Standing up for Justice.

@bird123 (10658)
United States
October 6, 2012 10:51am CST
I think it's important to stand up for justice. The true test of our character comes when we stand up against a great force. Injustice can come from some mighty powerful people, however the greater good requires that we oppose injustice regardless of how strong the opposition. Some religions teach that God will punish people with the eternal fires of Hell with no possibility of redemption after death. Ask yourself. Is that really justice?? What crime is so bad that it requires eternal punishment with no redemption? Further, is eternal punishment with no redemption really fair for simply not believing?? How many would stand for Justice?? How many would stand against the injustice of this god?? I stand for justice so I will be at the front of the line opposing the eternal fiery pit of Hell for anyone. Do you think I'll be the only one in line?? Relax, the Real God would want you to oppose Him in such a case. God wants His children to stand for what is right and might does not make it right!! Relax, the Real God loves all His children Unconditionally. There will be no fiery pit of punishment for eternity. God will teach all His children what is important. Standing up for justice is important. How many would pass God's test of standing up for justice against Him?? I would.
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6 responses
• United States
6 Oct 12
How can a just God justify justifying the unjust? Wouldn't that make God unjust?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Oct 12
Could you say that again three times real fast? OK, kidding, Does God really justify those who create injustice? If God did then God would not send more lessons for them to learn. As we all should know by now, God will teach All His children. Now, if you are trying to say that some of God's children are not worthy to be with God, I would ask why do you choose to hate others simply because they have made bad choices? God will fix His children rather than succumb to the petty ways of mankind and destroy. God is at a much higher level. We must all reach for that level if we ever hope to truly Understand.
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• United States
8 Oct 12
If it were a question of worth, would any of us truly be worthy? If it's a question of working toward a goal, can we ever reach perfection? How do we, through our limited abilities, ever erase a past wrong? If being made just and righteous is a gift from God, wouldn't it have to be accepted? Who but God can justify another? Who but God can say how one becomes just? What if God teaches us about His plan to make us just and righteous? What if we reject His plan?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Sounds like you have a low opinion of yourself. Has your religion taught you this? Might does not make it right even in God's case. When one refuses to stand up for justice in favor of might, then one does not stand up for justice at all. Seems your religion has taught you to merely accept. God wants all His children able to stand on their own two feet and be able to Think and reason for themselves. Whoever believes that God wants to be our crutch, does not know God at all. God's only plan to make us righteous and just comes in the education of God's children. That is a given fact for everyone whether one accepts this fact or not. It is Evil for religion to teach that there is something wrong with people and that some magical gift from God fixes it all. This breeds dependence and is not what God wants for His children. Mankind is the one wanting you to depend on them.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
8 Oct 12
Bird, if a flee bites you, how big is the itch? If you sin against the infinite God, how big is the sin? How can you be forgiven? Only by someone as big as God taking the infinite punishment in your place. If you refuse that arrangement, what's left? There's something called Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Unconditional Love requires no forgiveness. Further, isn't education more important than punishment?? God isn't taking any punishment. Stories do not make reality. Now, God is One. This story about God being three is no more than more stories. In short, I fear no ghosts. Let's put all those stories aside and search for the Real Truth. It can be found. Finally, You do not have to worry about Ole Bird. I have my Flea collar on. Those fleas aren't going to get me!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Oct 12
When you see God and experience God's Unconditional Love, you will judge yourself because you want to be just like God. God will never need to forgive you, however you will feel the need to be forgiven. Worry not, because you have already been forgiven.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
9 Oct 12
Unconditional Love produces repentance unto salvation in the person that receives it, unconditionally, irrespective of any qualities in the person. One who never repents and never will repent is not the object of Unconditional Love. God never said that He was Unconditional Love to everybody. The untutored heathen shows more sense than you. At least they have the sense to be terrified underneath by anything and everything until they learn about Jesus Christ and His salvation or begin to hope that there might be such a thing.
@urbandekay (18278)
8 Oct 12
A straw man argument all the best urban
@urbandekay (18278)
9 Oct 12
I felt the same all the best urban
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Oct 12
@lampar (7584)
• United States
14 Oct 12
Right! Stand up for justice and going against injustice are very tall order for anyone to fill. That person sure need plenty of courage and goodness inside him/her to have such a stand up character. It is not an easy choice to make in anyone's life to stand on the side of justice, and often come with the risk of dangering his own life. It definitely will help a lot if God is on your side in the great battle against injustice.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Oct 12
I agree. One must always remember that we are Spiritual Beings in our true natures. We are Eternal. So often we choose to hang onto this physical world which is never the important thing. God is always on our side, guiding us toward goodness and Unconditional Love.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
6 Oct 12
Hey thanks a ton for your discussion. Well human beings should always raise their voice against any bias, partiality or injustice done to them as they have all right to enjoy their lives at their own will. We are put into different situations by God and it is during these times that our real character is tested and in such cases any injustice on us should never be tolerated and rather be opposed and fought against. What say?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
7 Oct 12
Yes, You Understand.
• United States
8 Oct 12
Lord, Give me the strength to stand up for justice
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Oct 12
Something tells me you will stand up for justice.