Is the Mormon Church a cult?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
October 18, 2012 5:25pm CST
There are many Christians who believe that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, commonly called the Mormon church is a cult. Their reasoning is that they accept not just the Bible, but also The Book of Mormon as the word of God. Also the Mormon church claims to be the only true church and even send out missionaries to convert other Christians. How do Christians here on myLot feel about Mormonism?
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18 responses
@richnai2 (104)
• Thailand
20 Oct 12
I am not a Christian but have studied quite a few different religions during my "searching" years.
I imagine that many Christians do think of Mormonism as a cult, but Mormons probably think that other Christian groups are a cult in their minds!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Oct 12
Hi rich, Thank you for commenting. If you look at the meaning of the word cult, I suppose all religions could be called cults. When I was a young man, about fifty years ago,I add some contact with the Mormons and a brother and a sister joined that denomination and I still have family who are active members in the Mormon church today. I have almost no contact with them anymore, except on facebook as they all live in the US now. I know that at the time I was attending the church, they were not accepted by other denominations, in fact many were downright hostile toward them. Since that was so long ago I was wondering if the attitude of other Christians had changed. Blessings.
@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
27 Oct 12
hi dear Pose123 I do think that the Mormons are a sect.In any sect its Jesus PLUS something else, like here the Book of Mormon teachings of Joseph Smith, which are regarded as highly as the Bible.
But I dont dislike the Mormons. Quite the contrary. In the suburb of my hometown where I lived they were active every Saturday in that Mall, talking to people and I liked the young men speaking about their faith. They knew me after a while and I was always ready to chat with them cause I am so shy I couldnt have done what they did. Being that young, learning another language, going to another far away country for a year or two and telling people about their faith.....wowwwwwww.
I have read books about Mormonism giving some insider information about practices like that being Baptized in place of someone who is already deceased and the Temple and such. I still cant really understand why these Temples are for Mormons only and non Mormons cant enter the Temple. We have one close to my Hometown and the public was only welcome to see it before it was sort of consecrated.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Oct 12
Hi RitterSport, Thank you for commenting and I know what you mean. They are very fine living people but their beliefs are different from the mainstream churches. They Mormon church is a good example of how one can be indoctrinated into believing almost anything. I have read the story of Joseph Smith and his 'plates of gold' as well as the Book of Mormon and their other scriptures. Those scriptures teach polygamy and some men in the early Mormon church had several wives. They no longer practice plural marriages because it is against the law - and Mormons, as a rule, are good law abiding people. They do believe that they are the one true church and that's why they send out missionaries to convert other Christians. Blessings.
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@RitterSport (2451)
• Lippstadt, Germany
27 Oct 12
hi dear Pose I also have the Book of Mormon but didnt get far reading it by now, find it very complicated in the beginning so I gave up.
They also shelter their missionaries too much. I once got into a nice conversation with one of their Elders. Had asked him something I knew from that insider book I mentioned above, and next day he wasnt there any more plus the others pretended not to know him........
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 Oct 12
To me it's just another church and everyone has the right to believe in what they want. I am a lutheran....and what I believe I probably wouldn't go out and try to change people to my beliefs....but a cult? I don't think so....just another way to celebrate your beliefs.
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
23 Oct 12
jillhill, do you know much about Mormonism? A lot of people disagree about it being "just another church" and you're arguing your point, you're just making the claim.
Matt 16:15-16 Then he [Yeshua] said to them, "As you go throughout the world, proclaim the Good News to all creation. Whoever trusts and is immersed will be saved; whoever does not trust will be condemned ..." - Therefore the Bible tells you to try to change people to your (or rather Biblical) beliefs. By not doing so you're disobeying God.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 Oct 12
A cult may be defined as
a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.
an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers.
the object of such devotion.
a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.
This being the case, why would Christianity be any different than Mormonism?
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@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
22 Oct 12
barehugs, I think you could argue that any group you don't agree with is a cult. Some people use the more objective criteria of using brainwashing techniques: deprevation of privacy, depravation of sleep, low protein diet (this is not a sensible a vegetarian or even vegan diet). Mormons don't use brainwashing but I really don't understand how anybody can be so stupid as to believe their doctrines.
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
19 Oct 12
All religions are cults!
Created BY man to control other men, and to explain things they had no understanding of.........but in today's modern world we all know better..........RIGHT? job is done here......
*exits before the stoning begins* 

@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Oct 12
Hi sconibear, I will not be throwing any stones but I'm sure many would like to throw them at me. I am not religious but having read a lot of unsavory things written about Mormons by other Christians, I wondered if things were changing somewhat. Thanks for your response. Blessings.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
22 Oct 12
sconibear, I think you're making an assumption that all religions were created by man to control other men. You obviously can't eliminate the possibility that some religions are started by God (or gods, whatever), probably working through a prophet (I don't think anybody knows how Hinduism started). Then there's the possibility that the person who started the religion (usually a man but a few have been started by women) genuinely thought they were doing God's will or making things better.
I totally agree that some religions were started by people to control other people and I believe that Mormonism is in this category.
Pose, I think Mormonism is gaining some respectability and acceptance but I'm not sure that's a good thing. Certainly classifying it as Christian involves some logical problems as it breaks some of the rules of "Christian" (e.g. re-defining the Holy Trinity to mean three different gods). I'm sure that many Christians will remain hostile towards it and it may be that increasing general knowledge about it will increase hostility.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
21 Oct 12
Hi samar, Thank you for your response. Mormons, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are followers of Joseph Smith who claimed to be a Prophet. Smith also claimed that God gave him The Book of Mormon which Mormons believe is the word of God, just as they believe the Bible. They also have a book known as The Doctrine and Covenant, which Joseph Smith also claimed he had received directly from God. One of the teaching says that polygamy is a God given right and that a man can have more than one wife. The Church today opposes Polygamy as it is against the law for a man to have multiple wives. Blessings.
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
23 Oct 12
samar, Herbert Armstrong ( founded the Worldwide Church of God, which is also rather controvertial.
Pose the Mormons also have another book of scripture called A Pearl of Great Price. They changed their teachings on polygamy in order for Utah to join the US. They've also become less racist now that that's unfashionable. A group broke off called the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, which has kept the polygamy and racism.
samar, I don't know what you mean by the "last witness of God", do you mean this: ? Apparently this says that WW III will start on Pentecost 2013, and we all thought we could heave a sigh of relief if nothing happened this December and we'd escaped the Myan apocalypse!

@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
18 Nov 12
I think all religions are cults....good intentioned or not, they all work in the same get their members to feel they are better than members of other "cults" and to brainwash them into revolving their lives around their religion while the world around them falls apart while they are at church praying....thinking that sitting in a church praying is helping the world somehow.....
@TazRes (827)
• United States
19 Oct 12
Hello Pose123, I did a search on what the Bible says about the mormon church, and this is one of the scriptures that came up : Matthew 24:4-14 - And Jesus answered them, "see that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, Saying, 'I am the Christ,' and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the
birth pains....

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@lampar (7584)
• United States
24 Oct 12
If it does look like one, then it probably is. Some christian churches and Evangelical Christians consider it is a cult, while there are also other churches consider it is just another main stream religion orders. It all depend on the definition of 'cult' base on the teaching of different Christian leaders, whose may interpret necessary right out of the bible. Mormon do has its own holy book they used for teaching and as guidance for their daily life other than just Holy Bible, their main book is called Book of Mormon, written by their founder and Prophet Joseph Smith.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
19 Oct 12
Mormons are no more a cult than any other religion in my estimation.
They just catch grief because they're newer.
I've heard other religious people laugh about the supposed fact that Jesus was in America and left some hidden tablets or something.
But these same people believe an all-powerful being impregnated a virgin and birthed a hybrid god who sacrificed himself for all of mankind.
So from the outside looking in, I can't make the call on which story seems to be the "lie" here.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
20 Oct 12
There's a belief in the Mormon church that when Jesus returns it will be in Independence Mo, however I know people who are not Mormon that believe the same thing. I've been to Independence-nothing much special about it. LOL
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
19 Oct 12
Generally, people call religions, cults, if there are too few people involved. If there's a group that only has one outlet, and has only a few hundred people, at most, and have an original religious concept, it's called a cult.
Once it gains more memebers, and has more believers, it's not longer a cult, now it's a religion.
either way though, both are fictitious and have loads of BS behind them, so what's the difference?
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@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
21 Oct 12
Hi Pose: As many people has stated here, it's a sycretic religion because it tries to conciliate verses from the Bible to new elements introduced in their book but at the same time it's a religious point of view because they have religious point of views and a set of rules. Calling a religion a cult is a way to make it look less important.
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@JohnRok1 (2051)
19 Oct 12
Lyttleton and West in the 19th century and Frank Morison in the 20th Century tried to disprove the Bible and ended up believing it. This could never happen with the Book of Mormon. Simply, the Bible is all true and the Book of Mormon is a lie, or a series of lies, with some truth mixed in.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
20 Oct 12
Hi JohnRok, I'm sure that has happened to many people but there are also many thousands who have read the Bible and were sincere but just could not believe it, or at least could not take it literally. Maybe the same can be said for the Book of Mormon. I have read the Book of Mormon and am convinced that any good writer who knew the Bible well, could have written it. I know that Mormons are accepted much more readily today than they were fifty years ago, but I wondered what people really thought. Thank you for sharing your views. Blessings.
@bostonphil (4459)
• United States
20 Oct 12
I am not a Christian but I have a great interest in religion and I study all religions when I have the opportunity. I also have a long standing interest in cults and have done a lot of research on cults.
Most religions began as a cult but later evolved into a religion. Some remain cults. I can not clearly remember the definition of a cult and the definition of a religion but it can be searched. I believe that a group is seen as a cult when it revolves around one leader.
There was a period of time when The Mormon Religion was seen as a cult but it is now recognized as religion, one of the newer religions.
Many Christian groups do view Mormonism as a cult. In turn, most Mormons view everyone who is not a Mormon as a gentile.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 Oct 12
Can this Jewish woman respond? I believe there are no cults, just some paths that are not as respected by others. And this is what is happening here. The Mormon Church is the new kid on the block. Many do not understand and instead of learning what it is all about , they just deem it a cult. It is so sad. Me? Anything with the name Christ in Is Christian. Their vision is different that's all.
@livewyre (2450)
19 Oct 12
Hi Sarah - I appreciate your comment. Can I point out that many cults have latched onto Christianity, but offer a subtle different interpretation sometimes to deliberately mislead (I would include the Church of Christ Scientist here). Just using the name Christ does not 'make' them Christian. In the same way, just because Christians accept what we call the 'Old Testament' - it does not make them Jews, but then Christians don't claim to be Jews.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
19 Oct 12
But they should! Jesus was/is a Jew. Christians follow the Old Testament. So in my eyes they are partly Jewish. If you think this way then you should call All Christians save the Orthodox from the east or Catholics members of a cult.Didn't All other version veer off from the original. Good luck getting a Baptist to see he is a member of a cult! All I'm saying is an outsider can call All other religions save their own a cult but to the believer it is the Truth. We all should respect the different paths people choose.

@lampar (7584)
• United States
24 Oct 12
If it does look like one, then it probably is. Some christian churches and Evangelical Christians consider it is a cult, while there are also other churches consider it is just another main stream religion orders. It all depend on the definition of 'cult' base on the teaching of different Christian leaders, whose may interpret necessary right out of the bible. Mormon do has its own holy book they used for teaching and as guidance for their daily life other than just Holy Bible, their main book is called Book of Mormon, written by their founder and Prophet Joseph Smith, some are just too weird to understand.

@lampar (7584)
• United States
25 Oct 12
Right! They do have a veil of secrecy upon their belief, some of their places of worship are prohibited from public view and visit, except for the mormom. It is just weird for a normal religion order to adopt such type of public policy that deliberately shun its' temple from the public entry. Many part inside their book may well copy right out from bible and other religion books. They do give me a sort of creepy feel, it is scary.

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
24 Oct 12
lampar, Mormon's believe that the Book of Mormon was found by Joseph Smith as a book of gold tablets writen in reformed hieroglyphics (an unknown language) and translated using magic spectacles. Most non-Mormons have trouble believing this. Three's a claim that the Book of Mormon was heavily plagerized from an unpublished novel called Manuscript Found (it wasn't published because the manuscript was stolen from the publisher) by a preacher named Solomon Spalding.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
29 Oct 12
I don't think they are any more of a cult than any other religion. I have a few friends that are Mormons and I view them as friends and neighbors. 

@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
29 Oct 12
Pose, by your definition, the Mormons are a cult. Also they don't view the Book of Mormon as equal to the Bible, they beleive the Bible is only true "as far as it's reliable" which basically means unless it contradicts some other Mormon scripture. They also believe that Doctrines and Covenants and A Pearl of Great Price are scripture.
1hopefulman, how do you define a cult? Surely it's obvious to you that some religions have more serious problems than others.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
7 Nov 12
I just asked first before I comment whether that church is cult or not. I agree with you that they used their own scriptures and also used the bible. As far as I know; according to their teaching members allow to marry as many as they want. I don't know if this is correct information I have. Because a friend of mind who is a member of mormon said it. But he refuse to say that their church is a cult...
@Graptopetalum (1807)
• Canada
6 Nov 12
aerous, if you read the rest of this discussion, you will see why many Christians (I would say all real Christians who know much about Mormonism) consider Mormons not to be Christians (the definition of "cult" is more debatable).
Pose, Mormons don't consider the Book of Mormon to be equal to the Bible. They believe it, and there other scriptures to be more reliable than the Bible!