What happened at last night's presidential debate?
By milkliu
@milkliu (85)
4 responses
@laglen (19759)
• United States
4 Oct 12
I like the RNC, DNC, and the media in general, believe Romney won hands down. Even after three days locked up preparing was not enough for the President. Romney was calling him on legitimate issues and corrected Obama when he was giving untruths. One last point, I feel bad for Leher, he had no control over the debate. Romney and Obama, but especially Romney chose the direction of the debate.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
4 Oct 12
Certainly -
I would like government out of my house. I believe that government has gotten way to big. I believe we need to encourage small business not hinder it. Romney has a great record for turning around economies (Massachusetts) and building businesses, turning around Education which in itself will help businesses and therefore the economy.
I believe that we should support Israel - Obama ignores them. I believe that we need to deal, with force, our enemies.
I can appreciate a moral person in office. This sets the tone for the country, goodness what is wrong with our country gaining some values. I believe that in this country we should be able to practice whatever religion we choose, not just Islam.
We need a country that is united, not divided. This includes race, class. The past four years has divided more than I have ever seen in my generation.
That is just off the top of my head.

@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
4 Oct 12
I believe that Obama wanted to spend the evening with his wife on their anniversary and was therefore distracted to be honest. I mean, had this been Romney, we might have had to hear about his lawyers changing the rules and dates in order for him to spend the anniversary with his wife.
People are calling the debate for Romney because of his presence, but the chances that anyone listened to what he was saying are slim to none. I am not saying Obama was all there, but I am saying that people are only going by mere stage presence.
I think this would have been a perfect opportunity for Romney to detail his political plan, BUT he didn't. In fact, his supporters got the same old Romney they are used to. The "I want to do this... but I am not going to tell you how I want to do it or how I will pay for it." I felt very disappointed in Romney tonight for his supporters. He had a huge opportunity to set out his plan and while right leaning independents may be a bit more sold.... the neutral ones aren't.
He was avoiding and dodging questions as well to the point I had my diehard republican friend shaking his head and saying: "The idiots are still going to vote for Romney. They have no idea what he is going to do. I know what he is going to do and I know I am voting for a man who doesn't care two licks about me or this country. A man who would probably sell us off...." At this point, I cut him off jokingly and said "You are sounding like a 'democrat' now" and he looked at me with the most serious look. "No. I am still voting for him even though I can tell this means the end of America as we know and love it. However, I know you and who you actually voted for in 2008 and I am asking you to please vote with more compassion and vote for Obama." And this from watching that debate.
He is one of my better friends and one I've talked in length with about different policies I would love to see enacted and much more like not allowing illegals to have anchor babies and checking everyone to see if they are legal not just those from mexico, but we have illegals from places like canada and england as well. If anyone truly wants to know...
In 2008, I voted for John McCain. Slightly surprising, but I did. Of course, considering factors such a skin color, most people tend to think I voted for Obama and considering where I live... I don't correct them.
In determinations of who won this debate...
Romney won stage presence. He won looking as though he had energy.
Obama used a lot more specifics which also resonated a lot with voters.
Since most people will only pay attention to stage presence: Romney won the debate.

@AidaLily (1450)
• United States
4 Oct 12
I can hope not, but considering he has more of the big money backing him then most likely.
I don't like being told that my religious rights are infringed upon and not recognized because Romney is a mormon or has Christian faith.
I don't like the idea of leaving our veterans out to dry. I do not believe in leaving our poorer families, disabled, and elderly out to dry as well.
I do not believe in following someone blindly who has no real plan. I do not believe in voting for someone who said to the debate commentator on live TV that he was losing his job should Romney get elected.
I do not believe someone who went into campaign debt (not much but that is a bad sign), flip flops constantly, and whose company almost went under before he managed to convince a bank to take back a lower amount is good for the economy.
And so much more....
I think because people don't understand any of that (or ignore it) that Romney could possibly be president. All he needs to do is appeal to higher numbers of seemingly uneducated voters and this election will be his.

@ReViewMeMedia (3785)
• United States
8 Oct 12
Romney won the debate, he had an articulate answer for everything. Obama was at a loss for words. I will vote for Romney, Obama has just made things worse for America. And he's making people worry about trying to afford his health care ill, and he's letting the Bush tax cuts expire so taxes are going to go up.
@Traycee (34)
• United States
6 Oct 12
Romney won hands down. Did you see Michelle's face right after the debate was over? Not a smile to be found. Even SHE knew that her husband failed. Has anybody seen the documentary 2016:Obamas America? If not, you should. Obama's mentors were communists, marxists. It is a very interesting documentary, everybody that was interviewed told what they knew about Obama and were able to back up what they were saying. I believe Obama is a very evil person. If he gets re-elected I think America will turn into a communist country. People will have NO rights. He already by passes congress when things don't go his way. The blaming Bush for everything is long gone. This country is so far in debt that I fear for my kids and grandkids futures. I've worked my whole life and deserve the best medical treatment available, well, if Obama has his way, I will NOT be able to see a doctor whenever I need to. I really hope they show the documentary on regular TV before the election so the people that have no clue as to who Obama really is, can see for themselves. A lot rides on this election.
@haojie_yu (88)
6 Oct 12
Maybe Romney won hands down. But the way you judge who is winner is very interesting.