Muslims' Double Standards...

October 1, 2012 5:52am CST
My query is simple. Terrorists are cowards who hit you from the back when you least expect, killing innocent people who are defenseless, spineless creatures who will never fight with you face-to-face as they can never win because truth always wins and terrorists and their method of struggle is wrong and unjust. When a Muslim is caught in a terrorism act. The Muslims worldwide make a hue and cry that do not judge the whole community by the actions of a few. Which I feel is justified. I do not go onto blame my neighbours or friends for the act of some terrorist. No one should judge any community according to the act of some criminals. It is contradicting to note that the same Muslims burn down around 30 Buddhist shrines in Bangladesh because allegedly a Buddhist boy uploaded a photo of the Prophet Muhammad in Facebook, which the Muslims find offensive. So the boy committed a crime. What mistake did the average Buddhists do that their shrines were torched? We can't judge the entire Muslim community for the act of a few terrorists, but why should they judge and punish other communities for the act of a boy? Why these double standards? Is this justified?
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6 responses
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
Yes, you are definitely right, are the terrorist act being undertaken by our Muslim brothers justifies the issues that they are fighting? Then, why harm the innocent one? The US Ambassador, the Buddhist shrines? Why?
1 person likes this
• India
1 Oct 12
Rightly so. I believe that violence was/is/will never be the solution to any dispute. We need to tackle differences maturely and there has to be some level of tolerance. We should all forget the past, join hands in order to make a better and safe society for generations to come. We should aim for a peaceful world rather than settling scores. Good day!
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
3 Oct 12
Islamic terrorists don't need reason to terrorize the world and destroy non islamic religions, they don't practice or operate according to international standard, they don't wage holy war base on rule agreed upon by Geneva Convention. So there is no double standard and justification issue here. The boy upload a photo of Muhammed and the filemaker of an unknown Youtube video are only few of the many excuses they like to use to express their love of violence and terror to bring non believers to their knee. Have you forget about the desecration and demolition on thousand years of Buddha statues in Afghanistan during the Taliban rule already? It is not even joking many muslims don't even consider that such act is horrendous and blasphemy to Buddhists, none of their leader come out to condemn such barbaric act at all, so how is the possible for you to expect justice this time around?? It is history repeat itself again.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
4 Oct 12
I thought you already know that they don't see themselves should be judged by the same standard like other non muslims, they considered themselves as a privilege class of people because they are in this religion. So in the sense that there is no double standard issue for them if they burn the Buddha statues, attack US embassies, burn Christian churches, or Hindu shrine, or even murder some non muslim, due to someome posted a video in Youtube or a photo in Facebook, or published a cartoon in tabloit, they can go around and reacted violently and even kill a bystander. It is their privilege to react in such a violent manner to put whole non believers community onto their knee just because a person piss them off even though that may be a boy only. I am sure by now you should know this religion followers are mainly violent folks and you can't really think of a logical reason to support their behavior, may be it is the teaching of their holy book that demand them to act out violently, it is not even joking judging from the past violent outburnt they have in various part of the world. They may not even consider their action against innocent people is violent except normal reaction to create terror.
• India
4 Oct 12
Yup I remember the Buddhist statue incident in Afghanistan. Sad. Expecting such acts from the terrorists is normal. But my point was about normal civilians. The men who torched the Buddhist shrines in Bangladesh were not terrorists. They were citizens like you and me. My point is that these civilians will shout and make a cry when you call their community a violent one when a Muslim terrorist is caught. They claim to be innocent because the act of one man doesn't mirrors the viewpoint of the entire community. Similarly if a non-Muslim offends their sentiments, the viewpoint of that one particular miscreant doesn't showcases the whole community's viewpoint, to which the miscreant belongs. So why ruin that community's religious believes and cause harm to the entire community? This is what I called double standards of average Muslims. Not terrorists. Terrorists are cowards, they know only to attack you from the back and can only kill innocent unarmed people with weapons. I'm not bringing them into the discussion at all. Good day!
• India
5 Oct 12
You make me laugh. But what you're saying is not wrong. Interesting thing you've pointed out that they have issues with everyone in every part of the world. Even in the Mid-East which are supposed to be Arab countries and their home town. Can't even resist causing violence in their own home land. Can we still call them a peaceful community as they claim? I wonder!
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@dfollin (25507)
• United States
1 Oct 12
I very well can see how you are saying this is double standards,it is.Ok,there are people that have raped,kidnapped,murdered and robed that are white.So should I hold it against all white people,including myself? Also,we are not supposed to judge.It is God's word that we are not to judge one another to love they neighbor.Read Matthew 7:1-5,Luke 6:37, John 7:23 and 100 other verses in the bible. And the tenth commandment by God is to love thy neighbor.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
1 Oct 12
Hi MIMO, Such an attitude and action is Definitely not justified ! I feel that when it comes to religion even the sane people lose their balance and do things that they may regret later.Another very disturbing thing is to see the religious leaders instead of making peace and advising the followers , themselves instigate the masses to take part in violent and anti social activities...this is why it has been told that Religion is the Opium of the masses..
• India
1 Oct 12
Yes. I think I'll agree. Religious leaders are too busy keeping the masses in the dark, exploiting their emotional bondage with the religion and fulfilling their own selfish desires. I mean every religion takes about peace, so how come the leaders don't preach that? Instead use religion as a weapon to cause harm. Its insane. The opium point makes perfect sense. Good day!
@Suzieqmom (2755)
• United States
3 Oct 12
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Terrorism is wrong, but is certainly not limited to Muslims--all races, religions, and many countries have had citizens that have, at one time or another, acted like today's definition of terrorists. Consider the revolutionaries in the French Revolution, or even the American Revolution--their tactics would, by today's standards,might very well be considered "terroristic" because they did not follow the rules of engagement in war that were prevalent at that time. And yet the American and French Revolutions brought about the age of democracy. I myself was a victim of a terrorist attack here in the United States, and I know several people who were killed. I deeply despise the cowardice shown by people who engage in such acts, whatever the cause. However, I think it is wrong to blame an entire religion for the actions of one small group of people.
• India
3 Oct 12
Sorry to hear about your experience. I hope you're all right now. I know that the traumas will remain forever. But I hope that you feel safe now no matter where you are. As I said that it is wrong to point a finger at the entire community for the actions of a few. If we don't do it, at the same time we expect the same from them. But they'll never understand this. If their sentiments are hurt they'll take to the roads damage public property and try hurting non-Muslims, whether the latter has been involved in hurting them or not. This is a wrong act. Hate this mentality. Good day!
@Rasniki09 (183)
1 Oct 12
In the name of religion people have done some very dangerous and malicious things to each other. It seems like, one religion believes that their religion is the better one and so, instead of respecting each others choice we have terrorists murdering people in the name of religion. I agree with you, we should not judge and punish an entire community because a few.
• India
1 Oct 12
Yup, you're right. Religion is suppose to bring peace to the world, teach us how to live life and accept others, be tolerant, do service to mankind and this is what has turned out. If religions are suppose to bring understanding and peace in the world. Then I can flatly say that it has been a failure. Purpose not achieved. Good day!