Celebrating Birthdate
By asdomencil
@asdomencil (4265)
October 30, 2012 3:29am CST
Before I am only aware on celebrating birthday yearly not until my nephew was born. They celebrate her birth every month until she reached her 1st birthday. Now that we had our son, we do the same. We celebrate it by having simple dinner or snack and of course cakes every month. I think this has been a trend nowadays.
How about other parents here in mylot, what are your thoughts about this one? Have you done the same with your babies?
Good day!
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12 responses
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
yes i can see this a lot with my friends and people a lot too. i think it has become a trend nowadays that families and parents kind of pay importance and celebrate the days of the month when their babies turn a month older, others even buy or make cakes in honor of these days. well, for me i have not done it this way with my baby, of course i always think days when she turns a month older are special until she turned one year old. what i did was i always made it a point to dress her well and take a photo of her every month on the day she turns a month older until she turned one year old. we didn't buy or have cakes but her grandparents did bought her a cake when she was 5 months old and that was it. it depends on the parents and families but since it has become a trend these days a lot of us are kind of adapt and are following it with our own babies too ever since we can see it a lot on facebook and others.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I think yes, I really observed that this has been a trend now. Just like others said, it really depends on the family. You idea is good that dressing your baby well every month and took photos.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
That was really a good idea. Ooops, I remember that we also used to do that before having dinner during my son's birthdate. We used to dress him and take photos in front of the food as well as the cakes.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
i got the idea from her pediatrician, she said you better take photos of your baby every month so you can see her changes in photos as she grows up and so that became my habit..and it's good because now that she is grown up i look at the pics and can see all the differences and changes in her back then.

@zurichann (235)
• Philippines
8 Dec 12
oh, yes my friend. I'm a single parent but my mother is helping me in taking care of my one-year old baby girl. Before she had her first year birthday, we used to have a celebration every tenth of the month till she reached 1 year. Some old belief says that the child's health is crucial at this stage and this is the reason why we have to celebrate it monthly before she reached 1 year. Honestly, I still didn't get the point but it doesn't hurt to follow old belief though.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
9 Dec 12
I haven,t heard this reason before why they are celebrating the brithdate of the new born until they reached the age of 1.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
We did not buy him gifts on this celebration. we just cook something to eat for dinner or snack like pasta and salads with cake of course. But now, we stopped the said celebration because he is already 2 y.o.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
That is my point here. But like what you said, it really depends on the budget. If you can have it simple why not. In my case, I was fulfilled and happy celebrating it for only a year.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
I only know about this when I had my first son. My parents and in laws would always make a big deal every month until my son reached one year old. I think it is nice to celebrate a child's birth every month. It shows our love for him. It could be costly, but hey, he's got 2 sets of grandparents!

@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
13 Nov 12
We celebrate our son's monthy day too until he reaches his age 1. We did not have extravagant party but with simple dinner or snack only.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I just thought this was only here in our country but other countries does it too. Thanks.
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Oct 12
I think that it is a little bit of a strange tradition to celebrate the day that you were born, because it is something that everyone is able to celebrate so it isn't exactly something that would set you apart from others. But I have to say that I do like the tradition in a way because it means that you are able to meet up with family members who you might not have seen for a while, and it also means that you're able to see them and catch up with what they've been up to, rather than taking them for granted like a lot of people might have done in the past.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
We just celebrate our son's birthdate durign his first year with simple dinner or snack. Sometimes, our parents visited us during that time so it is a sort of welcome to them too. Hwever, now, we did not do it since our son is already two and we will celebrate it on a yearly basis.
Just like what you said, sometimes such celebration brings you and your friends as well as other family members together.
@Autumnrose2008 (1478)
• United States
30 Oct 12
I have never heard of that. I would have to say that its a good thing that we did not do that or we would have been broke as we were a young strugling couple that barely had enough money to survive let alone live. Now that my daughter is much older things are different and we have good jobs we tend to spoil her monthly as we buy her gifts and there is always a special cake in the house each month maybe thats what we have been doing all along and never realized it. LOL. I think that for our kids we want them to have better than we had and we will do what ever it takes to make that happen and to celebrate the fact that your baby has come into your life, I think its perfect.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Very well said, i think you got a good point. I still believe that it really depends on youjr status, if you can afford to celebrate it, why not. Like ours, I just cook pasta or any main dish and buy simple cake every month. This is one way of giving thanks for his health.
But like what you said, we did not do the same every month after he reached his first birthday.
Again, it is hard to spoil them because in the end you will be the one that will suffer.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
30 Oct 12
I kind of understand why some people would do that, because if you are planning to have a child and he/she comes, it's just a little miracle. But I myself wouldn't... I would find it unnecessary. Birthday per year is totally fine with me, because I would thank the skies for my child everyday if I'm gonna have one, no need for a party or celebration every month.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I think in our case it is because it was our first baby so we tend to celebrate it. Yes, it is unnecessary but for us, it brings happiness to me anf my wife. Again, we did not celebrate it with a party or grand celebration but a simple snack like pasta and of course a simple cakes.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
We did this during my son's first year until he reaches one. After that, we will resume to the traditional yearly celebration.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
30 Oct 12
That's interesting I've never heard of people celebrating their birthday's in such a manor. I think it would be safe to guess you're probably from another country. Here in the states we typically celebrate our birthdays every year to some extent. Some people go as far to have parties and others might just treat themselves to the new phone they wanted and a nice meal. Also typically people give each other birthday presents.
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I am from Philippines. I just don't know how this way of celebration started. I just noticed it from my nephew and they said that they just saw it from others too. We just celebrate the day of son's birth from his 1st month until he reaches the age of 1. After that, we stopped celebrating it and done it on his 2nd year. I guess there are some ways to celebrate birthdays like 1st, 7th, 12th and the 18th year which we might adapt too.
@MiaFerrari (51)
• Argentina
30 Oct 12
Well, if there are couples celebrating the day they started their relationship every month, why not celebrating the most important relationship you will ever have? :)
I'm glad you love your kid so much. Congratulations!
@asdomencil (4265)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
What a good idea. You got a good point there. Sometimes, couples celebrates what they called "monthsary" so why not apply them to their kids. It is not necessarily a grand celebration but a simple dinner or snack will do.