Hardly no money, yet loads of bills to pay

@joystick (1675)
October 29, 2012 10:05am CST
What on earth is going on, just added up the money that I have each week and then added up all the money that I have to pay out, there is no way I can do this on my money that I get. I hate living like this and I am sure a lot of you are in the same or nearly the same state of affairs when it comes to the cost of living.
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19 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
29 Oct 12
My problem is credit card bills. I've stopped using them because I owe so much. I always pay a bit more than the minimum on each bill, but there's a lot to be paid back; so I'm taking the one with the lowest total due and paying the minimum due and then each month paying extra on the principal. After I get that one paid off, I'll go to the next one and do the same. Paying extra on the principal has helped bring the total due down quicker.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
13 Dec 12
Thank you.
@joystick (1675)
12 Dec 12
I think when it comes to a credit card then like you are saying getting one paid off as fast as you can is great, they also offer transfers from one card to another with interest free for the transfer amount for a year free saving a few pounds in the long run. Good luck clearing your credit cards.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
29 Oct 12
I can definitely relate to this. If I didn't receive a student loan refund every three months right now, I would be unable to live... I've only made about $1,300 this year from working. I've had months where I've made less than $75. It's hard. It's sad to see any state or country where this sort of living is common place.
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@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I feel sorry for all the people out there that are working all hours of the day and having to scrape by and yet there are others that seem to have every thing, yet they do not work at all in the house hold. I feel that my future is always going to be the same and that no matter how hard I try to keep my head above water it will not get any better or any easier.
@GemmaR (8517)
29 Oct 12
I think that this is something that a lot of people are struggling with at the moment, because a lot of people aren't able to earn the same amount of money in their jobs as they might have been able to in the past, and this means that they don't get enough to pay their bills. You should try thinking about the ways that you could cut back on the amount that you're spending, as you might find that there are lots of things that you would be able to do to cut back so that you would have more spare money for your bills at the end of the month.
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@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I keep cutting back on things, but it do not make much difference at all, well only by a few pence that is all. I feel that no matter how hard I try I never seem to get to get a head of the bills and money is a constant worry and looking at the future it will always be the same, well, worse if the prices of things keep going up and money do not get better.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
13 Dec 12
Yes, it is getting tough as every day go by, it seems like there is hardly any money coming in anymore except the amount of bills continue to add up. How the world has come into nowadays, it is no way one can survive if the situation continue down this path. I assume the inflation is getting out of control that making it extremely difficult to change the state of affair now, no matter how hard i try.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
14 Dec 12
I don't think it is going to happen soon or later people are going to get really ill and die, all these had already taken place in many part of the world we are living in and will continue till eternity unless multi-national corporate executives are facing tougher sanction from clean and responsible government with people centric economy policy that place the well being of those less able in mind. The trend is going to continue unabated.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I feel that sooner or later there will be more people that are homeless who have tried really hard to keep a roof over their heads.Its a shame that companies are making loads of profit and will not drop their prices either to help us all cope. Sooner or later people are going to get really ill and die from lack of money.
@topffer (42155)
• France
29 Oct 12
It is a hard time in your life, and the times are hard too. Don't feel depressed and stay positive. Instead of saying "there is no way I can do this", be convinced that there is something to do, and think at what you can do to get out of this situation. Courage.
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@joystick (1675)
12 Dec 12
I try to think of all the ways I can make money, as well as try to keep things a float with all the other bills, but things are getting harder now that all the heating and food costs are going up. I have nothing that I am really good at and even with the internet there are no ways that make fast easy money, or regular money.I havecut back on loads of things and it has only saved a few pence.
@cearn25 (3452)
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
Yes, you are right. A lot of people will surely relate to your situation. I myself is also experiencing that frustrating thing. We've got so many bills to pay yet we don't money in order to pay for it. That's life. We need to endure these things for us to survive. Though I am getting tire of this, yet I am still happy because I am still alive. We just need to be strong always.
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@joystick (1675)
12 Dec 12
I am trying to be strong and even counting all the pennies that is left at the end of the month, but even by cutting back on things it is not helping, I have been using up all the food, rather than binning any and make cheaper meals as well as buying cheaper things, but I need pounds left at the end of the month not a few pence.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
30 Oct 12
I have living like this too. I am on SSD and get a very small pension. My daughter lives with me and gets the SSD also. We live in a Section 8 apartment complex. And we still barely make ends meet. With the rent, utilities, car insurance, prescriptions, and food it doesn't take long for the money to be gone. And I can't remember the last time we got a cost of living raise.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Dec 12
If the cost of living doesn't rise and stays lateral then no one has a chance.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I think that when they put all these bills up that they do not think how people are going to be able to pay them a long with all the other things that are also going up in price and yes they never put the money up to the same rise as the bills. Its getting a real struggle for a lot of people and I feel that even in the new year things are not going to get any better and feel that they will get a lot ,lot worse for us all.
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@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
29 Oct 12
I have always wondered how is it that we are expected to live with the same amount of money if everything keeps on being more expensive. In my country we had fairly cheap fruit until we became exporters. When I say "we" I can assure you that none of the amount paid for the fruit came to my pockets. But fruit became expensive. And through deals with other countries, we are also importing some fruit at some times of the year. It`s very convenient for the rich, but it keeps the poor from eating a decent meal. Our children are now starting to be undernourished and obese. YEEZZZ!!!
@marguicha (225707)
• Chile
13 Dec 12
I know what you mean. I also worry about the amount of work that both parents have to do outside the house to make ends meet. That goes against good parenting and I`m sure that it is one of the causes of divorce.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I feel that life is getting harder for a lot of us, as well as that there are people that are getting to the stage that they can not carry on living the way that they do. I mean how can people enjoy life if all they have in life is worry and stress as well as trying hard and not getting any where.
• United States
4 Nov 12
Our bring home pay hasn't changed in over two years and yet the bills have jumped by leaps and bounds, We went from comfortably, though slowly, paying off our debts (two preemies add up the doctor bills galore) to having to finagle monies to make all our payments. No matter what we do we just can't seem to get ahead again. I am scared for the year coming and what will happen if Hubby doesn't get a raise.
• United States
15 Dec 12
We are scampering around trying to make extra money. Hubby did get a raise but it was pitiful and doesn't even cover a quarter of the amount his insurance is going up due to Obamacare. The raise kicked us out of any assistance from the state and as I said because of the increase in insurance we will bring home not including loss of assistance over $300 less a month when we where already barely making the bills. He has a good job and I sell Avon and crafts on Etsy, but almost all of our house hold bills tripled this year making it so hard to make ends meet.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
Same here our money has not got better and the bills have got bigger each and every time we get one it has gone up. I have tried missing meals, I have sold all the things that I no longer use or need and I can not think when the last time I even bought any clothes either. I am also scared for the year coming, as I can not see no change what so ever, as the bills will be the same and so will be the lack of money I have to pay them.
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
hi, in life we need to live and survive but of course we still need some services that we need to pay it so the more we have many services the more we need to earn so that we can all pay those bills,its hard when we don't have income to pay over load bills.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I have tried every thing to keep my head above water and I have found that no matter what the bills are getting more expensive no matter what I cut back on, I try to eat less, I also skip meals yet it only saves a few pence.I try not to cook, as that save money so I eat meals with bread rather than hot meals, I have sold all the things that I do not use, or do not need and yet I still have no money and still have bills.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Dec 12
I completely understand! My husband and I are going through the same thing. We have to sell things we love just to make ends meet most of the time. It is getting really hard to make bills and still have enough for gas and food for the week! =( It is really tough. I am tired of selling things we have and I am sick of struggling as well.
@joystick (1675)
9 Jan 13
I feel that there is nothing left to sell and to be honest we do not have that much to try to barter with either. I hate having to live like this as well as trying to make a meal out of all the things that are left over at the end of the week. When I go to bed at night all I can think of is money and ways of getting by on the small amount that we have left at the end of each month.
• India
14 Dec 12
Hi friend, you are right, we are in need to pay a lot of bills, some times our earnings are not enough for our bills. What to do? we must work hard and increase our income to compensate all the loss
@joystick (1675)
9 Jan 13
I feel that things were hard enough with out all the companys keep putting up all of the bills and it is really getting my back up now, as the more I try to save the more I have to pay out all of the time, its beyond a joke.
11 Nov 12
i am in the same boat as you my family are finding it hard to live on after all the bills we pay out aswell but the people that get me are the ones on income support which they get everything but then again i still dont know how they can live on that amount of money as i found it hard on that but my husband has two jobs and we are still finding it hard to live on
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I try not to spend money on things that I do not need, as well as that I have sold loads of things that I no longer use or need, this has made the house look tidy, but has not really helped bringing in money that I would have liked. I feel that there are people out there that have loads of money and they do not have to work to have money to spend on all the things that they buy, like going out and clubs, pubs it angers me when I am trying my best with what little I have.
@Magz1989 (271)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Yeah, life is really start to act harsh these days. I also cannot cope up with the bills in my family. It is really a burden where to find those tons of money...no matter how i tried to be thrifty still it end up nothing..so what i done i just spend it, pay everything it can be paid and VIOLA.........I still finding money now.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I am trying my best to keep up with all the bills and trying to eat as well, but the bills that I have are more than the money I have coming in and it has got to the stage where as I have gone with out meals as well just to save a few pence.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Oct 12
hi joystick I am 85 I live itn this tiresome retirement center which takes allolf my social security and SSi checks but 128 dollars for personal things for a whole damned month, so I made 23 dollars and 24 cents here on mylot which will help a lot for my cable bill for my internet. yes this economy really sucks . I am here in the US and in California with the second highest unemployment rate in the US so few jobs to be had.But mylot is help;ng me a lotl.]
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
Its really awful how there is never enough money and yet there are people out there that are spending like there is no tomorrow. I feel that with all the bills going up that money is not going to be able to keep up with all the bills and the bills are sure to keep going up. I do hate living like this and I get tired of trying to make ends meet over and over again.Sending hugs.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Sometimes, we are spending way beyond our means. So I think carefully w at to do. One is to avoid buying stuffs we don't need and prioritize buying our basic needs like food. Then, since we still have a little savings, I borrowed some and do buy and sell. I then open an online shop and sell cloth diapers. then later on, I have learned how to crochet so now we are making crochet items and surprisingly many are ordering from us. The weekly earnings from that is what we are using for our weekly grocery. Sometimes, we tend to still short of budget but through god's grace we still manage to pay everything we need to pay.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I have tried to cut back on things, as well as make cheap meals, plus make the food last longer by eating bread with a meal to fill me up, I have tried not putting the heating on and sit in the cold, selling things that I no longer need or use, I still can not make ends meet. I am dreading next year as I know it will be the same struggle as this year.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
I think almost everyone here is in the same situation. It is hard to make both ends meet nowadays.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
It is really hard to find enough money for all the bills as well as have the worry of being cold all the time, as you are scared of a heating bill as you know that you can not pay the bills that are here now, with out adding to them as well.
@averygirl72 (38557)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
That's a fact of life, so many opportunities to spend the money, loads of bills to pay but where on earth are we going to get all the money in the world? I just learned that we should be more concern of generating money than spending money. I have just thought of a lot of counter measures to cut the cost of living or to be as frugal as possible. I guess, we are actually wasting a lot of resources that's why we get short of money at times. However, God is good sometimes we are able to survive every single month from all the bills and where on heaven would all this money come from!
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I try to make all the money stretch on all the bills that are going up all the time and with it getting so cold I sit with covers around me rather than the expense of the heating going on. People are getting really ill as they can not afford food as well as heating, I just wish that there was just one month that I could be bill free and money worries all gone.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
30 Oct 12
I'm sorry to hear your financial state isn't where you'd like it to be at the moment. I had an employee who had a similar issue. He had hundreds of dollars in bills every month, was rotating which ones he paid (which I'm sure caused several late fees and high interest rate) and was then using his credit cards to buy food for his family. When I found out I sent him to a friend that counsels young people on how to get their finances in order. If a budget is out of the questions then depending on what your situation is you might want to consider credit counseling. If the source of your debt is largely credit cards they can possibly get your monthly payment chopped in half and get your debt paid off sooner. Other then that the only other thing I can think of is to consider a part time job perhaps....is that is compatible with you situation. Even if it was temporary to help you get caught up you could probably find a nice job for the holidays if that was something that peaked your interest. Its unfortunate the economy is what it is still and I hope things get better for you and the many other people who are unfortunately struggling right now.
@joystick (1675)
13 Dec 12
I have tried so hard to cut back on every thing and to try to have change left over at the end of the month, but it is getting harder now that it has got colder as I have to have the heating on all the time. It crazes me trying to make money stretch all the time and yet there are more bills all the time.