed subsequently by the election commission and published. In fact, a periodic review within the term would even be better. That way people know what they are voting for, instead of whom they are voting for.
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@vandana7 (101504)
• India
1 Oct 12
As to graffiti, honestly, we dont see much of it in English, and thankfully I dont know how to read the local language. But yes, the words they use are often unparliamentary.
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• China
1 Oct 12
I haven't heard of a mail in ballot and don't know how to do it.Your quadrennial presidential election attracts worldwide attention.I can't imagine what the election campaign is like.It is said that presidential candidates will go to any lengths to win the election.
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• China
4 Oct 12
Thanks a lot! By what you said ,I get an idea of what the campaign is like.It is really a farce and gets on everyone's nerve . It seems as if two candidates fight hand-to-hand in a bog ,they two are covered in mud from head to foot.I don't know how much they actually spend on it.Now the campaign turns white hot.Nobody knows Who will win the election .
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
1 Oct 12
I can't remember the last time I voted, I am in my forties and refuse to vote, all the parties are as bad as each other, our country is in a terrible state, recession, mass unemployment, money crisis and this is caused by a coalition, the other party is not much better, so why waste my time voting at all, don't matter who gets and I don't really care. I don't like any graffiti, to me graffiti is graffiti, it's not art and it's like a disease it spreads, it's a total eyesore and some people actually risk their lives by walking across live wire rails to paint graffiti on the walls and everything they can. It's vandalism, pure and simple and just devalues the town you live in.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I feel as you do about graffiti! It's an eyesore and those that do it are nothing but vandals. It was creepy to see this warning, though, most graffiti is just junk that says nothing if you don't understand gang language. I feel like you do about voting, too, but if we did not vote we wouldn't have even the tiny voice we do now. I won't give up.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I feel it is my right to GO out and vote. I take that very seriously. I actually like the excitement of going to the polls. This year, my daughter is 18, we are making an afternoon of it. Lunch then voting before I go to work! Regarding the graffiti, good. Spread the word and what better way. When you are stopped in traffic, waiting for the train, well they have a captive audience.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I agree, going to the polls is part of the process. I'm glad I am able to physically! My boys remember me taking them to the polls and letting them mark the ballot or punch the hole, whichever one the state was using that year. When they were very small they didn't understand but enjoyed it and when they were older we discussed the candidates in the elections. One son doesn't vote because of that--our candidates rarely won and the ones who did take office went against nearly everything we wanted done. But the oldest is voting in this election because he realizes how important it is even though he doesn't believe his vote counts. I'm glad I took them to the polls.
@jazzyrae (1745)
• United States
30 Sep 12
I would only vote in person
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@CODYMAC (1356)
• San Diego, California
1 Oct 12
Politically I am neutral. I dont like either side and I feel like I would be "picking" the lesser of two evils if I did vote. I am a conservative, but not a Republican. That being said, the political messages are not so alarming to me as the placing of such a message. It simply tells me where our society is, and where it is eventually going to go no matter who is in office. I may live here and do not vote, so when I feel like my GOD given rights are being trampled on, I vote with my mouth. Many people voted this way throughout the Bible. Anyway, I say speak softly and carry a big stick when it comes to my rights. LOL Kidding about the speaking softly part...
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I am registered Republican only because it allows me to vote in the primaries. I'm more of a libertarian than anything but even that party doesn't stand for everything I believe. I do vote because hundreds of thousands of patriots gave their lives to protect my right to vote and speak freely. Not voting is an insult to them and belittles their sacrifice. That's my opinion. I'm glad you speak out. Your right to free speech is being seriously eroded.
@STOUTjodee (3595)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I've been seeing more billboards about God. It use to be there were hardly any billboards that would even say anything about God. I think we should all look toward God. I will go out and vote in person, to say I voted and get a sticker to say "I Voted Today." I think that the voting process is rigged, in 2008 not all the voting places had closed and Obama was elected President. I think it should be every vote matters, not just the electoral college deciding, just in my opinion.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I agree about the voting and I do believe the elections are rigged. We should turn to God because look what has happened when we've turned away, started with the ban on school prayer and escalating over the years. We are Soddom and Gomorrah. Read The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn and you'll see why all this is happening, why we have lousy leadership and our rights are being eroded. He has facts from prophecy and a previous nation, Israel, which is nearly an exact parallel to us. The good news is that we can earn God's blessings back--the bad news is that it is nearly illegal these days to speak out as a Christian in public.