a simple friend or a luxurious friend?

October 22, 2012 7:41am CST
I'd rather be with a simple friend with low maintenance than to hang out with friends who are luxurious. I don't care about the brand of the things my friends wear or use as long as they are neat and presentable. We don't need those showy displays of our things.. what is really important to me is the personality. what's your take mylot members? share it and happy mylotting!
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19 responses
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
22 Oct 12
i agree, we need an honest friend with understanding capability not a luxurious one, as long as he/she is simple down to earth and not boasting type, and a good person , we can be safe in friendship, but if they look at the materialistic things, the a big no.
1 person likes this
• United States
17 Nov 12
Yeah we don't want to be around people who boast all the time about what they have. That can really be a drain. Having a good friend who isn't concerned about the materials we possess is an asset in itself.
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
17 Nov 12
yes but i think such assets are really difficult to find these days , as the people are mostly concerned about the outlook and luxury one have.
@xredburn (97)
• Portugal
22 Oct 12
Well, the more money your friend has, the harder you will work to compete with him.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
I have both. I have friends who are simple and those who are "high maintenance". But the mere fact that I am not the ones spending for those who are "high maintenance" is okay with me, after all, I'm not dating them, we're friends. Further, these people don't really require me to be high maintenance as well and would accept me for who I am. So, it doesn't really matter. Unless of course peer pressure is stressing you out - then you'd realize that those really are not your real friends. Have a great mylot experience ahead!
27 Oct 12
well, glad to know that you can managed both friends without being influenced by their luxurious habits. I believe that whether we like it or not, we are all prone to influence whether good or bad. so if our friends are luxurious, we can be like them too in the course of time. that is the reason why I'd rather be with simple friends.
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
What my friend's brand when it comes to clothing doesn't matter to me as well. What matters to me is- the attitude and behavior. What will I do with rich friends when they don't give me importance or just took me for granted. I would rather be with company of poor and simple friends who knows how to value my existence.
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
17 Nov 12
I agree 100 percent , yes what will we do with those who really don't care about us and go on boasting about themselves. Such people don't understand the value of friendship ,they see only the material things.
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
hi job, I believe that you can't measure someone by looking on their tag me and my friends being luxurious sometimes in other's thoughts but the truth is we are not it's just we know how to look luxurious . Good personality has no price at all happy mylotting
@prashu228 (37524)
• India
17 Nov 12
well said good personality has no price at all. But there are people who look and are interested more on material things, and i found some people who do friendship only with those who have a car or wear some costly branded clothes. That's really annoying they measure the friendship with such things.
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
22 Oct 12
Thanks for posting this discussion. Well i would always prefer simple friends as they are down to earth and would always strive to make long term relationships while the ones who are luxurious in nature will for most of the time think of enjoying and wasting money in the process. they value money more than any other thing in this world and hence i would like to stay with my simple friends who would always put relationships in the first priority. What say?
27 Oct 12
we are the same in this matter. luxurious friends are those who love to spend their money. we can be like them too in the process coz all of us are prone to influence whether good or bad. so if we want to be simple we should also go with those who are simple too.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
29 Oct 12
I would have to choose simple people in a heartbeat. Those high maintenance types are really just a headache waiting to happen, and it's just not something I want to deal with on a constant basis. A simple friend will enjoy the simple things that friendship brings. Really, there is no need to impress, as there should be for friendship. Those high end friends, they are like a constant struggle to deal with. It is not worth it, because if you fail to impress them, the friendship is going to be done. If they don't like me for who I am, that's really not something I can control. I'm just going to have to be the person that I'm going to be. So yeah, some people tend to be rather superficial which gets on my nerves.
@sriroshan (2585)
• India
23 Oct 12
I prefer to have the simple friend of my level who can understand me. What is the use of having the luxurious friend who will be more interested in showing off his wealth then listening what you are telling. Such friend need the simple people on whom they can command with their money.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
I think most of the people would want to hang out with simple people. Only those who are rich would want to be with the same kind of social class I guess. But I don't mind being friends with those who are fond of branded clothing and other stuff for as long as she doesn't make fun on what I wear.
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
17 Nov 12
Yeah I agree with you. Those things aren't important to me either. And since I'm not that type of person my friends don't expect me to be that way. I do have friends who are well off materially but they don't flaunt their possessions or way of living at me. We are all respectful of one another.
@pahak627 (4558)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
I only have few friends, simple and luxurious but I prefer to hang out with my simple friends. Honestly, I have only 1 whom I always go out with as the others are in another places. We will just go together when I come to visit them or they will go home to our home province.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
23 Oct 12
I just care about the inside of the person so if he/she is a real friend. I wonder why you make an issue about being rich or poor, living in luxury or simple/poorness. Since to a real friend this would not even be a subject to discuss about. Sounds to me to you a real friend can't be anyone who lives in luxury and who is, according to you, showing displays of his/her things. This means you are not accepting this friend for who he/she is. Which means you are not a real friend at all since friendship means you accept and respect a person the way he/she is. What might not be important to you can be important to someone else.
• India
22 Oct 12
nice to see this discussion. well i always think to myself about this. its not necessary that luxurious friends are not helpful. its just that their life style is that way. we need blend of both kind of friends. luxurious friends can show us new and best places, can have the best of fun that money can buy. on the other hand simple friends gives us happiness that we have a gem of a person as our friend. i have friends of both kinds. its difficult to choose between the both
• China
22 Oct 12
I have some simple friends who can provide abundant thoughts to me,also there are others who alway are flash in front of me.I like them all whatever they are simple or luxurious because as a friend there will be sth you accept and share..Friends in rich showing luxuries does not mean they dont care about you..
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
I always pick the simple friends. At least, you are in equal terms and you could share or experience. It will be hard sometimes, eve for a fend, to understand a person when it comes so social status. one might think a friend's situation is juts a phase but for another that phase is true, real and happening. It could be something that might deteriorate the relationship between the two.
@mrsuniega (786)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
hello jobfindonline I think this pertains to the idioms" birds of the same feather flocks together" for me since I'm just a simple person living in a ordinary dream I'm more to choose a simple friend. why? because we can share common interest and maybe we have some similarities .
@fatlex06 (895)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
Like you, I'd rather with the simple friend too than of the luxurious one. I can't jive with rich friends. I am simple as well so I choose to have simple things ans people around me. :D But if I would be having a luxurious friend, I think I would accept that but won't hang out with her much. Yes, we could hang out but she'll definitely pay. Haha. :D
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
22 Oct 12
I agree with you job.I also want a friend who is not that so luxurious.I preferred a simple friend for I am a simple person also. I am very happy with simple things so as a reflection I love to be with those simple persons only.I have a friend who is so luxurious and he wants that I would transform also like him but of course I refused and I said to him straightly that if he will accept me as I am as his friend then it will be good for both of us.
22 Oct 12
I always prefer a simple friend too.Not much things complicated when together.I'm a simple person too so I think it would be better for me to be with simple friend. A simple but fun to be with, a true and trustworthy kind. Happy mylotting!