Which is more important?

United States
October 3, 2012 6:20am CST
Many people are in financial crunches. Even if both the husband and wife works, or they live on a fixed income like SSI or retirement or SSDI, they may have to make tough decisions based on what is more crucial at the time. I can understand people having to choose which bills they pay. The first things you have to pay are for your living expenses such as rent or mortgage payments, utilities such as electricity and water, and gas if you heat your home with gas. The next thing you have to pay for is the food you and your family has to eat for the month. Many people run out of money before they run out of month when it comes to food. Sometimes, for many struggling people, they have to let some bills go or pay only part of their bills in order to have gasoline to go to work or to have enough food. A married couple I know with 4 children are talking about only paying half of their contract cell phones. Their bill is over $100 a month because they each have smart phones. They got them when they weren't in such a crunch, but now they have to make the hard decision to lose their phones if the company shuts them off for not paying full payment. I expect, if people were honest, they would have such dilemmas also. I don't know what will happen with my friends' if they do only pay half or part of their bill since it is on contract. I know their credit will be affected. Have you ever faced this with a contract? If so what did you face? Were you able to get back on track? Please share your thoughts.
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12 responses
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
3 Oct 12
Yep. Which bills to pay. That's me! When i worked full time and if I was sick I really would panic. I remember when I was ill with pneumonia and couldn't work for over a month. I was hurtin'! And the stress I had made me miss days too. I finally had to quit work and payments on about three credit cards. Ugh!
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Oct 12
It's a shame you can't get more help.
• United States
3 Oct 12
I'm in ollections for hospital bills but I pay everything else. I have large copays for the specialists I see, so I have to budget that.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 Oct 12
I had a cell phone once and I tried to cancel it several times, first they said I had to pay the balance so I did, but when I paid the balance they renewed it for another year, and I fought with them but they wouldn't budge, so I just stopped paying them. That ruined my credit but my credit is great once again so I don't have to worry anymore.
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• United States
8 Oct 12
Mine isn't lime that. If a person wants to break their contract they need to pay a $250 fee and their current phone bill. My friend is making a mistake to not make arrangements to pay. All they have to do is talk to them. I've had to do it before once. I notified them and they let me pay the bill in pieces. It doesn't hurt the credit that way as long as you follow through and pay what you agreed to by the agreed dates. AT&T is good that way.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
3 Oct 12
No, I've never had trouble paying something on contract because mine is paid with a credit card. I've had times when it was hard to pay the credit card, but could still pay more than minimum. That doesn't sound too bad until you realize that a cellphone bill is a recurring charge and unless I pay the full amount charged, I'm going deeper and deeper into debt each month. I have felt a little financial crunch lately due to some bills I didn't expect, but so far, so good. As things become more and more expensive, I'm going to have to be more and more careful about spending, as many people will.
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• United States
3 Oct 12
I have to be careful about spending too. I did good on groceries. I think what I got will last about 3 weeks and then I will have to make sure I have money to fill in for the rest of the month. I bought 30 pounds of baking potatoes. They are BIG!! One potato fills me up. I bought the Banquet meals for myself since they are just the right size for me. I had a gastric bypass in 2001 and those small meals are perfect. I said all the above to say that I spent about $200 on food and will budget my money for my bills. My hospital bills are humongous so I can only pay $10 a month on them.
@cutepenguin (6430)
• Canada
3 Oct 12
I just paid a bit late. It worked out in the end because we were able to pick up some extra work and catch up with everything before it got too bad.
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• United States
4 Oct 12
That's great that you could do that.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
3 Oct 12
Hi PointlessQuestions, It is difficult everywhere, especially for people on a fixed income. Heating costs are a big thing here in the winter and I've heard of seniors in the big cities having to choose between being cold or being hungry. There are food banks of course but they are usually taxed to the limit during the winter. I've been getting by fairly well myself and managing to pay my bills and have both food and heat. I am very thankful that we have medicare here, otherwise it would be much worse. We have another three years before we can get rid of this Conservative government (baring a miracle), and few expect things to improve while they are in power. Blessings.
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• United States
4 Oct 12
Hi Pose. The liberals are in power here and things are just getting worse. I know Canada is a huge country, but I think there are more people in the US. Oftentimes, people here expect government to solve all their problems and it can't. We must choose to live within our means even if it is difficult. I couldn't manage without my online earnings. I am thankful for my Medicare insurance because what I have to spend is minimal compared to those with regular insurance. While it is good for me, it's not good for the doctors and medical facilities that have to raise their prices to compensate for Medicare write offs. It's a never ending cycle of not having enough money to live on.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
5 Oct 12
so many people are just not getting back on track. its why im wondering that in 4 years wheres the change obama promised? 4 years and its only worse for the working class. yet no good candidate to replace him so i see no help no matter who is elcted. we are going down and dont know whats to become of us. i will never recover i think and here in my house it may get worse financially soon. in order for peace.
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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
4 Oct 12
I grew up with utilities getting shut off periodically and dad turning them back on and the utilities putting locks on them. This was actually before the laws about severe weather, so there were times when it was icy outside and we had no heat. Most recently, when they added a production fee to gas that one year and our bills were quadrupled, we got too far behind. We actually made the choice to have our gas cut off for five months, during hot weather, because in the summer we only use it to heat hot water. We showered at other places and made do until it just got too cold to do without heat. We made small payments all the way through, and were able to get it put on a budget plan and then they surcharge was taken off.We are on budget now.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
3 Oct 12
Hi Ms.PQ I prioritize my bills I don't pay them to half and I'm afraid to have bills that I are not totally paid. My internet connection and phone are in line but I make sure that I paid them on time for the convenience of my own. Last few months I almost cut my phone for I decide to go back in prepaid but when I total it's more expensive when I use prepaid than line.
• United States
3 Oct 12
Hi Lyn. I have lots of hospital bills cause we don't have free healthcare like lots of countries. I pick and choose which ones I will pay $10 on. I can't do any better than that after paying all my bills. I also pay all my necessary bills for living. I've never missed a cell phone payment either. We don't have landline phone.
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
4 Oct 12
I guess that must be the real world. Well I know I will vote against the current people in office that voted for the dreaded health care bill That Obama pushed through. They are raiding medicare and I am paying more than my share now. It has gotten so bad that I had to go out and take on a job just to make enough to may for my insulin and other meds. I can't cut back anymore on food as I need the good stuff to help keep my diabetes under control. I know where you are coming from though about making decisions on what gets paid this month and what gets put off till next. I maintain a list and when I make a payment on one then it goes to bottom of the list to work back up. If I get notice that it has gone to collection then it always gets moved to bottom to start as new bill.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Oct 12
HI POINTLESSquestions thats why I do not have a cellpoint. I have socisl security and SSI and mylot eanrings,thats lal. the rent and board here are taken out of my Social Security and ssi checks on third of each monmth, I have left 128 for my personals exp enses so m ylot earnnings help me to pay my cable internet bill and phone and meds bu t at time I have to p ay the med bill in pieces..thjis place as crummy as it is costs 1 000 a month for G sake and yet they cannot afford better f ood bS. cow puckeys,grrrrrrrr.I think your friends need to cut the cell phone and use landline
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Oct 12
hi typo error . cell phone not point. drat.lal should be all this not thjis darn.
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• China
4 Oct 12
I guess it is due to higher living costs which have swallowed up your pay rise so that more and more people are finding it increasingly difficult to live on their wages.
@HosmanF (92)
• Belgium
3 Oct 12
Good evening dear friend PointlessQuestions , well this subject its touching in my opinion at least fifty pourcent of the world population , even if in other parts of the world they still manage to maintain a certain level of normal lifestyle , but those parts of the world will also start to feel the world crisis . Related to the discussion , in my case , i am twenty six years old , have a credit for my appartmet and i go to work from seven am untill three pm , afterwards i get back home to take a quick shower and eat something and then i'm leaving to my taunt cofee bar , and i am working there to help her from five pm untill ten pm , so to make it clear , my regular job wage is 1150 € per month plus my aunt pays me every night 30 € per evening ( week-ends is 60 because i work full time at my aunt ) so i get a total of a extra 720 € per month on working week-ends , and all evenings during the week , so this makes me a total of 1920 € , but my apartment credit is 675 € per month , plus another 500 € in bills for apartment ( water , electricity , gaz ) two years ago when i had the apartment i had to make a credit for furniture and washing machine so adding another 450 € to that per month , plus i am working at 60 kilometers from my home ( my regular job ) so only in gaz i pay another 200 € per month , but if i am doing all of this is hoping that one day i will be old and pensioned , and one day my childrens will have a better life. The point is , the life its getting harder and more expensive to live , and something needs to change. I wish you all a great evening and lots of courage for days to come