Rain predicted? you gotta be Kidding.
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
October 9, 2012 10:29am CST
It is cloudy and fairly cool this morning now I am hearing from other residents we have rain predicted.OH yeah,this I will
believe when I actually raindrops falling against my window.
Last April was the last time we had any rain. I think the
predictability of weather forecasters leaves a bit to be
desired. Your slant, fellow mylotters? will it actually
rain or yet again no show?Maybe we need to get some California
Indian tribes to do a rain dance.lol.Or some pros to seed the
clouds to produce rain? I remember this did not go over very
well last time it was done.It causedcloudbursts in some
parts.guess we should not fool around with mother nature.

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29 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Oct 12
hi elicbxn oh our yards here are always green as Californians have the most wasteful habit of watering yards tik the'water r und down the street and off into the oc ean again.we will probably have water rationing so people c annot w ater except on certain days. there are a huge v arity of plants that really do well inour climate and do not need as much water as others do.but to predict rain in Oct thats ab surd/
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
10 Oct 12
Hi Hatley! That's a long time to go without rain. I live in New England and it's been raining here off and on for a few days. It seems to me that the more expensive technology the weather reporters get the worse their predictions get. In the '50's my mother always knew if we should wear our raincoats and boots. The weathermen seemed to know more back then.
But New England weather is unpredictable, too. You know the old saying about NE "If you don't like the weather - wait a minute". It can change that fast.
Weather patterns seem to be changing drastically in some places. Last year we had a tornado. I live in Western Mass. This is not tornado country. I hope it never happens again. Luckily my city was one of the few that weren't affected by anything much except high winds.
You should probably call in some of those California Indians. You could be the "Queen of the Rain Dance". What a hero you'd be if it actually rained! How long can you go without rain? Not much longer I would think.

@deazil (4730)
• United States
10 Oct 12
I've heard that So. & No. Dakota get some really wild weather. Now I now why you're so sturdy, they raise hardy stock up in them thar hills of South Dakota.
That must have been very scary being stuck in a drift like that in a blizzard. I'm always nervous if I have to drive in the snow. You must have been bundled up pretty good to not have gotten sick. Strange how that was, that your sister was the one that got sick. I trust she recovered okay.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi it was kind of funny as my mom and I had each put ontwo pairs of the overalls we had bo ught for my granddad so we could walk in front of the car and guide my dad.yes we dressed for the weather with heavy coats and the overalls did keep our legs warm and comfortable. we had worn silk stockings to go shoppiong as it was not expected to snow.I have not beenback in fifty years now. sad ut true.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
10 Oct 12
Do you ever want to go back? I've thought, at times, of leaving Mass. but I don't think I will. I lived in Colorado Springs for 6 months when I was 28 but I didn't like it. I really missed New England. It's so beautiful here to me. Not sure if I could leave although I have been invited to. My mother told me years ago that my father had an aunt & uncle who lived in North Dakota. They worked with the Indians on a reservation. They must have been there maybe 50-60 years ago. I never knew their names and that was all she ever said about them.
Good thing you had your granddad's overalls! You must have been a sight but there probably was nobody around to see you. It's fun to remember the good old days.

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@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Oct 12
We may get rain as early as Friday but for sure next week. It is always nice to have the rain but this time of year it isn't quite as exciting as it would have been back in August. Featherville is still standing and all is well in my neck of the woods. A young man was arrested for here recently for starting one of the fires here to get the attention of his father. Can you imagine? Destroyed a home and thousands of acres of Idaho.

@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Oct 12
Arson is one of the things to watch for in rising serial killers. That and killing animals and such. What I mean to say is that they must be very crazed to do such a thing. Sick people do sick things. It makes me wonder what this young man's dad was like that he felt he had to start a fire to get his attention.
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@celticeagle (171995)
• Boise, Idaho
11 Oct 12
I hope so too. Alot of them around though. I can't even imagine this kind of betrayal.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16863)
• China
10 Oct 12
It amazes me to learn that you haven't had any rain since last April.Needless to say,it is afflicted with a severe drought there. Nature is unfair in rainfall.In some places,It has been pouring with rain for quite some time so that caused floods.Hope that a welcome rain will fall,ending all signs of drought.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi chang yes in so many places they are getting plenty of rain to too m uch rain y et here not one drop. today was forecast r ain and rain tomorrow but it just is n ot happening at all. sunny cool with a wind bu t no rain just sun and deep blue sky with a few white marshammowy clouds.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Oct 12
hi nor us not in ther autumn usuall y in feb it will rain really hard. we did have rain thursday mornig but it did not last lolng and b y noone3 was dried off
@changjiangzhibin89 (16863)
• China
12 Oct 12
I am not sure if the case there is the same as it is here.Over here We barely have rain in autumn.
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@echoforever (5180)
• United States
9 Oct 12
You never know it could happen.
I've seen the oddest weather patterns this year and seeing some rain here if it happens would be one of the top that is suprising. But not yet here either (also in CA). Its said to be a "wet winter" which likely means just snow here. I hate snow, I'm going to be a grumpy guss this winter if there is a lot of it.
I'd rather in rain here any time than to get snow.
I've heard about that seeding thing and seen it I think. Its weird, I don't really want to know how they do that. Messing with mother nature is what is going to be our downfall. Either that or diseases or population. Ah well, I can't stop the government from doing whatever they want, can you? 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Oct 12
hi echo so yo u are also a Californian too. It nevers sbows here in southern Ca oh take that back when my 53 year old
son was in kindergarten it snowed in February bu t melted soon'thats the only o ne I know we do need rain and like you I hate soon,I grew up in S o uth Dakota where winters w ere really
bad . The rain never materialized so now they say tomorrow and the next da y we will have rain.so we shall see. Nope we cannot stop our government from doing its thing,.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi echo it really does look like a storm movingin with big old'
grey clouds and brisk wind and it got dark earlier tonighttoo.hoe it really is going to rain tomorrow and thursday too. wow that would
be so great.

@echoforever (5180)
• United States
9 Oct 12

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@missjahn (4572)
• Philippines
10 Oct 12
hi there my madam :)
and so the weather forecaster announced that the whole philippines got to rain after that night of pro-announcement. well, i do not believe on this such because it was the second time he did that. i guess, it was my problem as to digest that information. generally speaking, during that time, it was raining to the most places of this country excluding our place and city. so i can say that it was not the entire country of ours who had that kind of weather as being reported on television...
God bless
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi missjahn our forecasters here in California really goofed
as they forecast rain for today Wednesday and tomorrow
Thursday too.no rain clear dee p blu e skies and lots of
sunshine, no rain at all. wonder if it will come tomorrow
or not at all. lol

@missjahn (4572)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
gosh, so bad information :D
or maybe the weather is really changing swiftly inappropriately to the weather news being forecast. amhpt... like any other things, weather is unpredictable and changeable. but what your really want afterall my madam, you want it rain or not? thanks and be happy :) 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Oct 12
hi missjahn we did have some rain on thursday nm orning and now its cooled off sunny but in the 70s which is so nice and you just need a litht sweater. love the cooler weather.[

@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Weather forecasters make really good money for only being right about half the time. You will have to keep us posted on whether or not you get some raindrops of any kind falling on your sunny Southern California.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Watch out!!! It may just rain on your shopping trip. And you really would not object.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi lol it got dark really early and a tons of cloudlayerw so
maybe it will rain tomorrow and Thursday as the forecaster said. we
did not get any rain yet.like the missing my lotter who used to say she would dance the happy dance I will try that if it actually rains,.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Oct 12
no rain today after all as its sunny and getting warm again but my friend Nelda said it is predicted for tomorrow and Thursday so we are going shopping after her work today.Hope it does rain but will keep you informed. it would feel good after a long hot summer and fall here.

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@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
10 Oct 12
If it can help and if it were possible to do so, I would send some rain from my part of the world to yours. Here in my country it has been raining almost every day since July. Since I don't own a dryer, when I do my laundry usually it will be sunny then a bit cloudy in the morning. But by afternoon it will start raining until all through out the night. I am having trouble drying my laundry and I am not able to go through all of them that have piled up since July.
In terms of weather prediction, I no longer believe in that. A few weeks ago our weather bureau announced that the following day would be sunny. And since it wasn't raining that night I did some laundry. By 2AM it started to rain, all throughout the day

@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
I've just been fooled by the weatherman again today. I checked and double checked, it said sunny with partial cloud cover. Take note of "partial cloud cover". Now to be sure, I did my laundry at dawn and sure enough the sun was up. After two hours, the sun was shining brightly, so hooray! But still my instincts told me to still hang my laundry in the shade. I took a nap and got jolted awake because it started raining cats and dogs by mid-morning
. So now, my laundry will again take two days to dry

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Oct 12
hi anne25penn yay thursday morning early here in GardenGrove Ca it rained bu t now its12.34 pm an the sun is out but there some more black and grey storm clouds so we may have more coming I do not
know as I give up on te forecasters. lol
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi anne oh would we love that. and the forecasters again goofed they said of sure it would rain today.well its c ooler a nd windy bu t sunny and not one drop of r ain nor does it look like we will have
it tomorrow either.the forecasters here cannot seem to get
it right inspite of all the training lol lol

@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
15 Oct 12
Aunt Hatley, indeed rain is hard to be predict. Same goes for my area here, the raining days are uncertain. We never knows which day will be raining and which day is sunny. Even nowadays, it is hard to trust weather forecast. Most of the time, it is the opposite result. The weather in my area here today is raining. Yesterday, it is sunny half day and raining half day. I am not sure what is tomorrow's weather. Unpredictable...Have a nice day....
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Oct 12
hi myfb that little rain last thursday was all we had. Sunday morning chelly then Santa And hot wind and it went up into the nineties and was really hot but at least it was not humid.very dry and oh my the forests are super d ry. just think what will happen if someone drops a spark in dry grass, bush and pine trees . wild fires.

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
dear Hatley,
I love to have a rain dance too...weeeeeee we can do it ma'm
Just kidding.
Here in our place it's raining occasionally and people are always in fear when the rain started to pour that hard due to floods and landslides.
Wish we can send some rain in your place

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Oct 12
hijaiho it rained finally and hare Thursday Oct 10 agt 8 a,m.
whoopee the air smells so fresh and clean. Still very gray clou ds so we might get some more.so the forecaster will half right after all. the storm was just slow getting down the coast to us
here in Southern California

@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Oct 12
Or I suppose that I might be able to redirect some of the rain that we've had here so that you will have some in California and we will be able to avoid some of the rain that we've been having in the last several weeks here in central Kentucky.
Seriously though, I really don't think that we should mess around with Mother Nature because of the fact that I tend to believe that nature has its own way of regulating itself.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Oct 12
hi dorannmwin I agree as she just makes fools out of the scientists messing around. we had some rain Thursday[
but it dried off by noon. really we seldom do get rain
in the autumn.Usually we get rain in January or February.

@much2say (57291)
• Los Angeles, California
9 Oct 12
Hi Hatley! This morning I am wearing long sleeves and a jacket in the SFV! I haven't actually looked at the weather forecasts - but it does sort of "feel" like it's going to rain out there. But will it really rain . . . hmmmm, who knows - we almost have to sit and wait!! I do welcome this weather though - I had enough of the heat - and I would welcome the rain too to wash out the dusty bustiness from the past few months. I don't know what to believe when it comes to weather forecasters . . . what they do is give an educated guess, I guess. Especially where we live it seems like hit and miss when it comes to weather - I just don't hold my breath!!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Oct 12
hi much2say not going to rain today too warm and sun y but my
friend Nelda told me its forecast for Wednesday and Thursday too so shall see. cannot go by their forecast today bu t maybe it will rain tomorrow and cool off things a bit too b ut I will not believe it till I actually see it for my
self. c 

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi much2say while it did not rain toda y its all clouded over with grrey skies and they forecast rain Wednesday andThursday so weshall see.

@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
9 Oct 12
Dear Ms Hatley
Heavy rains are expected to hit this part of the world - as there has been some depression in the nearby seas. I think the weather is undergoing some major changes and maybe we are heading fast to the predictions of only two weathers for the year.

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Oct 12
hi thesids I think no rain as the sun is out and its rapidly
'warming up again. no black s t orm clouds jusst whith
powder puffy clouds that never come with rain here. so
the prediction was sort of silly I think. we have had'way more hot days than usual and its going to be warm at least
@smtrsv (186)
• India
13 Oct 12
Hello there! My dear mylotter aunt Hatley
I think that you are lucky to say that “we have rain predicted”. I cannot do so because it is Monsoon rains at our place. But I like rains. What a sweet feeling it is when a cool rain drop comes to our face and any part of the body which is exposed. I also like to be wet in rains. It is so funny.
Happy mylotting and have a lot sweet dreams! Thanking you.
Rakhi Sharma[/b][/u]
October 13, 2012[/i]
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Oct 12
hi Rakhi Sharma lovely name we did have some rain on Thursday not much but it cooled us off and changed the temperature into the seventies. I have read about monsoon rains that really rain hard and long.. I used to love to walk in the rain when I w s mu ch younger. Now I am partly handicapped and use a walker which I really do not like but I do not want another fall.

@Kashmeresmycat (6369)
• United States
9 Oct 12
Hi little chickadee!
Well I certainly hope you get some rain soon, if not today, maybe tomorrow. That's an awful long time to go without rain, geesh.
Yeh, weather forecasters are just as unpredictable as the weather is, haha. They sure get paid good for doing this and it doesn't count if they're wrong. They just blow it off like the wind.
Let us know if you get any rain or not, should be interesting. 

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi kashmeresmycat did not rain today but its now really clouding up and the forecast is for rain wednesday ant thursday hope we do get some and i will have a great excuse to not go out so I can do more mylotting. lol 

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
10 Oct 12
it has been known to work and im thinking we need to be calling all rain dancers around the globe
no rain here much ever. so we need to call in back up troops of rain dancers since ours dont seem to be getting it done

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi bunnybon maybe and I am smiling here we need to gather tem from each state and really have a rain dance pow wow. no reina ag again today and it w as forecast for rain Wednesday and Thursday too. It does not rain in California in the fall. to borrow from the song : It does not rain In Indiana in the winter time."Its windy and cooler but full sunshine and not one drop of rain. 

@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
10 Oct 12
here it should have been end of rainy season, it is supposed to begin from middle of june or early july, but things have changed drastically, though it is 2nd week of october, it is raining cats and dogs for last 3 days, weather bureau says it is due to sudden depression
we are playing with mother nature and this is the outcome

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi p rofessor yes when we fool arou nd with mother natuer she
will fight back. they tried to seed some clouds here a few
years back and caused several torrential downpours with a lot
of damage so I guess they did not tr y that again. Rain was again forecast for today and tomorrow Thursday bu t today its sunny
and a cool wind bu t not one dro p of water at all. we never have had rains in October b ut with the changes in weather patterns
it is hard to know what to expect.

@redvakaurvaki (4217)
• Indonesia
10 Oct 12
rain prediction sometimes doing wrong. we should have rain since May, but till now the weather is dry and quite hot. government plan to have "made rain" by doing some ceremony. hopefully this is work...
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi redvakaurvaki its really clouded up and wind is blowing hard'and it just might really rain as they now fore c ast for tomorrow and Thursday too. hope it does as we need it to cool us off a bit.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi pahak no indeed its not fair I have r ead of the rain and the typhoons there in the Philippines and thought that is not fair to drop so much bad weather on one place. we again did not
get the rain forecasted for today so wonder will it rain tomorrow? I doubt it. we rarely get rain at this time of the year. lol
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
10 Oct 12
Hi Auntie! I know what you mean. The weather prediction for our city has been off once in awhile. Two weeks ago we were supposed to have a T storm on a certain day and it didn't show up till the next day.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Oct 12
hi pointlessquestions they predicted rain yesterday and it did not happen. then y esterday they s aid its to storm to da y Wednesday and tomorrow Thursday. well so far its sunny and windy with'
bright blue skies and big white puffball clouds no grey or
black clouds at all.