My neice is thinking about quiting college!

United States
October 1, 2012 10:18pm CST
My 20 year niece Randi is. I am not sure of the whole story. I do know she misses her fiance,who is a Marine stationed in North Carolina. They are planning on a wedding in January 2014. I know she is in love but I think she might throw away her education just to be with him! She is a junior in college and I know her parents,my brother and sister=in=law,have been helping her pay for school. I won't say anything to her or her parents. It is none of my business but I still will worry! I just hope she doesn't do something she might regret!
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10 responses
@flapiz (23292)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 12
Hi! I think you should at least advise her. It's not like you're forcing her to follow your advise. At least you have not failed on giving her a fair warning. Education is very important make her see that. If she still wishes to quit after you tell her that then let her be. At least you did your duty as family.
1 person likes this
2 Oct 12
Yea you are right advice her so she will not make huge mistake
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@flapiz (23292)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 12
If she doesn't follow it then it's her fault. At least she can't blame you for not caring because you cared.
• United States
4 Oct 12
My hope would be Randi would transfer to a college near where her boyfriend is so she could continue her education. I can give my advice to her. It would not hurt anything. I might do that.
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Oct 12
Sounds like she is nearly of age and can do as she pleases. I would hope she makes the right decision. Love is strange phanomenon and you never know what will come of it. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. That isn't always true and maybe she feels it won't be the case with him.
@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Oct 12
Not much you can do if she is 21.
• United States
4 Oct 12
Randi will be 21 on November 1,2010. Love is blind at times and so many other things! I just hope she doesn't make a big mistake! I hope Randi makes the right decision. Knowing randi's parents they will not fight her and let her do what she wants. I should know more soon.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Oct 12
Hi 'Blue 65 packer I was just thinking she could get help from the government to go back to college even if she did quit and marry her fiance as the government does have plans in case she does quit I went back to college after I married and got my AA i n English then went on to get my BA in English on government help and a loan which I paid back.I know it would be best of course if she kept on and finished now as she is a junior an by the time they wanted to marry she could be close to being finished or as I misread they plan on marrying in 2014 she could be all through with it,. but I was just saying marriage does not stop you from finishing college.
• United States
17 Oct 12
Right now I know randi will be seeing her fiance in November. She is going with his to a Marine ball. I just found out she is going to spend Christmas with him in North Caroline,too. With her marriage,Randi is not the first one in my family to get married while still in college. My oldest nephew and his wife did before their senior of college. Randi set her wedding date for 1/4/2014! Right after the holidays! That will be interesting! Anyway I never thought of goverment help if she quit school and would go back again! I know Brandon,the fiance,can! Maybe this will be a not a bad thing if she does this! I am sure I will find out more soon!
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
4 Oct 12
Ohhh God 20 years age is less and why leaving education for marriage. You should give advise to her education is most important for future life. Today they are well but we can say the future will same. Education teach us everything about living life, earning money. I not like her views. If her fiance is forcing for this means wrong and you should inquiry about it.
• United States
10 Oct 12
The problem I see hear is Randi and her finance are madly in love! As alot of use know love is blind! I know her parents might let her do this! They let their oldest do anything he wanted and he came across as the "Perfect Son"! Just put it this way,Randi's big brother is not in a good place which is quite a long story! I will let her know what I think but I can't tell my brother and my sister-in-law to do! That is not my business!
@Otanetix (508)
• United States
2 Oct 12
Before your niece quits college, she should think about the consequences. If she stops going to college and has student loans, then she would still need to worry about paying the loans off. Quitting college means eliminating the opportunity to getting a degree which might land her a good job; the job might even help pay off expenses related to the wedding in the future. Continuing college might delay her plans of marriage a bit, but she's still 20 years old and still has her whole life ahead of her. If she is already a junior in college, I think she should continue with college; so if she is going for a 4-year degree, then it's only one more year. However, if she a college student who has not declared her major or keeps switching her major, it might be better for her to take a break from college. But that's my opinion based on people I know who graduated later than four years.
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• United States
4 Oct 12
Randi will be 21 on November 1,2012. Shehas a major. Interior design. I think her parents (my younger brother and sister-in-law) have been paying for much of her college tuition. I don't know if she has any loans. With the wedding her parents and her futher husband's parents are spliting the bill on that. I hope if she decides to move to North carolina she would transfer to a college near her finance and finish her career. i will might out more soon.
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
2 Oct 12
I would be worried too about that.Maybe everything will work out but she's so young it would be best she finish school. I wonder if she would go back and finish after she is with him?
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• United States
4 Oct 12
Randi turns 21 on the 1st of Novemeber. She and futher husband plan to marry in January 2014. Brandon is a Marine and if he makes it a career,Randi should know she will have to move alot! I have no idea what she has planned for after the wedding! She will have a semseter to go before graduation.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
2 Oct 12
I do hope that she doesn't give it daughter did that when she was a junior in college and married and moved to Hawaii....but she did finish her degree later...and even got her masters. Sometimes you have to be happy to reach a if she quits to be with him.....then whe probably will do better when she goes back and finishes.
• United States
4 Oct 12
Even if randi decides to drop out of college,she will finish her college degree later on. If not she could transfer to a college near where he lives! Time will tell what she will do. I just hope it won't be the wrong thing!
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
2 Oct 12
its a horrible decision to make at this time and it sounds like a real horrible one ideally for sure,advice her to stick there itself
• United States
4 Oct 12
I should just give her the advice I would like to.That is don't throw away the college education! Brandon will wait for you if he really loves you! Knowing my younger brother and his wife,they might let her do her thing,if she wants to! They did with the oldest son and I will just say that was a big mistake! They don't need Randi dropping out of college!
@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
2 Oct 12
That's a tough position to be in. She should finish her education. I wonder if there isn't a way to have both. With the Internet and other resources she may be able to be with him and finish her education. Won't be easy though.
• United States
4 Oct 12
I will see randi probaly on thanksgiving. I will find out more on her plans by then. On the first of November she will be 21. She could tranfer to a college near the finance. Going on line could be another opition. I have no idea if she thought about this or not! I just hope she does the right thing!
• United States
3 Oct 12
I think even if you dont confront her in a direct way, you should at least give her some encouragement to stay in school. 20 years from now, she may regret not sticking with it, especially knowing that she had the finiacial help to stay in school and get her degree. All in all she will do what she wants, and what she thinks is best for her. It doesnt hurt though to get an opinion from a caring family member though once in a blue moon. Wish her the best of luck in what ever she chooses though.
• United States
4 Oct 12
I hope if she would quit college she goes back someday. If not she would regret it for the rest of her life! Her parents might tell her to do what she wants. They did with the oldest son and it was a disaster! I hope this would not happen to Randi if she doesn't finish college!