a m ylotter told me she got a phonecall from a hater here at M ylotl
@Hatley (163773)
Garden Grove, California
October 11, 2012 8:36pm CST
I am thinking if someone did not like my posts why not walk on
by. As the admins says in the guidelines its no fun getting mean and insulting responses we are told to play nice. Of course I know that m mylot encompasses many countries from around the world. but as manyh discussions as there are,why would anyone pick on one wthat they disliked and even call the poster with hate,. this is not funny and nobody deserves that kind of drama.Nobody is pointing a gun on that person's head and telling him he must respond to that discussion.
I often find discussions that for one reason or another do not draw me in but I do not spew hatred at that maker and resp;ond with dhat,. I just go onto one that I like.Your take fellow mylotters. Is it
not better to bypass one yo u dislike than to become a hater here in our peaceful my lot?

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41 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi ajk me too I want to have f un and enjoy myself and keep
in touch with all my friends.But some of us have had big problems of their own in their life and they do not need someone calling them with a hate message.to me I would really not let that person get to me and if he or she called again not respond at all. I have seen other sites where there are no admins and people have said some of the most awful things to other users. I l ft the site as it was supposed to be a forum for diabetics to talk to each other. this one person ruined it for the rest of us.I feel that the best thing to do in these cases is report this user to admins and not get
involved at all.
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
12 Oct 12
How did that hater get the phone number. It is totally inappropriate to be calling unless you are invited to do so, and hateful phone calls are stalking. There are laws against that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi sid yes it wass bu t why did this even happen as all any'
of us need do is leave alone the person we dislike and the
discussion we do not like and go else where.oh well I guess
it takes all kinds. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi ElicBxn no my p hone number either. thank God
@leateagee (3667)
• China
12 Oct 12
That person maybe just want to irritate the mylotter. If you're pissed off then you lose. Not worth the fight. Let's have fun in myLot and exhange great views. Argue if necessary but not hate. 

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi ravisivan yes thats exactly what we should do, ignore those with unnecessary responses. right on the button,.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi leateagee I think so too. I know that even if you feel like defending someone here, going into hate mode and flaming just gets you in trouble and does not help the person being harassed.thats right leateagee we are here to enjoy ourselves not to start

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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
12 Oct 12
Hatley aunty:
GSB also raised a similar point a few hours ago.
Aunty -- you start so many discussions-- I respond not for all but only a few.
Similarly i start so many discussions--you respond in topics you are comfortable. that is fine. that is how we have to go.
ignore people who send unnecessary responses/messages.
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@celticeagle (172519)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Oct 12
This is as bad as the gay slashers! Why not grow up people! This is getting rediculous. I am glad that stuff doesn't reach me but in the third person. I guess these folks must really be bored if they have to be hateful over a discussion group. What a bunch of hoooey!!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi celticeagle yes it is and what do they get out of that.
If someone dislikes a person here just bypass that person
and his or her discussions,.don't make war.,this did n ot
happen to me but to a m ylot friend of mine who has had
enough problems in their life they do not need a hate phone
call.I agree its a big bunch of hooey.
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@much2say (57365)
• Los Angeles, California
12 Oct 12
Wow! How did that hater get her phone number in the first place? (I'm just so reserved - I don't give out personal info like that). I know sometimes people can be rude here . . . but come on - there's NO need to actually call someone over the phone to be rude about myLot discussions even further. That's just taking things a "little" too personally. Yes, if one feels they have to "hate" - just keep on going - no need to cause any drama!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi much2say thats what I wondered too? I myself do not put down my street address or p hone number in a discussion,.I h ave given m y phone number to some trusted friends here..Yes to go to those lengths sounds like the person has not got very good sense to
me.I feel that this incident should have been re ported to mylot.the person involved would have to report it hpwever.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Personally it continues to amaze me sometimes that there would be people here that would actually want to talk to someone like this. Yes, just because you may not always agree with everything that people have to post here, does that give you a right to say mean things? This is not Facebook Thank goodness where everyone shares their dirty underwear, etc. but come on this should be a place where friendships are born, and people get along. If they want to be Haters or children, make them move on to another forum for sure.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Oct 12
hi tina hopw you are doing better now. yes it amazed me too
as what do they get out of being hateful?It sure does not give
any of us the right t o spew hatred at someone just because
we do not like them or their discussion. this is really hatred at its worst. no excuse at all. here we are one peaceful big family where we come to get advice or give it or just talk with each other and a place to rant if we need too and always a peaceful place I hope.no use for trolls at all.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12

@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Wow people are making phone call to hate on a person over a discussion??? I cant understand why not go to a discussion you like because we are not short of discussion to chose from here on mylot . Every sceond a new discussion is start so why do people like to start drama
I will never understand .
If I dont like a person view , I will share my view but I will not disrespect them and be narrow minded . I seriously think people like those , who try to stir up drama have issue . I would suggest that they avoid discussion they hate especially when they are in a bad mood .

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
yes indeed all they needed to do was leave theat one
along and go else where. why spew hatred,. this is a place
we all go for to find peach and have f un, not a grade
school where they go he s aid, she said and fight. grrr.

@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
12 Oct 12
peaceful? lol, just kidding. umm there are some days its not so much especially if you see one you respond to from a dear friend and someone is busting their chops
but i try very hard not to poke my head in and defend them altho that often very hard.
but yes just to pick a discussion and pop in to say something mean. i dont want to do that and like you, i just move on if i dont care for their veiw on things. why bother? you will not change their minds, so just move on. no use in starting wars to no good end.
but yes, if you choose discussions you like and get on here, it can be a very nice experience in mylot. many times it brings my spirits up.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hibunnbon well yes m ostly it is peaceful as most all of us
come there to enjoy discussing with each other and not to
see flaming or try to flame back as that just gets you
in trouble and does n ot help the friend being picked
on either. best to turn over that to the admins and let them
decides what to do. hi namiya yes that is the best
p erspective I also agree with you both.

@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
Oh my. How terrible. MyLot is supposed to be fun. That is why there are guidelines in order to avoid conflicts especially in some very sensitive topics. I remember in the past when there were some flame wars going on. It was hard coming here. Sure I ignored them mostly, but, it still bothered me somehow. It is normal to have differences in opinion, but to be rude or turn into a hater is not just the way to deal with it. I say these are trolls that need to be weeded out, and from what's happened in the past, only those with pure intentions here survive.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi gloryacam yes it is supposed to be fun here. someimes I think
some people forget they are resojding to a live person just becaise they cannogt meet face to face,. Never say anything tol a persoln
on line that you would not say to his or her face.I think this is one of the trolls.,wish they would go troll someplace else.
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@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
13 Oct 12
This mylotter's behaviour throws me.Mylotters come from different countries with different cultural background and they have different knowledge structure.It is not surprising that they have a different take on something. Why should the mylotter in question work his/her will upon others ?Just as you said she/he might as well pass by them ,if she/he didn't like some discussions.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Oct 12
hi chang it threw me too as all he needed to d o with go to the ne xt discussion til he fou nd somethine he l iked. imatead he chose to make an ugly respoonse then call her this must be a person who needs some mental help.too she shou ld have turned the response
over to the my lot admins.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Oct 12
hi chang could be I just think to report the response to
the admins would be the best thing to do that way you
do not get yourself in trouble for dissing someone
back,. its always te mpting but its also wrong. we
are not kindergarteners here.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
14 Oct 12
I wonder If he is a paranoia.He was supposed to be decorous .
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@ravisivan (14082)
• India
12 Oct 12
hatley aunty
you are perfectly right. I receive email regarding a lot of discussions. I respond only where i feel like and am confident. no compulsion. just go and do the work one likes. it is like a cinema complex having 10 theatres. Various movies are shown at different timings-- it may be of different languages, different actors, differnt themes,-- we go to the film we like. We do not go and tell other theatres to shut down.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
thats it ravi exactly.the person who had such dislike did not have anyone forcing him to respond to someone he disliked . there are tons olf discussions to respond to without responding tol something you dislike. thats plain mean and stupid.
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@911Ricki (13588)
• Canada
14 Oct 12
Someone called her to tell her that they hated her discussions? Seriously. I agree with you I would keep walking on by, or just respond but not share my hatred, nor call them. I may call the person if I knew the person, or jokingly give them a hard time. I had a few people I worked with, or were friends with on here and I would give them a ahrd time as a joke but they knew that.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Oct 12
hi lost my whole comment copy paste grrrrr,. I had a dear friend here and we joked and teased and she threatend to tickle
me if w e ever met as I had told her I wa s horribly ticklish.
I also told her again and again about the antics of my mom's elderly near sighted loved every one pekenese. so I just told
'her y ou tickle me I will sic my mom;s p eke on you;she retorted that I had said I wanted to hurt her and she now though t I was a tr
oll, She unfriended me.I private messaged her butr she refused to answer me then unfriended me. so I am really careful what i say so it w ill not be taken the wrong way .

@urbandekay (18278)
12 Oct 12
Well now I feel like I have failed, since I have provoked no one to that degree of rage, or perhaps I have unknowingly
all the best, urban
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi urban he h e I saw yo u in the politics a few daya ago
and you came off really well I thought. I am a coward when it
comes to that interest.I get told how dreadful I am and I
did not go there again. no it was not your style urban
thats for sure . me if I dislike a post and its user I do
not linger there at all but go to one I do like. I do not
see any reason to fight with any one. I love m ylot and discussing with all m
y friends here. I am here to have fun and enjoy and learn too.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Oh I saw that. Do you know who the person was? I ask because I know the victim and honestly, Hatley...I love the lady but I am pretty blunt with her when I disagree. I hope it isn't me that she is referring to as I speak from my heart. I don't think she should ignore this person as if nothing is bothering her. This person is on her friends list. As a friend, I would want to be told and given the chance to explain myself just in case of a miscomunication. I don't agree with publicly putting something out here by her or by you is the way to handle it. I get it that you are trying to defend her but I really think the best way is for her to PM this person and settle it one way or another. Any other way just leaves others wondering..."is it me?", "did she misunderstand something I said?" etc. I agree with you that it is better to bypass one you dislike but I also don't feel it is right to be passive and "pretend" to like someone that you don't just because you "feel" that they are a hater. I say deal with the dragon head-on. Anything other than that is cowardly and superficial in my honest opinion.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
sid I am not saying to pretend to like someone b ut I am not here to fight with others at all. I just want to relax here and enjoyu
being with mylot friends. I have defended others but this usually gets
you into a place where you end up flaming which does not help you or the person you tried to help. 

@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Oct 12
That is just childish behavior. There is one here who I can't stand and a couple people know who he is and he rarely comments on my discussions, but when I see he did, cringe as I open it to read what degrading reply he has for me this time. But I avoid him as much as possible, which isn't easy if he ends up in one of my friend's posts, but I try to be nice and when he gets mean, then I report him.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi carm I had to learn that the ha rd wasy as i wo uld de fened someone and get too involved and not only did that not help the one being picked on it also got me in hot water cakked flaming which gets posts deleted. niow if someone really disses me hard I do n ot comment back at all I just hit the report button and let m ylot adm ins do whater they want. I wonder if we have the same person. mine is spiteful and I did report him so he has not bothered me
since. do not tangle
with him carm just report him when hes
being insulting.

@voldrox (7191)
• India
12 Oct 12
Wow, why would someone become so personal about it I don't understand. I can't see myself doing something like that unless that person has some information I would want anyone to know. This is just too much. If someone has any hatred to my post I just tend to walk by and ignore it, although I have never encountered someone like that and I hope I never get to see someone like that because I try to be nice with others.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi voldrox no I have no t encountered anyone like that since
the two trolls who admitted and bragged to the admins we took
that old lady;s star from ten to five it took all night to
they banned both of them and returned my star from a 5 to an 8
and from there I through lots of kind pluses final got back to a blue star.
I don't
understand that person either as If I dislike a discussion I just go on to another one,I would never pick a fight with anyone,I love t he peace and tranquility here too
much to get personal with anyone and be mean to them.

@koopharper (7601)
• Canada
12 Oct 12
I'm pretty much anonymous on here. I won't give my real name to anyone or my address. I don't mind people knowing the country or even the city but I don't want to risk the weirdos online getting their hands on that kind of information. I would advise myLot of anyone calling me because of something said on this site. I'm kind of horrified that it happens at all.
There are quite few discussions I take a pass on here. Sometimes the questions is what I would describe as toxic right from the start or because of the subject matter certain individuals here will respond and from experience I know it will become toxic before it goes very far.
I do occasionally visit the political discussions but I've sworn to bite my tongue until sometime after the dust has settled from the US election. My star is not far from turning blue again and I'm hoping to hang onto that for more than a few days this time.
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@smurfysmurf (651)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
Hi Hatley!
Well, another hater again. I just wondered why there are people who are like that. It seems that they really want to speak out of the box. If that person don't like the discussion then he or she needs to back off and just find other discussion that would best suit their interest. We are in this very peaceful community and it's been a long time since someone said negatively to me.
We should definitely keep this site peaceful.
Happy Mylotting!

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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Oct 12
hi smurfysmurf yes another hater at least I do not think there are'many of them as to me I have always sought my lot when I am
feeling down and talking and discussing with friends here makes me feel up and peaceful. if I do see a discussion I really do not like I just go on to one that interests me I d o not like fighting and
trying to reprimand someone never works and usually becomes a flaming war.