The most important things you want from your life partner?

October 7, 2012 9:07am CST
In romantic relationship, everyone expects a lot from the partner. Some of them may be love, care, money, physical pleasures, fidelity, family oriented attitude etc.. So, what are your top expectations from your romantic partner/life partner?
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12 responses
@vandana7 (100053)
• India
7 Oct 12
Take care of
• India
7 Oct 12
wow, I can't expect more.
@vandana7 (100053)
• India
7 Oct 12
Those are only four words, and they are better than I love you because they include everything..comprehensive, isn't it? lol All that mantras and tantras, and
• India
7 Oct 12
very true, Vandy. What four words men are supposed to say to women? Just curious Whenever I get a doubt I refer to my professor Vandy.
@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
7 Oct 12
what' I expect from him? hmm...pretty simple: to be sincere to me and love me as much as I love him. we're at the begining right now and I have no idea how things are going to be between us in the future...maybe we're not going to be together anymore who knows. anyway....he's so dear to me and i would like us to have a long term relationship
• India
8 Oct 12
Hi, swissheart, you are very practical and intelligent not carried away by the intoxication of the initial period of the relationship. I wish you a long, happy and peaceful life with your partner.
@zearah (5381)
• Philippines
9 Oct 12
I pray that he will be the guy for me now and forever. We have a different citizenship and culture but we believe those don't matter for as long as two hearts understand each other. He completes me.I have shortcomings so he is but we complement each other.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
7 Oct 12
Hi vijayanths, There is a lot taht my husband provides already. I could only say that he remains loving to our family. Committed to bringing up our child as a good citizen and supporting each other for whatever it is. Life is tough and having him always by my side is a comfort that we will pass all trials along the way. Never giving up.
• India
7 Oct 12
Very true leateagee. Love, care, supporting the family are really important for every woman. Good you have them all from your dear husband.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
8 Oct 12
And I am doing my best to keep them.
@GemmaR (8517)
8 Oct 12
I think that the most important thing that you can possibly get from a partner is security. I don't mean financial security, although that is obviously important, but I mean feeling safe when you're with them, and feeling as though there is nothing that could possibly go wrong in the world. You also have to be able to trust them, because if you don't then you're only going to be thinking that something will go wrong all of the time. You have to be dedicated to each other, because if you're not then there would be no point in being together at all.
• India
8 Oct 12
well said GemmaR. It's important to feel safe and peaceful when you are with your partner as you rightly pointed out. Trust, love and care are the things we all long for.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
8 Oct 12
Dear anna, Nice to see you again after a long time I want love of course, because Love can make wonders. If my partner loves me- he will give me everything I want and I need. That includes money and romance. If he loves me he will remain faithful and sincere and prove that he is an ideal man.
• India
8 Oct 12
hi, Jai dear, very true jai. If your partner loves you truly, he will give you all you want without you having to ask for them. Hi, man where are you? My sister is waiting for you...
@missjahn (4574)
• Philippines
8 Oct 12
things that i want from my partner is not probably the wealth, for it can be sought and God will provide if will have perseverance to earn for a living. i do not need his looks nor his fame, for those things are useless if having misunderstanding that would lead to worst thing and might separate living each life. what i want in him is his loyalty and love which i can really call mine only. because i am this kind of person that could give my all for worthy one. i am not a martyr too that if some occurrences would asked us to break the relationship, i will bid and obey. so that is why, my partner would love me as me because i will not live with him in his happy moments only and in up of his times but also i will show to him the true existence of love may appear through down moments where turmoil tests the relationship.
• India
8 Oct 12
Hi, missjahn 'turmoil tests the relationship', well said. I can't agree more. True relationship can withstand financial and all kinds of problems easily. Smartness is important, but to choose between the two, good is always better.
@patgalca (18345)
• Orangeville, Ontario
7 Oct 12
Since I have been married for 15 years, been with my husband longer than that, I know what is lacking in my relationship that I want. I want him to put me first ahead of golf, for example. I want his attention. We'll sit in the same room, watching the same show, I'll talk and he won't even HEAR me. Then he'll say the exact same thing I said a few minutes earlier. Frustrating. Guess this happens when you've been together a long time. But I think the relationship has to come first above all things. I posted a discussion a little while back about romance. I came to learn that romance can be felt in many different forms. The REAL idea of romance is putting your partner's feelings and desires first. My husband says he can't do the romance thing but I think he can if he just focused on me and not golf (playing or watching it). The stresses that have come into our lives have not helped at all, but I love it when we laugh together. That is so important. We are going away on our first ever vacation alone together. That's right. After 20 years we are finally going on a tropic holiday alone together (not a 'vacation' at his parents'). I am hoping this trip will strengthen our marriage and bring us back to where we were so many years ago. You see, he has put trips to visit his family above US. That hurts. I know it's his family but so are we. WE are the family he CREATED. That should be his first priority. This weekend's readings at mass were about the creation of man and woman and marriage. "A man shall leave his mother and father and cleave to his wife". Not sure whether my husband was getting the message but it was nice that the priest ended the mass having all married couples stand and receive a blessing. I like what Dr. Phil says. He believes a man should wake up each morning thinking what can he do to make his wife's life easier for her that day. Well, I had surgery recently and need 3 weeks to recover. After two days of looking after me my husband was off to the golf course (when not working). However, this morning (it's Thanksgiving here in Canada this weekend), while I was sipping my tea in bed after I put the turkey in the oven, my husband peeled and cut the turnip and potatoes. Scrubbing and chopping are still something I have to hold back on. When I heard him chopping it made me so happy. You see, sometimes it's just the little things that bring pleasure to a marriage.
• India
8 Oct 12
hi, patgalca, many women feel the way you do. That's perhaps because women focus on relationships while men on career and fun. But believe me, your man is very much in love with you. He may not express it as you do though. And then men are designed that way by God. So God is the one to blame not the men.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
8 Oct 12
I dont expect money from a my romantic partner , that is something we will build together . What I do expect from my partner is their love , affection , reliable , respect , honesty ,trust and also I want my partner to be adventurous .
• India
8 Oct 12
That's meaningful expectations silverfox09. A good man and a bit adventurous, that's a great choice, I would say.
• United States
7 Oct 12
respect,love,care,these I believe are most important
• India
8 Oct 12
Yes, goldenteardrops ,I do think all those things are important for most of us.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
7 Oct 12
hey thanks a ton for the discussion. Well it depends on person to person and for me, i would always expect life long trust and faith from my partner. Faith and trust are two most important factors to keep a relationship going. If these two things are missing, then all other ingredients in a relationship will start to disappear. If these two things stay intact, then other things like love, affection, pleasures, etc will make its way. What say?
• India
7 Oct 12
Well said subhojit10. Everyone expects faith and trust from their partners. But today people seem to have more and more wants and expectations from their partners and eventually end up with disappointments and frustrations.
@aritahime (221)
• Indonesia
10 Oct 12
hmmm.. I just want him by my side. Especially when I need him :D
25 Oct 12
For me the most important I want in my partner is the romance. But of course we also know that the money is needed for everyone. but like I said love is more important to me. Happy mylotting!