VP debates biased
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
United States
October 11, 2012 9:01pm CST
I am watching the Vice Presidential debates and i am so mad at this moderator!
I am watching this so I can learn what each side stands for not to hear this woman attack one candidate over another interrupting and cutting one off over the other. I don't know enough about Ryan and I won't know more by the end of this because she is biased and clearly running the debate towards the Democrats. I am disappointed, angered and wish they would remove this woman. My Gosh she won't even let Ryan answer the question she just asked him!

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9 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I did not see the whole debate but I did see most of it and it bothered me that VP Biden was very rude and acting like someone from the ruling class, I can do what I want and you can't. I don't have to follow the same rules as you do. This is the problem with elected officals and government workers they feel like they have special privileges and you should not criticize them.
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@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Agreed. And as you said, he's not the only one who acts that way. Voters aren't looking for people who feel like they are better than us. We want people who can represent us.
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Oct 12
She is pro Obama. She was bias in her addressing Ryan over Biden and not stopping Biden as often as she did Ryan and allowing Biden to constantly interupt her and Ryan and she seemed to get more specific with Ryan, but let Biden just ramble on. I dont' think she was a very good moderator. Never heard of her but dont' think htat she should be a moderator for something so important.
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@stary1 (6611)
• United States
13 Oct 12
I had never heard of her before either. However, there was a report that said her husband went to Harvard with Obama. Apparently they were friends and Obama went to her wedding and she attended Obama's wedding. The committee that chose her decided that wasn't a conflict of interest...
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
13 Oct 12
It was really hard to tell who really won the debate. They kept interrupting each other and the moderator didn't help. Biden was just annoying and rude. His smirking and laughing made him very unlikable. They both lied but if something happened to the President do we really want an obnoxious liar for a President. Oh wait,we already have that.
@celticeagle (172614)
• Boise, Idaho
12 Oct 12
It's their fault! They know they only have four minutes to reply. Biden is rude!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Oct 12
His laughter at serious moments was ruder then his interruptions I think it was a big turn off. That said I have seen Biden speak in person and his smile is a nervous twitch, which made me think Ryan was on to something he didn't want said...
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I actually didn't watch it, but from the comments on the thread, it seems like I didn't miss much. Guess the debates didn't really clear anything up.
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@crossbones27 (50297)
• Mojave, California
12 Oct 12
Actually I thought it was a much better debate and I think you might just be upset that Biden would not let Ryan get away with the typical Republican BS. They are smooth talkers, but not much on explaining how they are going to make their policies work. They are good at making stuff up or switching their view points to their setting plain and simple. That could be why the Bush administration was such a failure. They were good at getting anything they wanted passed but never had a practical plan to pay for things.
I also found it funny that Biden made the point he wants government to stay out of peoples lives and Ryan pretty much made it sound like government should be telling people how to live their personal lives. Are you telling me people have been voting for the Republican party all this time and not knowing that Republicans have been trying to dictate our lives?

@deebomb (15304)
• United States
12 Oct 12
crossbones what I saw and heard that you claim about Biden and Ryan I see as just the opposite. And as far as the school lunches some parents have sent them with their children but the children were not allowed to eat them. I really got up set when Biden kept interrupting so Ryan could not get his point across to the people.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Don't forget the line from VP Biden about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan - " I didn't vote for them and I said at the time we can't afford them, yet at the time he voted to go to war. He stated that the intelligence said it was not a terrorist attack until later, when the National Security advisor and the State Department admit that they knew it was a terrorist attack. The administration withdrew the security even though the consulate was attacked twice before this year. A threat was posted on Facebook against the Ambassador.
I get a kick out of the VP saying it is a woman's choice about their body then they dictate what children can have for lunch in school.
Despite that to interrupt someone as much as he did is plane rude and it got so bad that the moderator even had to step in finally after about 50 interruptions and tell him to let Rep Ryan finish, but VP Biden didn't listen.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Oct 12
They both spouted lies and false facts. Ryan miss quotes, Biden's lies it was all garbage to begin with. I added a link that lists just a few of both men's crap, there was more but this is a taste. As for the interrupting it was Biden's game plan not to let Ryan speak it was the moderator going after Ryan that wasn't right she should not have interrupted him.

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Oct 12
The debaters interrupting each other is rude but expected as it is a debate it is the moderator interrupting him that ticks me off it is her job to ask the questions not speak over the debaters every other word.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I tried to watch it, but I only got about 15 minutes worth of debate before I gave up. It kept showing Biden's sinister-looking smiling face as he'd interrupt and just start randomly talking, without any moderation at all outside of encouraging it.
Now, it might have worked like that both ways later on. I didn't watch it all and can't say that it didn't. I just know that it didn't seem like a debate. It seemed like a platform to help Biden seem a little less wetodded to the public. Sitting down with a pen and being gently petted on the stomach by a moderator.
Every time they brought up an issue I wanted to hear each respond to, Biden would just burst out laughing or interrupt or give a positive shout-out for Obama.
I'm not sure who's coaching these incumbents for this round of debates, but coming across weak and disrespectful respectively has certainly ensured that I personally won't be watching a second round of debates. I'll stick with the highlights.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Oct 12
She was a horrible moderator. I agree I turned the debates off around the 15 minute mark but went back maybe 5 minutes later or so I just had to see what was going on, I have to make a decision and I really hate the choices.
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I agree 100% with you as it was just too much to watch when Ryan was really into the topic and Biden just got him to stop. I think Biden was really confident but slightly without a cause. I hear a lot of talk that Biden was good except his "smile" and expressions of frustration. Ryan was a little too calm but think he did well given the moderator but as you said, the debate was almost a waste as nothing really got worked out.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Biden's interruptions were part of the game and expected it was the moderator interrupting that ticked me off. It was rude of Biden but he was doing what you need to do to win a debate stop the other guy from talking. The moderator who is supposed to be impartial and stop that from happening not only didn't but interrupted Ryan many times herself. Clearly biased.
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