what are the reasons why couple breaks up?

@aabuda (1722)
October 17, 2012 4:53pm CST
Guys, have you already wondered why couples break up? Some says that if faith and trust is already compromised, then couples will really fall apart with each other...ofcourse, if you were cheated then you will not be staying in that relationship wherein trust is not already present with each other. Also, others say that some couple lost their love with each other resulting for them to part ways...is it true? How about you guys, what are your thoughts?
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13 responses
@violann (436)
• United States
17 Oct 12
Well as you say a lot of different things could cause a relationship to end. I think if you feel you've lost your love for your significant other you should try to rekindle it, especially if you're married. Others break up because of abuse either physical or mental.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
18 Oct 12
That's what I'm trying to say too! Only if that should happen (like what happened to me during my childhood) then and only then would I leave. My kids are not replaceable; hubby's r. I'm sorry if that disses him but I WILL not have my kids live with an abuser, not even their daddy if he's being like that. But my husband will NEVER do that. Not will he cheat.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
wow...nice to hear that...thanks for sharing guys.
@aritahime (221)
• Indonesia
18 Oct 12
hi aabuda ^^ From my own personal experience, me and my boyfriend (at that time, now he is an ex) broke up because his father didn't agree with our relationship. I didn't know why, he didn't tell me the problem, and we just broke up.
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
so sad...really interfering parents is one of the many reasons...
• Southend-On-Sea, England
18 Oct 12
I suppose people break up for all sorts of reasons. It could be infidelity, growing apart from one another, money problems, the relationship turning abusive in some way....all sorts really....and like you say, maybe simply just falling out of love.
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
18 Oct 12
The main reason for break up is lot of misunderstanding between each other and ego. These two factors play a major role for disaster. If the couple understands each other without any misunderstanding then there is no chance of break up. However,I have seen many disasters with the couples break up even they understand each other and love. The major one is carnal pleasure. This demon is rocking everywhere and the worst part is even a close couple has extramarital relationship
@olliekobra1 (1825)
18 Oct 12
its a hard question to answer because people can break up for different reasons some people have just been together for two long that they like each other as friends but not lovers. I think that this is real common also people cheat on each other so people break up for this reason.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
18 Oct 12
Most of the time it is because of unfaithfulness. Much more, it is because partners. stop having fun and they live only to argue of little petty things when it is unnecessary. They stop wearing attractive clothes they used to wear when they first met and above all stop having little adventures together. Much more, they stop going out with friends.
• Philippines
18 Oct 12
Losing love is one of the biggest factor for break up though we might ask why we lost our love instead of making it stronger. Most of the tie breaks up occurs probably due to a third party, jealousy, insecurity, sensitivity and being selfish. Though whatever reason is its better to always give our best so if at the end our best wasn't appreciated at all then at least we can say that we tried our best. Then somehow they will realize that after all those people they love its us who gave them all the love and affection and that we gave them our best and things that they didn't see to that new person so the tendency is they tend to comeback.
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
18 Oct 12
I think that abandoning your marriage is a decision that one's make. You can have many reason to abandon your marriage but in the end, it is really up to you if you will take those reasons for you to decide to leave your partner. It is a matter of choice I guess.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
18 Oct 12
Lots of reasons for couples breakup like drinking habit, quarrel on small thing, affair with any other, dowry problem, untrust, understanding etc. old ages couples not breaks till end of life and but now new generation wants to take divorce suddenly after marriage.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
18 Oct 12
Have you watched the movie, "The Vow"? It teaches us so much lesson for the word "love". I remember a quote from there, "I chose to stay with him for all the things he's done right; not for the one thing he's done wrong. I chose to forgive him." Sometimes it's really the reality when a person has done one bad thing, all the good things that he has done is erased. Cruel way of life, isn't it? My parents broke up because my father cheated. They've been together for a few months after that but then the 'magic' isn't there anymore. So eventually, they parted ways. That's just how life works for the rest if us. Sad.
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
18 Oct 12
I don't believe breaking up with someone just because he/she cheats or any of those other beliefs. I know and am ok how others may take that. They may think I'm out of my wits or am not in the head... But if I were to break or end my marriage over a lie or if he desides to boink wih another woman as long as he tells me about it then its ok. Ppl arn't perfect and guys arn't the exception. They make mistakes. Don't make a big deal out of it women. If he were to cheat on me and still take care of his fatherly and bills duty then y divorce him and regret my choice in leaving a good man and father to my kids? It makes NO sence. Not to me at least. However that's just me and my view on the discussion at hand. There's this saying that goes something like this: y leave a great man or father to ur kids if he makes one big mistake?i think that's y woman drink so much so they can somehow "forget" about what he did. Men arn't so understanding and neither is my husband. He believes that if a woman cheats on her hubby or marriage then they should basically go to h3|| and rot for all he cares. Some e going to think I don't love him because I let him do what he wants with whomever. I love him but just not INlove with him. Well I don't expect anyone to understand but thanks for the post!
• Indonesia
17 Oct 12
Many thing could cause it in my opinion. Sometimes it's boredom, they are already bored for one another when there is no exitement of love anymore. Or one of them cheated, always fighting when together, or one lied about something important and the partner couldn't trust him/her again, or he/she didn't get along with the partners' family, or one of them moved and it became long distance of relationship and most of us know that long distance relationship hard to maintain.
@lymsnb (223)
• China
18 Oct 12
Maybe the reason why couple breaks up is that lack of tolerance , the lack of love love stimnlating romance , when contradition happend ,just think of yourself if you were in her shoes , think from another way , many small contradition can be solved .the couple can not break up . and have a happy life .