So Mitt wants to kill off Big Bird... what else?
@valentinesdiner (1214)
United States
October 6, 2012 3:47pm CST
In the debate, Romney was asked what domestic spending he would cut and he said anything HE deems as not worth borrowing money from China to fund.
I sure wish he was pressed on that because there are a whole lot of other budget lines he may be wanting to cut out.
1. Shouldn't he delineate which ones he wants to gut and which ones he would just cut?
Or would taht detail torpedo his chances of being elected?
2. C'mon, GOP'ers and TeaPartiers... which ones would you cut given Romney's standards?
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8 responses
@MsControversy (446)
• United States
6 Oct 12
I am so over that man. I'm to the point now where I don't want to hear his stupid voice anymore. The next time I care to hear him speak is at his concession speech. The only thing that man is good at is opening his big mouth and putting his even bigger feet inside of it. Cutting out PBS really? That made me so mad. PBS accounts for less than 1% of the nation's budget and he wants to get rid of it. Not to mention all the rights that he wishes to take away from women and the middle class. Plus the tax increase he wants to impose on people that make only 5 figures. He says 47% of Americans will not vote for him, he's a little off. If he thinks that he is going to get the other 53% vote, he's crazy. I saw a chart the other day showing the likability of presidential candidates dating back to the 1970's and there has not been one in recent history who is as nationally un-liked as Mitt Romney. I can't wait for this election to be over so I don't have to see his ugly face anymore. I'm not concerned at all that he might win this election. He has little more than a snow ball's chance in hell of winning against Barrack Obama. Obama may not be the most ideal candidate and he is by no means a political savior, but voting for Romney is like saying "Obama can't cure cancer, so I vote for cancer".
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
6 Oct 12
MS -
I am sorry but I must respectfully interject -
#1 why in the name of all that is holy should the government be paying for pbs? The president of PBS makes $632k/year. only about 12 percent of PBS’s funding, funneled through the Corporation of Public Broadcasting, comes from the government subsidy. 60 percent, meanwhile, comes from private donors and grants, as well as dues paid by PBS’s 350-plus member stations
#2 please tell me what women's rights he is trying to take away. I am a woman and so I feel I should know this. I don't know of a single one. If you mean that he doesn't think tax payers should have to pay for your birth control, I am right there with him. If he says that a catholic church should not be forced to pay for an abortion, I am with him on that. But I have never heard of a right he is trying to take away.
#3 What tax is he proposing on 5 figure income earners? I do know that he is trying to keep the taxes where they are on the middle class and shore up the tax code. Please show me where he is proposing a tax INCREASE on this level?
#4 regarding likeability, I don't care if people "like" him, I care if he can do the job. Polls are useless but if you want to talk polls,
A Reuters/Ipsos online tracking poll released Friday has Romney drawing four points closer to Obama than he had been just before the debate – just two points behind now at 44-46.
Asked if they felt better about the candidates after Wednesday night’s debate, 30 percent of those surveyed said “yes” about Romney compared to just 14 percent for Obama.
The Rasmussen polling organization’s first post-debate survey has Ohio a virtual draw with Obama holding just a one-point lead. Rasmussen also has Romney moving into a two point lead in Florida.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
7 Oct 12
You can write Ohio off. The people who gave Romney the bump were independents and there is not enough of them to make up the one point lead that President Obama has.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
8 Oct 12
One question what is so important that the Federal Government has to give free birth control and or abortions? I have high blood pressure and with out medication I could become seriously Ill and I pay for my Medicine. I know several people who are diabetic and they pay for their insulin. Why is Birth Control so D important for the Democrats. Look what the decade of the Free Love got us - More abortions, more STD, more AIDS, more teen moms, and more money being spent to prevent all of those things. Why is Birth Control and Abortion so important.
@ajk111 (2495)
6 Oct 12
I cannot comment on anything you have said in your discussion as i am far too traumatised because of your discussion title. The thought of bigbird being slaughtered by a presidential candidate sends shivers up my spine.
bigbird is already an endangered species and as far as i know, only one exists at a place called sesame street and the whereabouts of this street are kept top secret.
Say it is'nt so joe?
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Oct 12
Just a quick response to let you know that I am the spokesperson for the Jamaican chapter of the 'Save Big Bird' campaign. We are working like geese and I have a meeting scheduled with the parrotsd in my garden right now - so I must fly!
Oh,for your info - Sesame Street was sold but we are in dialogue with the IMF to obtain a loan to buy it back!
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
8 Oct 12
For starters you are just like the rest of the liberals. Take the word and put it into your own context. Romney did not say he would kill Big Bird just stop the federal funding. Get your facts correct.
As to what he would cut I thought he made it very clear. If he has to borrow the money he would take a close look at it and cut most of it. In my case if my expenses were larger than my income I would look to start cutting some non essentials. I would cut my cable TV premium channels, cable TV if needed and would go right down the line with my expenses. Do I need a phone and cell phone/ I think he will do the same thing.
One of the things he would do is collect the unpaid taxes from federal employees, 1 Billion Dollars.
End National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities -- $335 million
End International Fund for Ireland -- $17 million
As you go through the Federal Budget you will find all kinds of programs that are being funded. Why do we need Public Radio when they could sell commericals and be self funded. Why do we fund artist who produce art that doesn't sell. Wh does the Federal Government pay for research for private industry. Why do we pay farmers not to grow certain crops. At one time all these programs were needed or were a good idea but times change and we can not simply keep doing the same thing every year.
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
6 Oct 12
Oh! Romney and Ryan knows what they want to cut. Telling us he will put Big Bird out of work is just a precursor to what these two Ayn Rand lovers think of the general population. You know as well as I know that these two will make massive cuts across the board and give huge tax break to the very wealthy.
The first victim of the Romney/ Ryan cuts will be social programs such as Medicare and Social Security . These are safety nets for the elderly and least fortunate ones and for some reason the weak and the meek are targeted first.
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@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
7 Oct 12
The facts are that most of the money we've borrowed is from ourselves (the Treasury, Savings Bonds, etc.) China owns a minute amount of our debt. Romney, who took our jobs over to China where there are no unions to stop the worker from being taken unfair advantage of (strange for a COMMUNIST nation, unless they're talking about Hong Kong) has a lot of nerve bringing China into the discussion in his political commercials. Romney dare not tell us what domestic spending he would cut for fear of turning off more possible votes for himself. Big Bird was a bad mistake on his part.
@ReViewMeMedia (3785)
• United States
7 Oct 12
Government shouldn't have to pay for PBS, I see them to donations every once in awhile, they should be able to create programming that way. The government shouldn't have to pay for everything. One of the reasons this country's broke is because everyone spends more money than what they get in taxes. It's going to bite us sooner rather than later.