I am only the aunt, should I say anything?
By chrissyrene
@chrissyrene (10)
United States
October 11, 2012 9:12am CST
My kid brother had a baby. He is 16. My mother, allowed everything and even moved the girlfriend in. after me being upset because I was angry I was losing my kid brother, we have all grown pretty close. His girlfriend was due one month before me, but it happened that I had my son a month before her! well my son is 6 months so their son is 5 months. and for as long as I can remember they sit him in front of the tv. often. like hours a day several times a day. Not sure what your opinion on tv is and I dont mean to step on anyones toes but the tv should NOT be used a baby sitter in my opinion. I feel I should say something to them, I dont want to cause an issue and make her upset, its just thats my nephew and I am concerned for his overall health and well being, its like his only socialization is that tv I worry that too much of it could cause ADD or something? Not sure what the medical part if it is! My mom raises him when shes home, which I also disagree with. would you say anything if it were your nephew? I feel I should atleast tell them to study on babies who watch too much tv.
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7 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
11 Oct 12
I am not sure that I would say anything at first. Maybe when you have time you could set up a play date with the two so that they can socialize. I know they are still very young but if the TV is off and they are together.. I just feel like it'd be better then the TV being on all the time. It sounds to me as if they don't spend much time with their kid but I don't know the whole situation and this is new to them. Something should be said overall, but I'm not sure whether it's really your place or if it would effect the relationship you've built back up.
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@chrissyrene (10)
• United States
11 Oct 12
Thats what I fear. our relationship. yet at the same time as a big sister who has already raised one, I feel like I am letting him down by allowing him to not know reality. they pawn that baby on everyone and anyone. doesnt matter who. I had him all night when he was a week old back to back and they never even called to check on him
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@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
11 Oct 12
I think with ur brother and his..baby mamma- with them being such young teenagers they don't fully realize how important raising a child is. U know so y not give them advise? I don't know what else to say but if that we're my brother I'd tell him like it is. If a man or boy is old enough to do the deed then I think he's old enough to at least be a little smarter about it. I don't mean to sound like a miss know it all and for that I am sorry. What does he do after he sits the baby in front of the tv?
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
11 Oct 12
Maybe you could just say something vague, something like "I don't want you guys to regret not spending time with the little one when you are older. You could miss a first word" I'm not sure but well it's true. The little one could utter it's first word and they not even be paying attention to the child. Plus, I just don't think TV is an acceptable subsitiute for the learning process.
Could you ask your mom her advice on it? They live with her, and I am sure she witnesses more then you may, and she does have a lot to do with the child when she's not working.
@nonersays (3336)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I would say something, but carefully. Don't make it sound like you're telling them they are bad parents, because that would just put them on the defensive.
As often as possible, try to have playdates with your son and your nephew. Have them outside, or at places away from a television.
You might also mention how important human interaction is in the formative years of a child's life.
Your brother is of a generation that thinks there's nothing at all wrong with electronics, and probably thinks the child is actually learning from watching tv, and should be taught differently....but gently and without being preached at, if that makes any sense.
@anklesmash (1412)
11 Oct 12
I think your concerns are completely legitimate,I think spending too much time watching TV at a young age can't be a good thing.Though i'm not sure what the best thing for you to do would be.What I would probably do as other people have suggested is to arrange for your two sons to spend time together so he would be doing something other than watching tv. If i was you though I would go your mother with your concerns as she seems to be responsible person in raising the child.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
11 Oct 12
chrissyrene This is family so..I would say yes.. say something, but be very very careful HOW you say it. You could even preface by saying..I don't want to seem like I am being a busybody, but I care and am a little concerned. You could say you have heard others have said it is not a good idea..etc.
Bottom line..I think if handled well you could help. If they are offended, they will get over it. If you help them see things differently, you have helped them all.
Again..it all depends on HOW you suggest something. You could also say you were reluctant to say anything, but you hope if they have suggestions for you they would voice them..LOL but be prepared to hear criticism

@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
11 Oct 12
I would! I mean he is ur nephew and not some random friends baby. He's ur nephew and u should say something. How u say it will make a big difference.
My baby sisters son is always sucking a pickier and he doesn't speak at all. He can I've heard him before and it was beautiful! But he can't say much with a picifier in his mouth. I'm not sure what goes on in his life but when he's with me I make sure there r no silicone nipples anywhere in my house. He goes from one house(his dads to his mom) house and I'm not sure what that does to his well being but from what I heard its not good for him. Just the other day I saw a pic of him with a pacifier in his mouth! I posted this msg " ugh! A pacifier,really? Take that out I his mouth and I went on to say the odds of him learning to talk r slim. It causes cavaties and his teeth won't grow the right way if he's constantly having a paci in his mouth. I don't know if she took my advise but she 98% of the time she does.
So because he is close family, say something about it. Because they r new to being parents they need all the advise thy can get. And u say u r close..I think this is the prefect time to say it. Say something like u know...I'm not trying to tell u how to raise ur baby and with me being who I am bring up the tv and how too much tv and not enough tummy time or number time or whatever could interfere with his learning abilities. Do some research for him or her and show them how it could affect him. I think without written proof, he's less likely to believe u.
That's just my take on this. It's what I would do..happy mylotting and good luck!
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I really don't think you should say anything to your brother
about they way they raise their child...If you Mom babysits
sometimes she should tell your brother about she has noticed
in within the baby...But I think you should just take care
of your baby...
I would,'t think that you want to cause any coflict between
your and your brother and the mother of their child..I am
just saying...remember its not what you do its how you do it...
good look...
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
11 Oct 12
You don't have to say anything to your brother, but I would question your mother.
Television didn't hurt my brother and I, and believe me, we saw plenty of it, but children at the age shouldn't watch that much television. My brother and I were much older when we began watching a lot of television, and it was mostly superhero shows. My brother and I did not have ADD or ADHD. They need people to talk to them and communicate with them at that age. They need real physical, human contact.
ADD and ADHD are hereditary. They really can't get it from watching too much television, on the other hand, there can be a problem with their emotional growth and language development. They should be around four or five when they watch television, and I would start out with shows like Sesame Street.