Coping with the loss of a pet.

United States
October 2, 2012 9:39am CST
Recently my dog/companion/best friend of 9 1/2 years passed away. She had some health problems that went unnoticed by the vet. About 3 wks ago she got really sick and I was able to nurse her back to health, or so I thought she was on the mend. A week later, within a few hours, she sent straight downhill and was unable to stand and could hardly lift her head. It tore me to pieces to see her like this and all I could do was comfort her (it was the weekend and no vets open where I live). I cuddled her, pet her, cried, I told her how brave and strong she was and how proud of her I was and I thanked her over and over again for being such a wonderful loyal friend to me. When she died the look in her eyes broke my heart, she looked so scared and sad. I felt cruel wrapping her body up in a blanket and laying her in the garage until we could bury her the next day. Then when we buried her all I could do is ask her for forgiveness and kept telling her how sorry I was. It's only been a few days now and this pain is unbelievable! I feel so lost and empty inside without her. Every time I walk into the living-room I find myself looking to the couch or the recliner expecting to see her laying there. I don't know what to do or how to ease this pain. Does anyone have any suggestions that may help me get through this horrible pain?
4 responses
• Philippines
5 Oct 12
You are very passionate about your beloved pet. You have treated her more like family than a pet and that's very sweet. Not all pets are as fortunate as yours.. It's normal that you go through such because 9 years is definitely something. You have treasured your pet and turned her into a dear friend in the process. Talk about it to a close friend. Tell him/her how your pet made an impact in your life and why it hurts you that much.. It would also be a way for you to release such emotions. That will nurse you back into your emotional health. :)
• Philippines
6 Oct 12
You are ever welcome. :)
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
4 Oct 12
I'm soooo so sorry... The only time I had to deal with something similar was when I was 12 and my parents just told me out of the blue we were going to Japan, she just gave away my cat and I cried for 3 months and maybe more than once a day but no support, I think they thought it was stupid. I think that you will have to wash away your sorrow... It never heals, but then here and there you'll have a half smile about something adorable he did... Oh, i'm so sorry dear!
• Philippines
2 Oct 12
hi obriens, When I lost my dog he was 13 years old he is one of the best we had it was really painful but we must move on it take years before having a new one. Try to divert your attention and think that she is in a better place now. welcome to mylot!
• India
2 Oct 12
Hi friend, sad to hear about this, really it is very hard to come out from this kind of pain, but what to do? you must divert your self with some other activities. Buy a new pet and give the same affection to it.