I'm so tired!!! Wish my little one would sleep later

@kemak28 (724)
United States
October 2, 2012 6:22am CST
I guess I need to start going to bed earlier each night. My daughter sleeps sound all night. I don't hear a thing from her which is great but she is up so early. She used to sleep until 6:30 which I could handle but now it's been an hour earlier. She's going to bed by 8:00. Doesn't seem to matter what time I put her tho bed she's always up early. Any of you moms experiencing the same?
9 responses
2 Oct 12
My son is the same way. Do you think your daughter might be waking up because she's hungry? Sometimes I can get my son to go back to sleep if I get him a sippy cup of milk. He's a really picky eater so he goes to bed a lot with only a few bites of dinner and some pediasure, and then wakes up hungry the next day.
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
3 Oct 12
It could be. I know sometimes I would fix her some milk around 5 am and she would go back to sleep. I will have to try it again, maybe that will make the difference.
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
3 Oct 12
I gave her milk at 5 am this morning and she went back to sleep until 6:30!!
3 Oct 12
Good deal! I'm glad she went back to sleep for you.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
2 Oct 12
I did when my oldest was a newborn. We slept together, all in a king size bed and she would wake up every time the train would pass by. Sometimes I let her cry but I would always check for a wet diaper see if she hungry make sure she's warm and if it was none of those then I'd rock her in the rocking chair. That would do the job real fast! We had a bassinet but she didn't like it so finally I would cave in and let her join us in bed and she would sleep almost instantly! Every hour it would be like that and my husband would get up and take care of her. If she needed nursing then he'd wake me up. When I had my second baby it was different. She was a heavy sleeper and the total opposite! She didn't like sleeping with us which was a good thing. Because he and I totally needed us time and we couldn't have fun with her in bed with us. How old is ur little one? She looks to be less then a year. U could bathe her in lavender baby shampoo, that usually works but if u don't have that u can just bathe her I ur regular baby products. Bathtime helps babyish sleep. Well I hop this helps :) good luck
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
2 Oct 12
She's 17 months old. She naps good and goes to bed really good at night. I shouldn't complain as she sleeps solid all night long. It's just come morning she wakes up I change her diaper and then she seems tired so I try to rock her a bit back to sleep or bring her in bed with us...but she rarely goes back to sleep and then shes tired all morning. We are on two naps still so maybe once we are at one nap she will need to sleep longer at night.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
2 Oct 12
I have read in the parenting magazine that babies, near nap time shouldn't have too much excitement. Try changing ur routine a little bit. I don't know what else to tell u but I do hope for the best! There r tons of things I could tell u to try but that'll make ur eyes hurt lol! Have u tried swaddling her? Babies love that. Or try skin to skin contact.
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
3 Oct 12
She loved swaddling but only up to around 9 months and then she had enough and wanted to move. I'm thinking she's just going through changes right now and once she's on one nap a day she will sleep a longer night. I can hope! She's good with her nap and bedtime routine...we read books and watch her show and she goes right to sleep. She just doesn't want to sleep more then 8-9 hours...whereas before it was 11 hours. Could be worse though...I will take this over what's she was like at 5 months old!!
@mermaidivy (15394)
• United States
3 Oct 12
I hear you... My son used to go to bed around 8pm to 9pm and doesn't get up until 7ish but lately since I have moved him to the big bed which he can get off bed on his own, he has been getting up before 6 and came to hang out on my bed. But he doens't stay still and quiet, he keeps talking, kicking, making noises... I just can't sleep, even though I would still stay in bed for another hour or so, I can't enough enough sleep and I don't get to nap either with another young baby. I don't know what to do. I know that if I put hi mback tp his bed to sleep, it would be a fight and I won't get to sleep either that way...
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 12
Kemak, yours situation seems the opposite from mine. My child used to sleep very late at night when he is at your daughter's age. Resulted from it, i always don't have enough sleep because i have to complete my daily household works in the day. Only after daily trained, he slowly adapted to the time that i wanted him to fall asleep without disturbing my sleep. Try to arrange your schedule and let her play more and went to sleep much later. Slowly i am sure she will start to follow your sleeping schedule. Try to be patience and train her slowly. i had gone through that stage and i am sure you will be able to overcome it, too...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
3 Oct 12
I don't know how old your daughter is, so I really can't make too many suggestions about how to get her to sleep a little bit later in the morning. I do think that making bedtime an hour later on a regular basis will make the time that she wakes up in the morning a little bit later, but it isn't something that is going to happen all at once. Another thing that you might need to analyze is how much she is napping during the day. It could be that she is napping too much and that is causing her to need less sleep at night. If that is the case, gradually decrease her napping during the day and she will sleep longer at night.
• China
3 Oct 12
My friend kemak,I think you need to start going to bed earlier each night. You should have a try.What's your daughter's age? If your daughter sleep too early,she will up so early,she won't let you have enough sleeping time.You can play with her,let she feel tired!!! HAHA!!! Maybe it is difficult,but if you do as that your daughter and you will have a sweet dream.You can adjust your daughter's sleep time with yours little by little. GOOD LUCK!!! My friend :)
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
3 Oct 12
She's super tired by 7:30-8:00 I can't keep her up much later. She's 17 months old.
@natliegleb (5173)
• India
2 Oct 12
haha give her some bed time stories to go along with and ask her to have a good nap and you can hit the bed at the earliest
@mae_ais (105)
• Philippines
3 Oct 12
my niece used to sleep 8pm and wakes up 4:30 in the morning, but her mother never complains since they both have the same sleeping pattern..lol! she said she is used to it and that she really needs to wake up early to prepare breakfast, and things for her husband and kids.. she goes back to bed by the time they are all gone and when her baby sleeps too..
2 Oct 12
i have four children my seven year old goes to bed at eight and she wakes up at like half 6 and i do wish sometime she could have slept in as well but she is getting a little bit better hope your daughter sleeps longer