Anyone have a story about vlt or slot machine addiction?

October 21, 2012 9:37pm CST
I have had a close friend that i have known since high school nearly kill themselfs over the vlt machines.I think that the government does not care about its citizens as they do not set limits on the machines and allow people to dump as much as they can get their hands on down these evil electroic bandits.I thnk they are in it for the massive taxes they get of the machines. I really think that people should not take these machines lightly as even myself, gave it a go a while back and saw how it could pull people in and addict them not let them out of their grasp.Thankfully i have strong will power and know when to quit and rarely even think of putting money in these machines.I really think society is not careing for the working poor and try to take every last penny they can from people barely getting by. Any stories about gambling addiction? or thoughts about gambling in general?
3 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
hi, i have a co-worker who have been addicted in a poker,and when he have money came from his auntie who are in the Canada,he always play it,actually before he was really addicted and almost empty his money,but now maybe he realize the value of money so he play poker very seldom.
@dan_1973 (13)
• Romania
22 Oct 12
I was addicted to this machines, took me years to gave up, i had some luck i have to admit didn t get broke but i ve seen loads loosing the wives, houses and jobs because of the gambling. I guess u have to do it ocassionaly, for fun without becaming an addiction but its difficult. I found the best way meet the friends and play some organized tournaments in the house, for less money its fun and better than any casino.
@toyota4k (1208)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
I remember in my teens back in the 70s, I was addicted to the slot machine. I was a vegetable store keeper and would spend whatever I had to last coin gambling. I even was responsible for nearly having the store bankrupt and eventually lost my job. I never won on the slot machine but the addiction kept me going back even to the extent of borrowing money or selling whatever I had from and to anybody.