What is the United States going to look like in 5 years?
By mickeyb123
@mickeyb123 (117)
United States
October 4, 2012 6:42pm CST
Let's face it, the countries whose leaders support the policies of this current president look like they got lost somewhere in the 16th century. Some, of course, like those within the Muslem Brotherhood, look like the 7th century.
We are going into the most important election in most of our lifetimes. The differences, as expressed in the first presidential debate on the 3rd, are very stark. The question I would like to present you smart people is this:
Take either side. Take both sides. Please sight specific examples as opposed to generalities about where either one will take us starting in 2013.
What laws will be proposed, what initiatives will be suggested, what economic policies will be put forward? Where will our unemployment rate be?
What will the culture be like? What will be the basic things that people will be concerned about? In other words:
What can we expect from a second term for Obama?
What will Romney bring to us in his first term?
I think we can have a fun, fact based examination of this...
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2 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
5 Oct 12
I don't really understand your first statement about our current president, if you would like to explain that statement it might be helpful.
As to 2013, no matter which president is elected/reelected unemployment will continue to go down, and the economy will start to turn around. It will be slow no matter who is in office.
I will take each piece one at a time
What many people don't understand, or aren't intelligent to understand is that corporations just need clarity on taxes, and our economic future. They really don't care if you raise their taxes, they are just going to pass that expense on the consumers. We will see inflation go up some, but it won't be enough to hurt the average American, and will help the country in the long run. If Romney is elected he would still have to deal with a democratic controlled Senate, which will not allow much to happen policy wise, just like Obama would have to deal with the House. If Obama is reelected you will see small business start ups explode toward the end of his administration, and you will see a JOB SHORTAGE by the end of his second term.
Obama really doesn't have any "laws" that he is pushing. Romney would push for big government personal regulations, bans on gay marriage, and abortion (all of which will fail, but he has to make it look like he was doing something).
Health care
If Obama wins you will see Obama care saved, and we will finally have some leadership on health care. If Romney wins, you can kiss health care reform good by, and BMW sales to doctors, and hospital administrators will go through the roof. If Obama is reelected, Obama care will be the number one source of new small businesses in this country. It will allow people who couldn't afford health care on their own to now afford it and leave companies.
I think anyone that took of the country today would be in a good seat going forward. Yes, or debt is high, and yes we have challenges, but corporations have TRILLIONS in the bank waiting to invest that money. They just need to see where the best place is, and if it make sense for them to use that money or just continue to borrow. Why spend your own money when the fed will let you borrow theirs for the same price?

@lacieice (2060)
• United States
5 Oct 12
grestdebater...I want to thank you for a rational and open minded view of the world in general and the United States in particular. You point out the good and bad equally and don't go off on a rampage like some of the "political" people on mylot. Thank you.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
6 Oct 12
Mickey, I will take your issue one at a time as well
Muslim Brotherhood: Which administration members are part of the "brotherhood". This MYTH has been blasted out of the water MANY TIMES, and holds NO WATER AT ALL!!!
Regulations: Regulations are needed so companies have an even playing field, and are needed for a "free open market". The problem with eliminiating regulations is that you open the door for corporations to find ways to cut cost, and then you have problems with drinking water, clean air, and our quality of life deteriorates. Even Ronald Reagan supported regulations on businesses for the greater good of the American people. Again, any expense paid on regulations will be passed on to the consumers.
"At least Romney has created jobs, before, and knows what it takes."
As governor he was one of the worse in the country at creating jobs. As a CEO his job wasn't to create jobs, it was to make money. If they created jobs it was just away for him to make more money for himself and his partners. Lets be clear, his motive was not to create strong companies, his motive was to make money. Bain capital made 70% of its money on the 20% of the companies that went bankrupt!!!!
"They do pass taxes unto their customers which does make it silly to think that more taxes for them will actually help anyone else."
Who is calling for raising taxes on corporations?
"Hopefully, if Romney is elected, the people will also give him a GOP controlled Senate. You must have forgotten that Obama DID have a Democratic House and Senate during his first two years and was not able to actually fix anything, just making things worse."
Actually he fixed health care, which will make a huge differnce on this country, and the world. I am personally already feeling the benefits of this with my medication I take every day is now free. That feeds another $150 into my pocket per month that I didn't have last year. And, my health insurance didn't go up, and my deductables didn't go up.
"Based on the last 3 years or so, I need to disagree with you on your scenario of of a jobs explosion in the later part of his 2nd term. If that were in the offing, some of that would have shown itself already."
Obamacare doesn't take full efect until 2016, which will be at the end of Obama's second term. This will free people who want to start their own business the ability to do so without the worry of health care. This is huge for people today, and will help this country more than what many understand today. This is why so many corporations don't lik Obamacare, they are worried about invest all of their time, and money into employees who can not just leave and start their own business with that information.
Mickey, president for years have decided what laws in the constitution they will follow. Bush decided that after 9/11 the would violate the fourth amendment (among others), and Americans were fine with that. I can provide you with examples of every president picking and choosing which ones he will enforce if you would like.
"Also, as far as banning things, it is the Democratic party that does that. Please sight one thing Romney has said about either of those tropics you brought up here and his willingness to go AGAINST the will of a majority of the American people to do so."
Romney wants to ban abortion, and gay marriage. I can provide you will polls showing the majority of people support both, and I am sure you can provide polls saying the opposite. But, Romney wants to ban both of those!!!!
"Obamacare, although not fully implemented, has already cost many jobs across the country. Some of those are the many, many Doctors who have already given up their practices because of it."
I will tell you the same thing that I tell my doctor everytime he brings this up: When I drive up to your office, and see you driving a Buick I will feel sorry for you!! By the way, my doctor has 5 BMW's, which is great that he is successful, but he isn't hurting one bit. There were also 91 doctors who left the practice this week, because they were abusing Medicare/Medicaid. Maybe we are lossing doctors because they are afraid they will be caught?
"I do not see any scenario that has a lot of small business start ups as you point out. The rise in insurance rates have already out paced the supposed promised savings by Obama."
Interesting, my health care has stayed the same price, and my medication when down dramatically. I wonder where these numbers are coming from?
" This will be an interesting development if there are many small businesses start up simply because people can now pay much more for their insurance to wait in long lines for care that is rationed by that unelected board of people designed to list what services should be offered and which ones shouldn't."
Since part of Obamacare went into effect my cost have gone down. I would also have more COMPETITON, which we all know helps the American people. Why do republicans want to hinder competition? Could it be the huge amounts of money they get from the AMA, and doctors as a whole? Could it be the huge amount of money the health care lobbying groups have to buy congressmen? Which one do you think it is?
"The trend of the economy is down."
Really? GDP isn't down, spending isn't down, employment isn't down? What is down? Look at Florida, and Ohio where unemployment is down dramatically and the governors have been told to tone it down because it doesn't help Romney. So are you pushing facts, or just BS?
"Do I like saying that the country I have lived in my entire life and which I love more than any other is going to the dogs? Of course not. However, give us a few years under this economy illiterate and even the dogs will not want it."
Mickey, I think you need to get out more, and turn off Rush. The country isn't doing as bad as the people you are listening to are telling you. Look around you and go to the stores and see the parking lots packed, look at spending on back to school, and the estimates for christmas. The facts prove you WRONG!!! But, it is your choice to open your eyes and see what is REALLY going on. If you just want people to tell you what is going on then I am just waisting my time here. You have a brain, it is your choice if you want to use it or not. I choose to use mine, and I do listen to both sides, and I look at the facts that both have to provide me. If someone has to manipulate you to vote for them, than guess what they are going to do when they get in office. By the way, if you want to learn more about Romney's business history, you should look at some of my prior post, and you will learn the FACTS about how impressive Romney was at Bain, and why I say his personal wealth came at the expense of the US taxpayers!!!!
@mickeyb123 (117)
• United States
6 Oct 12
I don't want to put too much of a fine line on it, however, the topic is political.
I have been looking on Amazon for a book on the great moderates of our time. I couldn't find one....

@blissfulsoul (19)
• United States
5 Oct 12
From all logical accounts of everything I've read and studied in the past few years - the US is headed directly into a police state. The evidence of this takeover is clear, and they dont really even try to hide it anymore. I encourage everyone to do their own research.
@mickeyb123 (117)
• United States
5 Oct 12
Nice, brief and to the point!
What individuals and what did they say or do that brougt that specific thought line?
Don't get me wrong, one of the branches from my original question is the beginning of that police state. Too bad one of the leaders of that police state can not hold his own in a little debate.....