I'm just being fair..

Being Fair to everyone - To be fair!
October 22, 2012 3:01am CST
One of my topic brought me a lot of respondents and I know I can't deal with them all. What I did is just try to read all the responses and award the BR with the respondent I think rendering the best answer for me. And one reason I did that is that I find it will be unfair to everyone if I will dealt to one or more respondents and others leave blank respond. I'm just being fair and that no one think I'm being unfair..But seriously I've read all those responses. I hope this won't annoy everyone.
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7 responses
• United States
22 Oct 12
I dont usually ever write back comments to people that respond to my discussions. I dont feel its fair to start them and never even continue to others that are responding to the questions too. I try to read them all as you do and give the best response when usually a week or two has gone by to give everyone some time to answer the discussion if they would like too or not. I find it hard to keep up with giving the best response sometimes if i do alot of dicussions.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Oct 12
I agree with what Mike has commented and I wonder how many realise that they do not start a discussion but instead they post a topic for discussion. It should not be a question with some answers as that is not what myLot is for. If there is no interaction with comments back to those who respond then it is not a discussion at all.
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23 Oct 12
This is my first time I did not get back to respondents all of my topics had been manage carefully by me. But it seems for me too hard to get back all those response so I choose the BR and leave others in blank. But now I know I will do my best to replies back on them next time. Happy everyone!
@romzee (937)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
Well as for me, I pick up the best response to my topic after a week or so. In fairness no one can judge me as to who I choose as the best response for its my prerogative. I also give all my respondents as much as possible a positive marks. Haven't yet give anyone a negative mark because I think this is unfair. We all here to enjoy exchanging and sharing ideas, experiences, belief and lots of thing... Cheer!
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Oct 12
romzee why ev edn bother to make a discussion if you do not honor the people who responded to you with short real comments? a discussion is not one person bu t a whole b unch of people all exchanging ideas just as you s ay and experiences in a discussion,. you type you get paid we typed the re sponse we get paid so if you will nolgt comm ent back you are not making but a tiny amou nt when yhou colujld e arn a lot more for the comments y ou cou ld make.
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23 Oct 12
Now got to learn from you people!Thanks for the info!
@xredburn (97)
• Portugal
22 Oct 12
Dont try just being fair, try to be honorable
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Oct 12
hi redburn I hear you be honorable and comment back to all those who thought they were going to have a discussion with you. also you earn f or typing those comments too. the honorable thing would be to not make a lot of discussions so you had time to comment back to all the responders.remember the logo YOU TYPE YOU EARN, I TYPE I EARN
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Oct 12
There is an easy way to 'deal with' those who responded on your discussion. Don't start any new ones until you have commented to those who responded. If your topic receives responses then it can be presumed that those who responded wanted a conversation with you. If you don't comment back then there is not one and those people might feel offended, as though they were talking to a brick wall. Most of the users here on myLot are here to earn a few cents but if they can't discuss with back and forth comments, then their earnings will be limited. I hope you realise that you only earn for what you do here and that the responses that others post earn for them, not for you.
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23 Oct 12
Thank you for that! And this time I will deal with my respondents and discussions well for my own benefits.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Oct 12
not fair! fair would be m ontevilla if you did less discussions and did comment back on all of them. I am 85 and I can and do eventually comment back to my responders as its rude to do what you did. so you had no time. did it not occur to you to do a few every time you log in.no it does not annoy me as if you do not comment back to my response,next time I will by pass your discussions. forget the damned BR as thats not helping all the people who took their time to respond to you,. nothing in mylot says we have to respond to any if we do not wish to. also how would we know which of us you read if you do not comment back.It is unfair to not make some comment not a thank you but a real co mment. fro example for this response of mine You might say"but hatley i just don't have musch time. however I know you do have a point. could I take a few weeks to comment back? " then I would say"Of course thats what I have had to do many times."
23 Oct 12
Ok hatley I understand now I make sure I will do better next time.I will deal and make my topic done. Thank you for your time handling this topic.
@Olleenz (3398)
• Indonesia
22 Oct 12
Don't worried about it, a lot of members doing same thing At least you responds some of it so other know that you alive (I see a lot of discussions without any reply from opener)
23 Oct 12
Thanks for the consideration and well I think I will make it better the next time I will start a new one!
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
14 Feb 13
I think it is not unfair. Me? I am use to always choosing the best respondents on my started discussion. I just read all their ideas and thoughts and leave the discussions. I am gathering information more if I'll wait another lotters to respond on my started discussions. I think it is our free will to choose or not to mark anyone as best response.