Fire Away Bush Haters
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
September 30, 2012 10:22pm CST
The day the democrats took over was not January 22nd 2009, it was actually January 3rd 2007 the day the Democrats took over the House of Representatives and the Senate, at the very start of the 110th Congress.
The Democrat Party controlled a majority in both chambers for the first time since the end of the 103rd Congress in 1995.
For those who are listening to the liberals propagating the fallacy that everything is "Bush's Fault", think about this:
January 3rd, 2007 was the day the Democrats took over the Senate and the Congress.
At the time:
The DOW Jones closed at 12,621.77
The GDP for the previous quarter was 3.5%
The Unemployment rate was 4.6%
George Bush's Economic policies SET A RECORD of 52 STRAIGHT MONTHS of JOB GROWTH
Remember the day...
January 3rd, 2007 was the day that Barney Frank took over the House Financial
Services Committee and Chris Dodd took over the Senate Banking Committee.
The economic meltdown that happened 15 months later was in what part of the economy?
Unemployment... to this CRISIS by (among MANY other things) dumping 5-6 TRILLION Dollars of toxic loans on the economy from YOUR Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac FIASCOES!
Bush asked Congress 17 TIMES to stop Fannie & Freddie - starting in 2001 because it was financially risky for the US economy.
And who took the THIRD highest pay-off from Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac? OBAMA
And who fought against reform of Fannie and Freddie? OBAMA and the Democrat Congress
So when someone tries to blame Bush.
Budgets do not come from the White House. They come from Congress and the party that controlled Congress since January 2007 is the Democrat Party.
Furthermore, the Democrats controlled the budget process for 2008 & 2009 as well as 2010 & 2011.
In that first year, they had to contend with George Bush, which caused them to compromise on spending, when Bush somewhat belatedly got tough on spending increases.
For 2009 though, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid bypassed George Bush entirely, passing continuing resolutions to keep government running until Barack Obama could take office. At that time, they passed a massive omnibus spending bill to complete the 2009 budgets.
And where was Barack Obama during this time? He was a member of that very Congress that passed all of these massive spending bills, and he signed the omnibus bill as President to complete 2009.
If the Democrats inherited any deficit, it was the 2007 deficit, the last of the Republican budgets. That deficit was the lowest in five years, and the fourth straight decline in deficit spending. After that, Democrats in Congress took control of spending, and that includes Barack Obama, who voted for the budgets.
If Obama inherited anything, he inherited it from himself. In a nutshell, what Obama is saying is I inherited a deficit that I voted for and then I voted to expand that deficit four-fold since January 20th.
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4 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
1 Oct 12
I remember when they were blaming Bush for the bad economy before the economy went bad. And they still tell you that the Republicans obstructed everything Obama tried to do, without considering that the Dems had a majority in both houses for two years. Obama got what he wanted, but what he wanted was Obamacare, not policies that would increase job growth and aid the economy. Some buy all the slogans, all the lines, they hear only the one narrative and when confronted with facts, revert to them.
There may be some to whom this is all new information, but most who have their minds made up won't be swayed.
The bottom line is and always has been that the Democrats are far more likely to go in for "tax and spend" policies. The years they controlled Congress and the years they controlled both Congress and the White House have put the nation into a perilous situation with the debt. It won't be fixed easily. But before we can figure out how to treat the patient, we have to stop the bleeding.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
2 Oct 12
"I remember when they were blaming Bush for the bad economy before the economy went bad." -- I do too! And no one believed me back in '07 when I kept saying it! The 'news' media kept reporting how bad the economy was (quotes of this politician and that saying it, adnauseum) then after the democrats got the majority in both houses, they finally accomplished it. This lie (inherited a crash) and the one that says republicans blocked regulating of the big banks. I saw a c-span clip plainly showed the exact opposite, Democrats were blocking regulations upon Fannie and Freddie. Then there's always the one about how republicans want to do away with all environmental regulations for corporations.. I suppose I could go on and on..
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
8 Oct 12
NOt only did they block Bush's efforts to stop the meltdown, THEY caused the meltdown. lol
@mickeyb123 (117)
• United States
1 Oct 12
Debra, You have it exactly right.
It is always said that any good news appends to the President and any bad news also appends to him. That is a sit should be, however, an intellectually honest person who register who did what.
It should also be noted that, as a community organizer, with ACORN, Barry Setoro (Obama) worked against the banks and common sense to get houses for people who were not 'ready' for them. It could be said that he was a MAJOR player in the housing debacle because of his socialist organizing.
This is also lost on the dominate media and most of the Democrats.
Thank You for the comments..
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Oct 12
The future does NOT look bright.
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@mickeyb123 (117)
• United States
1 Oct 12
Well, I don't know... You could always go a get an 'Obama Phone'
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
1 Oct 12
Now Debra, instead of a lengthy posting, don't you think it is just easier to say it was Bush's fault?
Look at all of the words I saved!
I get the unexpected liberal at work now and again, I will engage for about a minute then realize they have no friggin clue. But a big no no for a bartender is to show you are smarter than the customer. So I sit in silent rage, try to smile and just think to myself - poor people haven't got a clue.

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Oct 12
laglen, lol....
what can I say. the liberals are out in full force on FB and mean as h3ll. lol
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
2 Oct 12
Absolutely fantastic post on what the truth really is. Just think how much worse off we would be if the Republicans hadn't won control of the house when they did to at least slow Obama down a little. We need Obama out and for Republicans to get control of the Senate to start fixing things.
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