Trust Him

@mikej143 (309)
October 17, 2012 10:52am CST
Being scared doesn't mean that you will be stop on moving just kept believing to God as it is written "Anyone who trust in him will never put to shame" -Romans 10:11-
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5 responses
@rubyroy (824)
• India
3 Nov 12
Friend let us start a bible study on my lot.I want to add you as my friend.Or please add me as your friend.
@rubyroy (824)
• India
7 Nov 12
Today I read the first chapter of John And the words that really touched me was John1(12)But to all who did receive him,who believed his name,he gave the right to become children of God.So this states we only have to day a simple act,just believe him and then he will make us the children of god,nothing more you have to do.You just blindly believe that your are the beloved Son/daughter of god,when you go through a tough situation,he will provide you with the necessary strength to overcome the most difficult situation in your life.Do you have a striking word from bible to quote and explain.
@mikej143 (309)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Amen! but still believing in God would be the very thing, but the question in their how do we believe in Him? Yet we were the Children of God we are also co-heir of Him (Rom 8:17) I mean that still we have obligation in believing Him, to act and obey even to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice to Him. :D
@mikej143 (309)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
sure- just add me And start with it, ill check mylot everyday.
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
8 Nov 12
And of course you know that 'trusting in Him' DOES NOT necessarily mean "letting Him take care of things." He places each of us to take care of part of His garden; that's usually not "doing nothing," it's 'protecting the garden from enemies who plant their destructive weeds' & 'pruning your productive plant-branches so that they are more fruitful.'
@mikej143 (309)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Amen! yeah, God will mold us in those things even in blessing in disguise we might struggling of. still He want us to trust Him in everything and believing.
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
17 Oct 12
Amen! that is so true! And He is our high tower, fortress, shield and refuge.. man cannot be trusted (or manmade governments) but God, yes!
@mikej143 (309)
• Philippines
18 Oct 12
Amen! no other who made us only the one know us that we could trust.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
17 Oct 12
Amen to that brother!
@mikej143 (309)
• Philippines
18 Oct 12
fear would be universal to us human and to be scared of the things we would make us uncomfortable with. but nothing else we live by faith not by sight or even human thoughts are not just like God thoughts and planed for us. :D Amen!
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
15 Mar 13
Hi, you are right. He who kneels before God can stand before anyone. He should not have any fear in mind because God is always with him. Take the first step in faith, you don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Faith sees the invisible, believes incredible, and receives the impossible.