Bain-Controlled Company owns voting machines sent to Ohio.
By ladybugmagic
@ladybugmagic (3978)
United States
October 21, 2012 9:02pm CST
Links to Mitt Romney and Tagg Romney; it's all in the family.
So, it looks like they plan to rig the machines, which have notoriously failed in the past and mysteriously moved votes from Gore to Bush.
Congratulations may be due. Romney may have just stolen the election. We managed to stop most of his planned voter suppression, only to realize he had this in his back pocket the entire time.
I am sure many teapublicans won't care, because it leans in their favour. But, guess what, it could happen again, to your candidate of choice, as long as we let Romney get away with this.
UN observers will be sent to the US to monitor voter suppression by conservatives on election day.
Wow, right wing, wing of the uber religious and morality, where did all your morals go?
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8 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
23 Oct 12
UN observers will be sent here? Oh I have Sooo many issues with that. Big huge issues.
But anyway, voter fraud or manipulation is a very serious problem that all of us in this country should take seriously no matter who is doing it.
As for morals.....we are talking about politicans, they usually don't have those. And they use the whole " other side is so horrible I have to do underhanded, immoral stuff to save us all" to justify being an immoral jerk.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
24 Oct 12
The UN can kiss my you know what. I would love for the US to pull out of the UN and then send them packing. We are a soverign nation. There is no room in our constituion for the UN to have any influence or say about anything that goes on in this country.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
25 Oct 12
Well, to be fair to leftybug, I think she and her ilk just like it as an idea.
The and-justice-for-all, save-our-planet, eat-the-rich, hug-our-earth-mother baloney is just a newer and extremely ironic way to view freedom.
Someone has convinced these people that they're trapped and oppressed and held down by America, and standing out and longing for a faux revolution is cool.
I've never seen so many people so willing to sacrifice their souls and dignity simply to be a spoke on someone else's wheel.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Why we need voter ID laws:
[i]What the U.S. lacks is any sort of standard ID law at the federal level. But beyond our borders, such ID laws are the norm rather than the exception. Canada, Germany, Argentina, Colombia, and the Netherlands (to name a few) all require ID at the polls. In Mexico, our neighbor to the south, all
residents need to have a photo ID issued by the Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE) in order to vote. In 2010, fully 70 percent of the voting age population had a photo ID issued by the IFE. (This ID is also used for transaction other than voting, acting as an official standard ID across the entire country.)
Why have so many other developed countries decided that voter ID laws are not such a bad thing after all? Preventing voter fraud might be most obvious reason, but there are others. For instance, requiring an ID at the polls creates an incentive for individuals who are less likely to have an ID to get one. Obtaining an ID for the purpose of participating in an election can lead to positive spillovers, where previously under-served individuals are now empowered to play a greater role in the political process and the formal economy more broadly.[/i]
I love it when Democrats say that voter fraud does not occur. AND then a DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE FOR OFFICE commits voter fraud:
Wendy Rosen, 57, who was running against Republican Rep. Andy Harris in Maryland’s 1st Congressional District, said she registered to vote in Florida to support a "very close friend" running for the St. Petersburg City Council and to vote on local issues there, the Sun reported. She voted in elections in both Maryland and Florida in 2006 and 2008 and said she was able to register in Florida because she owned property there.
And then there is THIS, Democrats working for Hillary Clinton's campaign describe rampant fraud during the Clinton/Obama race in 2008.
"We Will Not Be Silenced" is about the people who fight back by simply telling their stories: Teachers, professors, civil rights activists, lawyers, janitors, physicists, ophthalmologists, accountants, mathematicians, retirees - all bound together by their love of America and Democracy. They will tell us their experiences and how they feel betrayed by their own party. They will discuss how their party has disenfranchised them and how, when they saw and reported multiple instances of fraud, everyone turned a blind eye. Rather than support and protect the voices and votes of its loyal members, the DNC chose to sweep this under the rug by looking the other way, or using ceremony and quasi-investigations to assuage angry voters. It is our opinion there never before has been such a "dirty" campaign; the campaign that has broken the hearts and spirits of American voters, who once believed in the Democractic voting system.
Electronic voting counted by Soros owned company as Rollo Described.
What I'd like to know is why aren't the Democrats concerned about THIS?
The aspect of the Ohio law that the Obama administration opposes is the provision allowing military voters to cast early ballots up until Election Day.
And this?
[i]Under the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment Act (MOVE), which was signed into law in 2009 by President Obama, the Federal Voter Assistance Program (FVAP) is supposed to assist service members with voting on military installations.
A Defense Department Inspector General report released in August found that FVAP hadn't set up those voter assistance offices, using budget cuts as an excuse.
May we not-so-cynically suggest that the Obama administration is in no hurry to deal with the issue. While often using our troops as backdrops for photo ops, making sure their vote, unlike that of other groups, isn't suppressed is not a top priority.
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that John McCain won 54% of the military vote in 2008 or that a May 2012 Gallup poll showed Mitt Romney pulling 58% to Obama's paltry 34%. A new Rasmussen poll found that 59% of likely voters who have served in the military favor the Republican challenger, while 35% support the president.
The law also requires that states mail absentee ballots to their servicemen 45 days before an election so that there is sufficient time to count them.
The Justice Department can file suit to ensure compliance but in 2010 was content to grant failing states waivers. As a result, one-third of overseas troops who wanted to vote in 2010 couldn't, according to congressional testimony in February.[/i]
So there you have it. Claiming that ROMNEY somehow is rigging the vote is a smoke sceen for all the voter fraud and suppression of votes going on in Obama's camp.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
22 Oct 12
What are voter ID laws going to do if the machines accepting the votes are rigged?
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@urbandekay (18278)
2 Mar 13
US 'democracy' smells so bad, that were you any other country, you would, no doubt, have invaded yourself to plunder oops, I mean restore 'democracy'
all the best, urban
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Lady, after reading the article and living in Ohio, I know that anything and EVERYTHING is possible here. I understand where you are coming from, and many have fear about electronic voting machines. The article points out the fear that you could change large amounts of votes in a very short time. The fact that there are connections to supporters of Romney, and devices that will count votes should be investigated, and NOT by people from either party alone.
But, if you were going to rig an election why would you donate so much money if you know you don't have to?
But, for all of those out there that want stronger voter ID laws, electronic voting manipulation could make those laws useless if someone else is deciding who you are voting for. What is the most troubling is that the states decide what machines to use, and if they meet their standards. States like Ohio are very politically corrupt, and they will do ANYTHING to make sure they stay in office, and they get what they want. These machines should be federally mandated, and a bipartisan committee should approve the machines, with a way to over see voting is not being manipulated, much like the board of elections is here in Ohio.
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
22 Oct 12
I see you have heard from some of the regulars wing-nuts here. And, in typical right-wing fashion, they say it isn't true or it's nothing to worry about or some such comment--and then change the subject. What does the ownership of voting machines have to do with voter ID? Nothing at all.
This issue does concern me, because it is certainly possible to program the machines to give the result desired.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Nice preempt on the why-my-candidate-only-served-one-term headline. It's more creative than racism, I'll give ya that (wherever you dug this up from, rather).
@knoodleknight18 (917)
• United States
22 Oct 12
Interesting, not sure if it has a lot of credibility. Then again, it's unlikely if the machines had some sort of "flaw" that anyone would even find out. After all, they probably aren't being verified effective by an impartial engineering firm and field tested by 100k+ mock voters. On the flip side, except for Ohio, most of the states listed have a long history of voting R, both Bushes came from Texas and that state is quite wealthy thanks to Republican policy.