I loved you then, but not now...

United States
October 27, 2012 5:50pm CST
How is it that two people can care enough for each other to lay up and have a child together but not have enough care to make it work instead of populating the world and expecting someone else to take care of them. In my opinion, we are making it too easy for this to happen. And then the ones that are making this happen, are the main ones that will get mad when the government tell them, they cant get foodstamps or TANF. Im not saying the ones who need it shouldnt get help but I learned a long time ago, that if you keep giving them fish, they wont ever learn to fish, the will just keep coming to the table to get fed. If you teach them to fish, they can feed themselves and pass that training on to their next generations and poverty will probably disappear. I understand helping VETs, disabled, and those who arent capable of working, but if your an able body....I mean..come on America...so what do you think about this issue?
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7 responses
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
28 Oct 12
This happens to much in every country. Here in Mexico I know a family that cant eat well, but have a kid every time you turn around. If they cant feed the 6 they have now- why are they having another in 5 months? things like that make no sence to me. Thanks for the great post today.
• United States
28 Oct 12
exactly...im not positive but i think in China..they have a limit on the amount of kids you can have. I mean back in the day, if you had alot of kids, nine times out of ten, they were by the same person, well at least where im from. And the parents acutally worked and provided for themselves, taught the value of working, and the respect of the things you need vs the things you want. Just as in the presidential debate, they mentioned that the rebirth of America starts at home.
@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
27 Oct 12
i think you are tired a little, ...taylor {your name's way too long for my fingers!} and you should take some rest. poverty and riches are like air and water. none will ever disappear. what will disappear is where she is going to be appearing next: your backyard, or the VET's or disabled who depend on social security. have a break, ...taylor.
• United States
27 Oct 12
im not understanding your response. it sounds to me as if your ok with this.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
28 Oct 12
I agree with you in this my country faced similar problem one of the reason why our economy is so bad . The government give free house to people that vote certain way instead of providing job that they can go do instead they feeding them . Also the people here continue to have children like its not body business , and then look for hand out , it sicken me . Student loan are only given to very poor people here and I find it unfair because I wanted student loan also . This seems to be encouraging these people to stay home and just have children!! every day another one pop out . They not even getting the good treatment like what the American government offer but they still populating and not working .
@GemmaR (8517)
28 Oct 12
I think that there are far too many people who just have children without really thinking about it, and then they will realise that they're not actually with the right partner at all, and this is something that can then cause quite a lot of trouble for them in the long term. Not just trouble for them, but for the children as well because it isn't good for them to be in the kind of environment when they know that their parents don't get on. One of my friends was told that she was a mistake, and I think that must be something that is hard for a child to have to live with.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
28 Oct 12
its just a temporary change of mind and also the shift of focus ,try to get back to normal,give it a thought
@zeedo666 (150)
• Poland
28 Oct 12
It's because you teach young people bullshine. You idealize the idea of love in their eyes saying nothing about possible problems, break-ups, etc and people once fallen in love think that they will live happily forever. They are immature in fact, too ingenuine and reckless. You teach them that love should be the most important thing in their love. Maybe you should teach them that first they should get financial independence, relationship-staying experience and plan family making after they are 30. I know 3 girls who got married just after high-school and I think it was irresponsible. 20-year-old people are too immature to get married. The consequences are just as you wrote. I think that its the mentality that should be changed not the law. If the government din't support one-parental families the kids would simply go to orphanages.
@AmbiePam (91269)
• United States
28 Oct 12
This issue affects how I vote too.