Two third of Europeans converting to Islam are Women

Lauren Booth - Lauren Booth, Tony Blair's Sister-in-Law, Convert to Islam
@Naseem00 (1996)
October 3, 2012 6:03pm CST
It is often said that Islam suppresses women and make them second class citizens. Yet it is interesting to note increasing number of women converting to Islam throughout Europe and the US. According to recent surveys conducted in Europe Conversion to Islam has escalated during past few years. In Britain alone the number of converts to Islam has crossed 100,000. The survey revealed that nearly two thirds of the converts were women, more than 70% were white and the average age at conversion was just 27. I would like to have your thoughts on this please.
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7 responses
4 Oct 12
Hello Naseem00, greetings. Every person in this whole wide world, in his/her right mind has the right to choose which Religion to accept and to embraced. Of course, there are reasons why such an individual decides to do that. In the Christian world, this kind of religious freedom is 100% tolerated by their respective governments. I for one, can freely roam around having my Bible and Quran with me with no fear of reprisals whatsoever. One thing that I am wishing for, let Religion be our way (or a healthy competition ) of showing love and respect for one another. And this world will become a better world, a better place to live and let live. Let those who do otherwise, let blood be upon their own heads. Peace and love, brother.
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• Singapore
4 Oct 12
Where I am I am also able to walk around with a Christian bible in a muslim mosgue. But I will be asked by concerned parties. They are concerned because they want me to be saved so they will ask but other than that I will not be attacked. Yes I agree with you that we should be able to live in peace with all religions just like what my country is practicing. The thing I love here is that most native non muslims have lived with muslims all their lives and they love us as much as we love them.
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• Singapore
4 Oct 12
sorry please replace muslim mosgue with mosque. Thank you.
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
4 Oct 12
Religions came to the world that peace would prevail, and that humans worshiped one God is the Creator of the universe, but humans ambitions is what about the mundane world to scenes struggle for power, strength and control the destinies of peoples and plunder its resources .
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@urbandekay (18278)
4 Oct 12
They were warned but did not heed the warning And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. all the best urban
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
5 Oct 12
urbandekay, it is very true some people do not understand despite all the warnings. I totally agree. We have to be ware of all false prophets and false gods as well
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
4 Oct 12
Why do we always have to look at the end and forget the present..I mean past and future are not in my hands. Present is. I dont want to hurt anybody nor be hurt by anybody. I also want to be fairly comfortable, and healthy, and loved. Is it too much to ask? I dont think any religion promises me such simple things..:(
@artemeis (4194)
• China
6 Oct 12
Honestly, I am not surprise by this article where for one, inter-racial marriage has been on the increase since the opening of cross border relationships in politics and trade. On this article, I'd just say that it is probably due to inter religion marriage. Now, isn't it true that in Islam when a non-Muslim wants to marry a Muslim, the non-Muslim would have to convert to a Muslim? I have 2 male classmates that married Muslims. Both of them had to study the Koran, undergo the mandatory circumcision and conversion which had their Chinese names changed to a Muslim one. The saddest thing out of these 2 marriages, both are being disowned by their families for the change of name. How is this conversion not "forced"? I don't understand this and maybe you would want to elaborate why Muslim families cannot accept non-Muslims as they without the conversion when they seek marriage. Unlike, what I see and understand other religions where there's no need to change their heritage and family given names when they accept other faiths like Christianity, Buddhism or Hinduism for that matter to marry.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
7 Oct 12
Thank you artemeis for sharing your views. The article I have referred to does not anywhere mention marriages as a reason for these conversions. Also I would like to point out the Muslim males are allowed to marry Jew or Christian women (though it is not encouraged) it that want. And keeping the fact in mind that majority of these conversions are from Christianity to Islam, I do not think a lot of these were a result of marriages. With regard to your friends having to convert before getting married. Were those marriages forced? If not, how the conversions could be considered as forced? And to your saying The saddest thing out of these 2 marriages, both are being disowned by their families for the change of name. Is it the change of name or change of religion that has caused the disowning? If a person is free to choose what religion they want to chose, why are they being disowned by their families? Islam is a monotheist religion. Allah does not allow any association with Him. In Islam marriage is the means to provide spiritual and legal foundation of the family and to ensure preservation of the human species and continuation of the human race. If the children to be born as a result of that marriage find one of their parents have a different faith, would they not be confused? And what will happen in case of separation of the parents. To avoid such situations, Islam requires its followers to marry a Muslim.
@artemeis (4194)
• China
8 Oct 12
It is a fact that the article did not cite marriages as a reason for these conversions but from an objective point of view, I believe the author has not done enough diligence as far as research and homework is concern. I am saying this without basis because it is a true demographic fact that women in Europe are marrying men from countries like Turkey to as far as South Africa. Now the marriages are not forced but as I had clearly stated the prospective non-Muslim partners are required to convert in order to be accepted and be accepted for marriage. You may deem that there is no coerce and force here but I beg to differ when it is a fact that Muslims will be denounced and disowned by their Muslim family if they leave their faith. I can understand the continuance part but in my classmates' cases they are Muslim women and they should actually help their husbands continue their heritage right? Then, why the conversion and change of name into a Muslim one? Don't you think this is unreasonable?
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
8 Oct 12
artemeis , the Muslim man can marry Christian or Jewish woman , But Muslim woman can't marry Christian or Jewish man , this is the Islamic Sharia for many reasons
@OYGAK2005 (371)
• Saudi Arabia
5 Oct 12
essalamu eleykum .it is realy good news. and we belive the islam only the right way.......
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
6 Oct 12
Walaikum salam, yes you are correct my friend about Islam being the right way. But we do not need to say this openly because this may hurt somebody's feelings.
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• Singapore
6 Oct 12
OYGAK2005 That is a beautiful picture you have posted as your profile. Her eyes are so meaningful.
• Sweden
5 Oct 12
that is interesting. i have little learning on Islam, but i know having faith is important. but why do women need it more than men?
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
5 Oct 12
Hi sarah77yuan, thank you for responding. Yes why do women need it more than men? is what I am asking and the only answer I can see is because Islam gives women more respect and more rights than anything else.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
6 Oct 12
Vandy, The difference with Islam is, there will always be a group that will stick to the scriptures no matter how odd it looks. Those might be called extremists or fundamentalists, backwards or whatever, but they will stick to the scripture.
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
5 Oct 12
Naseem...actually according to Hindu scriptures too, women should not be given rights to manage monies. Manu laid down those rules. But who is following
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
4 Oct 12
Every day we hear about men and women who entered Islam out of conviction and the last I heard it from women French rapper Diam's This is the video he met one French broadcasters .. This video was lifted on YouTube and the YouTube deleted It , and that some young people has uploaded it a second after put the Arabic translation . I hope to watch it before deleting the third time .. I tried to come to you the video which I have seen but I found that it has been deleted
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
5 Oct 12
Thank you for sharing this news. Unfortunately I can not view the video ue to the fact of youtube being blocked in my country after its support for that anti-Islam video. But I read the story at the link given by momof3kids. Thank you both my sisters.
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• Singapore
4 Oct 12
French rapper Diam's  - French rapper Mélanie Georgiades, known as Diam’s, made her first TV appearance with her new image.
Assalamualaikum Samar Today I found this video that you mention in my facebook. Enjoy!!
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@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
4 Oct 12
Wa Alaikum Assalam dear sis., thank you , I found it and sent in my comment .
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
4 Oct 12
Naseem..I dont believe in conversions. Especially in these days and times when people are educated and can rationalize better. I look at my religion, and I see many issues which I feel are wrong, but I view them from present context so I find them wrong. If I convert, after initial euphoria, I might come to a stage where I have to think about the religion per se, in depth. And then I will find faults with that religion as well. So what would I do? Ask people. Expect answers. I could very well have done that with my religion, right? That is because many things in the original religion are unwittingly acceptable. Therefore, there are no questions related to that custom. In the new religion there will be more questions, and eventually, I would seem and feel like an infidel. However, learning about every religion is something I want. I want to respect every religion for its content. Every religion does have something good. I would prefer to focus on that.
@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
5 Oct 12
Hi vandy, neither do I have any intention to convert you. See I don't even have a sword? The point that I was trying to raise is while Islam has been accused of degrading women, making them 2nd class citizens and putting them behind veils, what is happening in Europe is something amazing. More women are getting attracted towards Islam. If the ration was opposite to it wouldn't have surprised me at all since I know how Islam has been portrayed to those people.
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@vandana7 (101604)
• India
5 Oct 12
Naseem, You are a nice friend and somebody who makes me respect your religion. :) I think I already shared my experience with Muslim ladies in a couple of discussions. I think they are very serene, and compassionate and less money minded than most of the women from my religion, and I would definitely like to imbibe those qualities. As to veils though, I always thought it made sense in Arab countries where there is a lot of sand that can get into eyes, mouth, nostrils, and hair during any storms. So the attire was designed to ensure that the sand didnt get to trouble the lady. It also prevented evaporation of water from the body. But outside that geographic location...for example, in India, and in Hyderabad, it can get really really hot and humid at times. I am one of those who sweats profusely so tend to wear cottons most of the time. I would be cooked in my own sweat if I were asked to wear a black garment outside like that. Some believe it reduces crimes against muslim women. I am not sure.
• Singapore
5 Oct 12
I am a woman living in a hot and humid country so I do understand what you are saying. But if you love something you will make sacrifices. It is like a mother willing to carry her sleeping child hours on end so wearing a headscarf is a small sacrifice compared to that. As for the crimes, someone did post a statistical table in my facebook showing the low crimes against women in Saudi but I wouldnt want to believe that either. I only believe what I personally have experienced. If I have the chance to live there and found out that it is true, it will be my pleasure to spread the word.