Is she too old to teach how to use the toilet, like a Litter Kwitter?

October 20, 2012 5:47am CST
I have a bit of a dilema I was hoping someone might be able to help me with. I have two cats. My youngest cat is great with the litter tray. He does his business and buries it. However, my older cat is not so great with the litter tray. She digs and digs and digs, sending kitty litter all over the laundry floor. She does this EVERY TIME she uses the tray. I'm getting a little tired of having to clean up the kitty litter first thing in the morning, every morning. And last thing at night. And during the day. My partner is getting over it and has started to develop a bad attitude towards her - she has picked up on this and won't go near him as often now :( She is nearly 5 years old. Is that too old to teach a cat how to use the toilet as the litter tray? I have been looking at the Litter Kwitter system. What do you think?
4 responses
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
22 Oct 12
Usually it is much easier to teach a cat or dog how to use the toilet when it is still young. It takes some time to teach or correct it when it has developed some habits of its own. But anyway, you may give it a try to see how it works. Take care.
• Australia
22 Oct 12
Hi williamjisir :) thank you for your reply. I, too, think that it would be easier to teach a younger cat or dog to use the toilet. Allegro does have some habits but, then, so does the younger one too - he already checks out the water in the toilet and has some sort of fascination with it lol
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
21 Oct 12
There is a point to her flinging the litter out of the box, and that is to cover the smell of her tracks, especially with a male cat in the house. Also it sometimes doesn't work too well with a tom and a queen using the same litter box. The odor from a male cat's urine and feces is much stronger and different from the female's excrements. Like one of the other Lotter's said, I would provide her with her own box. I had to do that with my female cat. I have two males and two females (it used to be one female and three males, but one of the guys turned out to be a's a long story!!!) and the two females use the girls toilet leaving the boys alone. I don't have the flung litter problem and they are much happier now. Also I would find a large tray to go under the box. One thought is the trays that they have in auto parts stores to go under the car so it doesn't leak oil etc on the garage floor. It would work perfectly under the litter box to keep the litter under control.
• Australia
21 Oct 12
Thank you lovebear for your understanding reply. I kind of figured there had to be "reason" for her flinging the litter all over the place. Both of my cats are fixed so the smell shouldn't be all that bad, if you know what I mean ;) She wasn't like this with my old cat nor was she like this when she was on her own, so that makes a lot of sense. Those oil catcher thingos are fantastic. They can withstand a lot ;)
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
23 Oct 12
I had a male cat that never learn , my mother was so annoy with him but I was very patient because I was the one who find him. I think he was too old to train . I then got a kitten and she didnt need anyone to teach her she just did I dont know how . She was so cute and tidy . I think she is too old and may never learn .
@prashu228 (37520)
• India
20 Oct 12
hi, it will learn by itself, by seeing the other one, don't worry ,give her time. She may be very naughty one , like how naughty children wont listen anything from others ,they like their way. Like wise the kitty. Hope she grew up soon to understand .
• Australia
21 Oct 12
Hi, thanks for your reply :) l'm hoping she will learn from watching the other cat too. He is very smart and inquistive ;) she likes to be a 'boss' cat so if he starts doing it all the time, she will probably want to out do him ;)
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