lets be honest. Shall we
By dloveli
@dloveli (4366)
United States
October 23, 2012 7:31am CST
No matter whether your from, I'm sure you've been subjected to the upcoming presidential election. I don't know about anyone else but IM TIRED OF THE BS!!! Politicians really try to make the average Joe believe that our vote counts. Well it DOESNT!!! Please hear me out before you respond. The votes that we as citizens submit are telling the big wigs how we feel. If they agree, great. If not, sorry Charlie. I'm so tired of being bombarded by politics. Don't get me wrong I don't think that we should sit back and not pay attention but i think that half the people in world have no idea what's going on and what part we play. Instead of bombarding young, old, etc. Try something simple. Honesty. I don't care about smear campaigns . Honesty is so simple. Yet we spend more time listening, reading, and repeating stories, campaigns, etc based on lies, exaggerations, and things solely to hurt someone. I don't care what race, religion, creed, political preference, etc. that we are. Truth is the same for all. Not only that but if you're honest and truthful, you'll never have to remember(stories or lies). I don't know about anyone else but the fact that I can look in the mirror everyday and look myself in the eye is great. I can show my children that honest is the best policy. As far as the presidential candidates go, look at the big picture. I'm not crazy about either. However, I'm also a member of the working class me and my fiance both work. My seventeen year old daughter works and yet we still live check to check. I don't think the challenger has any idea what its like not to have lights or gas. I don't think even figuratively he would want to put himself in our shoes. All in all, honesty really is the best policy. Do you agree?
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14 responses
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
23 Oct 12
I do agree. I don't think any of them get it. I think they should start in Washington to do cuts and things. They should have to live by the same rules and insurance and should not be paid the high salary the rest of their lives. The only thing they want to do is hit the spots that do not affect them.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
23 Oct 12
..and it's in the nature of government to grow.. is there no limit to these two things? Ever more and more laws and regulations, log jamming all the works, and ever expanding government?? How far can it safely go!
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
23 Oct 12
We are losing our freedom so fast it isn't funny. They do it in little steps and everyone thinks what they are doing is for the good of the population. Pretty soon, they will be telling you when you can leave your house, for how long, what you eat and how much of it you can have. We may not see it real soon, but it is coming to that.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
30 Oct 12
Well said guys! That's exactly what I think. Matter of fact I know. Eventually we are going to have the government controlled our personal choices. Bob's right. They do it so gradually and randomly that we don't notice. Most Americans are trying to manage their everyday lives(children, bills). No one has time to search or read fine print. For all our sakes, WE NEED TO MAKE THE TIME!!! I don't see much difference between the way we are governed and the way third world companies are governed. Thanks dml
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
23 Oct 12
Well said and yes I agree. It amazes me that politician think we are incapable of seeing through the bullsh!t they feed us. I may be old but I am definitely not stupid. Everyone of them make sure that they have plenty of income and benefits!

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@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Oct 12
The way I feel about this is that we, the public, are never told the whole story, sure we want a safe world, but who is going to pay? We say that health care for all is to expensive, well who do you think pays for those who can't pay before the health care bill was passed? Everytime some one is seen in the emergency room who can't pay, the hospital passed the expense on to those who could pay. If we reduce our military who will give those returning people jobs? Folks there are no easy answers, prices keep going up, earnings are way behind. Believe me the rich don't get squeezed, the middle class does. But one thing I do know is if wedon't vote we for certian will not be able to effect the outcome on the other hand if enough of us get together we can change things.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
30 Oct 12
I agree Savy. Not only middle class but what about the people below middle class? I refuse to call it low class. Why not help them get a chance to be. Middle class. Only thing I differ with is our vote. Our votes only tell the electorates what we prefer. Theygo from there. Happy MyLot Savy. Dml
@lologirl2021 (5542)
• United States
23 Oct 12
Honesty is the best policy. Im not going to stick myself out there and say who did this but on last weeks debate one of the men said that the oil out there was because of him pulling out the oil riggers becasue of them not renewing there permits, fine i understand but now gas prices are sky rocketing and it doesnt make any sense maybe they would have pulled another permit but the thing is they dont have the money to pay employees so thats why they priobably pulled out after all. Now pulling them out because of not renewing permits and they posisbly could have and had more people working. None of this makes sense and then on the oil again he said we are this percent and that percent and then on teh news later on in my town it came out that he was lieing and this is the truth about it.
Being honest is the best part and who gets elected will probably be the honest one after all, lieing doesnt get you places in life or another term in the white house. Just being honest again
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
30 Oct 12
Another good point. Its funny how they take credit for finding oil. Where are they when they spill it? Just being honest. This honesty thing is great Lolo! You'd think they'd figure it out. With that being said. I'm gonna write in a vote for lolo for Pres! I'd love to be your VP. Thanks dml
@stk40m (1118)
• Koeln, Germany
30 Oct 12
right, isn't that a joke? Two people/ parties and they call that a choice. As if 200,000,000+ people could not think of anyone/ anything else to define their lives. It's all about wealth and power, their wealth and power of course. And what do they do with your votes and the taxes you pay? They make war, destroy the planet and distribute territories and resources amongst themselves. Their property is your property that has been stolen by their antecessors from your antecessors and which you now have to pay taxes for in order to live there. As they are in power now they can pretend to be the ones that are able to cope with your problems, the same problems which they have created in the first place. They pretend to have the know-how, the morals, the ethics and the capability to deal with all sorts of issues by making extensive use of intellectuals which they ''buy'' for their governmental institutions. They control the media and the media controls your thoughts. They control the military and the police. As you can see: they have full control over us. We cannot survive without them or their government institutions. People have become completely incabable of taking care of themselves. And if you are honest you even get punished. That's reality and it has been like that for the last few thousand years or so...
They are nothing more than societal scum. Scum that is not easy to get rid of, to say the least. People have to be hungry, they have to face immediate destruction before they collectively oppose them and stop giving their support to them. But if they do so you know what happens to them: just take a look at the peoples of this world who oppose their governments.
@bizness (866)
• United States
23 Oct 12
Well, where to begin...the elections...I think it's sad when you live in a country, and a time, that it's 'ok' to just smear one another in the political arena.
Honesty? Yes a great concept but not realistic. I believe there have been candidates in the past that have ran for an office that haven't always been, let's say, 'on the up and up' but have been good people. Sometimes these candidates do and say what they have to so as to get elected but with good intent. Yet for the most part that isn't the case. It is usually lie after lie, treating the people of this nation like idiots. Pacifying them, patronizing them...saying what they believe the people want to hear...and the sad part? We fall for it...each and every time.
My daughter made a sugggestion: blind elections. No names just clear statements on their platforms, what they plan on doing, how they will set plans into action, etc. We, the people, wouldn't know who was whom, they would be listed candidate 1,2, etc. Actually not a bad idea. Then you couldn't run the smear campaigns as easily and maybe the American people would get back to what's important...electing the right person into any office for the right reasons. Not because of political party, race, religion...but because they truly are interested in the well being of this country.
Remember what it was like? Think about it? Read your history books. Talk to the older generations. Then step back, look at the facts and make a concious decision and go VOTE!
I know my feelings on the issue and who I will vote for...the sad part once again, is that I believe we will all be voting, not for the best and most qualified candidate, but for the 'lessor of two evils'.
Enough said. Just one person's opinion...
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
23 Oct 12
Well said! Cut the crap, and stick with the issues. I feel that when politicians smear eachother line that, they are taking extreme advantage of the first amendment.
@abhi_destar (764)
• India
27 Oct 12
Well, at least, in your country, the people do get benefited by the government's policies. They are protected by the police who are loyal to their job. But here, in our country, it's lies and lies all the way from the campaigns to the massive corruption and huge scams that the politicians indulge in. The poor are never benefited here. God, even the money which is set aside for rural development purposes also gets pounded upon by greedy bureaucrats, and the poor get peanuts. The state of affairs in your country is, I think, not as degenerated as this. I have completely lost faith in this country's so-called democracy. I know whichever party comes to power has done so only to siphon away a lot more of us taxpayers' money for their own flamboyant lifestyles. Hell, whenever there's a visit to a foreign country by one of our dignitaries, it seems that all sorts of politicians from the ruling party, and in many cases, their family members as well, get to take an all expenses paid holiday. Like I said, it's a disgusting state of affairs here in my country. Honesty? Far cry, pal.. For people here who have been programmed to gain their ends by any means possible, they simply can't afford to know of such a thing.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
24 Oct 12
Hi dloveli~I think pretty much all responses I would say have
already been given here! I am beyond fed up with the BS, the
attacking each other, the promises and lies. I would tend to
agree with you. Not crazy with the choices, but feel Obama did
take office with the Country in a major mess that he didn't create.
And I am not comfortable giving it back to another Republican to
take it backwards again. So, as a few people have said, I will vote
for "the lessor of the two evils" and pray...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Oct 12
I am so very sick of it. I'm just so glad that it is all going to be over in less than two weeks. Then, yes, we might be hearing some kind of different propaganda with more local elections and such for the next three years, but at least we aren't going to be having to hear it on a daily basis in every single avenue in our lives. And I will say as I've been saying for the last several weeks (this is an illustration of my political affiliations), may the best liar win.
@jeanneyvonne (5501)
• Philippines
24 Oct 12
Actually it is. However, politicians are the masters of creating lies,. Sometimes, they get away with it and sometimes they don't.
Thing is they aren't gonna fess up because they are honorable men or women. They want to sell themselves and be seen as an example of perfection.
Although they try as hard, they do slip in sometimes. In addition, they have mangers, consultants aides who tell them what they should do and in the belief that they should follow because that will help them get the position.Candidates groom themselves as the perfect solutions for everybody's problems (which is laughable but they do try).
Personally, politics is always used negatively by the people in the system and the people with the candidates.
@Ollanna11 (371)
• United States
25 Oct 12
Politics and the media are fabricated institutions to keep people following blindly. I bust my but working and still struggle to pay my bills. Sure if I go back to school chances are my income may increase, but who is going to pay my tuition while I try keeping a roof over my head. I don't have time for politics really my day is busy enough. When I drive I'm sure to avoid the money hungry police by obeying all traffic laws. Life could be simple stop making people believe that we have enemies in countries where America has foreign interest in. You think they have the balls to tell us the real reason why they have troops in the so called terrorist countries. America probably wouldn't have any troops if the truth was out, then again we follow blindly. War is not the answer instead a vicious cycle where nothing is resolved. I'm looking for peace on earth!
@STOUTjodee (3597)
• United States
24 Oct 12
Totally agree with you!
Not only the politicians, but the mainstream media is not being honest with us! As far as voting goes, NOT every vote matters! People need to get educated and do their own research to find out the truth because politicians and the mainstream media sure won't tell us the truth!

@jefflovealan (76)
• China
24 Oct 12
although i'm not an american,the election also attract my attention,personally i think politicians are some sort of self-centered,what they really care about is their own interests,when it comes to some very serious problems,ordinary people are always ignored,what a shame!!