How often do you get into arguiments...?

@davido (1623)
October 6, 2012 10:13am CST
How often do you get into arguments (not hot or violent ones) or debate?....although some arguments or debate may lead to a hot one. I get into argument or debate when I am in a debate over world politics...especially going against stereotypes about Africa and Asia. What about you which topic can make you debate or argue your point out?
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5 responses
@stary1 (6612)
• United States
8 Oct 12
davido I like to call them discussions instead of arguments even when it is an argument. My most important requirement is even if people get a bit emotional, they at least refrain from personal attacks and name calling.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
7 Oct 12
I usually get into arguments when I am discussing about politics and religion. These two topics are very sensitive. I have personally experienced this many times when I was just listening to my two other colleagues who were arguing about two politicians - who's better and who's deserving to win. I did not realized that I have already get myself into argument when I voiced out my opinion about one of the politicians.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
6 Oct 12
US politics as we are in an election year. It is important to me what direction our country takes. I do have views on world politics but am more focused on this country first.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
6 Oct 12
I seldom do anymore. I get tired of it and don't see the need to debate or have discussions to make my arguments clear. If someone likes to know my opinion I will tell what I think. It's not important to me if they believe it, follow my advice or whatever. I also don't see the need to win a discussion. Politics and relgion are the subjects people seem to fight most about in discussions but also in real life. Many people are less tolerant if it comes to that and not willing to hear someone elses opnion, thoughts or ideas at all. So no topics to talk about.
• United States
6 Oct 12
Politics, religion and racism are the topics that get me a little hot under the collar and usually lead to an argument with me. Sometimes, I use Topix and the people on there are always looking for a fight or a good debate. Sometimes, no matter how hard you argue, you can't force people to look at things from your point of view. I don't go around picking fights with people, but I'm a pretty strong willed person and I will argue my point until I at least get the other person to see where I'm coming from. Especially if I know that I'm right when it's not a matter of opinion but based on facts. If I know that I'm right, I'll argue my point until it is proven. I'm a high strung person and I get irritated pretty easily so when it comes to debating a topic, I get into it with people more often than not.