Where to find pure and selfless??

October 9, 2012 10:27am CST
In our todays life we dont get anything pure. Starting from air it polluted, milk made from urea, drinking water mixed up with guuter line, foods are also in that line.breaking news are also breaking hearts. electronic devices are also problem generating, education is deteriorating. our minds are becoming nerrow and materialistic, and finally our relations are artificial and selfish. where we will stand in coming years.
7 responses
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
10 Oct 12
anilkumar welcome to mylot. You are middle aged. We have become materialistic and it is a fact of life. Things get worsened day after day and i have not idea that it may improve. it is because population increase, lack of sufficient employment opportunities, selfish political leaders, lack of proper direction from elders for youngsters. As we read news in papers we see only bad news all over the country-- no part is an exception. Every swamijis are appearing to be selfish. A stage will come that thee are no values and money is the main factor for men in life. Innovation is helpful in one way and is causing harm in many other ways. Value system is going down. Just now i saw a program in tV -- a 25 year old man marries a girl and asks for divorce after four months and goes after another married woman with money living in the same place. --this is happening in Namakkal -- not in a big a city. I am 62+ and possibly that is why I see very bleak future in terms of values being followed and prevalent in India.
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
9 Oct 12
I believe we cannot avoid those pollutants everywhere, we need to face it and deal with it as they come. We need to be prepared at all times, when we think preparation that will eventually lessen the impact of that harsh complications and results. We need to educate ourselves with the current events and focus on them. It really pays to be vigilant nowadays, assertive as it is. For these- material things will eventually pass. And we should always ask assistance to others on how to screen things to the right person at the right time. Separate the good ones from the not so good ones. But not believing thigs at the face value, is half the battle, I believe. Thanks
@CarlHalling (3617)
• United Kingdom
9 Oct 12
Final Crisis? - Many believe the world is heading for this...who can say for sure.
Much of what you say is sadly true; pollution is a fact; much of the news we read is indeed hearbreaking; there is much materialism in our world; in certain espects education is not what it was. However, I don't think it's all bad. There is much kindness in our world: and there are those who work for others; doctors; nurses; ambulance workers, and so on. And people still care for each other; friends; family; even strangers can show incredible kindness towards their fellow men and women. For centuries, evil and corruption have existed in our world; they are nothing new. Are things worse than they've ever been? Many believe that in fact they are, and that the world is edging towards a final crisis. Who can say for sure.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
9 Oct 12
First of all warm welcome to Mylot dear friend! I agree with your views that things are going hay wire in our lives today! Today we see unrest or restlessness all around us. People have become negative. The thoughts of the people around us have become negative. Today we get adulterated food material in the market, the water we drink is not pure and the air we are breathing is not pure! Every one today is in a rat race and they are only after making money by hook or crook. For most of the people money making is the first priority in their lives, Because of this the social values and moral values in he society is getting deteriorated. Today even the education is on sale. An average student can become a doctor or engineer if his parents can afford to buy a seat in the University which is selling seats like some commodities in the market. Here the merit doesn't have any relevance. So think about these graduates and the quality of services these people can give to the nation once they become professionals. The things are in bad shape in the society. Every thing right from the Political system to the bureaucracy every thing is in the state of mess. The confusion in the system making the people more insecure and to be more secure they all are after making money. In this event they are realizing that they are losing many important things in their respective lives. They are getting frustrated and now they want a change from this existing system. But the thing is that how one change the system and reforms can be brought about in the present society? Well wishers of the country and the follower of Gandhian principles like Anna Hazare and others are side lines and their voices are suppressed by the vested interests. The voice which is raised against the corruption is suppressed ruthlessly. To fight out the situation we need to be united and act selflessly in the interest of the Nation. To initiate such a movement where we all want to fight against the corruption and the negativities in the society, we must initiate the move. First of all we must take an Oath that we should stay away from the corruption and we will not involve ourselves in the corruption and also won't encourage in corruption. This is the only way we can have corruption free society. We can't expect that some body will come to our rescue and change the society and make it free of corruption with a magic wand! Charity begins at home, so let us all unite and take an oath that we are not going to encourage the corruption in any manner and are going to oppose it, to destroy it from the society from the roots. Thanks!
@anil02 (24688)
• India
9 Oct 12
Hello I am some what agree with. Very hard to find pure things you write here. But don't forgot we are living in India. We Indian still have huminity. Go to small villages of India you can meet there with pure persons.
9 Oct 12
In todays time no more pure and selfless,most of creations not even one can make us stay pure and selfless. I agree of what you have said, no more in this days make things unselfish. We can't do nothing but to get along with the flows or otherwise..
• India
9 Oct 12
This is observable..!! I feel the prime most reason for this as greed for money rather than immediately blaming money as whole. There are also people ,who, inspite of having ample of treasure, remain down to earth as humble as one can ever be. But most of as flow along this appealing path which takes away our humanity from us. People are getting into business not for the welfare of others but exclusively for themselves... "Charity begins at home"...we are blaming others..while we are no different...bring a change in yourself...you see world getting better...!