
@lupeng (82)
October 16, 2012 7:27pm CST
i became the ture tour-guide recently.i'm not very familiar with tour-guide this kind of job.i know if you want to be a very excellent tour-guide ,maybe Beijing is a good place to practise yourself,but if you only want to earn much money Beijing is not a best choice when someone don't have a ability. so i change a place i turn to my hometown,there is a very big place and is very simple.i search online someone work in Beijing as a tourguide if you don't have much experience ,you must be out of pocket at fist,i didn't have this confidence.i think hometown is very safe.
1 response
@Muelitz (1592)
• Canada
17 Oct 12
Being a tour guide is nice. You get to show the visitors or tourists the place as well as tell them about its history. In my opinion, being a good tour guide does not depend on the location. You have to be well versed with regards to the place. You have to know the history, the places around. You must be able to give the tourist advices on where is it good to stay (hotels), where are the good restaurants, etc. If you are able to provide quick and reliable advises then I believe you are doing a tour guides work very well. If you want to earn more, it is a different story. You should probably select a place where tourists go all year long. This way, you earn continously. If you are planning to be a full-time tourist guide. Good luck! I hope you succeed
@lupeng (82)
• China
18 Oct 12
thank you with your advice.i well continue do it well.