only in the Phil. Cyber Crime law

@mikej143 (309)
October 11, 2012 1:04am CST
only in the Philippines to have a law that would suited the people in liking the facebook etc. or even post that are insulting other people yet I mean the law was good in way the people would control them self to take post and shout out what they have in mind but in a way that we could not full access in the net just like to watch youtube, twitter or even to watch movies around. this law need to recheck and do some changes either. what would you think?
5 responses
12 Oct 12
Cyber Crime Law, this not really a law in my opinion and base on other source I've read its useless having this law, monitoring what people doing over the net. Did they even think of something else other than this? How about the technology how high is knowledge of their technology that they can monitor all those crime happening over the internet? How fast is the internet connection and their monitoring power to take chance monitoring the whole internet surfing of more than a billion people using internet each day.. Pardon me i'm not againts this law I'm just curious how they could enforced this law with lack of high technology development. Anyway... Good luck to all whose doing Cyber Crime...
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
I agree. They've covered pretty much everything even our human rights/freedom of speech. So How are they gonna implement such thing? Given the fact that we lack technology. We are way behind other countries. They can't even prevent real life crimes so how are they going to battle the internet?
• Philippines
13 Oct 12
Seriously right? This whole thing is a joke! They should prioritize taking the technology a few notches up. Especially Real life crimes. Not what they call "cybercrimes"! It's really stupid!.
13 Oct 12
How could a 1 to 5mbps can monitor the whole damn net? This is crazy! You are right we are 100x behind other country when technology is involve so how could they implement this law? It just a waste! They should think on how to improved the technology before implementing this law.And think something useful,something benefits the nation, and not for something useless and kinder business. lol.
@bloodmask (590)
• India
12 Oct 12
Were those anonymous people shouting for this law that was introduced. It just look like normal if you expalined now is just what is flipini law has to say. But may be with time they can introduce their own feature to just to benefit corporate. I think laws are important but too much stringent laws are just not appropritate. no child would like to live in a family where there is beating for ever deed the child does. What if an innocent filipini just post some thing that may be truly daring and is for the people of filipini but these stringent laws can change anytime and can be modified for just the of jailing that person for the sake of corporate growth. Laws are important but not Lawlessness.
@mikej143 (309)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
yeah it would prefer would be band all the online games where the teenage and young people where addicted to it rather than to take control all the access on the net and social media.
@UmiNoor (4521)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 12
So this law would essentially monitor people's participation on the Internet? Is that it? It's good to a certain extent but then it will stifle people's freedom of speech and expression.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
11 Oct 12
Thanks a ton for sharing the discussion. Well u are absolutely right. Glad to hear that Philippines have passed such a law and i am sure that this will help in making people aware of the consequences even if they ever think of doing it. this law should be a universal law with either imprisonment or heavy fines imposed if anyone is found doing it. What say?
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
I dont know want is in the mind of the Senators who signed the law. They didnt even read the article carefully and understand all the informations found in the article. It so embarassing to the other country about this situations..Not thinking wise or just having this power to them to protect themselve for the critize of the people in cyber world
• Philippines
14 Oct 12
On the contrary, liking facebook posts or retweeting what people tweeted won't get you arrested. I watched some kind of forum last night at ANC news channel and they said the cybercrime law won't be a cure to that particular 'stuff' because it is not certain(most of the time) who originally posted it.