Why do so many poeople have a problem with breastfeeding?
By angiemac4444
@angemac23 (2003)
October 8, 2012 4:44pm CST
I have been reading in the news a lot lately about debates concerning breastfeeding and it boggles my mind to no end that this is even an issue that is being discussed. I see nothing wrong with breastfeeding but it seems, for some strange reason, a lot of people have a problem with it being done in public. Breasts are for feeding babies and feeding your child in this natural and healthy way is a beautiful, natural thing that should be praised instead of protested. Many people have a problem with women feeding their babies in public and expect it to be done in private which means in a bathroom away from sight. Would you want to eat your lunch in a bathroom? So why do so many people think its ok for babies to have to do this? The other thing that really bothers me about this whole debate is the fact that the same people who hate seeing women breastfeed in public have no problem walking into a dirty, disgusting, degrading strip club where women of very low caliber take their clothes of for money and rub their breasts in men's faces! How can someone protest feeding a baby and not protest these clubs? Is that not a tad hypocritical?? I would way rather see a woman feeding and bonding with her child than having a skanky, drug-filled, plastic airhead being obscene on stage. Women's breasts are not for being put on display or for playing with, they are for feeding babies. Feeding babies are their ONLY purpose so why do so many people in this day and age have such a problem with it?? Arrgggg....so frustrated with how backwards people and society is!!
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