Islam and the World
By pormadi
@pormadi (1300)
September 4, 2006 10:01pm CST
Islam and the World
My name's Pormadi Simbolon, the former student of philosophy and theology in Catholic college.
I'm an Indonesian. I'm a Roman Catholic. I face many difficulties with the culture of some people of Muslim in Indonesia. As a Christian, I was disappointed with the people who is named Front Pembela Islam - FPI (Defenders of Islam).
FPI makes people of non-Muslim so scared because of the way of violence they've ever done (e.g. destroy some churches).
What do you think about the Islam? Is this a religion who bring peace as the meaning of "islam"? Is this statement, “where there is Islam, there is always war" true?
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21 responses
@mightor (69)
• Netherlands
18 Sep 06
Islam's earnest goal, set forth in the Koran (references given herein are from three versions) and hadith (Islamic written tradition), remains the same: to bring all mankind into submission (that's what "Islam" means) and to kill or enslave all "infidels"(i.e., unbelievers in Allah and Muhammad his prophet--Surah 2:190-92;4:76;5:33;9:5,29,41;47:4, etc.). Islam (in obedience to the Koran and Muhammad's example) is the driving force behind most terrorism today. Muhammad declared, "The last hour will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them."

@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
24 Oct 06
Mighty Thor:
Do Not SH1T your pants, I'm very Muslim...and I announce here that there is no reason to panic...:
1- No one Muslim will kill you...there would be very few left in the world if you keep invading their lands and kill them for JESUS is your everlasting savior.
2- No one Muslim will slave you...because you ancestors were masters of slavery.
3- You have left no infidels for Muslims through your Christianity millions missions.
4- Moreover all your shot-cut and not complete crap is no longer applicable because you have armed the Jews with more than enough NUKE heads to wipe out all Muslims before they say pisssssssss.
So do still believe in your crap? I say...Believe in something else more useful and peaceful to your mind …you mighty thor.
@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
24 Oct 06
look suits-not-me:
by now and after you and your helpmates persisted to insulting MY Mohammed, I started to believe on very firm base set by you and other Christians on these forums that YOUR JESUS and its Christianity have taught you so much of hate and animosity against Muslims and Mohammed (PBUH)…and that your ideology did not come from nothing, because there is so much in your Christianity against Islam than there is in Islam for Christianity. By the 600years of “Churched-Christianities” you and your multiGOD mates were well prepared for Islam and Mohammed, no doubt then ALLAH commanded him to defend Islam and save the few Muslims lives back then. Everything in your “Bible” has been thoughtfully twisted and faked inside churched doors that open on Sundays only and hence all the values of peace and free religions you mutter of are twisted. So you only speak one language and understand one thing …let only our NUKE heads talks.
@Bugsey (775)
• United States
23 Oct 06
Islam's earnest goal, set forth in the Koran (references given herein are from three versions) and hadith (Islamic written tradition), remains the same: to bring all mankind into submission (that's what "Islam" means) and to kill or enslave all "infidels"(i.e., unbelievers in Allah and Muhammad his prophet--Surah 2:190-92;4:76;5:33;9:5,29,41;47:4, etc.). Islam (in obedience to the Koran and Muhammad's example) is the driving force behind most terrorism today. Muhammad declared, "The last hour will not come before the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them."
mightor (50) 1 month ago
I believe yah Mightor! I know you're typing truth everytime I watch the news. I rest his case:)

@ashraf83 (645)
• Malaysia
5 Sep 06
it not islam to be blamed, it's people in your country, indonesian are always known for their extreme attitude for religion. see your neighbour country, Malaysia. we are islamic country, but do we has this type of trouble? no because we malaysian are always know for modest behaviour, we respect and accept other belief, Trust,respect and understanding one culture is really is important. so please dont blame it on Islam. it's annoy me *mutter mutter*

@Bugsey (775)
• United States
23 Oct 06
noorasie (666) 1 month ago
Mightymore statements are blasphemy against islam and Muhammad (PBUH)......
This idiot is referencing the Quraan without context... and don't know this is the blasphemy...
I will request all the mightymor like members of my lot to stop such idiot comments about the religions and sacred personality....
okie, if you say so.. when do u plan to kill him?

@randyw (216)
• Russell, Kansas
5 Sep 06
Welcome to myLot, pormadi!
Personally, I don't know enough to have an informed opinion. But this topic fascinates me, and I'd like to learn more.
Please tell us more of your thoughts and views on this issue. You obviously have seen things that make you feel the way you do. I'd love to learn more.
Please share!
@delawer (96)
• Kuwait
24 Oct 06
was this the first thing you had in mind to discuss here? Pormadi
or you thought this will lure more people "especially Christians" to respond? Poor-madi
or you spell that word wrong FBI, cuz FBI are not defenders of Islam.
More responses means more money from myLot, I have a shotcut for you Poor-madi, Muslims do give money for nothing to the need by the ZAKAT, ask one of them to find out if this is true...

@naidugopal (941)
• India
5 Sep 06
By the name of jihaad the islams always commiting nuisance, but not all islams are bad, some of the islamis monks are always thinking in short routes so that i thought never ends

@mightor (69)
• Netherlands
18 Sep 06
Islam spread rapidly under Muhammad and his successors through jihad ("holy war"). Muhammad himself planned 65 campaigns and personally led 27 involving naked aggression and treachery. This incredible "evangelism" made "converts" by the millions at the point of a sword. At its peak, Islam had conquered all of North Africa and almost took over Europe.
Islam continues its conquest worldwide. Today's invaders are millions of immigrants who make converts to Islam through misrepresentation. One sees on TV well-coifed and fashionably dressed women who claim to be converts to Islam and testify to its joys and peace-loving ways. Yet in a Muslim country they would have to be veiled with only their eyes showing, would have to wear plain black full-length robes, could not drive a car, could be one of four wives habitually mistreated by their husband, to be divorced by his mere denunciation, virtual slaves under shari'a. Oddly enough, Hillary Clinton, National Organization of Women (NOW), and other outspoken champions of women's rights are silent about Islam's notorious abuse of women.
@mightor (69)
• Netherlands
24 Oct 06
Hi guys! sorry for being away for sometime. Because I am in Saudi Arabia right now and i learned from my colleagues that i could be jailed or even loose my head just by posting on this forum. But, i noticed you guys are drifting away from the topic and beginning to attack each others personality so i decided to post one.
Yes its true that women are not allowed to drive a car here in Saudi Arabia.
Bugsey, Muslims killed more fellow muslims than any other religion or nationality. In Iraq, their fellow muslim kill 10 civilians for every 1 American. So, dont blame America or Britain for the deaths of your civilians because Muslims are killing themselves. It seems that muslims has no respect to human lives.
Ashraf, you can deny all you want about the faults in the religion islam, but the truth is there and is written in the quran, hadith and surrah. Those countries that are moderate like Jordan, Bahrain, Dubai etc. are deviating from the true islam thats why they are beginnig to become the target of the fundamental islamist groups.
Saudi Arabia is the cradle of Islam. If you want to know about the way of islam, you do not have to learn how to read arabic writtings... just visit Saudi Arabia..... Saudi Arabia is synonymous to Islam. If you are a female you shall be required to wear black cloth to cover your head and body regardless of your religion and if you are a male you are not allowed to wear short pants which could expose your knee...Isn't it a form of slavery?
Yes, Muslim males are sexually repressed. I could even see arabs f****ing sheeps or camels in the dessert or even resort to f***ing fellow males because they cannot afford to pay women for either permanent or temporary marriage.
Remember, Islam begins in Saudi Arabia so you cannot argue that this country is not yet civilized because as argued by ASHRAF islam brought civilization to Europe.
@ansarkhan (2426)
• Pakistan
24 Oct 06
Islam means peace love with humanity And love with ALLAHA pRay Namaz
@mightor (69)
• Netherlands
24 Oct 06
Hi guys! sorry for being away for sometime. Because I am in Saudi Arabia right now and i learned from my colleagues that i could be jailed or even loose my head just by posting on this forum. But, i noticed you guys are drifting away from the topic and beginning to attack each others personality so i decided to post one.
Yes its true that women are not allowed to drive a car here in Saudi Arabia.
Bugsey, Muslims killed more fellow muslims than any other religion or nationality. In Iraq, their fellow muslim kill 10 civilians for every 1 American. So, dont blame America or Britain for the deaths of your civilians because Muslims are killing themselves. It seems that muslims has no respect to human lives.
Ashraf, you can deny all you want about the faults in the religion islam, but the truth is there and is written in the quran, hadith and surrah. Those countries that are moderate like Jordan, Bahrain, Dubai etc. are deviating from the true islam thats why they are beginnig to become the target of the fundamental islamist groups.
Saudi Arabia is the cradle of Islam. If you want to know about the way of islam, you do not have to learn how to read arabic writtings... just visit Saudi Arabia..... Saudi Arabia is synonymous to Islam. If you are a female you shall be required to wear black cloth to cover your head and body regardless of your religion and if you are a male you are not allowed to wear short pants which could expose your knee...Isn't it a form of slavery?
Yes, Muslim males are sexually repressed. I could even see arabs f***ing sheeps or camels in the dessert or even resort to f***ing fellow males because they cannot afford to pay women for either permanent or temporary marriage.
Remember, Islam begins in Saudi Arabia so you cannot argue that this country is not yet civilized because as argued by ASHRAF islam brought civilization to Europe.
@kapil_chetri (540)
• India
26 Oct 06
for me there is only one religion...that is humanity...i find no other religion any thing importnat
@LadyBird_87 (217)
• Malaysia
6 Dec 06
Firstly, i like your job. About your question, i thought the person that you mean can be described as as Antichrist "Someone that deny Jesus". Keep working to God.
@alinageo (309)
• Romania
30 Nov 06
Well, i think islam it is a religion that support terrorist. they say the world is divided in 2 pieces: "The world of islam" and "the others". And they say the others must be conquered. And this is not normal. And their culture is down now, they know the change must come and don`t accept that. So they are so agressive. They are a threat!
@Jong_Java (11)
• Indonesia
18 Sep 06
I'm an Indonesian too,
and yor statement in the last paragraph is rather annoyed me..
always remember is this :
if you hurt by other you have THE RIGHT to fight but, BUT it is better if you FORGIVE the one that hurt you...
I've lot friend from Cristian too, and so far my relationship my friend from a different religion is just fine, coz we respect each other ....
And about FPI, I've no comment coz I don't know what motif behind their action .
Peace for all human being and all God Creation
@Sheila_Abram (1908)
• United States
24 Oct 06
I don't know. I will try and find some information on that for you. I am a Christian but, in religious history there has always been wars. God Bless
@zeus1a (1046)
• Netherlands
23 Oct 06
No religion and especially Islam moves people towards violence.I am not a Muslim myself however i can tell you because i have studied from personal interest several religions promotes love, and obeyance.The problem is what we call radical Islamism..but that comes to Christians ( crussades) to every belief.
When religious leaders become politicians, then there is a problem..especially in pur countrires where the general poupulation has low standards of life and pour education then it is very easy to take advantage and make fanatics that dont serve religion. i.e. Islam..but leaders that take advantage of it.
@rockbaby (805)
• Lebanon
24 Oct 06
well according to ur post , i dont think ur talking about muslims, because islam says: peace, and understanding and it even says even if u have enemies, dont fight them, unless they hurt u,,,
i think people have bad idea about islam because of people who "claim" islam. believe me when i say this,,, and its not true about that.. i live in a comunity where there is 18 religions in 10452 km square! its small and it got every single religion,, the problem where i live in politics NOT RELIGION.. i mean muslims and christians r BONDED against other muslim and christian groups..
the thing is when people hear islam they think: war, and terrorism and watever.. when u know islam, u will understand it.. dont take it the wrong way.. islam is the most understanding religion ive known! i know from every single religion in the world.. and i think that that statement is wrong, and ppl who think its true should meet real muslims not claimers ...
in every religion , there is good and bad,, and in every religion there r ppl who claim that religion and make it bad.. but those who scare people cuz of their freedom of having another religion should really know their religion before teaching it to other people.. they should make people fall in love with their religion, not scared of facing people from that religion... i dono what to say anymore. but i hope you understand that its a great religion, very peaceful, very understanding, and it says to be friends with people who hate u even if they do,, u should try ur best to make peace with them not fight with them, and surely not scare them!!!!
hope u get wat i meant
see yea.. if u need any information ,, let me know :)